Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

I'm very interested and watching closely. I was actually going to start my own soon so you have my attention! ;)
Skai Darklyn

(Additional note. I have Skai as about to receive a Padawan. Probably in his first post. If anyone WANTS that spot, please let me know. If not, I plan to play them as a secondary character/npc)





Location: Revels Household -> School -> Carnival.
Interacting With: TBD



"THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN! THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOOOOOWN!" From beneath blue and white covers, a hand suddenly shot out like a bullet from a pistol and slammed itself into the top of the insufferable alarm clock which had just been blaring out Thin Lizzy's song. The arm went limp and fell beside the bed after silencing the rude machine but a groan could be heard a few moments later and the bed shifted until with a large lurch of the covers it revealed a 17-year-old boy with disheveled dirty blonde hair and a sleepy look in his sea-colored eyes. The clock read 6 am and the boy, Riley quickly turned the machine off to prevent another outburst. Moving to his dresser he picked out a simple outfit, a white T-shirt with some sort of graphic printed on the front and a pair of dark blue jeans. He also put a change of clothes into a duffel bag for physical education and Football practice. For the final bits, he threw a pair of plain-looking shoes onto the floor below the clothes and trudged himself into his attached bathroom.

Shower, teeth brushing, hair combing, and the general get ready ritual was performed and Riley walked out wearing just his boxers and looked much more awake. As he was heading towards his clothes he stopped dead and suddenly ran over to a Gibson Songwriter Deluxe Guitar and threw open a folder laying on top of it. He made a few marks and smirked goofily to himself as he nodded and danced back over to his clothes and proceeded to literally dance into them. He was still dancing to the nonexistent music as he left his room, leaving it open and uncaring as he kept things straight and neat. He wasn't a clean freak per se, just his room really, while everything else was just sort of fly by the moment. He headed into the kitchen and smelled a motley assortment of breakfast foods and he smiled brightly, lighting up his face and he went to stand beside a petite elder woman finishing up a platter of sausage. "Jeez, went a bit overboard today Felicia?" He asked as he chuckled and then sat down at the table, proceeding to load up his plate with bacon, eggs, toast, and sausage. He received a tsk in reply from Felicia and Riley chuckled to himself as he poured some Orange Juice. He truly loved Felicia and considered her much more a mother than his own, who big surprise wasn't home. Not that Riley really cared if she was home or not anymore, but he still remembered when he was younger sitting at the door and waiting for her or his father to come home and always getting upset when they didn't.

"Can't have you going to school on an empty stomach Riley, besides it's the first day of your senior year! Are you excited?! I know I am, and I'm so proud of you." Felicia had this voice that just sort of soothed your soul, a bit of roughness that stated she knew the world for what it was but at the same time a calmness that let you know that she was going to protect you from that world for as long as she possibly could. Riley rolled his eyes and finished chewing a bite of food and glanced at her.

"I'm excited yes, but more to get it over with." That wasn't entirely true, he was looking forward to Football and improving his music a lot but he played it cool, no need to go overboard along with her. "Thank you though for breakfast Felicia." He felt her hug him around his neck and kiss the back of his head.

"Don't ever worry about it, sweet Riles. Don't forget your sweatshirt today, it's chilly." She chuckled and then went back to cleaning up the kitchen from her cooking. Riley finished his breakfast in that time and took his plate over to the sink near Felicia and hugged her again before checking the time and wincing.

"Got to run! Gonna be late on my first day." He ignored the advice about the cold, California to him simply couldn't be cold at all. He did run upstairs and grab a sweatshirt just in case any of the Delbrook kids went down to the beach. After stuffing the sweatshirt into his backpack he slung his satchel around his shoulder, coming to rest on his right side, and then carefully slung his guitar into place on his back. Satisfied that he was ready he took the stairs two at a time and called out a final goodbye to Felicia before launching himself out the door and into the chilly morning. He extricated all his belongings into the back of his Civic and then jumped into the driver's seat. Stretching, Riley checked to see if Vincent was around and then figured the other boy had just headed to their first day alone. Riley smirked and blasted some orchestral music that he had been arranging and backed out of the long driveway.

This occupied his attention all the way to school, though it was harder to concentrate as the traffic-filled more and more around him. Riley liked to pride himself on working in stressful situations but there came a point when there was just no hope. He turned off his music as he neared the High School and he smiled softly to himself as it came into view. One more year was to go down in the records book and then he would be a graduate. Time moved fast he thought as he did a quick checklist in his mind. Check-in with Coach, check-in with the theater director to see which musical was first this year, check-in with the band teacher and give him his latest thoughts on the orchestral piece he was working on, and then make it to homeroom on time. He swerved into the parking space in the almost empty Senior parking lot, got out, shot a wave to Daniel Murphy, loaded himself back up with his gear, and then sprinted towards the school buildings. He passed by a girl that he didn't recognize holding a map and he instantly wished he could stop and help her. Bleh, he figured he'd introduce himself later. He had a ton of things to accomplish before the first bell.

Somehow he managed to make it through all of his checklists with time to spare and so he walked into homeroom exactly five minutes after the first bell, and also sent a quick wave to the teacher whom he greeted in Spanish. Riley wasn't exactly fluent in the language, but he had taken the class a year previously and so knew at least enough to pass. He flashed a quick smile to everyone and waved before he took a seat in the back of the room like he preferred and leaned his guitar safely inside of its carry bag in the corner. It was a miracle that he had actually sat close to his assigned seat. The noise level in the room was actually pretty civil but that all stopped as Mr. McGregor came over the speaker, McGregor was someone Riley could really respect, an ex-marine he was well received by most students and so Riley had no issue with standing and reciting the pledge along with him. He groaned along with some others as he mentioned an assembly and he knew to prepare for an organized lecture. If it wasn't the first day he'd consider sneaking into the band room to work on his music but he knew he would have to just suffer through this one. Sitting back down, Riley took the opportunity before the assembly to glance around at the others in his class. There was the new girl that Riley had spotted earlier, Daniel whom he had waved at in the Senior parking lot, Molly West, and Nora Gales both of whom Riley liked a good bit. They both had attitudes about them that spoke that they could more than take care of themselves. Another new girl, and then the twins of course. Riley smirked a little Maria's way but didn't cause a scene. He'd see her in band class. Theodore was the next person Riley spotted, the other Senior looking bemused at the antics of Ignatius.

As they lined up fully and prepared to leave Riley spotted Monserad, the Bishop siblings, Natasha, the Lopez siblings, the Romano's (whom Riley tried to wave to), Anastasia, Elysia, Mitchell, and Ruby. It was quite a large home-room class but he like everyone. Granted there weren't many people in the school he didn't like or that didn't like him. I mean who turns down free treats right? The class made their way towards the middle of the school and into the impressive auditorium. The class stayed there for an hour, an hour of getting spoken to on how amazing the school was and how much fun they were going to have and by the end of it, Riley had quietly slipped out his notebook and was making adjustments to a few harmonies that kept getting away from him.

Finally, the assembly was at an end and the group was escorted down to the Lacrosse stadium. Riley didn't spend a ton of time down at this field. Occasionally he'd accompany Maria down to watch her brother play, but Lacrosse wasn't really his sport. It had one time inspired a rather fortissimo and rapid piece of music but other than that Riley stayed away from this section of the school. Eyeing the vendors, Riley shrugged and grabbed an iced coffee and then headed up into the stands where he took out his guitar and began working on yet another piece of music, this one much simpler and was no doubt something for himself. He closed his eyes as he plucked and sang along, occasionally stopping and going back to fix a spot and then start over again. He seemed quite content.


Location:Home -> School -> Carnival.
Interacting With: Daniel Murphy, Sawyer Lockwood(@Moro),
Marco Costello, Maria Costello(@LostDestiny),
and Damien Lopez(@Vicier)





A loud bang followed by more shouting could be heard while inside a still darkened room, the muffled sound of French cursing and general grumbling could be heard getting louder and louder. When a door opened it sent light flooding into the room and suddenly bedsprings would be heard. Shooting out from the covers came the form of a seventeen-year-old who looked very much like a sociopathic killer. The young boy who had opened the door froze. He was small with rather adorable messy brown hair and hazel eyes. But he didn't look very adorable then, cowering into the floor as the form of his brother Landon Miland stood over him and glared at him wearing nothing but a simple pair of gray shorts. Doing his best not to growl Landon stared down at the boy. "Corbin, how many times have I told you -not- to come into my room in the morning? Hm? What if I was getting dressed?"

Corbin for his sake at least rolled his eyes and slowly stood from the curled-up ball and stared back at his brother now that he knew it wasn't a monster that was going to carry him into the afterlife. "But Astor won't let me in our bathroom, he's too busy looking 'perfect'. And besides, it's not like we haven't seen each other before, I mean we -are- brothers." Landon sighed and had to smile as he heard Astor's words and rolled his eyes as Corbin continued, life with younger brothers was chaotic and insane but honestly, for all their annoyances Landon loved them deeply and so he simply grumbled again and moved out of the way to allow Corbin into his private bathroom. He himself stretched and yawned, scratching his chest, and made his way outside into the hall where he started pounding on the other bathroom's door.

"Astor! You got ten minutes, I don't care if you look like that social worker in London." He giggled again as he heard his brother gasp in horror and he went back into his bedroom. The clock read 5:45 and he couldn't believe the demon children were up so early and already yelling at each other. He wondered if he could grab a few more minutes of sleep... That wasn't to be since he could hear Corbin slamming drawers and he groaned realizing the boy was going to have to use his toothbrush, whatever. He stood once more, his bed protesting as well at its owner's inconsistency. He slowly walked back into the hallway and waved haphazardly at his Uncle who just grinned like a schoolboy and headed downstairs. Landon rolled his eyes again and pounded on the bathroom door again. "Ten seconds Astor!" A panicked flurry of motion was heard and Landon knew that his brother was probably done anyway and just wanted to -make sure-. "Five seconds." Rapidly, the door opened revealing Astor, his hair styled to perfection, checkered button-up shirt in pristine condition, teeth gleaming, and the same striking sapphire-like eyes that Landon had staring back at him. Landon couldn't be mad and he hugged his brother to his side and bent down to his level. "Don't lock Corbin out again eh? You two share everything but this cursed bathroom, learn to live together. There are -two- sinks after all." Astor sighed but nodded and promised before also going downstairs.

Chuckling and shaking his head Landon wondered where the kid got his need to look 'perfect' from. Landon yawned once more and began his morning ritual. Luckily he had perfected it and had no desire to look 'perfect' and so he was done within twenty minutes. He walked back to his room in only a towel, his brown hair already curling and styling itself into a combed over style, and saw that Corbin had finished as well since Landon's bathroom door was wide open, a wet towel sticking to the floor, and his toiletries were spread all over the top of the counter. Growling again he dressed in his football jersey which had a large C printed on it, a pair of acid-wash blue jeans, and a gray sweatshirt which he stuffed under his arm. He also wore a black and blue pair of running shoes. He cleaned up his bathroom and then as usual went downstairs last. He was greeted with the usual chaos of breakfast in the Miland/Holloway House but his spot was untouched and a plate of eggs and bacon was safely protected with a paper towel. He sat down and gave a quick thanks to his Aunt Claire who was still slaving away to fix herself and her husband something.

This insanity continued for another thirty minutes until it was about 7:15. Then like last year, as if they had never stopped Wyatt yelled and herded the younger boys into the Chrysler and sped off towards the Middle School where he would drop Corbin and Astor off. That left Landon and his Aunt to relax and have a quick moment to themselves. "So, Landon. Senior Year huh, that's pretty crazy, almost finished with this chapter of your life bud." Landon wanted to roll his eyes but Claire was a really cool person and had done a lot for him.

"Yea, it'll be interesting for sure. I think we can make nationals this year in Football and Baseball, got a real solid team if everyone stays healthy. And Marco will no doubt be eyeing something for the swim team." That was Landon for you, sports was his life really. Well sports, and his grades since he wanted to get a scholarship. His Aunt just chuckled and nodded, used to her surrogate son's antics since she made it a point to be there for every single game so far which was hard and only made possible since she and her husband juggled so well.

"Well, you know I'll be there to support you every step of the way. Just try and be a kid also Landon, these are the best days of your life don't just play sports. I know you don't, you love it but just I don't know, make some other friends and explore. High School is the perfect place to really start finding yourself." Landon felt like his jaw had dropped, his Aunt actually made sense. His heartbeat funnily and he knew he had just had a 'moment' with Claire and he smiled softly at the woman.

"Thanks Aunt Claire, I'll try at least." He gave her a one-armed hug as he reached for his keys that were in a jar on the counter. He shouldered his Orange North face backpack and headed towards the front doors of his home. He headed to the far garage and smiled to himself as he pressed a button on his keyring. The garage door slowly opened to reveal Landon's pride and joy, a 1966 Mustang Fastback. He and his Uncle Wyatt had restored it during his Sophomore year and it ran like a charm. He loved it and thought he looked good driving the car around. Landon jumped in and then checked his text messages, surprised to see nothing so far from his coaches or any of the players. Then again, it was only the first day of Senior Year. He'd soon be swamped with messages from all the group chats he was in. He leaned back in his chair and truly enjoyed the ride. Soon enough he was pulling into the Senior parking lot. He recognized a good few people and gave a smile and wave if offered one or if he heard his name but otherwise he kept to himself. The mass of people at the gates reminded him that it really was the first day and the Freshman all looking awed made him chuckle a bit.

He finally managed to escape the throng and made it to Homeroom, where he greeted Ms. Goldman in perfect Spanish, French, and Italian rapidly before finding his seat in the homeroom. He waved to Riley as he entered and his face blushed just a bit. Riley had been his first crush in Eighth Grade and even now he looked just as cute as before. A few others trickled in and once again Landon would only smile or wave if it was offered first. Riley and then Marco being the only two exceptions. Sighing, Landon listened politely to the announcements even if his thoughts were currently on his emotional feelings and how he had kept them cut off in the last few years. As they left for the Auditorium Landon got a good look at the rest of his homeroom mates and noticed a large group of Lacrosse players. That would be interesting. It wasn't that the football team and the lacrosse team didn't get along. Really the two sports were played at different times in the year, but still.

The assembly was boring, as expected and Landon along with most other students were happy when it was over. As soon as they reached the Lacrosse field he was smiling widely and went to go find his friends and to sign-up for the rest of his sports since Football was already locked down. He watched as Riley headed up the bleachers with a coffee and was tempted to go say hello to his receiver but decided to instead get his signatures out of the way. He headed through the crowd until he ran into a group that consisted of Marco, Damian, Maria, Daniel, Sawyer, and Ruby. He was just getting there after Ruby and he heard her ask, "I can't believe you'd skip breakfast, Damien. Hey, any specific recommendations from Brandon?" Landon glanced from person to person and then seemed to gravitate towards Marco's side as he waved. "Hey guys, getting ready to sign-up for everything? It might be me but the carnival looks larger than usual." He gave a shrug and smiled at Maria.


Location:Home -> School -> Carnival.
Interacting With: N/A



It was early, the darkness still clinging to the coastal city of Long Beach. However, while the darkness was attempting to retain its hold the signs of daybreak became obvious and the world began trapped in the tiny space between dark and light. 'Stomp', 'stomp', 'stomp', 'stomp', came the sound of running shoes, and entering into the picturesque scene came Chloe Arkinson, earbuds in and a determined look upon her face. It was Chloe's favorite time to run when the California streets and sidewalks were quiet and empty for the most part. It was like another world during this time and quite calming. It let the seventeen-year-old think easily while also getting in the exercise she needed. As she came to a brief stop to enjoy the scenery she began to shadowbox an invisible enemy, performing quick upper-cuts and hooks before a one-two sequence of jabs made her confident her enemy would be hurting. Then she continued, only glancing down at her watch to check the time before letting the world fall away again. She had plenty of time, and besides this morning was different. She had a contact to speak with.

Chloe continued to run for another hour and arrived at the beach. The light had finally claimed territory and was now locked in an eternal struggle for control. Chloe paid no attention to such forces and instead grabbed a water bottle from her bag that had been strapped tight against her chest. Also within the bag was a new notebook and a selection of pens. She glanced around the beach and smiled at the other people who also enjoyed coming out at this time of the day. Stretching, Chloe gave out a sigh and after ensuring each joint was taken care of went limp and chuckled to herself. It was a rough routine and a long run but she loved it but she was looking forward now to getting back home for a shower. She was just starting to stir to get her supplies together when a voice called out. It sounded hesitant and weak but was distinctly male, almost like a larger-sized mouse. Chloe smirked and turned to see a man dressed in a maintenance uniform of some sort. He was tall, with brown hair and a mousey overbite that seemed to truly make him look like a human variant of rodent. Within his hands was a manilla envelope that Chloe focused on instead of the man's features. "Good morning. You're Mr. Palmer correct? My name is Samantha, we spoke briefly on the phone. The recognition flashed across Palmer's face and he started shaking, his arm first and then his hand.

"I-uh. I-erm." He stuttered, looking around and gulped which made his adam's apple move up and down. Chloe forced a comforting smile despite her true feelings and relaxed a bit while Palmer worked on his words. "I could g-g-get fired for this you know." The stutter had been there on the phone as well and Chloe felt a surge of pity for the man. His life, especially in school could -not- have been fun. She sighed and pulled out a pen and tilted her head towards the man, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Mr. Palmer, we had a deal and here I am outside at this time of day to meet you so you would be calm. This was your idea but now I'm involved and I always finish my story SO. I can continue to do this with you and work along with your own experiences so the court of public opinion pities you as I do and you can go on and get a new job. OR I continue this investigation myself without your help and your name is also attached to the company that you work for that sends barely edible and sometimes expired foods to public schools to fix for the children of Orange County. Because Mr. Palmer, I'm a very good investigator and I will find enough information with or without you. So? Which shall it be?" Chloe had spoken in an emotionless voice, one that she had been training with for exactly this kind of situation. Witnesses could be extremely annoying or exceptionally helpful but oftentimes they needed a push. Mr. Palmer was no different and after hearing her words his whole body shook and his eyes bugged out, which didn't help his appearance. He now sort of resembled a large Sloth but he handed over the envelope and then turned and quickly waddled away. "A pleasure Mr. Palmer! Have a great day!" Her voice turned into cheerleader mode and Chloe chuckled as she stuffed the envelope into her bag. She had wanted to get a few comments from the man, but this would be enough.

The walk to her Mini-cooper didn't take long. She had parked it in a business parking lot, but since the business wouldn't open for another good bit Chloe had time before anyone noticed. She placed her bag in the passenger seat and started the car while beaming. It had taken months to find a mole in the manufacturing side of the food supplier for Orange County public schools. As she backed out of the parking spot she made a mental note to credit Jordan Wheeler who had got her interested in this case. She'd give him the majority of any cash she made. She didn't need cash, she had plenty of it at the moment, and was only after cases at this point. She knew that she probably had enough to go to any college for journalism but for Chloe, it was about right and wrong and since the bad guys never rested she wouldn't either. Automatically, the girl drove to her favorite television news station and parked in her usual spot. A quick look told her that the manager had already arrived and glanced at the time Chloe saw she only had two hours before her school started. Time flew when you were having fun she supposed. With a confident smirk on her face, Chloe made her way up to the door and knocked twice. She had no credentials so it wouldn't do to run about the place and cause security to dislike her. It actually paid to have security on her side. And while this time she didn't bring any coffee, the guards knew she would and had before so as long as she played nice they'd give her room.

The door opened just as she was about to knock again revealing Claurice, the Security Manager for the station. "Morning Reese, I got something good for Chris this morning, may I head over?" The big African American man chuckled and nodded to her and went to ruffle her hair before remembering the last time and slowly retracted his hand. "Sure Chlo, if anyone says anything, tell them you're cleared by me. I'll be in the operations room if they get insistent." His tone said that no one had better get insistent as he probably didn't want to be interrupted. Chloe, who had backed up and darkened her facial structure regained composure quickly and nodded, stepping around the man and making her way through the twisted halls. It was obvious she had been there many times before as everyone currently sitting at their stations waved and called hello. Chloe responded to the many greetings before she arrived at the station Manager's office. She did her standard knock pattern and smirked as she heard the person inside jump to their feet and rush to the door.

"Chloe! Ah, I take it that you have another story for me? Chris, the station Manager was a gangly man with soft blonde hair that looked more like a mop on his head with a windswept look that he thought made him look hip. He wore a flannel shirt and blue jeans as if he was some kind of cowboy and reeked of too much cologne. But he was the one that treated her best out of all the other news outlets so he normally got her stories.

"That I do Chris. Standard trade here, you get the rights to play it but the credit goes to me, annnnd. She fished out a piece of paper with Jordan's contact information and name and handed it over. "Him. After you take a look at what I got and you run it any money can be sent to Jordan. I don't need it right now, as always. Oh, and school is starting back today so my stories won't be as regular. Chris nodded a few times and took the manilla envelope and the notebook which contained all of Chloe's investigation.

"This looks good as always. If everything checks out, expect this to be run tomorrow, along with you, and your friend's name attached. As for your stories not being regular. That's fine as well, you've gotten me more than my own reporters this summer. You know, after you graduate. He paused before continuing, "hell before that even, if you want a job. I could make some calls, and I wouldn't have to be very convincing. Chloe just smirked and shook her head.

"I work Freelance. The stories I want to write, and when I want to write the. That Freedom is quite important to me. But besides, I have gotta experience College life, right? Try other things out. Who knows, maybe I'll become a politician. Or at least a political journalist. Should beat workers making shortcuts while sending out food to schools?" Chris just shrugged and Chloe gave a mock salute before heading out of his office. The meeting had taken thirty minutes and so now, feeling a little rushed, Chloe headed out of the station and back to her car. She hoped the Police were in all heading to or in shift-change otherwise she was probably going to get a ticket. She sped down the street back towards her own stomping grounds and arrived soon enough. She sprinted into her House and said a quick hello to her parents and the twins before rushing upstairs and to her room. Pictures of Disney characters, star wars characters, lord of the rings, game of thrones, and other shows littered the white walls. Pink trim could be seen in the corners and along the top and bottom of the walls and a light was currently on in her walk-in closet where a cosplay outfit depicting Galadriel could be spotted.

Chloe grabbed her gymnastics jersey, an army bomber jacket, and a pair of knee ripped black pants. She then headed into the shower and rinsed her morning run off quickly before soaping up and rinsing once again. She jumped out, dried off, and started the process of drying her hair. She knew she was going to be late, but hopefully only for homeroom. She could only hope that the Principal decided to do a speech again this year as he did during Sophomore year. She finished drying and styling her hair, dressed quickly, grabbed a hat, and then sprinted downstairs, yelled goodbye to her family, and then was back in her car and rushing to school. Somehow, and she suspected that her speed was a good reason, she had made it before the bell. She skidded into a spot in the Senior parking lot and sprinted to homeroom. She greeted Ms. Goldman and barely got into her assigned seat before the bell rang and the Principal came on. Briefly, Chloe thanked her lucky stars that she didn't get pulled over and relaxed in her seat. She recited the pledge but didn't stand and then followed along with everyone to the assembly.

Luckily it was a dull affair and Chloe could send out a mass text to her fellow journalists, telling them to be on the lookout for potential stories, and then also placed a reminder on her alarm to ensure her Esports club was approved. Finally, as the assembly was released Chloe followed the throng down to the carnival. She saw the normal cliques forming and decided to head to the middle of the area to try and find someone doing something interesting. She removed a camera from her school bag and began the process of turning it on, being careful not to jostle or bump into anyone, or have anyone bump into her. She didn't like people touching her, especially on purpose but even accidental touches could cause her blood pressure to spike. Luckily everyone seemed interested in the vendors. She had already given the overall event to another reporter so Chloe was more on the look for something spicy to go along with the main article.













Location: Camp Jupiter to Camp Half-Blood; New York.

The San Francisco bay was chilly, a salty wind mixing with the industry of a large city. Standing at the door to the barracks, taking in the morning was Seventeen-year-old Aurelius Hale. The Praetor breathing deeply inwards and then out, a soft smile on his face. It would be the last time he would awaken this way for some time, his last day with his men. With a sigh, Relus, as he preferred to be called, brought up a hand and carded through his hair, somewhat styling it but really just making the unkempt sleep tossed strands get even messier. He moved on auto-pilot through his morning routine, showering first and dressing in a rich purple tunic, blue jeans, and a golden cuirass which had a purple cape that fell to just below the knee attached to the back. Finished dressing, the young man left the barracks and began his morning run to Temple Hill.

Running in the morning when the world first began to wake up was one of Relus's favorite things to do. No one but Octavia knew it, but watching as the sky gave way to morning, darkness retreating until dusk came again, and the animals waking up all around the hills. It was magical, and Relus never felt closer to the gods than he did at those moments. He made it up to Temple Hill and knelt at the entrance while he caught his breath, a small prayer of thanks to Victoria before standing and making his way to the Temple of Pluto. As with the Temples Jupiter and Neptune, the Temple to Pluto was large and spacious, with plenty of space to pay respects. Aurelius stopped at the entrance and removed his shoes before entering and went to bow before the main statue. "Mighty Pluto, as I have done every morning of my time in Camp Jupiter I come to honor and thank you for your blessing and the honor of being chosen by you. I leave today for Camp Half-Blood where I doubt I will find a temple to your name. As such, I request once more that if you feel I should remain to let me know now. My love for Octavia is strong but I am yours to command in the end."

All was quiet for the ensuing fifteen minutes of prayer, and with a nod, Relus bowed his way out of the Temple and then made his way to another temple, smaller and out of the way the inscribed sigil above the entranceway was a wheel spoke. The Temple of Nemesis was entered as if Aurelius was entering his own home, the young demi-god comfortable and at peace. "Mother, I'm home." He said with a chuckle. He moved to the statue and bowed his head. "At least I'll be near you Mother. I have to say I'm a bit anxious but also excited to see Octavia again. I also have to break it to the Legion somehow. I pray you'll be with me when I do, I will need the support, even if it's a brief murmur. I love you, and I will see you on the other side of the country huh?" He smirked and tossed his now dried hair and stepped up to the statue, placing his hand on Nemesis's shin before he headed out and began running back to the barracks.

Instead of a sleeping camp though, this time as he neared the barracks activity was all around as campers woke up and began their own morning routines. The garrison on the Praetorian Gate was reinforced and Relus was offered a very brief challenge. Before, the guards would just open if they saw him or Octavia until Relus chewed them out for laziness. Everyone, even the gods themselves were expected to state their identity, it was the one big rule that no one really followed. It had taken years to finally get this practice down but Relus could smile as he gave his salute and held his Imperial Gold sword up into the air as was his signal. The gates opened slowly, and Relus replaced his sword just as he jogged in, instantly met by the Legion's quartermaster. "Ah, no Levinius. All those reports go to Quincy now." Relus gave a 'you should know that' look to the quartermaster who blinked and at least had the decency to look quite alarmed.

"Oh! Jupiter's apologies Praetor, I am just so used to you taking the morning report after your run. I will head off to find Quincy." The boy muttered his words and backed off, moving along and leaving Relus to sigh and shake his head again. This was going to be a long day...

And a long day it was, full of drill and wargames on the Field of Mars. Relus stood in the observation area with his chosen replacement, Quincy, a seasoned and strong Centurion. "Now, you see how the groups are off there, annnnd there." Relus points to two different Cohorts. "We have to make sure that that movement is uniform across the board. They'll try and get away with anything small, your job is to catch it and make them do it until it's right five times in a row. If you need help, MacArthur has your number, and Lupa I'm sure wouldn't mind addressing any trouble-makers. But honestly, I don't think we'll have any problems." The Centurion, Quincy nodded and placed his hands behind his back, helmet still tucked firmly in the nook of his arm.

"I agree with you Praetor Hale, I should have no issues with this task and I will send what troops we can spare from this assignment to assist on one of the fronts." Relus nods and observes one more time.

"Alright, call them in for a briefing. My plane leaves in exactly two hours, it is time for me to take my leave. Jupiter guide your mind Centurion." The other boy gives a brisk salute and then heads up to prepare the camp to be addressed.

It was perhaps some twenty minutes later that the camp was prepared and an aide came back to retrieve Relus, put him on the wings of the stage, and then whispered into his mic. "In position."

"And now, your Praetor would like a word with you all!" At the introduction, Aurelius took a deep breath and began moving forward until he was standing before the Legion who were standing in perfect formations, all at attention. Relus took the microphone and placed his left hand behind his back while he stops.

"Legion, dimitto. Please, relax I stand before you today not only as one of your Praetors but also a friend and fellow Camper. Today, after this assembly I will be making my way into the city and boarding a plane for New York and then to Camp Half-Blood." He paused as whispering broke out and nodded a few times. "I'm aware this may take some of you off guard but it is what I feel needs to be done. I will be looking to promote more cooperation and chances to grow stronger together with the Greeks. We all have things we can learn from the other, and it is the hope that with mutual understanding Romans and Greeks can even potentially begin quests together. While I am away, Centurion Quintus Aurion will be in command. I will miss every single one of you, you're the best Legionnaires I could ask to serve with, and I go to try and make things better for you. Until I return. Aureole Validas! Stand strong, be perfect." Aurelius finished speaking and bowed his head forward and then headed off the stage where a deafening clapping could be heard.

Such a response invigorated Relus who passed over the torch formally to Quincy and then headed for the tunnel where a car was waiting to take him to the city. The last few steps within the tunnel caused Relus to look back, eyes taking in the sights and sounds once more, breathing in the air as dusk slowly began to retake the territory it lost in the morning. A soft smile was on his face as he got into the car, things would be alright. He managed to once again refrain from texting Octavia, deciding to instead truly surprise her when he showed up. He looked to the drive and gave a nod, he was ready...

The blinking of a damaged sign reading 'No Board' is what captivated Relus's attention. When not on duty and in a crowded location, such as a bustling airport with hundreds of potential flyers, Aurelius liked to lose track of the world for a little bit and just relax. A stark contrast to the constant head-turning, crowd checks, and contingency plans when he was responsible for a host of other Legionnaires. With a soft yawn, Relus stood and gave a stretch and smoothed his hair on its left side above the ear. He was a mix of bored, frustrated, and relaxed and all of them were his least favorite emotions more or less. He made his way to his gate and plastered a fake smile onto his face as he greeted the ticket collector who blushed and looked down as she checked his ticket and then gave a wink when she noticed he was in first class. Briefly, Aurelius considered flirting back but the fact that he was even taking this trip to get back to Octavia kept his usual playful personality in check.

Truth be told, Relus was lucky he had been allowed first-class. He usually kept things simple, off the grid, but he had managed to get the tickets cheap and so here Relus was, settling into his seat and smirking softly as he brought out his laptop and typed in a coded phrase into a chatbox, 'Passing Herod.' There was a moment of quiet before a gentle ding informing of a message and Kairo glanced down to see a response fly across his screen. 'Welcome Praetor, password accepted.' Relus smirked again and closed the laptop lid before breathing out a sigh and closing his eyes, head leaning back. When he opened them next he found that the trip was already halfway over and that it was pitch-black outside. With a large stretch and a stifled yawn, Relus took stock of his surroundings and decided to stretch his legs and use the little demi-god's room. As he was passing by other sleeping first-class fliers he took note of the time and chuckled a bit, he must have been more tired than he had thought. It didn't really matter, the trip was going to be spent doing nothing anyway so catching up on missed sleep was a blessing really but still, Aurelius didn't like succumbing to any weakness and the need for sleep was one of those.

In the end, however, after taking care of other mortal needs such as the bathroom, Relus returned to his seat and once again passed out and didn't wake again until he felt hands gently shaking him. Coming out of his sleep he froze, muscles tensing and eyes dilating as a rush of adrenaline ran through him until he managed to gain control. He had to relax each muscle slowly and let himself wake before opening his eyes and forcing a smile when he noticed the same attractive blonde attendant hovering over him. She seemed hesitant and apologetic for startling him but Relus just poured on the charm and made sure to ease the situation so as to not make a scene. He also quietly cursed his exhaustion and for not waking earlier. He could just hear his old instructor in his head. 'Don't you DARE ever lose focus, at any time!' With a sigh, he gathered his belongings and after the plane touched down and began taxiing to an available gate, Aurelius opened his laptop and opened his e-mail, double-checking his directions to Camp Half-Blood. With the address memorized, Relus disembarked into the nightlife of New York City and managed to catch a taxi right away.

The City was impressive, Relus would give it that. The amount of activity during the night was quite insane and as the taxi left the big skyscrapers, and bumper-to-bumper traffic behind for a bit more green Aurelius was actually glad for the change of scenery. Eventually, the taxi made it to the destination, a small farm-house and Aurelius paid the driver and muttered his thanks before making sure he had everything. The most important being his Onyx Ring, and Golden Coin. The two blades were Aurelius's pride and joy, and if anything happened to them he would be quite saddened. He walked around the house and spotted the trail easily, adjusting his bags and moving forward. It was a well-traveled path actually, and not hard to follow at all, and Relus made good timing to get to the boundary.

As he entered into the camp proper he noticed that he was morning, and not wanting to miss any of the fun he placed his gear into his cabin and then went about gearing himself up in Greek gear. He spent the entire day messing with and following Octavia around. Sure it was a bit creeper, but he had just flown across the entire country to get back to her, he deserved a biiiiit more for his big reveal. He watched proudly as she performed in the obstacle course, stood against her brother, and then headed for healing. He also chuckled at how quickly he left said Healers and as she headed for the Ares house, Relus figured it was time to say hello. He headed up the stairs and knocked a few times, removing the Greek helmet and tossing his hair out a bit.
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