Avatar of Archmage MC


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@Xaltwind Hey, Rodius took the biggest bullet of them all, playing with Light. Would you have rather had her with you trying to snuggle you because fluffy? xD.
... Wait, she's not an actual child!? O_O;

Shes 25ish. I mean, you saw her picture right? If Rodius thinks she wont spice up any of these games... xD

I should finish her model at some point, been lazy. She needs texture work, her eyelids completely redone, her eyelashes completely redone, her eyes redone... it'll be one huge mess...
@The Irish Tree LOL your treating Light like an actual child and its hilarious. xD
Act 1

Collab between myself and @Rockin Strings

Light watched as the cultist she tried to hypnotize with the jiggling flan had an incredibly horrible reaction to the dessert and after only giving a little bit of info, the cultists convulsed and started to turn into some eldrich monster. Looking at Gromgard, Light said. "Whats going on? I swear this hasn't happened to me before. Guy didn't even go through the stages of insanity!" commenting on the situation as she casually leaned back to dodge a rake aimed at her before moving up to grab the thing and hold it in a bear hug. Her frame didn't really show just how strong she was, and the creature had difficulty escaping her grasp as she turned it towards Gromgard. "So, wanna do something with our friend here?" She said.

Gromgard watched as Light attempted hypnosis with the jiggly dessert. He wasn't sure if it would work or not but figured to at least let her try. What harm could there be?

Apparently a lot. The cultist turned into a monster. He looked at Light, only to hear her say this hadn't happened before. "They don't normally turn into terrible monsters?" he asked, watching as Light grappled the strange entity that had once been a cultist.

Gromgard drew his blade in one hand as he readied a fireball in the other. "Are you fireproof?" he asked before launching the spell at the monster, only to follow up with a wide swing of his sword, aiming to cut it in half. "Get out of here. Go warn the others. I can handle this easily with my goblins." Grabbing his sword with both hands, he aimed an upwards slash that would, hopefully, cut the monster in half.

"Nah, they tend to... Wait fire what?" Light said not paying all that much attention as she was having fun hugging her new squirming flesh of a teddy bear. Gromgard, not wasting any time, chucked a fireball into the creature in Light's arms, burning both it and the arms Light was using to hold it. "Ow, hot ho..." Light started to say, waving one of her arms to try to cool it down before Gromgard cleaved both the monster in two, and chopped off the arm Light didn't wave to cool off all in one stroke.

Light looked at the stump of her arm that the strike had resulted in, waving it a bit before looking for her dismembered forearm. Light didn't bleed, instead wisps of some kind of, darker than dark, blacker than black energy came from the stump, slowly absorbing any light it touched. Meanwhile her chopped off forearm, a bit burnt, still had a lot of energy and almost a mind of its own, and was scampering around the room like a zombie arm. Noticing this Light said "Get back here you!", chasing around her own arm which had crawled up the body of the still alive cultist and sat on his head, almost hissing, well, if an arm could hiss as Light grabbed it and reattached it. A few moments later the burn marks on her arms also disappeared as she began to pick up and store parts of the creature that she could, using her sharp legs to stab a few that were still squirming.

"Ok Gromgard! Let me just finish collecting evidence. Who knew a bit of jiggling Flan would cause such a reaction huh?" Light said cheerfully, as if not bothered by Gromgard burning her and dismembering one of her arms not a few moments ago.

Gromgard smirked as the cleave connected. He frowned upon turning around to see Light's arm on the floor. He expected her to start freaking out. However, when her arm began moving on its own, he took a step back, ready to fling it at her if it came towards him. It chose to climb up into a cultist. After she reattached the severed limb, she started collecting what she called evidence.

"My apologies for cutting off your arm." he sighed, moving to begin grabbing monster pieces as well. "That was not my intention."

With a relaxed sigh, he tossed the monster pieces into a cauldron. "Who should we take these pieces to for analyzation?" he asked, turning to face Light and the remaining cultists again. "And what should we do with these two?

Finishing stuffing one of the creature's tentacles into her dress, Light said. "Don't worry about it. I'm super durable!" in a chippy tone. She thought a bit about what Gromgard had asked, saying. "Well, I was going to give some to Graft, some to Flan, and some to the boss man, boss man first. I think he should know about what happened first."

She then gave Gromgard a wave, walking out of the room. A few moments later she popped her head into the room saying. "I had my fun, you do what you wanna do with the still alive cultist." before heading out and off to Rodias's chambers to report what had happened and everything she learned.


Act 2

Light listened as everyone else seemed to get all the fun jobs, but she understood. She wasn't the most subtle thing, and apparently Rodius didn't want a bunch of babbling insane people worshipping him so it all made sense she figured. "Right-o boss! Just don't suck my blood or anything, I don't have any and that wont end well for ya." Light said with a teasing smile. she waited for everyone to say their questions, listening in.

She wasn't too happy about talk about melting down the stuff in the Vault. While Light didn't know what it did, it was there for a reason and just melting it down seemed silly. Rodius agreed, which put Light at ease, and he even explained what some of the stuff down there did! "Ha, Glad I can regenerate." Light said casually at the whole resurrection thing. Kaldora's little speech about 'mana burn' didn't really bother Light much either, as she didn't even use the stuff. "Sounds like what I do to people. Wonder if that could be connected somehow?" Light said, again, casually bit with a bit of insight included.

Light noticed a few new faces here, new chapter lords and head servants that had awoken? New friends! This distracted her for a moment before she remembered with Rodius talking to one of the new people about the 'thing' she and Gromgard had killed. "I tried eating a bit of it. It tasted like salty nightmares, delicious!" Light said, giving her insight about the creature.
Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 6 - (10/60) +3
Level 1 - (6/10) +3
Location: The tower
Word Count: 1384

Blazermate and Sectonia were caught in the confusion blast of the strange jellyfish. Sectonia dropped her sword as she buzzed around a bit haphazardly and Blazermate toppled a bit herself, her suffering arm having its tongue thrash about before she fell on said arm. The pair recovered when Jak killed the strange creature, Sectonia recovering first and regaining her composure while Blazermate had to get herself to her feet before she could regain hers. All in all, it looked like that blast just disoriented everyone and did no damage, so no healing was needed. None of the other civilians or those guiding them out were caught in the blast. Speaking of which, Blazermate turned her head to watch them all funnel through the teleporter.

Blazermate watched as her engineering buddy despawned in a flash of light as the more hesitant civilians had made their way throgh the teleporter after getting all cured up. Sectonia also watched in curiosity, having never really seen technology of this magnitude from where she was from. What she thought was even more interesting was that odd almost shimmering texan man disappearing in a poof of sparkles. Curiosity getting the better of her, Sectonia asked pointing at the disappearing Dell "What was that?". Blazermate hearing her, replied. "Oh, thats what these spirit things can do. Thats what is called a 'striker', although you gotta actually 'bond' with the spirit itself. So you gotta be friends with them." Sectonia thought on this for a second, but didn't think too much about it. She was sure with a bit of magic she could bend a spirit to her will.

As Jak and Ratchet freed the other two creatures, Daxter spent this time to rebuke Sectonia. She didn't pay the grotesque furry tree thing much thought as she was more interested in these 'spirits' than whatever he had to say, although when she got the jist of what Daxter was saying, she was pretty mad. Blazermate could see the scowl on Sectonia's face at what Daxter had said, and fearing another fight, she tugged on one of the flowery frills on Sectonia's lower body to get her attention. Gesturing for Sectonia to get closer, Blazermate whispered in her ear. "Don't hurt him too bad." Sectonia laughed at this notion though, flying above Daxter and pointing at him, backhanded laughing at him "Oh, I'm sure that wont make a difference. It sounds like you fell into a vat of rotting parasites, and that was before you became a tree." Saying that, Sectonia flew over to the saurian, pulling out one of her staffs. "Welp, I can't heal that kind of burn." Blazermate said, laughing.

Sectonia, interested in trying one of these spirits out for herself, attempted to strike the saurian in front of her with a blast of magic. But instead of a beam of pure magic blasting the thing, nothing happened. She tried a few more times, but nothing happened. And as she tried blasting the thing, the saurian awoke, leaping at Sectonia and biting her on her lower body, poison seeping into her. Angry that this thing would date strike her, Sectonia stabbed the beast with a sword she conjured in her other hand, finishing it off. Sectonia could feel the poison doing some serious work, although Blazermate, ever the attentive medic, noticed Sectonia's injury and got to work, first cleansing the poison that was eating at her from the inside, then healing up her wounds. Blazermate did notice that said poison looked like it'd be a nasty, nasty thing if it ran its course, as it was doing some serious damage to Sectonia for the brief period she was affected by it.

The long tailed creature, meanwhile, awoke and fled in fear as Sectonia was dealing with the poisonous creature. Seeing as this one was just running in terror at the sight of everything and being let out of its tube, Blazermate said. "Its up to you guys what we do with this one. Its just scared so..." As Blazermate was talking to Jak and Ratchet, the creature felled by Sectonia turned into a spirit soon afterwords. Picking up the orb of light from the ground, Sectonia Looked at Blazermate and said. "Now what?", flying to be a bit lower to the ground than she was previously, but still towering over Blazermate.

"Well, you can put it into yourself to get parts like mine, talk to it and become friends to summon it, or crush it and get an item. There was something else but I don't remember what it was." Blazermate said, turning to Sectonia. Sectonia looked at the spirit for a moment before crushing it, not interested at all in taking it into her beautiful self. Storing the item she got from crushing Acrid, Sectonia waited to see what the others would do with the long tailed creature flailing around.

With everything cleared out, and only the last few of them here, Blazermate said. "Well, I don't need to sleep, but I'd rather do maintenance on myself in the NOT zombie filled land of horror. Everyone through the teleporter." Blazermate said, waiting for everyone to teleport to the Land of Adventure before she finally went through, being the last one to teleport away. Sectonia was a bit worried her large size would cause issues with the teleporter, but it didn't care at all and whisked her away like everyone else.


Sectonia and Blazermate found themselves in the Land of Adventure with everyone else. Sectonia didn't see the outside of the tower she was trapped in so she didn't know the hellscape everyone had escaped from. She did notice the few survivors she had seen go through the teleporter overjoyed and almost weeping being in this place, as if this place was the most beautiful thing they had seen. Sectonia didn't share the same sentiment, there was a huge lack of flowers here and the castle looked more gloomy than pretty. "Considering all the zombies and demons and stuff, thats probably the right reaction for most of them." Blazermate said, walking by Sectonia. Blazermate was looking around for Bowser and everyone else that were adventuring here. She looked around, and couldn't find Bowser, or anyone for that matter. It was only later that she found out they were fighting the region boss themselves. Since she was a bit bored, Blazermate found a fairly safe spot and sat down and started to do some maintenance, pulling off her parts to clean and fix any slight damage they might have.

Sectonia meanwhile flew around the castle, getting a look at everything. She soon figured that this wouldn't be a great place to start her kingdom, but getting something started here and these people worshiping her wouldn't be a bad idea. She pulled out one of her staffs, and tried casting some magic, but noticed that it still wasn't working for some reason. Seeing as that mismatched 'medabot' knew stuff about this world, Sectonia flew around a bit until she spotted the robot girl. Blazermate was maintaining one of her legs at this moment, her leg in her hand with her tinpet showing where the leg part was. Seeing Sectonia, Blazermate reattached her leg and got up from her sitting position. "I'm waiting for Bowser to get back, Need something?" Blazermate said.

"Blazermate, my magic isn't working. Do you know why?" Sectonia said in a demanding tone. Blazermate scratched her head before saying. "Well... From what I can tell, Galeem did something to everyone. You'll get your powers back in time. It took me days before I could use the Medaforce again, so just give it time." Sectonia wasn't happy with this answer, but considering the medabot hadn't lied to her yet, so she took what Blazermate said at face value. "Very well." Sectonia said, before flying off to woo the citizens of this kingdom to worship her beauty the old fashioned way. Blazermate meanwhile went back to preform maintenance on herself, cleaning herself up before going into a lower power state herself.
@Lucius Cypher

Light- "Jeffry? What are you doing here?"

@Archmage MC Yes.

How do you wanna do it? google doc or something else?
@Rockin Strings So wanna collab Light/Gromgard beating up that transformed cultist or nah?
@BurningDaisies I suggest the DoT thing, seems like it'd fit him well.
@BurningDaisies I don't think Light would even heed that 'bauble' creed thing at all, she barely heeds the other chapter keeper's demands unless directly asked with kindness. Or in the case of Graft/Flan, more out of caution than anything since those two are her natural counters. That being said, you be friendly with her, she'll show the same to you and she'll gladly start the friendship train. Although she doesn't like cats in general, what with looking part fish.

But yeah, all illusion/disguise stuff doesn't work on her, so she'll always know which cat is the main body and often talk to that one. That should be fun, I'm sure that'll be super off putting combined with her aura xD. Even worse if she pets ya xD.
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