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Hark! Rebellion is afoot! D:


Seems Light is even more scatterbrained than Ashara, not even remembering that Mamoru and Gromgard, in fact, never went to the village but rather went to retrieve Gromgard's runaway artists... Oh welp, that's for Grom and Mamo to sort out I guess~

She remembers Gromgard saying he'd send his goblins out xD. Rip

Also, those cultists are about to give so much information, willingly, as they worship the eldritch shark lady xD. Cult of Cthulu style!

Of course that also means cult of cthulu, so... lets hope there isn't anything sharp nearby...
Light listened to Graft talk, laughing at his pun play. "I guess so!" Listening to him talk about where to find gold, she shrugged and scratched her head. "Alright then..." With a wave, Light ripped the air next to her open and popped into one of her portals, leaving Graft to his devices.

"Hm.... Who would know the best place to get money... oh thata right!" Light muttered to herself as she wandered the Chateu, thinking to herself until she remembered that a few of the lords had gone down to the village. They had a grasp of the land below, maybe they would know where to get some loot? Playfully skipping, Light wandered the chateu a bit more until she found out that the scouting party had returned, prisoners in hand.

After popping in and out of a few of her portals, eventually Light figured out where Mamoru and Gromgard were as they reported everything to the boss man. With a quick 'pop', Light listened in for a bit before stepping into the room, only catching the tail end of the report. "Hi guys!" Light said, waving to everyone as they were rounding up. "Need help with something? Apparently I need gold to pay Graft to make me stuff, do you guys know where any might be?" Light said, approaching Mamoru and Gromgard, but refraining from hugging them. The same twitchy motion that Graft saw could be seen with her arms and hands, as she restrained herself, although barely. "Oh, and how did the town thing go? Hope they're friendly!"
@The Irish Tree Cultists you say...? Anyone wanna give me a quick rundown? I forgot where they were and everything.
@The Irish Tree Might need an idea of where Light should go, otherwise I'll just roll a dice and she'll go off in a random direction, possibly causing chaos to whatever event is happening there xD.

Level 6 - (3/60) EXP +1
Location: Escape from the Police Station
Word Count: 662

It was a good thing Blazermate got to the survivors when she did, as the Horde was just about to attack as she commanded whatever zombies would listen to her to protect the station. These zombies really didn't stem the tide as much as she hoped, due to how few she could control, but with the removal of the evil spirit keeping everyone in the police station a few people were able to teleport out before the place got overwhelmed and everyone had to retreat out the back.

Seeing as the Horde was still comprised of undead, as they ran, Blazermate commanded what she could to help keep the horde at bay. alongside the beams and gunfire of the other retreating people, this only vaguely slowed down the ocean of evil. Seeing this, Blazermate changed tact. While she still commanded some undead to try to slow down the horde chasing them, She commanded a second group to protect the civilians, telling them to maul anything that got past. She also commanded a few to come by her, biting them with her suffering arm to transform them into more powerful undead before sending them back to either help the survivors or hold back the horde.

Almost like a screaming cacophony, Blazermate kept this cycle of hold back, save survivors, transform undead as long as she could as everyone escaped the police station. The biggest standout of this whole thing was when a survivor tripped, but before the horde could overwhelm them a Charger under Blazermate's control did what it could and charged at the survivor, carrying them in its huge malformed hand as it ran along with everyone else. Another standout was when Blazermate bit a common infected type zombie, and it turned into a Boomer, which ran at the horde and exploded, causing chaos as undead not under Blazermate's control began to dogpile on the demons and such that the boomer's bile covered. This alongside a stupendous maneuver from Nero really slowed down the horde, although all of this caused the police station to collapse upon itself.

Thanks to the collapse of the station, Blazermate looked for a place a bit off to the side to put a nest down and decided to put it on a ruined building along their path. Summoning Dell, the engineer got to work on making his dispenser and sentry to hold off whatever horde made its way around or out of the collapsing police station, hopefully holding them back with his elevated automated sentry gun as everyone made their way to a tower that Fox spotted.

Blazermate soon rejoiend the group, healing whoever got incindental damage from the other various evil creatures that managed to get some attacks in on the group. As they reached the building, they found the landscape looked... Well saying an earthquake hit the place would be an understatement. It was as if a huge battle took place between giant robots that constantly did wrestling moves on each other. "Well, I guess this'll funnel the horde, assuming they aren't all distracted by the sentry behind us." Blazermate said, as gunfire and the occasional explosion could be heard behind the survivors as the sentry got to work.

Howard mentioned something only he could see ahead, while Blazermate took this small moment of pause to continue to heal and charge Medaforce. "Well, then we don't go Right. The left side looked like it had a lot of zombies, so its not as threatening as it looks. And more zombies means more things to fight the horde chasing us." Blazermate said, giving her vote on where to go. Plus with the narrow streets here, one good Medaforce beam could cause some serious damage.
@Xaltwind "Welp, this is different for everyone... now maybe you wont fight your family. Now lets get lunch! We're having Crab."
Don't make the Eldridge monster come over there and get you two kids to stop fighting. I doubt you wanna go insane xD.
@Xaltwind IKR. Light is going to try to be the mediator here, or at least not anger Graft. Its not in her nature to be mean to those who aren't mean to her. Although I dunno if Graft needs a "do what you wanna do " speech or not, but from what Light has seen so far in the past half hour, people aren't adapting as quick as she is xD.

Also threw in some WoW jokes for funsies.
Light was happy that Graft took her joke in stride, giving one of his own at her expense. "Haha, yeah. You see so many crazy stuff when you have a staring contest with the abyss." She watched as Graft went from a bit of unsettled laughter to being super serious, scolding Salem who had managed to push Graft's buttons even if it was for Light's benefit. She watched as him and Graft had an exchange, Salem trying to get under Graft's skin a bit and telling Graft to destroy his new minion before leaving in a huff. "Huh, so thats what doll boy is like without their creator. This is so interesting, watching everyone break down without the hand in the sky directing us. I'll put my little spin on this..." Light said, waiting for Graft before she continued.

"It doesn't really matter what you do. Just do what you want to do. Thats my philosophy from now on! No more dancing on mailboxes or unfun grinds for that one obscure piece of armor that you'll never use! Although the former was kind of fun..." Light said, tapping her chin in an absent thought. "But yeah, just do what you want. If you want to follow what your creator told you to do, thats what you want to do. Want to diverge from that and become the mechanical corporate overlord of the world? go and do that! Or you know, be a dad~." Light finished, giving Graft a sassy, almost flirty pose.

After seeing what Graft did, Light continued. "But yeah, I REALLY wanna hug someone, so... How long will it take for you to make something that Rodius wont yell at me for? And can it be in bracelet form or something easily removed." Light said, getting back to a more casual pose. "Either way, I'll have to go get some gold somewhere... Know where to start? Doubt any adveterers are going to wander into the vault area anytime soon if our other comrades have anything to say about it." She asked, hoping Graft would point her in the right direction so she wouldn't wander aimlessly.

Level 6 - (2/60) EXP +1
Location: Police Station
Word Count: 382

Blazermate was ready to go with Ratchet to find the serial killer, when she could hear the horde getting close to the police station. "You and Ratchet are good fighters right? I think I need to deal with that horde more than anything. Be safe~." Blazermate said, hopping off Ratchet and making her way towards the sound of the horde outside of the station.

She missed Joker as he left to assist the ritual, but she did run into Death. Something felt... familiar about him, but there wasn't much to think about with that as the approaching hordes were more of a concern. With a wave to V, Blazermate said. "I'll buy us some time with that horde. Hopefully we can get this spirit thing fixed and teleport out of here before my distraction ends." Saying that, she then remebered the teleporter wasn't anywhere nearby. Facepalming a bit, she summoned Dell, telling him to destroy the teleporter side here in the Dead Zone and remake it. The texan man shrugged and got to work. With that all straightened out, Blazermate moved through the station to find a good vantage point to command the hordes.

Eventually she made her way to the wing where the noise from the horde was the greatest, the room where Jak and Daxter were helping out the civvies alongside some of the other survivors. Most everyone here looked no worse for wear, minus the obvious panic behind Daxter and the foreboding air of everyone, as if this was the biggest horde yet to attack them. Making her way to a window, Blazermate looked outside to view the horde. Yep, it looked like it sounded, a huge bunch of various zombies, demons, and everything. She doubted they could all take this, even with her command over the undead, considering the various menagerie of evil around them.

"Well... I think I can hold them off a bit." Blazermate said. With a few directions from her suffering arm, mostly "attack anything next to you who doesn't follow this order and protect the station" those in the horde that would listen to her commands started to attack the ones who didn't, causing a vast amount of chaos within the amassing hordes ranks. "That should buy us more time. Hopefully the others can get that ghost banished or whatever so we can get out of here." Blazermate said, nodding at her work.
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