Avatar of Archmage MC


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@Xaltwind xD. It is also funny that shes using her boobs for interrogation, even though shes mostly butt and thighs xD. Speaking of which, I have to rerig her 3d model which suuuuucks. But Rigify got updated and she wasn't fully rigged, so yeah, and I've learned how to do better rigs for cartoony eyes like hers, so yeah. BTW, rigging her dress is annoying as hell. I don't know how to properly rig a dress like hers since its like this tabard/trenchcoat/skirt thing.

I'm jumping between rigging 3 different models, fun fun >.>. At least I only need to set and configure the face bones for Light then rerig her dress. I was thankfully able to keep her hair rigging. lol.

Its a shame I don't know many anime clips besides the big ones, otherwise I'd join you guys in the anime video linking. I have ones from this anime which isn't as well known, but... They are more comedy based since I'm into comedy anime. xD.
Light: C'mon, talk!
Light: I want the truth!
... And then Light ate his face pff. And it was delicious~

Going to apologize in advance to who it may concern. I've been suffering from a headache that's lasted all week, and as such my mood - which is usually full of salt and grump - hasn't exactly been improved. So, if I come off as extra snarky, sarcastic, rude or otherwise being a big bully, I ask for gorgiveness. It's just really annoying waking up in the mroning, and as soon as you get out of bed it feels like your skulls about to be crushed in a vice, and retain that feeling until you fall asleep at night...

your not wrong there!


Make sure you keep your fluids up. I've got a history of headaches/migranes and as long as I drink my 4 bottles of water a day they go away/I don't have them. Also drink some water before you take a nap so your brain can flush itself out better. Otherwise yeah you'd need meds.
@Rockin Strings Yeah I think so too.

Level 6 - (5/60) EXP +1
Location: The tower
Word Count: 378

While a few members of their group were in the back holding off the horde and others were guarding some of the flank routes, Blazermate and Nero guided the survivors into the tower. At least until a big buff guy in a green sci-fi army gear, his face obscured by a thick helmet, stepped out of the tower just oozing danger. Blazermate just watched the man pay no mind to her and her group, instead seeing the horde that was chasing everyone and going on a slaughter fest. While Blazermate was contemplating giving him a heal after he took damage for the first time, he just punched the demon that clawed him in the face and was right as rain. "OK then... that explains a lot?" Blazermate said a bit absently as she shepherded the survivors into the now vacant, although corpsy, tower.

Blazermate summoned dell, everyone being relatively calm thanks to the doom marine's efforts in holding off the horde. telling him they needed a teleporter, the texan man bowed his hat and got to work, building a teleporter and a dispenser for the time being. "Alright donnie, teleporter is going up. Cleanse people before they go through." Blazermate said, gesturing to the teleporter being constructed and upgraded. When Dell was done upgrading the teleporter and dispenser, he'd then go onto making a snetry to guard their behind more out of looking for something to do more than anything. When all his buildings were upgraded, he'd summon a metal chair out of one of his toolboxes and relax in it, drinking some beer that the chair spawned with as his timer ran out.

While Dell was off doing his thing, Blazemate said to the group as they waited for the teleporter to charge up and send the survivors through, healing who was injured. "So... That guy that just passed us... Anyone else kind of notice he just went into the frey and started to annihilate stuff? Think there are more like him here? Gotta be, since I don't think zombies exist outside of this area." Blazermate said, trying to strike up a bit of conversation about what just happened and how the Doom Slayer was slaying more than demons outside.
Just have Light hug them, they'll be gibbering messes ready to be converted in no time! Or they'll have a crushed windpipe and a cracked spine... depends on how hard they need to be hugged xD.
Light gave Rodius an "ok boss" motion as she put the gold she was given into her pocket space. "Wasn't expecting gold fromt he boss, but I'll take it." Light said, shrugging a bit to herself as she left Rodius's chamber and went to where the cultists were being held. Since she didn't know the layout of the chateu too well, she didn't find them until after Gromgard had started whipping them.

Once she foudnt the room she popped her head inside the room. "Helloooo everyone!" she said before observing what was going on. Gromgard whipping the prisoners gave Light an idea, and acting as if she was appaled by what he was doing, she grabbed the whip from Gromgard and chastised him. "No no no! We can be nicer than that!" Of course this whole time her insanity aura was flaring up, affecting the cultists far more than Gromgard.

Turning to them, the tip of Gromgard's whip in one of her hands, she said. "What this guy meant was... Tell us stuff about the area and everything. Even public knowledge works!" As Light said this, the affects of her aura would cause the tied up cultists to hear barely audible, but loud whispers. Releasing Gromgard's whip, she moved up to one of them and gave him a one armed hug, smooshing his face into her chest. "Its either whips or looots of fuuun~, maybe both if your into that sorta thing. Just tell us stuff like, whats nearby, how does time work, what is your favorite flavor, whos your deity, any guilds around, the king's name... you know, easy stuff~." Light would leave Gromgard to interrogate one the way he wanted to at this point, as she was having fun with her cultist.

Level 6 - (4/60) EXP +1
Location: The split paths
Word Count: 380

Seeing as the horde was getting closer, Blazermate took who'd follow her along the left path. Since this path was mostly zombies, she told everyone to stay in a tight group as she used her suffering arm to form a wall of zombies around the group that moved with them, slashing and killing any zombies that tried to attack them. She spent most of her focus keeping the survivors safe while the other fighters did their thing. Thanks to the ocean of zombies, even if any of her zombies fell, she could just add more to her horde. She also routinely bit a few of her zombies to make them stronger. While she wasn't super used to this power, it was fun for the most part. Zombies sprouting bone blades, spitting acid... Honestly things were going good til one of the zombies Blazermate bit lit itself on fire and ran into the crowd of zombies along the street setting whatever it touched on fire and causing some panic among the zombies on the street.

Zombies that could feel pain and had an ounce of self preservation fled in terror upon seeing the fire, avoiding the crowd altogether and running towards the direction of the Horde, while the zombies that didn't care either burnt up, or approached the group. Blazermate had to slap a few away with her shield, flaming heads going flying as the group advanced. Overall once they reached the tower behind the van that had driven through, the group was... alright. A few scrapes, a few bites, and more than a few scorch marks but nothing critical.
I dunno, Remember Tiny Toons? Yeah, getting hugged like that might not be a good way to go after all... xD
Light's method of interrogation. Bury their faces in her chest as she drives them insane, and they just say what they want out of worship. Before they do that ritualistic sacrifice thing.
So fellas, how do you want to interrogate those cultists? I'm guessing I should be the last one to post for that? xD.
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