Avatar of Apoalo


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4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Location: The Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interactions: Mikhael Kravchenko @The Man Emperor , Elias Schneider @Metztli

For an infirmary to run effectively, it needed communication. Not just with the various shifts of Healers, but also with those that could make medicine, provide ambrosia, bandages, and most of Lukas's day after second rounds were spent doing inventory requests and supply management. He had exactly five i-pads open on his desk and each of them had almost ten tabs of inventory and what supplies they were critically short on. He was unsure what was being given to the quest goers, but he was playing on the safe side and assuming everything those in the supply room could spare. It was a fight Lukas wasn't willing to get into, the use of supplies in that manner. They -would- need them, but it was Lukas's responsibility to ensure they could be replaced. It was a thankless job for sure, and he was unsure anyone else knew just how important it was.

But it was done for the day at least, and now he could mostly relax. He closed his office door and locked it, testing it to ensure that it was good and then turning around, almost running directly into another Camper. The other Camper, not paying as much attention softly ran into Lukas and the Son of Apollo had to brace against his office door to stay upright. Lukas was just about to give a lecture when he noticed who it was.

If there was any other camper within Camp Half-Blood that was as busy as Lukas it was Mikhael. The son of Asclepius was a seasoned Healer and a good creator of Medications which meant he was also one of Lukas's favorite people and his one of four administration. "Extremely busy as always. That's not a bad idea, or perhaps another Infirmary that we could staff with our better trauma Healers near the course itself? Run me down a list of pros and cons for both ideas? We'll talk about it in our next admin meeting. Oh, and with the quest, I have us drastically short on a few medications, namely azithromycin and antiviral medicines like ribavirin. Is it possible for you to make some of those? Or should I order more in bulk?"

Lukas was in full admin mode and as such when Elias came up to him and Mikhael the boy didn't even notice him until the Son of Ares spoke and Lukas had to take a deep breath and swallowed to keep from blushing. Of course, it was this guy. Elias was that sort of boy that Lukas watched from afar, which sounded much creepier than it really was. Elias just had that vibe about him that he was hard to get and Lukas didn't think he had much of a shot, plus Lukas currently had his eyes dead-set on someone else so he just looked from a distance, admiring the confidence and strength of the Son of Ares.

Eventually, Lukas managed to find his voice and maneuvered one of the five i-pads up from the bottom. He began pressing a few buttons and then frowned. "If she was here, I don't have her charts uploaded yet so she either is still here or JUST left and the Healer hasn't had time to input the interaction yet. Sorry, don't seem to be much help to you. I could help you look?" He raised an eyebrow, eyes darting to Mikhael to let the boy know he hadn't forgotten about him either.



Location: The Infirmary - Camp Half-Blood; New York.
Interactions: None

"No! No, no, no, NO!" The sound of a medium pitched tenor voice echoes from the storage room within the Infirmary of Camp Half-blood. "This one goes there, THAT one goes there right?!" Within the storage room the owner of the voice points his finger dramatically to the top of a storage box and then to the bottom. One of the more junior healers winces and nods before rapidly replacing his failed inventory. He gives a sheepish smile to the older boy and looks outside the door.

"Sorry about that Lukas, I always mess those up. No excuse though." The young camper states, still with that sheepish smile on his face. Lukas rolls his eyes and gestures his dismissal.

"It's fine Trevor, but I will point it out every time until you get it right. You're good to end your shift, but make sure to practice your bandaging. It was sloppy today, but I think you have a general idea. Enough to practice at least. Expect to be tested on it." Lukas gives the lad a wink and then pushes him off towards the door.

Now left alone, Lukas fixes a few other issues with the organization and then walks out, taking the familiar path into the room. He oversees the current patients and their respective treatments, meets with one of his Senior Healers, and then heals a more critical ankle fracture. Hours later the son of Apollo manages to enter his office and takes a breath of relief as he is finally able to relax. Upon the desk is a memo giving him the heads up of a quest being taken and that those chosen would need to pick a day for their screenings. Lukas raises an eyebrow and curiosity takes hold of him as he considers what kind of quest was given out.

Far too soon his break was over and he was back out into work mode. He stopped by every cot, sitting and talking with those wounded, giving some more pain medication and checking vitals. But mostly getting to know them more. His last ward, a son of Athena smiled up to him and nodded to a chess-board. Lukas chuckles and kneels down to take the boy's hand and checks how he was healing and nods to himself, content with the current treatment the boys healer was applying. "Afternoon Liam, looks like your healing up good. I would say another day here and then you can be released. Now, as for this game. I'm pretty sure I got this." Lukas moves his rook to check the opposing King and Liam gives a knowing smile before blocking the attack and check-mating Lukas. The healer just sat stunned and then laughs musically. "Alright, alright. 0 for 4 me. Set up the next game. I'm winning at least one." Liam laughs as well and begins setting the board back to its starting position as Lukas exits the main floor and heads outside.

He is greeted with a stretcher being led into the infirmary and Luke takes on the case himself. "Talk to me, what happened." The stretcher-bearer at the front huffs out through heavy breaths.

"15-year-old female camper fell from the top of the climbing tower after making it up. Blood pressure is way up, and Heart-rate is currently 190." Lukas nods a few times and takes a hold of the girl's hand, getting a list of her injuries and wincing a bit. He points to the reserve spot for heavy trauma and shrugged out of his coat.

He gestures for everyone to step back. "Not enough time for conventional treatment, the fall caused head trauma. There's a Bleed that I need to stop." He says nothing further but clasps his left hand upon the patient's left shoulder while his right continues to hold her hand. Lukas furrows his eyebrows as he enters a deep focus. After ten minutes of what looks like nothing on the surface, Lukas opens his eyes and looks to his second. "The bleed is secure. I'm going to start healing now, you go over the superficial wounds inferior while I focus on the superior injuries." The two medics go to work and the sound of Greek Hymns fills the area, Lukas humming and as he does so his skin begins to brighten just slightly and his eyes turn golden. It takes less time than one might think, using two healers and having one with Lukas' potency. The girl stirs and wakes just as they were moving her to a cot. Lukas glances up at his team and nods. "Not bad, make sure she's monitored for the next few days, but she should be fine. I'll check in later."

At his dismissal, everyone scatters to get busy once again. There was always some sort of healing going on, some emergency being handled and Lukas wouldn't have it any other way. It was just another day in Camp Half-Blood.



My boy is finally ready!



The marshlands were relatively quiet that morning. Golden rays had just started to start peaking out from behind the clouds and sent a golden mist to surround Froststorm as she trotted along back towards the Mistclan camp. Within her jaws was a medium yield of fresh kill. It was a common occurrence for Froststorm to go out early, oftentimes being the first Warrior out fo the den. It was nice to go out and patrol the territory when the sun starts rising, the scenery and feeling of peace rushing over her. She knew that it was more dangerous with the killings going on, but she was confident of her fighting ability, especially against a single opponent. But this was the last morning of her routine, she had an Apprentice to focus on now and if anything did happen to her, it wasn't just she that would suffer those wounds. Nightpaw would lose precious instruction and training.

As she entered she noticed a few other early risers and dipped her head in greeting. She placed her hunting spoils upon the fresh-kill pile and picked out a nice piece for herself, carrying it off towards the Poolstone having expected that any day now Skykit would be getting his chance to join the Apprentices of the clan. Her head moved over towards Shadestar who was just getting to his feet, dodging some water from the reeds. Froststorm felt a pang of humor hit her as she watches this but said nothing, instead just carefully halving her fish for her Apprentice and settling down.

And then the call came out. Froststorm picked up her fish and padded over to the Poolstone, keeping her eye out for her Apprentice so she could tell him she had his breakfast. She was planning a heavy training that day and wanted the young cat to be prepared. She chuckles a bit as Mottledpaw came bounding up and spoke about the lack of room and then carefully placed her head down upon her paws to wait for Skykit to be prepared.


"Skykit! Please hold still, I haven't finished your bath. Do you want to appear a muffed up kitten up there or the next great warrior?" Skykit laughed happily and rubbed his body against his mother who let out another sigh of frustration as he messed up her work. "Hold still." She commanded, even with a bit of humor in her voice. Skykit rolled his eyes but did his best to remain still. Those that knew him would notice that while he did seem to be still, his front paw continued scuffing around on the ground. Skykit was almost physically incapable of being still, even in his sleep which his fellow Apprentices would soon find out.

Finally, he was ready, his fur groomed perfectly, and looking like a fine upstanding young cat. His mother, Gingertalon nodded to him and then moved to stand outside the den to wait for the call.

Within the den, all by himself, Skykit could feel his heart beating quickly. He swallowed the lump in his throat and started pacing back and forth. It was getting faster and faster until finally, he heard the yowl of Shadestar and his blood ran cold. This was it, and sure enough not long after his mother moved down the tunnel and nodded to him. Skykit slowly padded out of the den and his eyes widened as he saw all of his Clanmates sitting around and waiting for HIM. He took a deep breath and then narrowed his eyes. This was his time, he was ready and he would hold himself well.

After taking a moment he took his first steps to become a Warrior by padding forward towards Shadestar. His sleek coat gleamed as he moved, tail up in pride and ears flicking occasionally. He only stopped when he was within the area he had seen other kits stop and fought down the urge to shrink back, and instead sat with a straight back, his right paw occasionally messing with the dust.





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