@IceHeart@Rockin StringsLight watched as Flan did her sensory/memory melding thing with one of her slimes. While Light didn't like acid or acid based attacks in the slightest, Slimes were still fascinating to watch, all goopey and jiggley and basically one big smart amoeba.
"Not that much Flan. Just going to use it to hypnotize the cultists with its jiggliness. So make it extra jiggly!" Light said with a grin, watching Flan whip up her namesake in almost no time at all. While something gelatinous was probably way more jiggly, often those foods weren't sweet enough to produce the effect Light wanted. Light took the two servings of Flan she requested, placing them into her pocket space for safe keeping.
"So... Graft wants gold, while I'm out and about, I'll look for stuff for you. Anything particular your looking for?" Light said to Flan, kind of noticing just how little everyone had. Yeah, the floors were massive, but everyone kept saying something about "we don't have this, or we need that.", and frankly the stuff in the vault should be the last thing the chateau should access. Light waited patiently for Flan to talk, and with her request in mind, Light nodded off back to the chambers with the cultists, giving Flan a wave. While Light loved hugging people, hugging a slime, while it looked fun, was way harder and more of a hassle than it should be. Maybe later, when Light wasn't on a timer.
Popping back into the chamber where Gromgard was still at it, Light pulled out the Flan she had requested. Emitting her aura a bit more than before, she moved the flan around in a circle and made sure it jiggled, giving Gromgard a sly wink.
"Tell us everything and you can have some of this wondrous food. It'll set your heart at ease..." Light said, hoping her aura would make the cultists much more susceptible to the wiggling, jiggling, sweet dessert in front of them.
Now, the only problem would be if they didn't find the jiggling dessert fascinating. But who in their right mind would hate something so adorable?