Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Corlys Velaryon

The castle was silent and dark when Corlys Velaryon woke, taking a moment to yawn and blink rapidly as his room came into focus. Corlys sighed, moving his hand up to his head and then letting it flop back into the bed. With a heave of his body the Platinum haired teenager had his legs over the side of the bed and hand blindly searching for the torch he kept below. Stifling another yawn the Velaryon used the flint to light the torch and proceeded to light a few others to give his room some light. He had no idea what time it was, but his internal clock signaled it was the usual time he woke. He stumbled to the chamber pot and relieved himself before turning to the ragged clothes he had set out on the furniture. Dressing quickly the 15 year old left his chambers and just like every morning for the last two years made his trek down the Castle corridors and out into the silent night.

It was relaxing, the night. The sky still dark yet slowly lighting up as the Sun began winning the eternal battle of night and day. It was Corlys's favorite part of the day, when everything was still quiet and still yet just beginning to stir and wake for the inevitable work that needed to be done. Cor nodded to a few of the Castle guards who were unlucky enough to get the night shift and then began stretching as he approached the training yard. Just as he entered the memorized area Corlys was hit by a wave of nostalgia and a soft smile came to his face as he placed his hand on a wooden post beside the entrance.

Corlys had been 13 years old when he first arrived at Ash Falls, nervous and excited at the same time to be on the mainland and not an Island. He had been introduced to his new Knight and Lord of the House and then the mans children. He remembered the first night clearly, the somewhat awkward supper, not knowing where he should sit or who to talk to. He went at it like he went at everything in life, cautiously and calculating variables. He remembered waking up the same time as he always did and getting lost in the brand new Castle until some guards helped him.

As Corlys gripped the wooden post now brought back to the present with his memories catching up with him, the younger Velaryon gripping the same post when he first found the training area. With a deep sigh, Corlys pulled off his tunic and stretched a bit more as he broke into a slow jog. The jog would slowly turn into a full run as Corlys let his lungs fill with the fresh air, the boy closing his eyes a bit since he knew the route by heart and just enjoying the peace. His thoughts, now firmly out of the past was thrust to the future. The realm was a tinderbox, already half of it had exploded and the rest would soon follow no doubt, loyalties would be made to various Kings and Cor would have no choice but to follow the Lashton's, less his dishonor himself by abandoning his mentor. A small smile broke his face as he thought of the Lord Renault. He was a good man, and Corlys had learned quite a lot from him and his Master at Arms. It made the Velaryon a bit regretful that he didn't stay long at the festivities the night prior, but Corlys was a stickler for routines and didn't like breaking schedules.

With his thoughts all over the place Corlys lost track of time and by the time he finished running it was because the morning had finally come and the sun was beginning to rise, bathing the retreating dark grounds in a half light. His chest heaving, Corlys returned to the wooden post where he left his shirt and slung it behind his neck. He made his way back towards the entrance of the Castle and smiled when he saw Ser Kayne beginning his own training with some of his Guards. Corlys nodded to the new guards who were stationed at the entrance and made his way back to his room, causing a bit of a scene when a small herd of serving girls passed by him, heading to their duties. He had just smiled at the young ladies and bowed, his platinum hair plastered to his head from sweat. They all giggled and fluttered off like birds which made the teenager grin brightly.

As he entered his room he waved hello to his personal servant and good friend Tristam who had already prepared a bath for his master, knowing the boys tendency to run in the morning. "Morning Cor, I assume you want to wear your usual wardrobe so I'll get it put on your bed. Lord Lashton has not quite woken yet. I will be back in 15 minutes with your clothing." Corlys just nodded to his friend and thanked him for his thoroughness before stripping and lowering himself into the bath, sighing in relaxation as he felt the still warm water caress his hot and sweaty skin, causing the muscles to unclench from the exercise and go limp. He let his head go under as well and held his breath as he enjoyed the unique sensation of seeing the world from underwater. He stayed that way until his lungs began screaming for air and then surfaced, resting the back of his head against the tub and closing his eyes while he caught his breath. With another sigh the teen grabbed the soap and began scrubbing, figuring he might as well get it over with before relaxing again.

By the time Tristam returned Corlys had finished washing and was just enjoying the water which was becoming cold. The servant placed his masters favorite wardrobe on the bed and then disappeared without a sound, leaving the Velaryon teenager to prepare himself for the day. Corlys hadn't even opened his eyes when he heard Tristam re-enter, instead sighing knowing that it was time to truly being another day. He finally pulled himself out of the bath and padded over to his bed, drying off as did so. He looked down at the White and Aquamarine clothing and nodded. He had seen the style worn once when he had gone to Kings Landing, the Kingslayer having worn it when walking about the Red Keep early in the morning. Cor had fell in love with the simple yet elegant look and adopted it himself. He dressed quickly, and strapped a simple dagger to his belt instead of his sword and then adjusted the sleeves near his wrist to allow better movement. He stopped at a mirror to check for any possible indication of facial hair and tried to hide his disappointment that none seemed to appear overnight. Sighing but content that he was ready, Corlys moved to his desk and poured out a liquid which he then placed on his neck and wrists. The Liquid was a slight cologne, not strong enough to be overly noticed, but noticeable should someone move close enough.

As he left his room Corlys remembered he needed to retrieve some swords from the Blacksmith and bring them to the Guard Barracks for Ser Kayne. Cursing his forgetfulness Cor quickly made his way to the Blacksmith and begging the mans forgiveness for waking him retrieved the swords. The Velaryon gave the Blacksmith a little extra for the misunderstanding from his own pocket and then headed back to the Castle, rolling his eyes and smirking at the joking from the same guards he had passed earlier. With his task complete Corlys figured Lord Lashton would be awake and already breaking his fast but to make sure the teen headed to the Kitchen where he was greeted by the head chef. "Oy, Velaryon, no sweets for you. It's breakfast eh, why aren't you with Lord Lashton." Cor groaned as he replied. "I wasn't aware he was awake quite yet, but I figured I'd come down and find out myself since he likes to eat breakfast first thing. What did he order?" The chef chuckled a little and repeated the order and Cor grinned as an idea sprang into his head. "Mind making another order like that, since that's his usual I'll just say I came down here to get it for him." With another chuckle the chef just nodded and soon enough Cor was heading up to the Great Hall from the Kitchen with a plate of food.

As he entered the hall however he saw he wasn't the only one who was up early that morning. The entire family was practically at the High Table at this point. As he approached his Knight he locked eyes with each Lashton individually. First there was Lady Stelsa, the brown haired princess as Corlys had called her once when he was younger. They were the same age and Corlys would be lying if he said he didn't find her attractive. He also appreciated her friendships with the lower classes, as well as her quick wit. Cor inclined his head to the young woman as he approached and moved his eyes from her to her step-mother. Lady Madeline was no doubt a beauty and Corlys was happy that his Knight had found happiness once again though he knew that all were not happy that the woman from the Vale were currently sitting beside the Lord Lashton. He respects her as the Lady of the House and finds her to be quite nice and polite to him overall. Next was Ser Kayne who in Corlys's mind was an honorary Lashton himself. Ser Kayne was one of Corlys's role-models and he appreciated the man quite a bit. It was obvious the Velaryon teenager respected the Vulture Knight thought not only for his considerable knowledge of warfare but for the respect he did command from everyone that met him. Finally his eyes met Radford, and he inclined his head again in respect. Corlys liked the young man who was heir to Ash Falls quite a bit and found him to be a fun opposite to himself, he had no idea how the 20 year old felt towards him but Corlys liked to think the older boy thought of him as at least a friend. Beside the Lashton heir was Cedric Smallwood, the other 'ward' of Ash Falls and Corlys sent him a smile. Cedric was one that Corlys tried to be overly friendly to just because he desperately desired a friend, he found the quiet nature and more spiritual Smallwood boy to be good company and while they practiced against each other in the training yard Corlys had never gotten enough courage to approach him and just talk.

With his raid fire thoughts finished Corlys found himself standing in front of his Knight and put an apologetic look on his face which was genuine. "I apologize I wasn't fast enough to bring you your breakfast My Lord." He inclined his head and awaited the next words. He still often wondered where he was supposed to sit with this motley crew of Lashtons and adopted Lashtons and always tried to put himself in a spot to be told where to sit and what to do so he didn't make a mistake. Of course his mind was busy as work with various potential outcomes and like a organized clerk was putting situations from his past that were relevant to the position he was in now.
Mine should be up soon as well!

CS is finished!

I'll vote for Crownlands then entirely.

And I'll probably play a son/heir of the House.
Interested! The Crownlands, Riverlands, or Dorne for my vote! :D

Leonardo 'Leo' Everwood

Location: Abe's Car! - Red Lake

Interacting With: Clifford Norman @BlackPanther Olivia Johnson @Nallore

Leo relaxed quite a bit when he felt Cliff nuzzle into his neck as if all of the stress and worries of the day just disappeared. He glanced around the lake only to see Olivia heading over to greet yet another car that had pulled up and parked. "Sure is a popular spot today. Planning on doing some searching for Riley or something?" He wondered for a brief moment how he could have been so stupid to even think about leaving before his thoughts strayed to Riley. Would a locator spell work if the person was dead? And even if it did, he would have to have something that belonged to the victim. He sighed and just leaned against his boyfriend again, not wanting to remove himself quite yet from the embrace.
Also interested. :D

Leonardo 'Leo' Everwood

Location: Abe's Car! - Red Lake

Interacting With: Abraham Serafin @Nallore Kosara Koleva @rivaan Clifford Norman @BlackPanther Olivia Johnson @Nallore

As Leo settled into the back seat he felt a headache begin forming in the front of his head and narrowed his eyes. He felt a bit sick to his stomach as well and his brain instantly blamed the wards that had been placed on the car. Rolling his eyes, the teen leaned back into his seat and closed his eyes, preparing to take out some earbuds when he heard Kosara ask him a question. Considering he respected both of he other occupants of the car Leo just shrugged to buy some time with his response. "I'm meeting Clifford there since I'm no longer leaving for Boston." He looked down at his phone as he finished and shot a quick message to CLiff. "Heya, I'm almost to the lake. Where r you?"

He had smiled a bit after hitting send before he tilted his head at Abraham's comment. "Don't worry about me, after you drop me off I'll be out of your hair." He meant that as well, as he didn't want to be seen with a babysitter anyway. He wondered what exactly Cliff thought he was doing way out here and wondered with a guilty conscience if it was his fault. Shaking his head and probably looking like an idiot should Kosara or her Grandfather look in the mirror Leo closed his eyes again as the car traveled along the road. His mind briefly went over the fact that Kosara was able to scribble a correct warding drawing and his methodical brain filed it away carefully for future use and to bring up with Cliff when they were alone.

As they finally reached the lake Leo patted the chair in front of him that Abe had just left and with a wince of discomfort opened the car door, taking a deep breath of fresh air as he did so. Instantly he felt better and his familiar magic surrounded him as if it had been missing from him for years. He glanced at Abe and Kosara and smiled, "thank you very much for the ride. I wish you luck in whatever you're doing out here." He gave a final wave and then jogged over to his boyfriend and friends, colliding with Clifford and embracing him tightly, whispering in his ear. [color=green]"I shouldn't have even considered leaving. Forgive me?"[/color=green] He shot his trademark dimpled smile to both Amanda and Olivia before refocusing on his boyfriend.
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