Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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*plops interest sign*
Considering either Aegon the Younger or Joffrey at the moment. Perhaps both.
Just didn't have an interest in a college type style is all. Should have read better. :D
Working on my CS now. Got most of the family done.
Interested! Place holding house Dayne if possible.
I'd be interested!
Just be aware, interacting with Hudson may get your character even more soaked. =p
Micah Everwood

Location: Front Entrance-Senior Dorms.

Interactions: @Helo Enzo, @Ayame Alessio/Aria, @Afro Samurai Demetrius. @Erklings25 Hudson

"This is how I show my love
I made it in my mind because
Blame it on my ADD baby
This is how an angel dies
Blame it on my own sick pride."

A hand snakes out of a mess of bedsheets and slams itself down on the rather loud music that had begun blaring inside a half decorated room. The resulting silence made the peaceful moment tranquil once more before an exasperated sigh and groan came from the bedsheets as well. What could be making such a sound? Well it was 18 year old Micah Everwood who groaned once again and twisted in the bedsheets before finally leaning up with one last grunt and rubbing his bleary eyes. He stared around the room blinking rapidly and vaguely wondered who was going to end up being his roommate this year. Micah had already been assigned a room since he stayed at the Academy every single day of the year and while it was nice to have the room to himself, he was ready for the other half of the room to be decorated. Shrugging, he pulled himself free of the binding sheets and stumbled onto the cold floor causing him to shiver for a brief moment as the feeling moved the sole of his foot and up through his leg. Ignoring it for the moment the 18 year old padded into the attached bathroom and answered the call of nature while scratching his bare upper chest. After finishing he started the water for a shower and threw some toothpaste on his toothbrush and headed back into the main room.

It only took him a few moment to throw together an outfit from his closet and after picking up a new pair of boxers he slung the clothes over his shoulder and walked back into the bathroom which was ready. 20 minutes later and the Son of Hecate was ready to head out to face another day. A brief look out of the patio/balcony told him that it was quite nasty outside and he threw on a beanie hat to complete his outfit and to protect his ears and head from the cold. He frowned and then pulled his spellbook and songbook over to himself with an incantation. The Ancient Greek and Latin fusing together and causing the air to spark with the power of magic being performed. As soon as the two books hit his palm the boy is out the door and taking the stairs down to the bottom level. As he did he could hear the sounds of students arriving on campus and a large smile lit his face and he fistbumped the air before pushing out of the door and breathing in the scent of rain. He murmured another spell and stepped out from under the overhang and began making his way to the Main building. The Rain seemed to ignore him as if hitting an invisible barrier around him and kept him dry.

As he was walking he saw Demetrius surfing along towards the Dorms and sent him a wave. "Yo, Demetrius. What's up Wavepool?!" He smirked and almost missed Enzo walking with Dylan. He sent a wave his way as well. "Yo, Enzo! We're good for tonight. I'll shoot you the details later?" He raised his eyebrow as he continued walking and almost ran into another student. He had to quickly step to the right to avoid them and grinned before continuing on his previous course. As he was about to enter the main building he saw two other who looked rather similar to each other and smiled at them and inclined his head. "Hey guys. I haven't seen you two around before, but if you have any questions I'd be more than willing to help with what I can?" He lost his smile then and instead had to school his features when he saw Hudson and looked back to the twins. "Hold that thought. I'll be -right- back." He twisted his body and ran to see where Hudson went and sighed to himself as he watched him head towards some dark and nasty corner. He called out to him, "HUD, let me help you out a bit!" He muttered the same incantation he had before and a barrier would prevent the rain from splashing all over Hudson. What Hudson didn't know was that in about 30 minutes all that water would suddenly explode all over him and wherever he was. Oh it was good to be the son of the Goddess of Magic.

He quickly ran back to the twins, and beamed once more. "Sorry about that, now as I was saying. Any questions or concerns?" While he was friendly, he definitely didn't come off as creepy. Just someone that wanted to help, and his eyes seemed to be scanning for any others newcomers.
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