Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Was gonna wait on Lost! But I can get a simple post out for Riley if you want.
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Homeroom - School Hallways.

Interactions: @LostDestiny Marco, @Oliver Toby, @All via the Rally.

Landon frowned a little as Toby refused the inhaler and honestly he had a few at home anyway so even if he had never gotten this one back it wouldn't have been a big deal and would have saved the smaller boy a lot of distress. But you couldn't make anyone do something they didn't want and as Toby stood and went to the restroom he just sent a pained look to Marco and shrugged. He had heard Quinten's proposition of the nurse and wondered if all the attention made Toby want to disappear. As Marco stood up and replaced his inhaler into his hand he smiled at the redhead and returned to his seat giving a final sigh before trying to figure out what was going on with the rest of the class. From what he could hear apparently there was a big party happening afterward and Landon considered going but honestly he would rather just go back to his house and hang-out with Marco to decompress. Being the Quarterback netted a lot of stress to perform and after a game, win or lose it was nice to just relax. Until the next practice that is.

When homeroom was over and the bell rang Landon said goodbye to Marco and headed to math class. It was a shame that there schedules differed so much, Landon having promised his Aunt and Uncle that he would spend his Sophomore and Junior year in the Advanced Placement classes to get his grades up. The constant lecture of the combination of good grades and great athletic ability equaling scholarship opportunities. The issue was that he was probably going to have to give up a few sports this year in order to breathe and have time for himself. Figuring out which ones to give up would be a challenge, his thoughts were occupied with that and his class assignments all day until of course the rally which was after lunch. Landon followed by the other Captains as they started jumping around and getting themselves pumped up, which wasn't hard since they as a team had been working hard to dominate their opposition, the rival school that had beat the school for five years in a row. Landon was determined it wouldn't happen with him behind the line.

After the rally, Landon spent the rest of school staring at the clock and looking forward to hanging out with Marco until he had to get ready for the game. As such as soon as the final bell rang Landon was up out of his chair and sprinting out to his locker, grabbing his stuff and then scouring the school for the redheaded Marco who he found near his locker. He tried to walk up nonchalantly but his goofy smile on his face spoke more than words. "Marco! Yo, man!" He said coming up and leaning on the locker beside Marco's.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Home Room

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton, Harley @Filthy Mudblood Roxy, @KaijuBaragon Bruno

Riley focused his attention on Toby as Landon, Marco, and Quinten all were trying to calm him down and watched with interest as the smaller boy declined the inhaler and went to the bathroom. How strange, he supposed if he was really sick though he would've accepted the inhaler so that hopefully meant Toby? Or whatever his name is was going to be ok. He shrugged and returned his attention to Colton and Roxy, catching a wink from Harley who he chuckled at and then smiled goofily at Roxy who got invited to do something with Andreas, and he giggled wondering if she'd be up for -anything- tomorrow after the party that night. He heard Bruno at that point and smirked at him and shrugged, "better call Uber then eh?" He chuckled and then shot a look to Colton, "got enough room for another or do you think we'd be over capacity?" He figured if anything he, Harley, and Roxy could all cram into the backseat if needed. He saw Harley texting from his peripheral vision and figured she was texting either him or Roxy and he looked down at his phone to make sure it wasn't him. When it didn't go off he shrugged and let out a big yawn, his stomach still a bit stressed as he thought about the game later that night. At least he'd have his friends cheering for him.

The rest of the day passed actually very quickly and he was kept pretty busy with classwork. Most of it he skipped over, especially the Math though some of it was a nice distraction from his nerves that kept getting worse and worse. During the Rally, Riley stood closer to Colton and the other receivers while Landon and the others got everyone pumped up. He had to admit that in the moment it was easy to lose himself and by the end he was smiling brightly and determined to do well later on. After school he went straight to the Football field while sending a group text to Harley and Roxy.

"Hey guys, went to the field. I'll be in the bleachers if you head down. Practice won't be very heavy since we have a game tonight."
Sorry everyone! I'm still here, but Thanksgiving has been pretty rough haha! I'll get caught up quickly and post tonight.
Expect my post some point in the afternoon or early evening. :) Great to see the new faces!
Landon Jeremy Miland

Location: Homeroom

Interactions: @LostDestiny Marco, @Oliver Toby

Landon noticed the flinch and wondered what happened, it was a interesting reaction but he figured that Marco just hadn't been expecting it and was to busy thinking about the night and the game. He didn't think much more of it when that smile that Landon melted at came back and the redhead returned the high-five. "Oh, that's cool I'll probably be doing the same thing for my brothers if I ever get the Mustang fixed." He glanced over at the rest of the class, nodding at Bruno and his two receivers and then locking his gaze on Toby who seemed to be having a coughing spell. He glanced back to Marco and couldn't stop the full blown grin that spread over his face when he mentioned swimming. Of all the sports that he played swimming was the one that he never did competitively but it was one of his favorite things to do. It was evidenced by the slimmer swimmers build that he had mixed a bit with the wiriness he was gaining from football workouts. "Nope, no plans and I'd love to come. Where do you swim at anyway, the Y?" He realized with a blush that he would get to see the red-head shirtless again and his had to hide his cheeks with a wider smile. "I'll try not to lose to badly then, how about that?"

He looked back over the class and frowned when he saw Toby have a bit of a fit and trouble breathing. He remembered he had Asthma like he himself had and looked over at Marco. "Hang on, I'll be right back." He stood and made his way past Sarah, and Andreas before reaching Toby and kneeling beside him. "Hey, you having an attack? Forget your inhaler?" He raised an eyebrow at each question and removed his own inhaler from his pocket and offered it over just in case. He knew how bad even a small attack could feel, like your throat refused to work and you slowly were cut off from Oxygen. He patted Toby's back and got a closer look at his eye, wondering what could have happened. He shot a glance at the students around him. Maria, Marco's sister was directly in front of him and then Hae was to the right. Either one of them probably had their phone and could call for help in case it got worse or the inhaler didn't work. He had a second one in his football locker anyway that was stronger so if he had to go without for a day he figured he'd be fine.

Riley Alexander Revels

Location: Home Room

Interactions: @A Tattooed Girl Colton, @Filthy Mudblood Roxy.

Riley smiled wide when he heard about the party and it sounded like a perfect place to unwind after the game. A good place to make a bit of trouble as well, since they wouldn't even be in their hometown. He chuckled a bit as Roxy, right on time got herself into the conversation and he shrugged at her. "Colton here says theres a big party happening tonight after the game in New Orleans. He said he'd drive to so It's a win-win for me, you think Harley will be interested?" He looked over at his other best friend as he said it but his eyes shifted when he saw Landon walk over to the short kid, Toby. The Blonde seemed to be having some issues breathing and Riley sat up, a bit concerned for his classmate even if he didn't really know him all to well. He shot a glance at both Colton and Roxy to see if they were aware of what was going on.
Riley is waiting for a reply from Colton, but I can get a single one up for Landon if it's causing a all-stop. :)

Not a problem at all.
@A Tattooed Girl

Make the outfit, make sure you hit submit and then copy that webpage as a URL.
@LostDestiny Accepted. ;)

@SmileyJaws Landon would probably know Dylan, Riley might have? If he did he would probably try and make friends with him. Could work well with the little group they have as well. =p
@Chicogal Accepted! Feel free to post her in the Character Tab, she's going to be great!
@SmileyJaws Intense backstory! Love the character, Accepted!
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