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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Yea, well your neglect is the main reason Eleina would have started it. =p
Call Dorne for help... They'll help.... *shifty eyes*

EDIT: Ohhhhhh, it would be pretty darn awesome if the People's Rebellion was due to them following the Lord of Light. =p Sort of like a culture aggression other than military... That's something I can see Eleina doing, making her passes stupidly hard to even look at and then use culture and such to expand her power.
Well, of course they'd put up a fight but... Meh. We'll see what happens. =p All I know is that is where Eliena has her eyes currently since she's making the peace with the Reach last.
*Stares at the Stormlands while drool drips from his face.* 'They're so weak.... OH god, they're so weak!!!'
Did I mistake the two???
Double post! Posted.

Water Gardens of Dorne

The water dripped slowly from Eleina's fingers as she sat in a comfortable chair with a letter in her hand. She was dressed comfortably yet at the same time she was quite uncovered in terms of skin as she had been swimming all day. The Water Gardens of Dorne had become a fable, almost a fairytale to the children of Dorne with all of them wanting just to spend a day or two. That was when Eleina's father formed a new rule that the 15 year old preparing for war would all be given a week to enjoy the Water Gardens before being sent off to camps throughout Dorne. Noble children of course as Eleina's wards were all there as well and as such it was always filled with happy laughter, screams, and shouts. It was one of Princess Eleina's favorite places in the world, if not her favorite. So there we sat, reclined and smiling as her wards splashed happily.

At one particularly gutsy cannon ball by a 15 year old boy Eleina was almost drenched and chuckled to herself nodding to her guards to be taken a little farther away from the side so as not to soak the lovely letter from the Tyrells that even smelled like a rose. She sighed however knowing that this letter had arrived right after another letter, from Lord Blackmont informing her of the border incident. It was frustrating that things happened despite her wishes and she knew that at least this time the Blackmont's had a right to defend their land but she wasn't as Naïve as many would believe her to be, and in fact she knew all about the raiding that Blackmont did themselves. She had managed to ween the Dayne's and Manwoody's off of it but the Blackmont's and Wyl's were the worst. Then again she mused, the Wyl's can do all the raiding they want to the Baratheon lands as she had bene tempted to invade them knowing her favor with the court was MUCH higher than their own.

It was funny thinking about past plots and plans and Eleina felt a smile tugging at her face once again. Garland was right, the time to end the raiding had come and luckily she had the perfect House situated to stop it, the Daynes and Fowlers two of her best and strongest Houses on the Marches border. Yronwood to was strong but Eleina resolved herself to allowing the Wyl's to continue raiding what they pleased. Should the Baratheon's ever get brave enough to attack them to put a stop to them they'd find the Boneway was impassable to those that didn't know it, the Wyl's and Yronwood's having trapped and scorched the earth while filling the stone overhead with hundreds and hundreds of natural Archer holes as the Wyl's had a easy access to the top of said rocky valleys. It was a deathtrap and any General would turn back after a day or two of getting cut to pieces on every two or three steps.

Eleina let her thoughts wander as she fanned herself slightly with the letter. Edrick was off to King's Landing like so many Dornishmen before him. She only hoped he returned, and unscathed. She was still of marrying age, it was true and could even bear more children for whomever she married but she would be lying is she said she wouldn't miss him. Her and Edrick had been together since they were 13, inside a military camp surviving together. She felt her smile widen and leaned her head back letting the brownish black curls fall over the chair and almost hit the floor. Luckily for her, the Tyrell Garland had more sense than all of the other rulers from that time put together. She mused for a few moments at what the two of them had accomplished, unrivaled friendship between the two Kingdoms. Granted she and her Father, and his father before him had all but exiled Dorne from the happenings of the world but still. It felt good to know that such progress was being done.

The real beef and interesting part of the letter however was the mention of Rheynara and Garland's own ignorance of what exactly happened to Aery's and the Kingsguard, with Tristam. Tristam was important to Eleina, having been like a favorite Uncle. After her fathers death she had been comforted by writing to him and he to her while protecting yet another strong and wise King. And now... She shook her head, refusing to believe, refusing to even think of the possibility of him being gone. No, he's still alive. Him and the rest of the Kingsguard, alive and protecting the one true Heir. She seemed adamant that the child that descended from Aegon VI and Daenaery's, the couple Dorn pledged were their lost children was still alive. In fact, she could almost feel it and while all of the petty squabbles seemed to roll around she kept returning to the part in the letter on Rheynara. What would happen should Aery's actually still be alive? The Tyrell's were all to happy to place a Targaryen on the throne so long as it wasn't Daeny's and Eleina felt the same but what if they were placing the wrong Targaryen on said throne?

She felt a wet something on her lap and lowered the parchment to see House Fowler's Heir, seven year old Trenton curling up on her lap. She smiled brightly and rubbed the still wet hair on his head until his breathing evened out and he felt asleep. If only Kingdom's were as easy as children to get to sleep... She sighed and looked behind her for a moment and her ever present Captain presented her with Parchment, Ink, and a board to write with. She was careful not to wake Trenton and send a letter off to Rheynara Targaryen, and two copies of the same letter to Willas and Garland Tyrell...

Eleina finished her letters and leaned back in her chair, her Captain taking them and sealing them before handing them off to another Guard who went off to the Rookery where the Maester was standing by. The Princess continued to sit, letting Trenton sleep soundly while she patted his hair softly and she sighed. She had added into the letter to Garland of her stricter hand on border skirmishes and assured him that Lord Manwoody would begin watching not only the Reach Lords, but the Dornish as well. She was certain Dickon's reputation would keep her bannermen from ignoring the order.

With work accomplished Eleina instead lazed off into a doze as well a small smirk still on her lips as she wondered where Edrick was at the moment.


Roseroad, Bitterbridge

Bitterbridge was not exactly what Edrick Dayne would call a happy place to visit. He smirked to himself as he remembered the letter sent to him from his wife, instructing and asking him to make haste to King's Landing. He was excited at the oppurtunity to see the Reach and the greenry outside of the Desert and Red mountains of Dorne. But the excitement soon receeded to a more dull acceptance of the fact that the Reach was gorgeous yes, and the land was fertile. He supposed he was just to used to the plain and bland enviroment of Dorne to really get overly excited about terrain but if asked he could without a doubt say that the Bread Basket of Westeros was indeed stunning, and then move on. Bitterbridge however was a oxymoron, a city situated on the Mander river with such lovely terrain around it and yet you had to to really hard to ignore just how many deaths and battles took place at the spot.

But able to ignore it Edrick was able to do, at least in part though those in his escort of some hundred Dornishmen were not, and those that knew the history during tactics talk knew that the town had seen very bloody days, and was the site of King Renly I of House Baratheon by his brother Stannis. It was an unspoken command then that had the troops all huddled together as they shuffled through the town and over the bridge getting many weird stares flying the Banner of Martell with a envoy flag beside of it. The Envoy were all on Horseback and Edrick took his strongest fighters with him to serve as his escort and Bodyguard, the cream of the Dornish military to ensure that this time the Dornish Envoy would have no trouble should politics seek to remove another Dornish noble from the breath of life.


King's Landing

Edrick smiled to himself as he remembered the trip through Bitterbridge, he and his group rode hard all night through the Kingswood and King's Landing rose up before them now and already the Dayne could smell the stench of shit, piss, and to many unwashed bodies in one particular area. Not that he minded really as he had smelled much worse in his lifetime but it was another way Westeros or at least King's Landing differed from Dorne where hygiene and quality of life was improving through engineering and trade with the Free Cities. As they approached the gates, Edrick dismounted along with his flag bearer that carried the flag flying the Dayne Star on lilac alongside the Martell Sun with a spear through it. Beside that one came the Envy flag and Edrick shouted through the gate. 'Edrick Dayne to see Willas Tyrell or one of the Targaryen Princesses! Emmisary from Dorne!"



"Really Lady Elise, I can't believe you didn't raise a larger scene about being forced to wait on 'permission' to leave the Capital! Even with an Envoy flag the pathetic guard just stared at you and crossed his spear in front of you. And you a Lady!" Elise rolled her eyes at her handmaiden, a Wyl House girl who seemed to take a slight at everything under the sun. The latest slight -had- been a bother but with the way King's Landing had gone Lady Elise Yronwood wasn't exactly surprised. She knew that her status as the Princess of Dorne's voice, eyes, and ears would be well respected by Willas Tyrell and wasn't concerned as she stood behind the crossed spears while her hand remained low to keep her guards from eviscerating the young Gold Cloak. She smiled brightly at the young man and made small talk while waiting nodding and making an ahh sound as permission was granted and apologies given. She nodded to them all and set off on her journey through the Crownlands...

The ride was mostly uneventful save for the random looks that they received from peasants and farmers who saw the forty strong entourage ride past them wearing and flying the Martell/Dayne sigil proudly. Luckily for them they presented just a strong enough target to not be messed with and indeed the ride up to Harrenhal was quite simple and didn't take long at all. The group rested at Raventree Hall feasting with the Blackwoods and sleeping comfortably to prepare anew for the resumption of their journey.


Westerlands. Collab of myself and Agentmanatee))
The journey through the Riverlands went better than expected for the group of Dornish folk, the Crakehall soldiers having not made it past Harrenhall it appeared. It took Elise by surprise, having expected with the Tyrells having gotten to the Capital so quickly that the only other contender to the throne other than the mad Targareyn Daeny's, hadn't marched with all due haste. Then again, Elise supposed it was a good thing that he hadn't as Willas and his 'new city watch' had been supported by a strong force of Reachmen, along with Crownland Lords bearing the Targaryen flag. It seemed that actual Targaryen relatives seemed to think they would have a stronger claim to the Iron Throne, instead of a being a distant offspring. Elise wondered if it would affect her talks with Tyget and shrugged, she had her instructions from her Princess and would follow them to the letter and then some. She glanced about and stared at the Red Priest that was attached to her. Linus...

Linus was a interesting young man who grabbed at your attention first thing with his shock of red hair and creamy white skin. He had a look about him that instantly made you want to really stare at him and a charisma to match it. At the moment he was busy sniffing every single flower that they passed and then running to the next. The boy was smart, that was for sure but he acted very odd at other times... It was intriguing really what oddities he found in Westeros and Elise was positive they had only just began scratching the surface with him. She hummed to herself as they continued, her eyes constantly on the Red Priest. He was a cute one for sure and the Yronwood ruler felt herself wishing she didn't have a husband waiting for her back at Yronwood. She smirked as the boy as he was really still a boy at 24 as he certaintly didn't look it. In fact if one didn't know him he'd appear at the very most 18, his face and features very youthful, his skin lacking any hair or blemish. She sometimes wondered how he did it and figured it must be a gift from the Lord of Light.

She glanced away quickly when the young man's head turned and refocused upon the road. They were coming up to a baggage train heading towards the Riverlands proper and Elise recognized the Boar of Crakehall once again and smiled. Linus had finished his foray into the flowers and stood staring at the entourage until his eye caught on a young man to whom the Red Priest smiled at, dimples in his cheeks brighing out the -very- faint freckles on the bridge of his nose. Linus bowed and said in a voice loud enough to be heard by all around. "The Lord of Light and myself greet you Tywin Crakehall."

The journey through the Riverlands went better than expected for the group of Dornish folk, the Crakehall soldiers having not made it past Harrenhall it appeared. It took Elise by surprise, having expected with the Tyrells having gotten to the Capital so quickly that the only other contender to the throne other than the mad Targareyn Daeny's, hadn't marched with all due haste. Then again, Elise supposed it was a good thing that he hadn't as Willas and his 'new city watch' had been supported by a strong force of Reachmen, along with Crownland Lords bearing the Targaryen flag. It seemed that actual Targaryen relatives seemed to think they would have a stronger claim to the Iron Throne, instead of a being a distant offspring. Elise wondered if it would affect her talks with Tyget and shrugged, she had her instructions from her Princess and would follow them to the letter and then some. She glanced about and stared at the Red Priest that was attached to her. Linus...

Linus was a interesting young man who grabbed at your attention first thing with his shock of red hair and creamy white skin. He had a look about him that instantly made you want to really stare at him and a charisma to match it. At the moment he was busy sniffing every single flower that they passed and then running to the next. The boy was smart, that was for sure but he acted very odd at other times... It was intriguing really what oddities he found in Westeros and Elise was positive they had only just began scratching the surface with him. She hummed to herself as they continued, her eyes constantly on the Red Priest. He was a cute one for sure and the Yronwood ruler felt herself wishing she didn't have a husband waiting for her back at Yronwood. She smirked as the boy as he was really still a boy at 24 as he certaintly didn't look it. In fact if one didn't know him he'd appear at the very most 18, his face and features very youthful, his skin lacking any hair or blemish. She sometimes wondered how he did it and figured it must be a gift from the Lord of Light.

She glanced away quickly when the young man's head turned and refocused upon the road. They were coming up to a baggage train heading towards the Riverlands proper and Elise recognized the Boar of Crakehall once again and smiled. Linus had finished his foray into the flowers and stood staring at the entourage until his eye caught on a young man to whom the Red Priest smiled at, dimples in his cheeks brighing out the -very- faint freckles on the bridge of his nose. Linus bowed and said in a voice loud enough to be heard by all around. "The Lord of Light and myself greet you Tywin Crakehall."

Tywin and hiis 2,000 men had split off from the bulk of the Westerlands army at Casterly Rock, as the fastest road to Kings Landing was to far removed from Harrenhal. So 33,000 men marched down the Gold road, most likely already nearing Kings Landing, but Tywin's force was moving a bit slower. Tywin was riding at the front, his helmet off letting the ride wash away his stress in the wind, he always rode to clear his head. The force had only just passed the Gold Tooth, and he had now run apon something quite unexpected.

On the one hand, Lady Elise Yronwood a noblewoman all the way from Dorn, at the gold tooth. On the other... a priest of R'hllor if he had to guess... though that was hardly the first thing Tywin noticed about the attractive young man. He cleared his throat loudly as the attractive priest greeted him by name, "*ahem* um... greetings priest... uh and of course Lady Yronwood, what ehm... are you doing so far from Dorn??", he quickly turned to Lady Yronwood, hoping not to hold the young priest in his eyes for too long.

The Lady of Yronwood didn't miss the exhange between the two young men and a single eyebrow threatened to lift though years of schooling managed to stop her before she revealed such an interest in the meeting between her Priest and the 'Prince'. She bowed her head respectfully and smiled at him. "Prince Tywin, we're on our way to see your father. He sent word to my Princess of wanting to speak and as both are quite busy running Kingdom's, I was dispatched from King's Landing with Linus here..." She smirked as the Priest hadn't stopped staring at Tywin, his head cocked slightly and a mischevous smile decorated his face, his cheeks moving to form dimples right below the faint brushes of freckles, his sapphire blue eyes seeming to shine with the sunlight.

"My Prince, if I may be so kind as to ask where you're off to?" Came the melodic voice of the Priest, a hint of something in the tone.

Tywin was surprised to hear his father had wished to speak with the Princess of Dorn... though he supposed his father didn't tell him much about his plans, he didn't seem to trust Tywin much... he supposed that made since. The priests voice brought him out of his thoughts, the musical tone and lilt mixed with his accent and... whatever else he was adding ran a shiver up Tywins spine, and he laughed nervously at the question, "Heh, w-well, I and the 2,000 men behind me are marching to Harrenhal, where Jullon Tully has garrisoned his son and 10,000 riverlanders,", why was he spilling so much to this man Linus? He wasn't a lord, and he wasn't even a priest of the seven, "and we are to... um await further command once there... b-but its getting late and um... I do believe we are camping shortly, how would you and your retinue feel about joining us? I'm sure we can provide better food, drink and lodging than you have had since beginning your journey.", as he spoke this he was finally able to tear his eyes off the priest and spoke to Lady Yronwood, he could tell why his normally fluid speech was so... unsure.

Linus smirked at the Prince as he spoke and his eyes whined a bit more as he raised his neck and stretched his neck out from riding exposing the creamy white skin. He knew what he was doing and the speech of Tywin confirmed what the Fire God had told him when Linus saw the young man in his fireplace in King's Landing. It was interesting however to see him here. He to looked away, just enough to draw attention and then returned to staring at Tywin, before seeing the locked eyes shift to Lady Yronwood at the request. "My Prince, i'm afraid we ust continue on our way, it's important to have this speaking with your fath-." She was cut off as Linus spoke again, this time his voice losing the melodic tone and instead quite authoritative as he looked to the Noble.

"My Lady, this young man has offered us lodging out the hospitality the Westerosi are known for. Besides it will be night soon, and the Night is Dark, and Full of Terror." Lady Yronwood repeated the mantra and nodded, the Priest smirking again and facing Tywin. "Myself and Lady Yronwood will be quite happy to accept your gracious invitation my Prince, and i'm quite sure that all of the above mentioned will be better, the company as well." He flashed a smile, his teeth all quite straight and honestly it appeared as all Red Priests seemed to have quite good teeth... Irregardless Linus would appear to the Westeros men and woman as perfection, the Asshai people taking great pride in their looks and the art of using those looks to spread their fath.

Tywin was surprised at the authority with which the Red priest spoke to a highborn lady... he had never heard of even a High Septon speaking such a way to a Lord or Lady, even the High sparrow of the era of the Five Kings had spoken softly... clearly the Red church did things quite differently. He gulped loudly and looked back to Linus, "Well... we shall have camp ready in but a few hours... we will provide you with the wine, food and... company you so desire.", he smiled at the priest and Lady Yronwood before turning his horse around and calling for the force to stop... camp needed to be made quickly

Linus nodded to Lady Yronwood in respect as Tywin turned and the Lady nodded in return. The Red God and Temples held quite a lot of sway in Dorne and the nobles respected them quite heavily. Linus walked alongside the Dornish entourage and mixed with the Crakehall soldiers, the men giving Linus a wide berth as if afraid he would spit fire at them.


a few hours later, the sun now firmly setting and the sky the color of fire, the men had begun to light their fires and revel. In the royal tent sat, around a great Ironwood table sat the high borns in their own revelry. Tywin was known as a charming man, and his last joke regarding his fathers propensity for female heirs had Lord Banefort nearly choking on his food as the three lords and their sons sat in his tent. To his right was Linus, who he had wanted close to him in case he felt the need to... engage in conversation with the foreigner, and his guest Lady Yronwood was to his left. As the Laughter subsided he turned to Linus, pointing to his drink, "I assume you enjoy the Dornish wine Linus? I'm certain it is better than what you and Lady Yronwood have been drinking these past few days.", he was fascinated by the priest, even without having asked him about his religon thus far.

As night fell the Dornish in the company created a large fire as well, this one however was prayed to with Linus himself leading the service. His normally Melodic voice changed to a powerful boom and he wasn't afraid of making himself a spectacle, preferring the Westerosi to watch and perhaps realize that R'hllor was the one true God. At the end of the prayer Linus lifted his hands and the flames roared up higher into the night sky and then the pyre blew out instantly. The Dornish repeated the phrase Linus that Linus said to Lady Yronwood before and Linus then dismissed them. At supper Linus was a gracious guest, his laugh guarded slightly however. But when Tywin finished his wine comment Linus did chuckle, and the melodic sound of his voice was amplified as the laugh seemed like music itself. "Prince Tywin, all wine is pleasing to the Lord of Light. He, like the people of the known Kingdoms of Westeros and Essos are all loved and treated equally." He tilted his head to the left his red hair catching in the light of the tent and sending shines down it. "But I believe Lady Yronwood does in fact enjoy the Dornish variety more." He smiled in Elise's direction and she raised her glass in acknowledgment.

The ceremony before dinner had certainly been unique, and new. Tywin had been surprised at how theatrical Linus had been at the head of the Dornishmen, repeating the phrase "For the night is Dark and full of Terror" innto the fire... as if his god were litening from within the flames. Tywin chuckled back in the tent, he found it strange the way Linus spoke about wine and other things, that all are equal and such... his red hair was catching the light in the tent, it was positively radient, That, along with the fact that every thing he spoke sounded like music only made Tywin desire to... speak with him more. He looked to lady Yronwood as well before turning back to Linus, "So he does? What else is taught by the Lord of Light? I've always wondered what the Red God taught his priests.", he laughed nervously a bit, hoping none of the lords were sober enough to see the looks he had given Linus a few times.

Linus to ensured that the Shadows blocked him and Tywin out, and was content in that the High Table seemed more like the drunk table and as such Linus smiled brightly and leaned in. "The Lord of Light teaches that all life is precious which is why sacrifices to the fire are ones highest praise, though it is quite rare. Some believe we are all murderor's but in only the most trying times are the victims forced. And i've found animal offerings are quite suffucient as well unless you want the true power of R'hllor. My Prince..." He let his tongue dance on the e for a moment, the smile biting it off, and his eyes flashing trying to draw Tywin in more. "I can show you and teach you more. Your father wished to learn of the Red God, and his first lesson will be that R'hllor is stronger than any King. I will be more than happy to join you on your journey to Harrenhal. I will have more oppurtunities to spread the faith that way. And then we can both present outselves to your father." He spoke quietly, but it didn't do anything to kill the melodic tone and he suddenly brushed against Tywin slightly and smirked. "And perhaps I can -show- you some of the skills the Lord of Light enjoys as well."

Tywin gulped loudly, as Linus whispered in his ear, his lilting voice filling the young Prince's thoughts, then feeling the attractive priest brush against him, finally completely confirming his thoughts about him. He quickly glance to the lords, they and the others at the table were far to busy conversing amongst themselves to notice whatever the young Prince and priest may be doing, Lady Yronwood almost seemed to be purposefully ignoring them... and the shadows almost seemed to... bend around him and Linus, like some kind of strange shield. He looked back at the priest, the mans sapphire blue eyes drawing him in, his words swaying him his touch... Tywin placed his own hand on the Priests knee before speaking, "So you can... though... I imagine these... lessons will need to take place... without the presence of the lords, correct?", he stared into Linus's eyes, his own light brown hair glinting in what light reached the two men past the shadows.

Linus stared straight back into Tywin's eyes and his smile grew wider if possible as the Crakehall Prince placed his hand on Linus's knee. He nodded ever so slightly. "Oh yes, these lessons are quite private My Prince, we will need to ensure we aren't bothered." He smirked and beside the drunken Lords Lady Yronwood grinned and figured she'd begin making the excuses up for Linus for when she turned up at to speak with Tyget without him. It was a common thing in Dorne for the Priests who were so passionate and filled with fire to take a well looking lad or girl and show them the gift of the Lord of Light's lust. In fact most of their most furious converts began as such, partners of the Red Priests. It was why the younger men and woman seemed to flock to the faith much easier than the older. Linus loved the way Tywin's brown hair shined in the small light that broke into his shield.

Tywin smirked, before clearing his throat and quickly standing, looking at the small number of Lords at his table, *ahem* My lords, I do believe it is time to turn in, as we cannot become to drunk, lest the good Lord Banefort take another tumble from his horse,", the lords chuckled lightly, though got the message and began to shuffle out, he then turned to Lady Yronwood, "My lady, I do believe Linus wishes to... continue our conversation of the teachings of the Red God, my men have prepared a fine tent for you, and Ser Payne shall escort you there.", he gestured to the Kingsguard who had been standing silently by the tent flap, who stepped forward at his name.

Lady Yronwood grinned wickedly and nodded politely following the Knight indicated with her Handmaiden and her entourage. The rest of the Dornish followed her out to get some sleep as well while Linus just stood beside his chair, the twenty-five year old not looking a day over 17. He stared at the Kingsguard that escorted Yronwood out and in his mind something warned him and Linus mumbled the words as the man left. He would watch that one closely on the road ahead. He didn't trust him and neither did the Lord of Light and those that R'hlorr didn't like tended to get burned to a crisp. Linus ignored it for now and instead wrapped his arms around Tywin pressing against his back and letting his warmth, a much more soothing and sensual warmth than most men begin creeping into Tywin's tunic. They were alone but still, this wasn't the place so Linus didn't get to carried away.

Tywin felt Linus wrap his arms around him from behind, feeling a sort of warmth like never before seeping through his tunic, he slowly put his glass on the table and turned to face Linus, his face radiating like light, "So... I suppose the lesson starts now...", he smirked, and fade to black.

Meanwhile, Ser Payne walked alongside the Lady Yronwood... he was stoic, and unspeaking until they reached her tent, at which time he removed his helmet, turning to the Dornish woman, his face a mask of calm, "Fire may burn bright, but it is just as deadly to those it warms... a broken chain and a head of white accompany all.", with his strange words, Payne returned his helmet to his head, and marched away from the tent, though not back to the Princes.

Elise looked at him quite strangely as he spoke and mumbled the Lord of Light's prayer under her breath. Something was off with that man and she wondered if he was all quite right. Of course everyone knew of the Payne's legacy and Ser Ilyn, the King's Justice was a well known Payne. She shivered slightly until a warmth hit her and she smiled. The Lord of Light was stronger than the darkness. ..
Reply coming in sometime tonight. :)
Jeez, and I have to go after that. Welp! *starts cracking fingers and then runs away*
Very nice post.
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