Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Miland Home - Homeroom

Interactions: @LostDestiny Marco

"Landon! Make sure you put your laundry away when you get home or I'm going to throw your underwear all over the front lawn. Don't tempt me mister." Sitting at the table Landon gulped loudly and nodded his agreement. "Alright Claire, jeez." His brothers giggled and pointed at him before he glared and then grinned evilly. They knew that face and instantly straightened and returned to eating. Landon smirked and then looked at his Uncle, "you still coming tonight to the game? First of the season ya know!" Wyatt chuckled and nodded.

"Not only will I be there but Claire got off so we'll -all- be there." Astor and Corbin broke out into huge smiles and started doing a victory dance. They loved going to High School games since the atmosphere was filled with electricity to them. Landon smiled to, his whole family would be there to cheer him on and now he just had to hope that Marco would agree to come and watch him as well. Lately he had been in the zone with his passes and was slated as one of the best passers in the entire District which possessed some of the tightest competition in the Texas league.

"Awesome! Well, Wyatt are you ready to go? I just got to go and grab some stuff. Oh and Astor I took a few pairs of your old shoes if that's ok?" The boy seemed confused but nodded and Landon smirked back at him and ran up to grab a duffle of the shoes and some other clothes that Astor didn't use anymore. He then took off down the stairs and into the car. He and his Uncle talked about Football mostly during the ride over to the school and Landon smiled at Wyatt and thanked him for the ride.

As he made his way towards the front doors he was stopped repeatedly by members of the Football team, cheerleaders, friends, and random kids all wishing him luck today. He hurriedly went to Toby's locker and taped the bag he brought to it and then ran off still getting people talking to him and wishing him luck. A bit overwhelmed he stepped into homeroom -almost- late and glanced around, whoa. Assigned seat time it appeared. Lo and behold he was very close to Marco who was in front of him and to the right diagonally, and sitting beside Davina to his left. He had Harley and Max behind him and he only vaguely knew them, knowing Harley as a member of the more rule-breaking group along with Riley and Roxy.

He looked at Marco after Ms. Wiley let them 'free' and nodded at him. "Heck yea, hey! I was wondering after school would you like to study some and then come to the game tonight? We got practice so I'll be here all night." He held his breath without realizing it as he awaited the reply and noticed the girl beside him poking someone with a pencil. How rude.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Home Room

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton, @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Filthy Mudblood Roxy.

The morning was a boring one for Riley, he had somehow managed to make it to school an hour early. Not that he truly minded as it gave him plenty of time to finally finish rewriting the ending to his song. He thought back to the first day of school and Maria who had come to speak with him. He had introduced himself and tried to do some small talk but he had gotten a message from Harley to meet over near the home side bleachers and start some chaos. Shrugging he spent the next thirty minutes on the writing and glanced down at his watch, noticing it was time for class. He adjusted the beanie on his head and trudged to Homeroom, his guitar in his case slung around his back. It was going to be a long day at school since he had practice afterwards and then the big first game of the season. He was determined to do well in that game as well, giving his all in practices. He was lucky to have such a skilled passing Quarterback like Landon since most High School games were won with the running game. It was nice to be able to go to the play-action and screen passes as a threat during third down.

He sat down and glanced around him, and smirked when he saw Roxy beside him, he was about to lean over when he heard Bruno and he said hey back, and smiled a bit. A quick glance behind him saw Colton and he smirked at him as well, "ready for tonight?" He winked at Roxy while waiting for Colton's answer.
Ah! Such an amazing night for RP! I'll get my post up in just a moment.
@Midnight Howl Accepted! Love her.
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Carnival

Interactions: @KaijuBaragon Bruno, @Oliver Toby, @LostDestiny Marco

"Nah, you're cool company Toby even if you don't think so. Besides if we're going to be teammates better get used to each now while we're able to right?" He felt a little bad for the boy since it was obvious his family struggled, he felt very fortunate to have such a good Aunt and Uncle who looks after them and began forming another plan in his mind. As everyone got their burger and sat down he heard Marco accept his offer and a huge jolt of excitement spread all over his body and he smiled happily. He wondered just how crazy it was at Marco's place and began panicking since it was even crazier at his house probably. He decided also to go ahead and implement his plan and made a face as he looked at his burger. "Oh man! I told them no Ketchup!" He had put the ketchup on it while they had been talking but the ploy was hopefully going to work. "It's ruined now, I hate ketchup on my burger." He looked pained and was about to stand and head back to the Burger stand when he stopped. "Toby? You want it, better than wasting it honestly?" He shrugged nonchalantly and pushed it halfway across the table and raised his eyebrows before then looking at Marco. "Umm, well I have two brothers actually, Astor and Corbin. Then of course my Aunt and Uncle, so it can get pretty crazy... Hope you don't mind?" He decided to tactfully not mention anything else about Toby's sister, figuring it was a touchy subject and he didn't want the short boy to feel any worse. He stood and went to go order another burger, keeping the plate pushed towards Toby.
@SmileyJaws Accepted!
Go ahead and put in a CS @SmileyJaws

Was going to wait for Kaju but I'll have a post up by tonight.
@Chaotic Chao Put in an app!!
Got some seats open in the chart, feel free to put an app in!
Just finished editing it in.

Nice character!!! Looks good to me, she'll be interesting to add into our cast.
Oh woops! I did notice that but forgot when I went through the mentions! Sorry, let me edit my own post.
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