Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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(Double post) Love her @Filthy Mudblood !!
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Oliver Toby, @LostDestiny Marco, and Maria

Content that nothing physical was going to occur Landon remained hunched and looked over at Marco, his cheeks turning just a slight shade of pink that could have been from anything. He chuckled at Toby and shook his head at the soccer comment, "I don't think so since a smaller sized forward can do a lot of harm when they play well with their partner. The other team scramble to try and 'dominate' him which leaves the Defense open. Besides, you'll never know if you don't try. How about this, you come to tryouts with me and we'll see what you can do, I'll even work with you some before if you want, though we'll have to figure out when since I'm booked with Football. Better than when I'm juggling Football, Baseball, and Soccer but still busy." He shrugged and grinned at the boy again, he was... Dare he say it even in his mind? Cute.

Nodding at Bruno he listened as Toby proved to be a pretty darn good person and apologized for his outburst. In Landon's mind, you could be the biggest jerk of them all but if you apologized sincerely for going to far with someone than you know it was something that could be overlooked. He knew Marco was a good guy, in Seventh Grade he had almost pushed to be his friend but he was to shy due to his crush to go to far near him, though Physical Education class almost killed him a few times... He heard his name and nodded at Marco. "Yup, that was me. We had just about every class together those two years, you drew me into Soccer you know." That was only half true since he had wanted to play before but when he saw Marco on the team he had hesitated. Eventually his desire for sports outweighed his hesitation and he went for it anyway.

He watched the sibling antics and smiled to himself thinking of his brothers and their own antics. It was crazy, how when you really care for someone you find yourselves thinking of them due to the strangest things. Shaking his head he heard the introduction even though he already knew her name and nodded at her. "Very nice to meet Marco's better half again, I saw you a couple times in Seventh Grade as well. Different class though I think."

He returned his attention to Toby and Bruno and listened as Bruno spoke with the smaller boy. He could tell Toby was forcing his neutrality and he patted him on the shoulder. "Hey, I know what you mean. I have pretty bad Asthma sometimes and as an athlete it really sucks to be hindered sometimes. I think you're pretty brave to tackle your own hindrance every day and all day. You got my respect Toby, and beyond that I think that a lot of people can learn to respect you for it. If anyone ever has a problem with you, tell them to come find me and we'll chat about it." He smiled at the boy again and then refocused on Marco again as an afterthought. "You trying out for the team this year Marco?"

@A Tattooed Girl Now you can breath again haha!
They were originally designed as such actually lol!

And for the same reason as you!
Riley is going to end up Bi I believe while Landon will be fully Gay. =p Nice post Lost! Love Maria's reaction lol.
Hah, Riley is like hmmm. Ok socialized, now back to music. Ha.
Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton

Plucking along on his guitar and getting really into a certain musical phrasing he almost didn't even feel the elbow that targetted him. Luckily he wasn't entirely lost into his world of composing yet and he smiled chuckling a bit before standing with a goofy shrug at Colton. "Hey, man. Yea I'm ready I guess, and ready to beat the socks off our opponents on the field Friday!" It was always exciting, football season that is since the school got really pumped up to see them play, and do well. Last year was a bit of a heart-break on JV as they won everything only to be knocked out in the second round of Play-Off's, this year Landon had already said that he wasn't going to rest until the team was celebrating a championship in the end zone and getting party invites every weekend as well. He noticed Harley standing near Colton and winced, that had to be awkward for the other boy, having his ex hanging around him. Riley personally found Harley to be a pretty amazing person, and very sure of herself but if she had dumped him and broke his heart he wasn't sure he'd be able to just walk around with her like nothing happened.

He followed Colton's gaze around the area and figured he'd go find some activities in a bit, but for now he really wanted to finish that phrase. He patted Colton on the shoulder again and smiled brightly at Harley. "Well man, I'm gonna knock out this part before I go and hang out in the crazy, but if I don't see you until after school, take it easy." He then put his earbuds back in and opened his notebook, instantly going back to where he stopped and slowly becoming lost in the world of music again.

Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Oliver Toby, @LostDestiny Maria and Marco

Landon smirked and did a high-five combining their fists and playfully bumped into him, chuckling."Nah man, nothing really serious. We headed out to California for a bit near the end and had some fun on the beach. Other than that it was pretty boring, just working out and getting ready for the new season of sports." Landon tried to exercise and prepare more than anyone else since he didn't want to get injured, as it would ruin his entire year and prevent him from playing in a sport. That was one reason why in Football he was pretty hard on his Offensive line and made sure they knew his instincts better than their own.

He watched as Bruno excused himself and ran over to a growing escalation and Landon spotted the short boy he had seen near the sign-up station for soccer. With a shrug Landon followed after Bruno in time to hear the smaller boy speak. He thought the teacher had called him Toby something during homeroom so he stepped beside him while Bruno calmed down or spoke to who else but Marco freaking Costello, that cursed boy. He caught Marco's eyes for a moment and Landon almost smiled at him, SMILED! With a sigh he refocused on Toby and hunched so that he wasn't towering over the other boy. Landon wasn't exactly the tallest kid but he was still taller than Toby and he wanted to diffuse the situation, not accelerate the flames.

"Hey, saw you near the sign ups for Soccer. Me and Bruno over there are on the team, wanted to come say hi and talk to you about what position you play. Everything with you and Marco alright? Marco is the freckled boy over there." A crowd was still forming but most were beginning to get disinterested now that it seemed no fight was going to happen, teachers also started towards the gathering group a bit hesitant. Landon backed everyone off and called out over the talking. "Come on guys really? Like Toby said, nothing to see. Move it along."
Ey! Posts, nice. Writing one up now.
Nice! I'll wait for Kaiju to post and then get a reply up. :)
Looks great to me! Will let Tattooed have the final say however. :)
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