Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

I keep meaning to, but I forget. I've been -REALLY- busy lately.
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Homeroom

Interactions: @LostDestiny Marco

Landon watched his every single move while waiting for the answer, smiling softly to himself at the biting of the lip and then frowning when he noticed the red head wince. The frown was short lived however when even the possibility of Marco coming were realized, the memories from Middle School came running back to him and smacked him in the face and he realized that once again he had a major crush on the cursed red haired boy/god/classmate. As he heard Marco's schedule was cleared he jumped in just to make sure and made a quick suggestion that he hoped didn't sound lame... "Yea! Maybe you could hang out with Dylon at the game to, before he heads back. My family will probably take the left most top spot in the bleachers to if you want to meet them since you'll probably get to know them when we study anyway. Just be careful for Corbin, he's erm... Well he's insane." He was rambling as well and he vaguely wondered if either of them really heard anything the other said just then. He made a mental note to try listening better from then on and then watched as the Red Head began texting.

He felt his breath being held once again as he listened to the conversations around him. It seemed everyone was slowly integrating though he did see Toby who looked like he had seen better days and he frowned, feeling quite bad for the boy and hoping his little gift at his locker would make him feel better. He made a decision to try and talk to him before the end of school and to invite him to the game as well. He was just going to shoot his two prize receivers a wave when he heard Marco and instantly broke out into a similar goofy smile, his brain stonewalling when he saw Marco's own. He just stared awkwardly for a moment and then let out a small whoop. "That's awesome!" He held out his hand for a high-five and hoped Marco didn't think him to much of a kid.

Landon had been referred to as boylike all his life thus far, the more feminine French features such as freckled nose and cheeks along with a dimpled smile that combined with fairer complexion just made him someone that looked like a boy... He hated it.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Home Room

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton, @Filthy Mudblood Roxy.

Riley could tell Colton was nervous, shoot -HE- was nervous as all hell. First game as a Varsity receiver and where the scouts start really taking you seriously. Or not, he shrugged nonchalantly trying to play it off but he could tell a moment passed between them where they understood each other. They were the prime targets for Landon to throw to, he had done it all month in practices and with his passing Riley was expecting he, Bruno, and the other receivers to take the main bit of pressure to perform. Not that the rushers were going to be slacking either since most of them tended to be bigger to protect Landon's pocket better and give him more time to throw. He just hoped that they would be able to play their game. "I'll probably get together with Roxy here." He pointed to his left where she was talking, "and Harley and do something. Why, do you have an idea or something?" Colton was one of those guys that Riley could definitely see knowing what was going down during the weekend, and knowing himself and his friends they would want in on it.
Getting a post up now!
[@Lost Destiny] Lol, like a hand to the face trying to get his attention lol!
Landon is QB, and Riley is WR.
Right, when I played in High School we had practice a month before school and we USUALLY had a game that first week. But they always took new members and would actively recruit for the first month of school. That was for Varsity and JV, and that was in Texas I did that. And generally once you got on the team one year you were always on the team again the next.
@Ozerath I'm sure they would, just stating what position he's been playing. :P

Other than football which starts before school in the summer.
Ok, um. Riley is Quarterback on the FOOTBALL team, and plays Striker in Soccer, point-guard in basketball and Shortstop in baseball (he plays a lot). Anyway, the first football game is tonight in the RP. :)
[@Lost Destiny] It is football season... That what I put in.

I will be calling football, football and Soccer, soccer by the way lol.
Got a post up for Landon. I'll get Riley's done in a bit.
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