Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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I'm still alive, with my job some weeks I'll be pulling overtime so if it's needed I can pull out if this will become an issue. I figured people would just move forward.
What I normally do is have a set posting order and when two or three people get together in a conversation or such they do a big collab post. This is normally done on Titanpad or some sort and then they post their little conversation. This allows the person that has work (myself included) to not get left behind, but also doesn't get left behind by the massive conversation posts that can flood an IC.
Annnnnd, it's up.
The Forest was indeed quite Dark but for a small boy around the age of 12 said Darkness held no fear. The boy, named Mikael seemed undaunted by the black forest floor and if one looked closely they would see a small light seeing to shine from him in such a Dark place. The boy walked slowly but deliberately through the Forest as if he was searching for something. In fact he was searching for his 'ward', a girl named Kyanna who he had been sent to protect from the Good Father Arvas. As he continued walking he started talking to his friend and God Arvas, praying to him and asking him to guide his steps to better serve his purpose. He murmured his thanks and smiled softly as he stopped to rest for a moment and closed his eyes only to open them three minutes later as a young teenage boy instead of the 12 year old he had been before. His clothes had changed themselves as well and he now stood stretching wearing a brown boiled leather vest over a pure white shirt, his pants a lighter brown color with boiled leather legguards. On his side was a sharp Rapier and on the other side a equally sharp and somewhat long knife. He was slender but moved with a grace that trained fighters would notice spoke of agility and balance, a duelist for sure. Now in a more appropriate form for traveling he was about to continue on his way when his head snapped up and he strained his ears to listen...

Coming from the East was a sound that he instantly recognizes as a Heavenly Flute and Mikael smiled to himself, finally. He began running towards the sound, a light shining from his form as he ran to light the path. It didn't take long until he was approaching a clearing with ruins covering the entire area. A wave of sadness hit him as he wondered if this was once a village or farm, he shook his head to clear it and the music stopped.

Hesitantly Mikael walked into the light and took in the situation, a Human male wearing two large swords gave him pause for a moment and he wondered if he was perhaps compensating for something, but then again Large killing weapons were becoming more and more popular in this age. A Demon sat on the ground and Mikael almost hissed and gave away his position. He hated Demon's having had many battles against his kind but he was entirely thrown off when he recognized the Guardian of Death Unamia, and everything clicked. The Demon was the son of Ral, of course. In her mortal form Mikael would almost call her beautiful though he knew of her power and deadliness. Next was a Centaur, a race that Mikael had much respect for as guardians and custodians of the Dark Forest and Mikael made a note to give a prayer for this particular Centaur as he insulted the other races. Finally was a staught and stalwart Dwarf with his Pony and Mikael had to grin, it was the Dwarves who had once offered to build him armor for his Dragon Form which Mikael of course accepted though the Purge started soon after. He frowned again, but when his eyes came to the last person he gasped, there she was, Kynna putting her flute back into her bag and gripping a dead rabbit to herself. So that was the reason why she had played her song of grief.

He was about to walk forward when yet another made an appearance, a Half-Elf ranger from the looks of him with a drawn bow admonishing the group for being so careless. Mikael had to agree it was slightly careless but he was sure that Unamia had even seen him approach with her powerful senses. He slowly walked straight out of the clearing and towards the large group, ignoring the man holding a bow and sending a quick prayer to Arvas that the Halfling didn't in fact loose an arrow at them.

He made his way straight towards Kynna and smiled at her when they made eye contact and Mikael or Dragneel as he was called felt the spark that Arvas had placed upon him ignite and send a connection to Kynna. He then turned and nodded his head respectfully to Unamia, unsure of her mortal name as of yet.
Name: Mikael (Dragneel, the Life Bringer)

Age: Has multiple forms, most common is a 12 year old boy or a 16 year old boy.

Race: Human

Inherent Ability: Strength of Will

Acquired Abilities: The Angel of Light: Mikael has a unique ability to take on many different forms instead of one and appear to people as an 'Angel' who escorts them into the God of the Heaven's domain. Mikael must keep physical contact with the person or persons being guided and no Evil or Darkness can come near. With this ability he is also able to cast out dark emotions from individuals. In battle when soldiers die around him Mikael can call upon those dead spirits to protect him from harm, the sprits appearing as Golden versions of their old form. The Spirits only attack those that attack first, and will never kill purposefully, this ability also consecrates the bodies of the slain and prevents the dead from being raised by a Demon or Necromancer as the bodies are Holy and claimed by Arvas. Mikael must physically touch each body in order to properly Consecrate them and send them on their Heavenly journey.

Song of the Heavens: Mikael's singing voice is something marveled at for it is so pure and magical. All those that fight with Mikael will feel empowered by the Heavens and will heal minor wounds, rejuvenate exhaustion, and boost morale greatly. Mikael must continue singing in order for it to continue working and must stay in human form, which in a battle could be dangerous.

Bastion of Arvas: Mikael is able to craft, and project powerful Holy Shields with his mind around allies, while if placed on an enemy will assail them with guilt over their actions and force them to begin repenting to Mikael and Arvas himself. The shield is directly linked to Mikael's strength and will last until Mikael loses his energy or e places it on someone else. He can also split the shield any number of different ways though additional Shield cost more to use. When Shielding Mikael -MUST- be in Dragon Form.


Personality: Mikael had two different personality modes, when he's around those he counts as friends he's very relaxed and down to earth with a 'wise, but really cool' type of attitude. He can't stand anything having to do with the Darker Arts and also tries his best to eradicate human suffering, having a soft spot for the hardy race. When he's on a mission he becomes a robot almost, his personality hidden under a sense of duty and chivalry. He is a literal White Knight and as a small boy walks from town to town rewarding those who are kind and forcing redemption upon the evildoers. He has a deep love of the innocent and will do absolutely anything to protect them. In battle there is no one else one wants by your side as Mikael is a master of protective charms, and auras that bolster his allies and hinder his enemies.

History: Not much is known except that when he was sent to the mortal plane before the Purge, a sudden influx of 'good' deeds became a little more popular, Mikael real name is a closely guarded secret and he instead focused on using many different human forms to spread Arvas's love and grace. He appears most often to the dying and sick, his comforting presence making their journey to the heavens easy and relaxing. He also has been reported of healing terrible sicknesses and diseases, once even eliminating an entire plague from a town, and saving thousands...
Looks very fun, expect a CS from me tomorrow (when I wake up) for the Heaves Guardian.
I'ma here.

Ah! I love Bits!!!
Honestly, either would work. The feisty one could even be a 'section' leader which is someone who helps run one section of the Town. The shy one would probably actually have more interaction with Toby than Tomcat.
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