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@Stern Algorithm Sentient, so it'd still work. But again, her power is lessened against allies considerably, so if he likes the slight whispers he hears, then thats A OK. Thats mental resistance xD.

I should let people know they recover sanity when not around Light, its not a permanent affliction unless your sanity bottoms out.
Huh, could have Light be a treasure hunter/loot hunter maybe. Is it wrong I want to find the Holy Hand grenade? xD Our vampire beastmaster friend will also get quite the vicious bunny xD.
Light wasn't too surprised that the boss man didn't have a task for her. After all, her task was to basically safeguard a powerful artifact for the guild unlike the chapter keepers who had a variety of tasks. Seeing as many of them were going with the goblin king to deal with that village, Light figured she'd lounge about and see what the other chapter keepers were up to. Hearing Graft's little sales pitch before he left gave Light an idea, and decided to pay the guy a visit while he and Salem started to make items.

Waving the others off, giving Ashara a sly comment about how she "Needed to get a bit bigger." before going off in her own direction, taking the longer way to Graft's floor. Now, while Light didn't go around the Chateau very often, she did know where everyone's rooms were and how to get there. After all, best to learn where everyone and anyone can hide if they ever stole something. So while it did take her a bit of time, she made her way to his floor as well. Approaching the entrance to his floor, Light decided to draw a quick pattern on the wall, allowing her to teleport here later if neeeded, before knocking and poking her head into the industrious area. "Hello? Graft? I've got a job for youuuu~~" Light said, looking for Graft within his area.

If one were observing Light as she moved throughout the area, she tended to keep herself away from anything that looked like it was made of iron or was some kind of metallic restraining device. One could assume those items spooked her, and they'd be right. However, while she kept her distance from such items, she did so in a sing-songy way to make it seem like she didn't actually care. She moved through the area, looking for its owner Graft. Eventually she'd find the man in Production.

When Light found him, she came up to Graft, saying. "So, I can explore, decided to explore your place first... Think you can make me a few things production wise when your done with Salem's little project there?" Light said, her hands twitching a bit due to that order of her to 'not hug' anyone of the chateau. "Like, some saw blades for a new trap in the vault area, or something so boss man will let me hug people... or maybe a big fuck off giant bomb? Last one could be loads of fun later on!" She continued, swaying back and forth in a bit of a sing-songy, almost car dealership balloon person way. Not being able to give Graft a hug was clearly making her agitated, keeping her in constant motion as she talked.
@Xaltwind xD. Light does have an ass on her though, so Ashara's comment isn't too off xD.

Should I do a quick post or nah?

Level 6 - (0/60) EXP +2 Learned Medaforce
Location: Police Station
Word Count: 784

Things were going good. Louis used Blazermate's invincibility to cut up a bunch of zombies, Blazermate turned most of the zombies on each other, and things were getting cleaned up really well. Heck, Louis was quite a team player, and followed up on what Blazermate did with his own thing, the two working through the zombies pretty quickly. Just as her ubercharged had faded, most everything was dead and they could begin to search the place. That was, until a bright flash occurred. After said flash, Blazermate and Louis were completely immobilized. The good news, was that they didn't really have to search for clues as soon Blazermate would learn that this was the ghost they were looking for that was interfering with everything in the station.

He looked kind of similar to Louis, although without a sword and a lot more sinister. He also talked like a madman, congratulating Louis on his ability to slice up the zombies before doing the same to the paralyzed Louis using a knife. Calling what he did 'art' and snapping a picture of the act, he let the paralysis field drop so that Louis could drop to the ground. Louis, having just been eviscerated, looked at Blazermate for a second while he lay on the floor, before he poofed into that same spirit dust all the other defeated characters did as well.

Seeing she was alone, Blazermate was ready to do what she had to in order to get out or defeat this man though. People like him were very rare where she came from, but they did exist, and they were pretty horrible, and she wasn't going to lose her medal here. This didn't matter though, as apparently this ghost had no taste in ripping apart a medabot, instead taunting her like a killer would in a movie before causing another bright flash of light, but this time instead of blue it was white. After her optics recovered from the bright flash, she saw that she was in a dark room. Turning on her optic lights, she saw that it was an incredibly small cramped room with bars on one end. She could also hear a metal grating sound as the room seemed to move.

As the elevator ascended, Blazermate thought about what had happened back there. Apparently this ghost could just materialize and de materialize at will, paralyze, and teleport people with his camera? That would be troublesome, especially if he got Blazermate in those stunning flashes, as she couldn't get out of them herself. "No wonder why some people are scared of ghosts if they can od this." Blazermate thought to herself. But first she'd have to be ready for wherever this elevator took her.

A few moments later, Blazermate saw light. She turned off her optic lights and got ready for what was about to happen, but instead of finding some sort of sick artist gallery or something, she instead saw her group of friends, all starring at her. "Hi guys... Did you beat up that camera ghost?" She said, a bit confused at what was going on. The others looked just as confused as she was, and from the looks on their faces, they didn't know what she was talking about.

With a bit of help from the others, she got herself out of the elevator and explained what had happened to her and Louis in the garage. She spared no details, at least when it came to her and Louis' encounter with the ghost. "The ghost appeared out of nowhere, hit us with this blue light just as we had almost cleared out the garage. He used a camera to freeze us, a knife to eviscerate Louis while he was frozen, then teleported me to that elevator apparently with that same camera." She explained. She then relayed all the stuff the camera ghost had said to hope that'd help. She paused for a bit to see everyone's expressions to see if this rung a bell with any of them before continuing. "This is a killer ghost, and he is pretty insane at that. Louis found that out the hard way..." Blazermate continued. "So does anyone have any ideas on what to do next? I don't know of a way to actually attack a ghost."

Blazermate waited for everyone else to explain what they did, looking for a place to sit down. Being a medabot, Blazermate wasn't too phased about what happened back there, well, not in a way that made her sad or shell shocked. But such a callous disregard for something and finding murder an art, this was some slasher stuff they were dealing with.
@Majoras End If your curious, Blazermate was thinking Joker looked like this.

A medafighter in the medabots universe.

Level 5 - (48/50) EXP +1
Location: Police Station Garage
Word Count: 320

Louis knew just as much as Blazermate did about this whole situation. As the two arrived near the garage, Louis pulled out his sword and looked at it a bit longingly. It was an elegent looking sword, and he wielded it much like a samurai would, before slicing down a few zombies guarding the entrance to the garage itself with a quick movement turning them into bloody mist. Following behind the Swordsman, Blazermate saw what he saw, the garage was pretty bare for a place that was apparently an entry point for the undead, although there were a lot of very crazy looking zombies here. "Well, I guess we'll find out what this thing does!" Blazermate said, tapping her new backpack as her medigun emitted electrical arcs of energy. As Louis dashed forward, Blazermate commanded the shambling undead that'd listen to her by saying "Get that demon looking guy zombies!". Hopefully they'd tear apart the demon looking fellow (Judgement) and his imp buddy, leaving Louis alone.

As her shield arm barked these orders, Blazermate kept her medigun on Louis, and activated her ubercharge whenever something took a swing at him. She didn't really know what this new addition to her medigun could actually do, so she figured now was probably the best time to test it while there wasn't any immediate danger of someone dying. What she didn't expect was Louis and herself glowing a metallic blue with basically all of their features becoming extremely simplified while both of their eyes glowed. Nor did she expect that this made herself and Louis completely invulnerable. "Oooh, this is cool!" Blazermate said, using this ability to join Louis in the fray, smashing one of the trunk guys with her shield, the Suffering's tongue lashing out to stab the creature. She could see the charge dropping fairly quickly, so she made sure to keep a path of retreat if needed.

Level 5 - (47/50) EXP +1
Location: Police Station
Word Count: Who cares

Blazermate listened to the info that Nero and Donnie had come up with, and could only shrug with the rest of them. "Where I come from we don't deal with this kind of stuff. Sure there is the occasional evil organization, but they tend to border more on the line of goofy rather than brutal." She said. "But yeah, we should get rid of these ghosts. That way we can teleport you guys out of this walking dead nightmare."

A kid approached the group with a spiffy outfit on him. Blazermate waved to him, as he appeared to be a late arrival of this station's survivors. "The more the merrier. Do I know you? You look familiar..." Blazermate said to Joker, a bit confused. There was a medabot fighter that looked like him, but she couldn't put her finger on it and shrugged.

Seeing as Louis was going to one of the more dangerous areas, She decided to tag along with him, putting her healing beam on him as it started to crackle with energy. "I hope you know what we might be looking for, because I kind of don't. Looking for something bloody might not work, what with zombies and all..." she said, half commenting on the situation, half hoping Louis had some idea on exactly what was going on considering his indifferent stance on this matter.
More and more chatter from the other chapter lords and staff gathered here, all the same thing. Well, mostly the same chatter. Light nodded in agreement to the idea of taking a diplomatic approach to dealing with the village, although apparently it was in the air if that would be happening or what. Goblins didn't make for the best diplomats... As for her little speech, only Chuunitrixx seemed to like her newfound freedom, or even understand what Light meant. Sure being disrespectful to her peers was probably not the best move, she seemed to be one of the few who took the stable lord's news well.

Speaking of Rodias' decree, he said what everyone would go about doing. Sadly what he said didn't involve Light doing much of anything of note with this village, and she let out an audible "Aww...." in disappointment at being told not to hug anyone, letting go of her other hug victim. But at least she wasn't stuck to the vault, although she wasn't going to stay there even if Rodias didn't give her a command.

Salem's plan of making dolls to spy on the town sounded really neat, and since it involved making things, Graft was pretty into it as well. "Well, I guess I can help you guys make some of those doll things. I've got free time now according to Boss." Light said, shrugging. She liked the idea, as it was both peaceful, intel gathering, and could endear the town to Graft's products, making them dependent on the guild. "Oh, and if the doll thing works, Graft, you should sell them more and more products! Put your logo everywhere and make that money! I'll keep it safe~." Light said teasingly.

The smell of food soon grabbed Light's attention as the guild's chef, Flan, offered a tray of delectable. Slinking her way over, Light stood near the group of ladies, waiting to see if there would be any leftovers. "I'll eat what you guys don't! The void is ever hungry!" Light said, grinning at the group as they made preparations to do their missions.
I don't know why, but for some reason I'd been calling Kath by Katri... I'm not really certain why or how I made that mistake, but I've at least made edits to my IC post, so as to fix that blunder. Sorry, Guessy, I apparently wasn't paying attention, or my eyes are getting even worse. T~T

Thats why I have such an easy name to remember. Hard to mistake Light for something else xD.
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