Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

Shoot, lop him in with Riley and CO. If you want. =p.
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Oliver Toby, @LostDestiny Marco

Laughing Landon nodded and winked at Marco, his eyes twinkling as he did so. "All part of my Master plan Marco, all part of my evil master plan." He laughed again and shrugged at him, truly he couldn't believe that Marco was quite possibly going to be on the soccer team. As he let that sink in the next words that came from the boys mouth was that he was going to need someone to make sure he didn't flunk out, and it was like the stars aligned as Landon instantly jumped in. "How about we study at my house? After practice we can head there and then my dad will take you home?" It was at that point Landon wished the Mustang was ready to be driven, but he knew his dad wouldn't mind, especially if that meant that his grades would improve to higher A's. Just the thought of Marco and him hanging out was enough to cause his cheeks to burn a little more but he was saved by the awkward conversation that started up. He winced a bit as Marco blundered into the sensitive subject, Landon was just going to leave the cleats in Toby's locker or on his desk and let the boy do with them as he would. He noticed how defensive he got and sighed, as much as he wanted to help he knew that it wouldn't be easy.

He was a about to agree to the burger idea when he frowned at Toby as he left them. He had a feeling of what it was and glanced over at Bruno and Marco. "Just because you're not eating doesn't mean you have to leave us, unless we're not cool enough for ya firecracker?" He smirked and headed over to the Burger place, letting those who followed him do so and the others wander off on their own path. He felt good, he had come into this year wanting to be his own person instead of just a mindless jock jerk and with his talk earlier with his dad he was happy he was trudging his own trail and he hoped that Marco would be a fixture in it now as well. He'd just have to hope that his natural charm and adorableness got Marco to get a bit interested in him back. He ordered a bacon burger with lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise. Luckily tomato was one of the few foods he wasn't allergic with, and he had double-checked to ensure the burgers didn't have any soy in them, the last time he had soy he had almost died due to his throat swelling up so he was pretty careful now.

He glanced back to see who had joined him, hoping Toby had decided to stick with them.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Harley, @Filthy Mudblood Roxy, [@Lost Destiny] Maria.

"This cursed chord I swear to fucking god I'm going to burn this piece of paper..." The curses were low at first but slowly they were getting louder until Riley, who was sitting on the bleachers at this point alone almost threw his headphones into the stands. He stood seething as he stared down at his sheet music and fought the urge to crumble it up. Everything was perfect except for this bloody chord and he had missed it so now he had to change the entire ending! It was very frustrating but, sometimes you had this happen creating music. He felt his phone buzz and his Game of Thrones text message let him know it was his Facebook Messenger. He swiped his wallpaper away and saw the group chat and chuckled. Just then it buzzed twice more and Riley sent a quick reply as well. "Hey, I'm over on the Bleachers, on the away side. It's nice and quiet over here, come save me before I break something." He hit send and leaned back, letting the wind blow against his form and relax him a bit. He began humming a song from Lord of the Rings by Ed Sheeran, 'I see Fire.' when it came on from his Ipod and then stopped dead when he felt someone peeking over his shoulder, he glanced at her and frowned removing his earbuds. "Erm, hello..." He wondered how much she had heard of his singing and blushed a small bit.
It'll be up when you get off Lost. :) No worries, just finishin Landon's response to Bruno's interactions and then we'll be good.
I could always post for the other group. :) Don't want to leave someone behind.
Wanting to let Bruno post something and then I got mine basically ready. :) Welcome to all the new people!!! I'm Apoalo and I don't bite, I swear. If you need anything of course you can message Tattooed, or myself.
Gonna wait for Tatooe'd post this evening before posting again.
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Oliver Toby, @LostDestiny Marco

Landon couldn't believe it, Marco had really just -winked- at him. He felt his cheeks turn a little more red and he hid it with a laugh, hoping his boyish dimples and freckles would ensure hat his embarrassment wasn't seen. God he was so cute, and the idea that he had been over the other boy was quickly fading the more he talked to him. He cursed his luck that the boy was straight, but then again he had thought he was straight until a few months ago so maybe there was a chance. He realized he was just staring and he quickly made a statement to try and attempt to not look like a total retard. "I know how you feel in terms of playing a ton of sports. I probably play way to many but It's like an addiction, good thing I'm really good at taking tests or I probably would have flunked Ninth grade, and that would have been terrible." It was true as well, Landon did all the Homework but it was rushed, he just was very good when it came to pressure and so he was able to recall the information he needed from the teachers lecture while concentrating on a particular problem or in English's case, a sentence. "But no, come on and let's go sign-up Marci, I'm sure it'll come right back to you. Toby has to anyway, so we'll get all of us in the same area so hopefully we can get in the same scrim team during the tryout skirmish since last year Coach just split the sign-up sheet down the middle." He then waved politely as Maria left and chuckled to himself, she and Marco were quite amusing when they sparred each other.

As he turned and refocused on the second conversation he heard Toby mention something about having Asthma to and Landon turned to face him after looking Marco up and down for the thousandth time and trying to control his features to not give him away. God was that kid cute, and Toby he was pretty cute to, though it was more of the adorable cute and he honestly got a little brother vibe from him. He glanced down at his feet and frowned looking at the sneakers, that would have to change for sure. He figured that he and Astor were about the same size and heaven above knew that, -that- kid had plenty of old shoes. He would bring a few for soccer tryouts and surprise the smaller boy. As Bruno apologized, Landon chuckled and shook his head. "Come on guys, let's go finish signing up and grab some food eh? Then talk about some strategy for this year!"

Gonna let Bruno get in a post before I continue.
I could see Roxy, Harley, and Riley being a group haha.
@LostDestiny Maria can come find Riley if she wants, otherwise I'll probably have him run into @Filthy Mudblood
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