Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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*pokes head inside the ooc*

Still taking people's application s? :)
Been super busy this week with thanksgiving! Sorry to all!
I'll put mine up after Lord!
Could join the reserves I would think. Help any potential wounded and help set ups camp.
Trat. I tried to get it done, oh well! Thanks for the fun!

Corlys Velaryon

Corlys smiled to the Lord and inclined his head, it was just another reason he respected the man so much. He went to sit next to Stelsa, barely even able to touch his food before his mind snapped his back two years once again. The first morning of his stay, how he had entered the Great Hall looking lost and having not washed after his run since he got lost again. He was sweaty and dirty but had been invited to sit down at the High Table by Renault then as well and he had sat beside Stelsa. He had been a bit stricken with her then, the crush evident since most of the females from High Tide were related to him since he wasn't part of any potential marriage alliances. Aside from Shireen Baratheon of course. And so there Corlys sat, probably smelling a bit ripe breaking his fast with an amazing young lady. Can you say embarrassing!

Snapping out of his thoughts Corlys realized he was blushing a bit even at the mere memory of that morning and turned his face down towards the table to try and keep anyone else from picking up on it, especially Lady Stelsa. And yet, Cor couldn't help but sneak some glances at her when he thought she might not be looking, hoping she would be busy with her family discussion. Corlys didn't really chime in on anything, taking a leaf out of Ser Kayne's book and staying quiet, just observing unless his opinion be asked on something.

However, his head instantly went up and his eyes brimmed with curiosity when the Blackfish was mentioned. Brynden Tully was not a man many mentioned without good reason, the Knight of the Bloody Gate in the Vale the 'Blackfish' was always an enigma to Corlys. How could someone turn their back to their family and join another House? He could see from the tension in the room however that this news that the Blackfish had left the Bloody Gate and goes to fight with Robb Stark didn't sit well with the Lashton House. Cor just sat quietly and took another bite of his breakfast, glancing over at Stelsa once again. He briefly wondered where Lyonel was and figured the young man from the Vale was still sleeping, or getting a headstart on training for the day. Cor smiled and looked forward for a day of training and lounging around the Castle reading.

That idea was shot down when the doors burst open and a battered peasant farmer limped into the Great Hall, followed by some bewildered Guards. Renault earned a lot more respect from Cor when he allowed the man to speak and seemed to be very concerned for his people. He was taken by surprise however by the terrible anger that came over his Knight and he jumped to his feet quickly when he heard his name, nodding his head and sprinting out of the room.

His first stop was the Barracks to rouse the ten or so Velaryon House Guards that had been sent with him to House Lashton, after ensuring they would be ready, Corlys ran back to his room where Tristam seemed surprised to see him. "Trist, armor." came the quick order and after a time the teenager was bounding back into the hall dressed for battle in his regular set, a custom built sword for his stature strapped to his side in a ornate sheath. A dagger with a merman head was strapped to his opposite side. The Valyrian sprinted to Renault's chambers, knowing that Tristam would prepare his own Horse for travel.

Luckily Cor had spent a good amount of time memorizing the best ways to place the Lords armor on him and with a grim determination in his face the boy attended to his duties as Squire, triple checking every strap and plate segment to make sure he didn't miss anything. After he was finished he nodded to Renault and stepped back. [color=green]"I will prepare your warhorse my Lord."[/green] Corlys ran off towards the stable and realized just how nervous he was.

His hands were shaking, and his stomach felt like it was flipping all over the place. Swallowing, Corlys realized that he was also sweating, but the liquid felt freezing cold as he dripped down his spine, causing goosebumps to appear all over the back of his neck and arms. He shuddered and had to take a moment, staring down at the ground and breathing in deeply. He was heading to battle, and the actuality of the scenario was taking its toll on the 15 year old. Slowly but surely he returned to his senses and he snapped back to his duties.

With his Lords Warhorse ready to go, Corlys instructed the stablehand to wait for Renault to arrive and then moved to his own horse, Seamist a dappled gray destrier which was adorned with the same armor Corlys was wearing, aquamarine and white intertwining. A white seahorse on a aquamarine background was draped on either side of the horse's side and Corlys swung himself onto the saddle with practiced ease and gathered the reigns from the stableboy. He took a deep breath and then trotted out into the now crowding courtyard.

From the many drills that had been done under Ser Kayne, Corlys knew roughly where to meet with the others and as such it didn't take long for the 15 year old to spot Lord Radford and Cedric. Cor and Seamist trotted towards them and Cor nodded to each of them, making sure to school his expression to hide his nerves which was mingling with excitement and anxiousness. For the second time that day he wondered where Lyonel was and he glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy from the Vale.
Working on post now!
Should have a post up later tonight! (SHOULD)
My opening posts are always long. But they taper off as well.
I like the idea that we can change small things and make our own story yet still keep to the overall lore that has been established. So long as everyone agrees with the various changes we make!

Also posted finally!
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