Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Will probably have another character up tomorrow. Anyone interested in having a little brother? Like 10-12, one of the ones that found the body! Also, mind if I move Caleb to accepted characters Capn?
I'm not very helpful here since I'm like Irisity and could go with either option! They each have their pros and cons.
Fixed! That darn coding can be a real bother!

I haven't looked through the other CS's, if there's a fellow sideliner then perfect! Haha.

EDIT: Wow! Shawn and Caleb are actually quite perfect for each other lol! I'll have to message him.

Hey Capn! Love your RPs, count me in!
I'm here! Me and Lost have been collab'ing. Then my RPG was glitching pretty bad. But I'm here!
Huge wall of text, sorry guys! Collab is finished though, for some reason it only let me hide half of it. Really crazy.

A Collab between Apoalo and LostDestiny

Marco nodded at Landon, forgetting he had his jacket caught in his locker. He went to follow the other boy but felt the tug reminding him of his own stupidity. "Hold up. I forgot something in my locker." He said, unsure of what he was going to grab from it to make his cover up more legit. He opened up his locker, keeping his caught jacket hidden from Landon. When he got it open and his jacket was free he rummaged around in his already messy locker for a moment before sighing. He once again closed his locker, being sure nothing got caught this time. "Probably put it in my bag already. Nevermind, my bad man." The ginger scratched the back of his neck nonchelonly and then motioned for Landon to lead the way. 

Landon was just thanking his well-wisher when Marco headed back his way from his locket. He shrugged at the red head's apology and shook his head. "Not a problem man, I think I forget things all the time. One time during practice I forgot where I put my helmet, that I was wearing at the time mind you." He chuckled and led the way down the hall to the library, he knew the school like the back of his hand and it seemed like everywhere he went people would open the door, smile at him and give him high fives or talk about how awesome the team was going to be this year. Most of it Landon ignored but he always made it a point to thank each and every single person and try and encourage them in some way. It was like his father told him, [/i]'it doesn't matter how popular and skilled you become, the most important people are the ones that make it all possible.'[/i] He continued sneaking looks over at Marco but had to stop as they reached the library and waved at one of his teammates who was just leaving, the football jersey showing off just who he was. Landon preferred not to wear his during the school day, but techinically it was over so he could put it on now. Maybe in the library itself, he held the door for Marco and pointed to an empty table. "Look good to you?"

Marco laughed when Landon told him about losing the helmet on his head. It made him feel a little better about his own goof. The ginger watched as everyone they passed wished Landon luck and other things. He was lying if he said he didn't enjoy when he got this much attention before any of his sporting activities, in fact he loved the attention. This was something he wouldn't admit out loud though, not wanting to seem big headed or anything else. He simply smiled and followed Landon to the library. He thanked Landon as he held the door open and entered the library, following his finger to the empty table. "Where ever is fine, I'm not picky." Marco headed to the table and lazily threw his bag on the table as he took a seat. "Oh, by the way. I didn't actually think I left anything in my locker. I got my jacket stuck in it. Didn't want to look like a total goof. But your helmet story made me feel better about it." He was slightly teasing Landon about forgetting his helmet on his head, though he knew if it wasn't attatched to himself he would likely lose his own head in a totally unorganized mess. "Anyway, should we study or do you want me to enflame your ego before the game?" Again he was teasing and he made a stupid face to let Landon know this was the case. 

With a roll of his eyes Landon threw his own bag on the table and began taking out his notebook and English essay. It was a simple thing, just three pages on the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' To be honest Landon enjoyed the book quite immensely and was looking forward to when his honors class did a Mockingbird Tea Party where they got to dress up as a character. When he heard the locker story he grinned from ear to ear and imagined Marco stuck to a locker and trying to get free while the locker began eating his backpack. Now -that- would be a funny story to tell a teacher. The ego comment made Landon roll his eyes again and scoff loudly. "It needs constant attention I'll have you know, otherwise It'll shrivel up and die! Do you really want that happen, eh?" He raised an eyebrow for dramatic effect and then busted out into a huge grin once again. Blast what is this kid doing to me, I'm like a smiling freakshow or something but damnit I can't stop, everytime I freaking look at him I just break out like little miss daisy from that older movie. He sighed inwardly and tried to look busy on his work even as his eyes shot up to take in Marco's sitting form more than Landon would have wanted.

Marco chuckled. "An athlete's ego must always be stoked, that's the way it goes right?" He questioned with a raise of and eyebrow. He pulled out his math book and sighed at it.  "Man I hate math, and math homework." He muttered sounding slightly annoyed. He wanted to get that out of the way first though. This way he didn't have to try to do it later on when he was tired. Though his motivation was at an all time low as he stared that the book. "Like I really, really hate math." He muttered again as he pulled out his notebook, and turned the the page the assignment was on. Lucky for him it was rather simple stuff to get them back into the groove of things. Just some simple finding the area stuff. He glanced at Landon a couple times when he was sure the other male was focused on his own work. Landon's boyish looks, for whatever reason, seemed to draw Marco's attention. He knew he was into guys, it wasn't the first time he had been attracted to one, but it is the first time he actually considered acting upon his attraction in any way. He sighed again at his own distraction and crinkles his freckled nose, looking back at his work which only made him groan agian. "Whelp, I have had enough of this." He said shutting the book, he had only managed to get 3 and a half problems done. Instead he reached for his own English notebook to finish his report on the book he had to read over the summer 'Lord of the Flies' a book he would probably never pick up again. 

Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Homeroom - School Hallways.

Interactions: @LostDestiny Marco

Landon grinned as he watched Marco jump, it seemed his red headed crush spent a lot of time in his own heard which Landon was perfectly fine with. He tried had turned to say hello to some random passer-by when Marco got his jacket got stuck in the locker and therefore missed the opportunity to mess with him. "So, what's up Marco? Have a good rest of your day?" He blushed a small bit at the mention of the rally and noticed the hint of redness on Marco's own cheeks, did this mean he liked him as well? He had no idea really but Landon's father had a saying which was 'Don't let the fear of failing keep you from playing the game.' A pang of sadness hit him as he remembered his father but it passed quickly as he had to respond less he look like a complete retard. "Oh yea? I hope so, I felt kind of silly being up there and jumping around, but once the rest of the students started in it wasn't so bad." He then realized that Marco had said he would be rooting for him and that was enough to start his heartbeat again, Marco would be in the stands rooting for -him-. "Well, shall we head to the Library? I got about 45 minutes before practice starts." He started walking down the hall turning to see if Marco was following him or not.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Home Room

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton, and Harley @KaijuBaragon Bruno

Riley looked up from his phone while on the bleachers when he saw someone climbing them and was going to impressed that Harley had gotten there so quickly but it was only Bruno. Riley gave him a small wave but saw the earbuds and took the hint that the Croatian probably wanted to be left alone to his music. It was a rather nice day out after all so a lot of people would probably come out to the bleachers to do their homework before grabbing some food and watching the game later. He got a little nervous as he thought about the game and let his eyes trail over the football field until he heard his phone buzz and he glanced down at it to see the return message from Harley. He smiled and leaned back, his butt falling to the lower rung of bleachers and his feet going over the higher portion, his head rested on his hoodie and he closed his eyes and listened to the sounds of nature.
Hate to see you guys! We'll miss you! Pop back in from time to time just to say hey.
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