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Yeah you're not wrong. Though I also don't know anything about Medabots so I can't even be sure I'm using the right image.

They're... interesting. Think robot pokemon, but when you beat one you can get one of their parts which you can apply to your own medabot as long as it matches their medal, which is the 'core stats' part of the medabot. Each part has its own abilities and whatnot. And fights are kind of like pokemon fights, but also pretty different as well. (Unless its the ARPG game, which is like a smash bros fighter.) Although unlike pokemon, each medabot that isn't the player one has its own personality.

It was a series made during the pokemon craze of the 90s/00s, so its not surprising it shows so many paralells. As for design wise, the Medabots had a chibi robot sort of look, but were clearly robots. Some were humanoid, some were frame based, and some were based off of animals. But their key defining art style look was their doll joints. And its pretty obvious when you see a medabot due to their design being so noticable. They're luke Gundams in that regard.

BTW you don't have to do a picture because of the lack of material for Blazermate. The doom guy was really good xD. (She never appeared in the anime, only in the later games as the bonus boss)
Oh I just remembered. If any of you peps want me to make like a smash bros style profile pic thing to stick in your CS I'd be more than Happy to.

Just send me a picture you like of the character (preferably with a transparent background but I don't mind too much just makes it take longer.)

Then just the name and a cool secondary header thing.

Okay what the hell that's bloody huge XD. But yeah if you're interested just PM me or something, I've been making a bunch for fun because of smash bros hype.

I would, but trust me it took me a long time to find a blazermate picture that wasn't softcore porn or just a frame dressed up like her. If you want to, go right ahead, but good luck.
Don't worry guys, he's not a merchant! He's a samurai just some suspicious dude wearing black clothing!

*winks with both eyes*

You guys have fun with the CR 5 samurai boss, Meanwhile I'll be over here fighting the CR 0 goombas and koopas with Michael, Ratchet, Linkle, and my boi Bowser. xD
Sorry Blazermate isn't really being challenged by goomas/troopas. She kinda has the kit to counter them pretty hard.
BTW anyone in the bowser group, Blazermate is more passively healing people by bouncing her healing beam around. Since she can't really overheal, she wont really be focusing on someone unless they're getting hammered.

Level 1 - (6/10) EXP
Location: 1-1, Central Road
Word Count: 590


Blazermate knew a fight was inevitable, and she was ready for it. What she wasn't ready for however, was Bowser taking her off his shoulders as she got into a combat stance and protected her and kirby from the blocks that were flying towards them. "Oooh, so chivalrous~." Blazermate said after Bowser used his shell to block the projectiles coming for her and kirby. She noticed fairly quickly however that Michael wasn't with her and Kirby in Bowser's arms. As Bowser took a relatively unrefined defensive stance, Blazermate got back into her combat stance and started to fight what was near Bowser, swapping her healing beam onto either Bowser or Michael, depending who was injured at the time. And while that did occupy her left arm, she had her pigtails and right hand to fight with, and these enemies were fairly... weak if she was honest.

There were lots and lots of weak points on these things she could see with her scan ability, most of them being on the head. Add in how slow these things were, so slow that even a newbi medabot could read and react to their movements, and the only thing that actually made them a threat was the sheer amount of them. Jumping and using her pigtails like swinging maces, she smacked the approaching goombas right on their head, squishing them flat from the force much to her... bewilderment. It was like these things acted more on TV show logic than actual physics, this world sure was strange!

It probably helped that a lot of these creatures had an exceptionally hard time dealing with any attack from above, what with their weak points being their heads and whatnot. You'd think these things would wear hard hats or something to make up for this weakness, but nope. What was even sadder was just how little damage these things seemed to do when they impacted Bowser, just a little bit of a healing beam on him and he was good as new. Especially with Blazermate smacking the occasional shell back through the enemy ranks. Sure when she hit one a naked turtle in boxer shorts came out and tried to attack her, but their lack of mobility or ability to attack airborne targets was pretty bad. And what was even worse, was that these shells, when smacked back, would devastate the enemy lines until they hit a wall or the very occasional minion that could smack them back. If these were Bowser's minions, it was no wonder why he seemed to hold herself and the others in such high regard if all he had was simple cannon fodder like these things.

Although she did muse if she didn't know about or inferred about how these things were weak in the head and had no way to fight an airborne opponent, these things could maybe pose a threat. But then again, most medabots, even the new ones, wouldn't really have much difficulty with enemies of this level. "Bowser, buddy, you should probably get up. These things aren't even a threat." She said, casually smacking a koopa shell back with one pigtail while smacking the koopa that came out of the shell with her other pigtail. And apparently the Centurion, sensing battle, didn't find these things all that much of a problem either. Although he seemed to have a little more difficulty than Blazermate with them, what with him attacking them from below instead of above.
I wouldn't say I'm too knowledgeable about writing, but a prominent author once said that conveniences to get into trouble are fine, while conveniences to get out of trouble are cheating.

I really like this quote/idea. Did you get this from one of those author autobiographies or something?
@Old Amsterdam

I've not played any FE game, hence why I couldn't play Female Robin here.

Same mate. All I know is smash bros has too much FE and hardly anyone is unique in it. Got like 4-5 copies of one character, Robin, and Corrin. Not even the spacies have that many clones of fox...

Also wasn't there a pokemon/FE crossover game at some point?
<Snipped quote by Archmage MC>

yup. Operation living siege tower is going excellently so far. Now we shall see how it does in the trails to come
first test: anti mook combat.
second test: platforming

Crazy fan levels made in Mario Maker are becoming canon with Bowser. XD

Can't wait til the Kritz. Then instead of normal fireballs, we'll have the ultra jumbo fireballs that have just a smidge of star. xD

@Old Amsterdam

Your doing a good job!
<Snipped quote by ProPro>

Oh, I see.

Lowkey this group needs an active tactician though. Bowser is just... well... too blunt lol

Well if our characters gain the traits of our kindred spirits, or even a little bit, then Blazermate could probably co-tacticion with like say, Zer9 or someone else. The Medic knows how to play the long game really well. He did trick the devil out of his soul after all.
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