Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts


I'll have mine up tonight/early morning.

Leonardo 'Leo' Everwood

Location: Outskirts

Interacting With: Abraham Serafin @Nallore Kosara Koleva @rivaan Clifford Norman @BlackPanther

Leo had not really been paying attention to the conversation between Abraham and Kosara, to busy staring at his phone and getting anxious after not getting a return text message from his boyfriend. He tapped the outline of the cellular device in his pocket as he paced a bit and then finally pulled it out and with his brows furrowed speed typed another message. "Cliff? Are you there? Please text me back, I sent one earlier and I didn't get anything from you. Are you ok? I'm outside the city, about to get a ride to the lake from that older guy and his granddaughter? I don't know, I'm just guessing. Anyway, PLEASE text me back." He sent the message and then bit his lip before he finally returned to the land of those aware of their surroundings and noticed Abraham gesturing to the car. Leo took it to mean, 'get in' and nodded while narrowing his eyes at the wards that had been placed on it. Hopefully it didn't work against Witches.

With a deep sigh, and still anxious to hear from Clifford Leo got into the car and let his eyes roam around. "I'll go with you guys to the lake if it's all the same to you two."

Leonardo 'Leo' Everwood

Location: Outskirts

Interacting With: Abraham Serafin @Nallore Kosara Koleva @rivaan Clifford Norman @BlackPanther

Leo had frowned when he heard the tire blow out, though at the same time he considered it a sign that he was just meant to stay right here in town. He shot a quick message to Cliff, his frown suddenly now a huge smile. 'Hey, my tire blew out on the main road. Guess it's a sign, where are you?' He looked up from his phone to see another car coming up behind him and he opened the door, to greet his would be Samaritans. If he was surprised to see Abraham he hid it well and as the older man's question Leo nodded politely. "Yes sir. something got my tire good, thanks for stopping."

He then shot a dimpled smile to Kosara who was riding with Abraham. "No, no spare actually. I blame my dad, he used it when we were coming down from Boston originally. If you guys could just give me a ride, I'm sure my dad will just take care of the car. He's pretty particular when it comes to it, plus he'll want to see if I did anything else to his 'baby'." He chuckled as he made air quotes around the word.
Should have something either tomorrow or the next day. Just moved into the dorm and preparing for the first week of school. :P
Sending out PMs for relations as well!
Ooooo, nice.
@Nallore Edited! :D
Yea, me to! I'm going to do my relations sheep I think soon if anyone wants to try and tame Cassie or make friends with Leo. :D
And here is Leo's twin!

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