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@Xaltwind oh, thought it was some anime thing, nevermind then xD.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about xD.
Is Salem a little shit?

Yes, yes they are.

Don't worry, Light is right there with you. And Graft had better clarify about the favor, otherwise she might say "Hey everyone, GRaft is a daddy now!" xD
Light watched as Graft revealed an odd looking lady from the folds of himself, almost cuddling her a bit before using his lab to figure out everything about her and everything. Light let out a little "Awww" as Graft worked. It was weird for a guy to give birth, but, well, seahorses were a thing so why not. Why graft wanted to keep his new 'daughter's' birth a secret Light didn't know, there wasn't anyone to fear anymore. Well, there was the Void, but that was more his problem than Lights. Although the more she thought about it, this being his 'kid' probably wasn't true as he was referencing his 'creator'. Or was it? Fredrik did weird things for Light, so...

Either way as she thought about this, Salem gave an objection to Graft asking for a free name for his new 'daughter'. After they were done, Light chimed in. "Hey yeah! Like a suppressor thing so Rodias will let me hug people again." She said, patting Salem for standing up for her. "Besides, I'd just give her an eldritch name. Unless you want her to be called Lilith or something." She continued, giving the girl a side glance. "But your the Daddy Graft! You should be giving her the name! Its your job as a daddy after all! Speaking of that... Who was the mom?" She concluded, deciding to tease Graft a bit. From what Light remembered, Graft was pretty matter of fact and the like. So Light figured maybe a bit of levity would be nice.

Level 6 - (1/60) EXP +1
Location: Police Station
Word Count: 502 (combining other post with this.)

Blazermate was pretty happy that Ratchet was alright with her hanging off him. While she was light, with medabots naturally being fairly light and her being even lighter than normal due to being able to fly, she wasn't sure if she was lighter or light enough for him to carry both herself and Clank. but his reassurances and explanation worked for her, and she nodded.

Hopping onto Ratchet's shoulder, much like his robot friend Clank did, Blazermate was off with the Lombrax. As they made their way around, looking for some of those missing pages. As the duo (trio?) made their way out of the hall, Fox bumped into them, apparently running from something and having news. Fox told them that his exploring party was behind him, and he seemed like in a hurry as he pushed past the two and made his way to the main hall.

"Hey, wanna check on who went out with Fox or hear what he has to say? I'm fine with either, although I think that looking for Fox's party might be best. He was injured, maybe the killer was there?" Blazermate said, tapping Ratchet on the shoulder with her healing arm. Now instead of hanging off Ratchet, she held onto his shoulder with her demon hand, with her legs around his waist so she could at lesat use her medi beam if needed. She would do whatever Ratchet wanted to do, as while fox was injured, he wasn't too bad off, and he was going to the rest of the group.

Having used the Uber Heart and knowing what it did, Blazermate felt like she had a grasp of how to properly use it. Seeing as they'd soon get into a fight, she started to heal Ratchet to build charge. This didn't seem to build ubercharge though, instead she felt a power resonate within her medal, something she hadn't felt in a while. The feel of the Medaforce and its energy had returned to her, as if her medal was waking up after her encounter with that crazy murder hobo with a camera. The Uberheart also reacted to her awakening of the Medaforce, and Blazermate felt like if she channeled the Medaforce through this uberheart, it could make people glow like before.

"OOh, now I know what Jak meant about getting his magic back. Feels like I can finally use the Medaforce again. This cute bot isn't just a healer now!" Blazermate said to Ratchet, pausing her healing for a moment to do a small victory arm pump before continuing.
Ah ok. Light would just think thats how Graft's stuff looks normally. he is based on a bit of body horror, so yeah. xD Or at least, thats what she'll say. She really doesn't care.
Also what was the favor graft asked for? Seemed like it was a name and thats it? I'm sleepy though so yeah.
"Aw, money?" Light said, upon hearing Graft say that he would only make the stuff she requested. "I don't know what part of whats in the vault is mine and what is the guilds. I kinda used that for storage for the things I found, when our blacksmith didn't break down the magic armor of invaders and such..." She continued, trailing off. Pulling up her dress a little, Light dug on the inner fold of her dress around the upper waist area as if digging around in a pocket, her arm going in way further than waht would be normal as she dug around in her inventory for money. She couldn't find any, but she did find a few objects, mostly a few severed limbs and a few pieces of metal from the last intruder she had dismembered before the great freedom. Graft had gone to do something else while Light searched her person, and when was finished she pulled her arm out of her dress holding a perfectly preserved severed arm. She poked it a bit in confusion, before putting it back. When Graft came back, offering a tour with his bio parts clearly visible, Light followed Salem and their curiosity with what was in Graft's lab. Light was curious too.

"With your bio engineering there graft, you would fit right in with the Eldredge, hehe." Light said, pointing out all the tentacles and such on display by Graft. As they followed him, Light said to Salem. "Do you have money Salem? I think my creator used the vault to store stuff I won off intruders and such, but I don't know if thats mine or not anymore."

Level 6 - (0/60) EXP +0
Location: Police Station
Word Count: Less than 500

Blazermate wasn't really sure what to do next. Donnie's suggestion of finding the missing pages of that book seemed fine, and the police captain's idea of gathering everyone would make it easier to protect them from camera killer. "OK, so while you guys go get the civilians, I'll go with Ratchet and Clank there to collect pages. I don't wanna be frozen in time again." Blazermate said, upon hearing everyone's plan. "There was a medabot that could do stuff like this I fought once, well sorta. It was with a weird head part, not a camera, but still, not fun." Blazermate offhandedly commented as she partnered with Ratchet. "Think you can carry two robots? I'm pretty light~." She said, giving Ratchet a wink as she went with him to look for more pages.
@The Irish Tree Thankfully Light is bothering Graft and Salem so you don't have to write for her xD.
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