Avatar of Archmage MC


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is there any posting order? or can we just post whenever to keep the conversation moving?

There is no order, just probably wait for 2 or 3 people to post before you post again.
Waking up a few moments after Kirby's intervention, Blazermate picked herself off the ground. "ugh. Oh my poor head... what happened? What was that..." She began to say, still a bit groggy from what just happened. She looked around and noticed she was in a field, with a cliff to one side and a menagerie of strange beings. Trying to remember what happened to her, she tried to think. All she could remember was that she was on her way to the Medabots grand championships, deciding to support her medabot team to win the finals. but then there was this... bright light? And then she woke up here, groggy, but with the faint dreamlike impression that she had been fighting... something.

Shaking herself awake as she got on her feet, she took a closer look at all the new beings. Apparently where she was wasn't the city anymore, that was obvious, but what wasn't obvious was why there was a giant turtle man, a bunch of humans in various cloths; some exotic, some high class, and some normal with many in armor, and some kind of wooden doll with blue clothing. When her gaze saw the birdman up and about, panicking over the corpse of some pink thing, she heard him speaking in broken English, asking if anyone here knew anything about medicine.

Making her way to him, she called out. "Hello? Can you understand me? Are you friendly?" While she didn't look like she was in a combat stance, she sure was ready for a fight if one was coming. Sure she was mostly a medic, but she still could scrap with the best of them if given the option. But she was also hoping that this birdman wasn't hostile, a friendly face in a new world would probably be for the best. As for this pink ball thing with a sword in its... face? Blazermate wasn't going to heal someone she didn't know, even if having a sword plunged that deep into flesh was very unhealthy.

@ProPro It'll be glorious! Don't forget the Kritz! Dunno what Blazer's Final smash would be. Either Ubercharge or Revive/Reanimator. Those are a bit too strong to have just baseline.

Also I dunno if its just me, but I invison Galeem as a lady. I dunno, fits better with the whole angelic motif.
<Snipped quote by ProPro>

This is what I did for Zer0 as well. I basically reset him to the equivalent of Level 5 in game, but without having found any loot besides the starting Gearbox Sniper you can get.

Same for Blazermate, the abilities that made her secret boss worthy are gone. (She could repair destroyed parts/revive dead medabots, gave her team bonus damage, all that on top of the most powerful healing in the game, making her insanely annoying to deal with.) But considering that game was modeled after pokemon, there wasn't all that much for her in general unlike you guys xD. Most of her stuff will come from the TF2 medic.

Lmpkio got me listening to the remix gangplank gallion again, is it worng I wanna have an excuse to play that in RP?

@Gentlemanvaultboy Yeah true. But I don't think the courier got anything super powerful from The Big Empty besides the super stealth suit? I can't remember what DLC it was, but he got something ultra absurdly powerful lore wise. Well, besides control of helios.

Wait, what would happen if you kritz'ed a helios blast? That'd be like... woof that would be devistating.

@ProPro Yeah, I'm thinking midgame though when you'll have some stuff. Or a final smash or something xD.
@ProPro Wait, Is this going to be courier 6 post new vegas everything? With the orbital space laser and the super stealth armor and the alien mothership with a super weapon and everything? Sooo much room for growth xD. Or was mothership Zeta Fallout 3?


K.Rool has the best boss music.

Wait. Blazermate is a robot, she could totally play that through her speaker, I think?
@thedman I don't, because at some point he'll pull out a minigun or an RPG, Blazermate will have probably unlocked the Kritz ability at that point, and micheal will enjoy super ultra damage glowey weapons of death.

Although I think he'd have a few choice words about being healed by a robot lady that looks like shes wearing a schoolgirls outfit sorta.

@Lmpkio Krool is my vote. Guy is a boss.
You speak of gods, but I'm the only one who can actually heal you and well, eventually I'll unlock the stuff the Medir does and TF2 medic puts a lot of other healer character to shame.

Besides, isn't Zer0 technically a god slayer? Actually both Zeros are.
@DracoLunaris I don't think anyone will wanna fight Blazermate. Shes the white mage, and no one messes with the white mage. Well, they can if they want to, but they wont be getting back up...
@Lmpkio I vote for Samus, if your still taking votes that is.

<Snipped quote by Lugubrious>

inevitable initial internal party combat due to ignorance incoming I imagine

Poor Bowser...
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