Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Nope. I meant the little Skirmishing. Tyrell men come over looking for easy pickings and find the Dornish Border Patrol staring at them. =p
Next round of posts we can collab on a battle scene Konrad. If you would like.

A great video of what you'd be up against only you can't even fight back. I'll also point out that the Haradrim were some of the best Desert fighters and Asymmetrical and Guerrilla fighters in the books. PLus the Mumakill who was also considered one of the strongest weapons the evil side had besides the Nazgul. Now also imagine that for the entire journey to your location.
@Vhagar While I understand your point. (I really do) and it's obvious you would have won, but Bear Island would expect and be ready for an attack at any time of day or night in such this case. Their 'Household' guard aren't just their guards they are literally their raiding party enforcers. When you hit Bear Island as a Iron Islander you -know- it's going to be tough. Somehow managing to sneak your ship into shore, and then with all those weapons not make a single sound to tip off a defender struck me (or is rather new to the RP) as seriously off.

I highly doubt also that the entire palisade is only guarded by those 'meager' men as you suggested as again the Mormonts are ready for an attack, i'm -sure- nighttime raids have happened before and i'm -sure- that the Mormonts would be ready. Again, my opinion but you seem to underestimate Northern fighters a great deal. As a very large lover of unorthodox and asymmetrical warfare I have to say that of the two scenes that seem to be conflicted between you two that your scenario makes a whole lot less sense than Mr. Stark. I also don't blame you for that as not any people can imagine being shot with hundreds of arrows every 50 yards or such down a river with obstacles and probable fire. I think the GM was lenient on you because if a real Ironborn navy tried to sail into hostile lands like that with the forest surrounding them KNOWING how skilled the Northern Rangers are then they deserve to get obliterated because that's what they would have been. By the time you reached the lake you would maybe MAYBE have enough men to put up a fight, but Northern ships already proven to be stronger than your own would kill even more and arrows once again would take down another score. Who do you plan on fighting with? Your corpses?

Regardless the GM has spoken I just urge you to drop it before it's revoked and you lose more.
Hmm, I could have Done do the raiding as the way I sort have have the Dornish military. If you step foot in our lands expect traps, and lots of arrows. When I post next I'll describe then in detail. They've taken a lot of elements from Ghiscari Legions and Dothraki and implemented it in their training.

And the mountains near the border is one is one of the training camps.
@Major UrsaHmmmmm. Fine! A dozen boxes, one can't get enough scented candles. They are used by the Fire Temple! We'll send the Lemon shipment with some Lord of Light Firecrackers that burn everything around them! They're great!

Hm, well... I got a beginning post prepped for tomorrow but must go to the beds so regardless my post will be up tomorrow evening at some point.
@Major Ursa I'll take 10 boxes! We'll pay you with Lemons! YAY LEMONS!

@agentmanatee Who doesn't like Dorne! It's such a wonderful place! Come, bring your worries and soldiers to Dorne. We have cookies! Oh, and sand... Lots of sand...

I also believe we're sort of letting the Riverlands/Vale post. Going to send my own reply after Conrad. BUT! I do know a certain Dornishman who happens to be in Pentos. *wink*
Of course! Bring the North with you, we can always use more firewo-- Citizens. No but seriously Dorne is such a great place to live right? Ignore the Scorpions, Manticores, and all the snakes... And the heat... We have awesome Lemons though! Best Lemons in the seven kingdoms. And Paramours! Of course! *Plays the Shrek song replacing the word Dulop with Dorne.*
Still think everybody would have a burning good time in Dorne.
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