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Basically yeah.

So, I just had a weird idea with the whole mech thing. Graft, Chuunitrixx, and Bone Daddy fuse their talents and make not only a giant mech, but a Titan from Attack on titan, but wayyyy better. xD

The important thing about the Cyber Skull is synchronizing with other skeletons, effectively turning Bone Daddy into Bone Daddies, as hell demostrate soon. He doesn’t really gain anything from the Automatron levels aside from meeting qualifications for classes and equipment that require Automatron levels. It does make for a cool aesthetic though.

So is skull daddy eventually going to become a skeletal voltron/gundam?
@Xaltwind Hey, while shes going insane, shes also losing energy, reality, ext... And if she goes over the edge she becomes Light's minion. Although I'm sure that wont happen, a level 60 commanding a level 100 sounds wrong xD.

Biggest thing is being unable to heal unless its via regeneration. Although a hand crawling under your armor like a giant tarantula has got to feel weeeird.
Tora and Blazermate

Level 6 Tora - (39/60) +3
Level 6 Blazermate - (42/60) +3 (+20 for rest halloween event)
Location: Lumbridge
Word Count: 2172

After helping Ceaser make his way to Peach’s Castle, Sectonia took her time to explore the groups ‘home base’, eventually finding a place to take a short nap before the G ranked mission in a few hours. Blazermate meanwhile spent her time trying to clean herself up and tinker with her own parts. While she knew how to fix herself, she wasn’t a mechanic so while she could do an OK job, she’d soon realize that it’d be much easier to ask others for help.

Blazermate spent a bit of time in a stand-by state waiting for the hours to pass by. Once the designated time to gather up for the mission came around, Blazermate made her way to the gathering point through the teleporter, meeting up with everyone. ”Hiya guys. Ready for today?” She said. As she said that, she noticed how shiny Poppi was, compared to herself which, while Blazermate looked ok, she wasn’t nearly as radiant as the mecha lady. She also noticed the worried look on Peach’s face, figuring it was about what was to come.

This got Blazermate thinking, This was supposed to be the boss of this part of the world right? Like that dragon bowser? That fight, overall, wasn’t that bad, although considering that was a much more arrogant and dumb Bowser, it did take awhile and a few people were turned into spirits. What if something that powerful though had actual brains behind it? That could be disastrous! And while Blazermate could heal her own parts, if she went unconscious things would go south fast. And it was at this point Blazermate looked at Poppi again, and it reminded her Tora was very skilled at fixing robotics, even if Poppi looked more like a human with armor. While she didn’t need any hard repairs like that, the upcoming battle might actually facilitate them if things go poorly, and Medabots were probably vastly different than anything Tora had worked on. Realizing this, Blazermate moved to talk to Tora.

”So uh, Tora. You know, with this whole G rank mission coming, I noticed I don’t think I’ve actually talked to you about how to repair me if things went, bad.” Blazermate said, a bit sheepishly. ”Care to step out a bit so I can show you?” Blazermate asked, gesturing to both Tora and Poppi, knowing those two were almost like Medabot and Metafighter.

Since the others had yet to fully assemble, and because of Tora’s rather predictable fascination with robot girls, he Nopon agreed straightaway. “Great idea, meh!” He and Poppi, who seemed to grasp the situation firmly and without humor, followed Blazermate over to where a more private conversation could be held by the nearby river Lum.

With the trio in a more secluded area, Blazermate began. ”So, uh yeah. Repairs...” Blazermate started. She took her Suffering arm and slashed her own leg with its fingers, leaving a scratch. She then began to heal her own minor wound using her right arm, although it healed very slowly. ”As you can see, If my healing arm is operative, I can repair myself slowly.” Blazermate said, when the minor damage was repaired, a bit of ‘scarring’ could be seen, although this was more just Blazermate’s paint missing in that area than anything serious. ”But it only heals the part to working condition, if I want to look pristine, I’ll need a bit of extra work.” She then pulled out her own repair tools, a very simple screwdriver set, and said. ”But if my healing arm gets damaged to the point of shutting down, I can’t repair myself at all, at least as best as I know.” She said, presenting her other arm, the one she used to heal with.

Taking her tools, she sat down and took apart her healing arm, revealing the inner workings and her tinpet. It looked almost comical knowing that the part that gave her healing capabilities came apart so easily. Tora watched the whole time, his enraptured black eyes absorbing every detail; in fact he got so physically close to see that he got in the way several times. Blazermate then raised her now partless arm, showing a very thin frame. ”This is my tinpet, or my skeleton. Its incredibly rare for this to actually get damaged, as its made of some really sturdy stuff, but if it does, I’d need you to help me repair or make a new one.” She said. She then did the same with one of her legs, showing just how simple her frame that her parts sat on was.

Tora looked surprised. “How Blaze-Blaze have such normal components? Frame parts seem unremarkable. Guess material must be special. New spirit parts not explainable, just seem like crazy spirit magic. But Tora could definitely replace original parts if get hurt. Except brainbox, probably. Tora still not able to work with grampypon’s Ether Furnace.”

A longing sigh escaped the Nopon. “Meeeeeeh….Soosoo such incredibly smartypon. Poppi Ether Furnace engineering masterpiece. It absorb ether from atmosphere and other energy sources, refine, then construct new matter from etherium just like normal Blade, using existing matter as blueprint. It how Poppi change forms and repair self quickly.” He looked again at Blazermate’s healing arm. “In Tora world, healing devices use ether to reconstruct damaged tissue. How Blaze-Blaze healing work?”

Blazermate shrugged. ”I’m not entirely sure how my healing works, not to the degree you probably know about your ‘ether’. But basically I take power from my Medal and channel it through this part, and bam, healing beam.” She said, pointing at the parts of her healing arm before showing a bit of difficulty lifting anything with her tinpet arm as she began putting her leg part back on.

“Medal?” Tora looked at Blazermate inquisitively. “What that?”

”I guess now is a better time than any.” Blazermate said. ”You know how you said you couldn’t repair my ‘brainbox’? You can actually very easily repair my head part, my ‘brain’ isn’t actually in there.” Blazermate continued, snapping the last of her leg part back into place before standing up and turning around, showing her back to Tora. Pointing with her tinpet arm at her back, a small hatch opened up, revealing an even smaller, almost quarter sized, gold metal in the center. ”Thats my medal. If I’m defeated, it gets ejected. Thats often how Medafights are won. Its what powers me and where my ‘brain’ is, so to speak.” Blazermate kept a very trained eye on Tora, making it so he didn’t actually touch her Medal.

Tora looked at the thing with reverence, as if Blazermate was showing him a very private and secret treasure. He clearly wanted to touch it, but when she explained its purpose, he knew better than to do so. “Wow....like Blade’s core crystal, except it pop out,” he observed. “And that core supply all Blazermate energy? Tora not understand how possible, but it very cool! Still...” he looked at the Medabot in a new light. “That explain why Blazermate not fight by self and prefer support. Energy supply infinite but not super strong, and materials not good as Poppi’s or as quick to fix.”

”Well, I’m more a support Medabot model. With the right parts I could be an offensive type. Just because I have a Medal doesn’t mean I CAN’T actually be offensive, but I prefer the support parts. Medafights are either 1 on 1 or 3 on 3 though.” Blazermate corrected Tora before saying. ”But yeah… I’d have to say Poppi’s parts look far sturdier than mine.” She then gestures for Tora to help her put her healing arm back on, both so it’d go by faster, and to give him some training on taking off and putting back on Blazermate’s parts.

Tora lent a hand, taking to the task like a fish to water. “Tora wish understood Ether Furnace,” he complained as he worked. “If did, could use tech for other things. Loads of people want weapons that can refill ammo or weaponize elements. Ether construction extremely useful. But it so complicated that can’t be done without intelligence to manage it, so nobody in Tora world able to do it except with Blade. With Tora genius for AI, could make all sorts artificial blades, but...Tora not want them used just like tools. Daddypon Tatazo forced make soulless artificial blades against will to be soldiers.” The memory did not lift Tora’s spirits. As he spoke, Poppi looked on and listened in silence to him talking about the technology and motivation that created her. “Tora also happy with Poppi. If there more artificial blades, Poppi less special.” He reached over and patted her head.

After a moment he returned his attention to Blazermate to help recomplete her. “If Tora could figure out how Blaze-Blaze medal work, though, have small neverending energy supplies that could be very handy. Maybe Tora could study medal sometime?” He put on the finishing touch and waited eagerly for a reply.

Blazermate was a bit taken aback by Tora wanting to use a medal for a non medabot thing, but she quickly recomposed herself as he wasn’t aware of exactly what a medal was. ”Well you see, my Medal also holds my ‘soul’ as it were. The two are inseparable. There was an attempt once in my world where they tried to make a medal as a power source like you suggested, but it ended very, very poorly.” Blazermate started, before looking at Tora very seriously. ”Without the soul or mind in the medal, it eventually burnt out, but that was after the bot in question was… how do we say… dumb. Like, very dumb. They couldn’t do anything but attack. Something as simple as “pick that up” was beyond them. And even then overall they were weaker than a medabot like me.” Blazermate said, not going into much detail beyond that as if something else had happened that wasn’t all that pleasant. ”Although I do have a ‘rare’ Medal, so that helps things.” After this offhanded comment, Blazermate realized she never explained the different medals. ”Oh yeah. I forgot. I have a Rare medal, its a special kind of medal that lets me use the Medaforce, a really powerful, mystical force. Most medabots don’t have these kinds of medals. The only difference between a rare medal and a normal medal though is energy output, Medaforce usage, and independence. Rare ones are better in these fields.” She paused to let Tora absorb that information before continuing. ”But yeah… if you ever see my medal get ejected, make sure you pick it up and keep it safe. Although I don’t know if my world’s rules work with this world’s rules...” She finished, ending on a bit of a dark doubtful note.

The abundance of jargon and new concepts did not seem to phase Tora. “Uh huh...uh huh...I see. Meh, meh...it all sound very interesting. Well, would not want to use Blaze-Blaze medal, but maybe Tora can make more. But sound like not have power without soul, like Blade. Also like Blade, Blaze-Blaze can live on after destroyed if core crystal intact and be reawakened, but Tora suppose friend keep memories while needing new body built.” He scratched his head with a wing. “Meh...Tora wonder if Blaze body could be integrated with Ether Furnace. Surely AI good enough to manage it. If Tora able to make new Ether Furnace, Blaze have double power and could replace base parts with ether ones. Stronger, and can be self-repair very fast.” Clearly his mind already raced with the possibilities, trying to conceptualize a machine that combined Poppi’s unique hardware with Blazermate’s own system, like plugging a brand-new CPU in an old computer.

With Tora’s help, Blazermate’s healing arm was put back in its place. ”That sounds cool! It's like this thing that lets me get Medaforce by healing.” Blazermate said, pointing at the Uberheart in her chest. ”I’m always up for new parts!” She then paused to calm down a bit at how cool that all sounded and got back to explaining repairing bits. ”So, I don’t know if you saw Tora, but if one of my parts stops working, I can’t really move it well. My Tinpet by itself isn’t very strong. Which means...” Blazermate said, tapping her legs. ”If say, something made my legs inoperable, I couldn’t move. We already went over the healing arm, I don’t know about this demon arm, it's a bit a unique case I’ve found… and a broken head part means I can’t see, hear, fly, ext...” She said. ”But as you see, I’m pretty easy to fix up since i’m so modular. Maybe when we have more time and aren’t getting ready for a mission, I’ll let you look at a few more things ~.”

That brooked an enthusiastic response. “Any time, meh!”

Poppi interjected for the first time. “People starting to gather, Masterpon. We should go back.” Tora agreed, and the trio headed for where Brother Grimm towered above the town.


Queen Sectonia

Level 2 Sectonia - (8/20) +1
Word Count: 519
Location: Clik Clak Diner

Sectonia didn’t follow Blazermate as she had left a bit earlier. Upon waking from her nap, The queen bee made her way back to the land of adventure as that was where everyone else was and she really didn’t have anything better to do at this point. Her few interactions with the mushroom people of the castle weren’t the most stimulating, even if they were excellent servants. She’d have to keep them in mind if she was going to make her own kingdom here at some point, although they’d need a more floral design to become more beautiful.

When she reached the Land of Adventure, she decided to try out the local food in the area. She did try to get something back at Peach’s castle, but the kitchen staff weren’t at their posts, and Sectonia had no idea where they were, with the mushroom people apologizing but saying that they couldn’t do anything for her without their princess.

Sectiona would’ve preferred to eat in an actual castle, but since that wouldn’t be a thing without their princess there, she found a quaint little place. While not a castle, it was… fair. She wasn’t a huge fan of all the stone work and lack of plant life, especially flowers, in Lumbridge and the surrounding buildings. That being said, the area at least kept itself clean and there was something quaint about the simple decor.

The Clik Clak Diner did stand out to her though, it clashed horribly with the aesthetics of the other buildings, but it had a more sleek look because of it. Out of sheer curiosity she decided to take a look, as metal wasn’t used much in her world unless it was used for decoration. Flying into the establishment, it looked… clean yet bland.

“May I help you?” The lady at the counter asked, not phased by Sectonia’s presence at all. ”Yes, I hear you serve food here. Do you have Fruits and Honey?” Sectonia said, dignified as always. Seeing as Sectonia was a giant bee lady, the waitress wasn’t surprised at the more odd order. “Take a seat, we’ll have something out for you in a bit.” Sectonia nodded and hovered to a non booth table as she couldn’t actually fit in any of the booths.

There weren’t that many people here at the diner, the most notable being two ‘humans’ as they were called eating their own food at a table adjacent to hers. They looked cleaner than the previous ‘human’ she had met that came back injured, with one of them having a fairly good looking suit on, but at the same time they also looked… shadier? Sectonia didn’t dwell on it too much as her food came right out, the waitress not needing to cook anything seeing as all Sectonia wanted was essentially pancake toppings.

When Sectonia had her food dropped off, the person at the other table, the one in the suit, asked for a milkshake. While not a bad idea, Sectonia kept to her fruits and honey, eating them as dignified as a giant bee with her bee mouth could.
@IceHeart Sorry, I must've misread something. I'll edit it.

And edited, thanks for letting me know. I'm pretty lightheaded right now so yeah.
aand that should work. Ms. Tickles is on the case!
This intruder wasn't the nicest of people, that was for sure. First she just comes prancing in demanding Rodius join her 'guild', then petrifies him from the waist down when he politely ignored her? That wouldn't do! And Light wasn't the only one to think this way, as a few others who didn't listen to Rodius' command to meet up inside the chateau acted upon themselves to defend him int heir own ways. While Light wasn't sure what Chuunitrixx was doing, she did know that this threat was on the ground with a bag over her head, and Rodius was immobilized. Seeing this, and knowing herself to be the strongest physically in the room, Light enacted her plan.

Since Chuunitrixx apparently decided she wanted to go on the attack, self harming herself in the process, Light sliced open a few portals in the air, sticking her arms through one to grab Rodius, helping Talim get a good grip of the boss man. When the incubus had a good grip of the boss and was moving into the chateau with him, Light ripped off one of her hands and opened another portal, forcing that hand into the intruders armor as best as she could, making her hand to crawl around her body and attempt to find its way into this person's armor better where it'd just sit and drain her energy/induce madness, or force her to disrobe in order to get at the invasive arm, while constantly trying to tickle the intruder with no regard for personal boundaries.

Missing her hand, Light opened a final portal to next to Talim, offering to take Rodius off of the sabotur's thin shoulders and helping them escape, making a retreat back to the meeting spot. "Such a rude lady, rude rude rude. Hope she likes tickles~." Light said, in an odd both sing song and threatening voice.
I'm not posting since I don't know anything about power scales or anything. Are we talking DBZ stuff where this person is first form freza and we're at best Vegeta before the ginyus or what? IE, no matter what, even going for pure crits, nothing happens. Or is this more hunter hunter, where critical hits actually still matter, just good luck getting them. Or is this like WoW, 5e, or what?

Knowing that will help me make a post that is more than 4 lines long.

Although I guess I have an idea for a post then, since shes distracted that wont rely too much on this.

With Courier 6 and Ace Cadet and Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Word Count 2347
Ace Cadet: Level: 4 - Total EXP: 29/40 +3
Courier 6: Level7 - (19/70) +3
Blazermate: Level 6 - (19/60) +3
Sectonia Level 2 - (7/20) +3
Location: Lumbridge, the Land of Adventure

Courier 6 had left the Guild Hall with his robot trailing slightly behind, carrying all manner of things pilfered from the casino down the hole. Some of the things he knew he’d be taking advantage of immediately, such as a large bottle of whiskey he now took large gulps from. It was an impressive amount of supplies that Gaige-Tron had stored in its internal cavity to be certain, but still not enough. He needed more… Natural ingredients. Luckily such things could be found in the Land of Adventure, and all around Lumbridge, in spades. Plenty of plants and other vegetation to combine into what he was working on.

“What sorts of things are you gonna cook up, master?” Gaige-Tron asked. The Courier winced.

”I reckon ya shouldn’t be callin’ me that. No gods. No masters.” He took another gulp of whiskey. Gaige-Tron wasn’t sure how to process that information. It was designed to have free will certainly, and had some brain patterns from the human named Gaige to guide its thinking, but the Courier was its creator. More than that, it was hardwired to obey the Courier’s orders. How was it supposed to address him, then?

“Boof!” someone suggested.

The Courier stopped in his tracks, followed momentarily after by Gaige-Tron, who almost dropped some plastic casino chips. He looked around for the source of the bark while the robot scrambled to get a better grip of its ill-gotten winnings.

Just a few meters away stood the origin of the sudden noise. White of fur, full of fluff, and austerely regal of posture, the magnificent dog -either a Great Pyrenees or a rather big Laborador- stared down his snout at the odd pair. After a moment he lowered his head a touch and started padding toward them, his armor clinking with every step.

Behind them, another few familiar adventurers left the Hall. Well, mostly familiar to the Courier and getting more familiar with each other. At least that was the plan. The Ace Cadet was genuinely glad to give anyone a tour of the town, making sure they got what they needed before everyone reconvened to take on the final quest. To that end, the hunter led two of the crew, introduced as Blazermate and Sectonia, out through the Guild Hall's doors and into the sunlight.

"Seems like the squad's getting bigger every day," he remarked to the two ... ladies...? "Not that I mind! I always heard it was bad luck to go on missions with more than four people but never really believed it."

Cadet was friendly and his words came easily like they always had. He stopped after a few steps to regard the others. "You'll probably wanna stop by the Sister's smithy to get your armor looked at, Blazermate. I mean it looks awesome don't get me wrong! Between you and that other guy I'd love to get some myself, but doesn't hurt to get it checked out, right?" He smiled at them, his expression full of humor. Something was really funny about the pair. Sectonia, a Neopteron or... Neopteron-looking thing, and Blazermate who's armor sure looked like it had been taken pieces straight from a Neopteron's chitin - and yet they were friends. Or seemed to be, anyway.

”Oh, I don’t think they could help me. My parts are a bit more complicated than you think.” Blazermate said, looking at the store and noting how little tech there actually was there.

Speaking of Sectonia, she'd been asking about her crown earlier, and Cadet was about to suggest something when an unfamiliar sound reached his ears. It was one of those things that were sort of like bigger, weirder cats. He'd seen a few around Lumbridge but never one all dressed up in armor! His interest piqued, the hunter all but dragged the poor inhuman ladies over with him toward the Courier and the animal. Blazermate followed without much complaint, especially considering what the Cadet was going towards while Sectonia flew more with a harumph, not really having anything better to do at this moment as it were anyway.

"Aw! Another new friend?"

The dog seemed to understand he was being talked to, and pivoted to head over to the Cadet. He boldly walked right up and pushed his head under the monster hunter’s hand, demanding to be pet.

”Aw, doggie!” Blazermate said, joining Cadet in petting the armored dog. Why someone dressed up a normal dog in armor, as if they were mistaken about what a dog type medabot was, Blazermate didn’t know. Sectonia meanwhile, was just confused but just watched what this creature would do. It wasn’t as ugly as the thing that bit her earlier, but armor on a four legged thing like that looked very awkward.

Cadet scratched the animal’s chin and head. ”Doggie? That’s what it’s called? It’s cool, fluffy, cute… like a Palico sort of! Palidoggie.”

The Courier stepped closer wearing a big, friendly smile. It was very much unlike the kinds of smiles that the others had gotten used to seeing from him. This was more quaint, wholesome. He gave the dog some ear scratches. ”Dogs, rather. In much better condition than the wild mongrels of the Mojave Wasteland. Pretty darn good with animals if’n I say so myself. Oh, speaking of which…”

He pulled out the two pokeballs hanging from his belt and released their contents. Two bright balls of energy emerged and took form, solidifying into a heracross and a donphan. ”Mornin’ Ivories. Mornin’ Bugfoot.” The heracross clapped enthusiastically while the donphan gave what could only be described as the best salute possible using its trunk.

Caesar jumped backward in a dextrous evasive maneuver, not afraid but alarmed and alerted by the monsters’ sudden appearance. He did not run off, however, instead trusting in the Courier that he’d keep these beasts under control.

Sectonia wasn’t too interested in the dog, at least right now. It looked like a more complex looking version of the creatures that walked around Foralia and Popstar for sure, but with roughly the same intelligence. What did get her attention however was Courier unleashing his pokemon. ”So, you can summon your own minions?.Something you found in this world?” Sectonia said, pointing out the Courier’s pokemon, noticing they came out of red and white spheres he had thrown. She knew of the spirit way of summoning, but this looked far different.

”Its ok doggie, they’re just Pokemon.” Blazermate said to ease the dogs' worries. Considering her demon arm and all the stuff they had gone through in the Dead Zone, it made sense why he’d jump at creatures suddenly appearing, but pokemon were cuddly looking from what Blazermate knew, so hopefully he’d notice that too.

”A couple of us can stow away and summon stuff,” Cadet noted to Sectonia, who nodded. ”Kind of jealous, wish we had somethin’ like that where I come from!” He stood up straight and patted the dog’s side. He vaguely wondered if it could fit in one of those spheres, but it didn’t really… look like the “Pokemon,” exactly.

”Need something, dog?” the hunter asked, but after a beat he looked up and between the Courier and Blazermate. ”Can dogs talk?”

”Heh. Depends on the dog.” the Courier chuckled, thinking back to the various cyberdogs in the Big Empty with their bionic enhancements that gave them computerized voice boxes and human intelligence. ”Not normally, no. But I reckon with all the crazy shit in this multiverse we’ll run into at least one at some point.”

”What 6 said. I know in my universe we have both normal and talking dogs, depending if the dog is a medabot or not.” Blazermate said, reaffirming what the Courier had said. ”Things like this don’t exist where I come from.” Sectonia said, eyeing the creatures that the courier had released and the flowers just beyond them.

Cadet nodded, seeming a bit disappointed. He looked into the furry animal’s eyes and asked him directly, ”Are you the talking kind?”

Caesar stared at him, uncomprehending. After a moment he pushed his head under the hunter’s hand again. This time, however, he gave two dry coughs, one after another, almost like gasping for something. The red head looked at him curiously. Not the talking kind then, but clearly he wanted something. ”Water? Food? Uh I’ve got…”

He rifled through his bag and produced several small berries, meant for Pokemon though he didn’t know it, and bone he’d taken from the pile of stuff yesterday.

Off to the side Ivories and Bugfoot had started a staredown, with the donphan in particular huffing and puffing in a competitive way while the heracross smiled back in a way that said, “I dare you.”

When presented with the food, Caesar sniffed the berries before taking them, gently and in a dignified manner, to eat. Some juice spattered on the grass, and after a pained moment he bent down to lick at it. His floppy ears drooped magnificently. While the dog seemed to like the berries, he didn’t go crazy enough about them to suggest food was what he was looking for.

”Let me give it a shot,” the Courier said, taking a step forward and holding his hand out. ”Animals got a certain connection t’me fer some reason, more often’n not. What d’you need, boy? Talk t’me.” While it wasn’t an ability he had to activate, the Courier willed that his Animal Friendship work as hard as it could in hopes that he could interpret or analyze this big armored dog’s needs and wants.

It didn’t take a whole lot of intuition to tell that Caesar needed water. Panting plus dry gasping meant a thirsty dog. Berries, though mostly liquid, didn’t quite scratch the itch.

”Ah, easy. This hombre just needs some liquid refreshment.” He checked his pack, but found the only liquids were chems or alcohol. He frowned. Rushing Water would have worked, it was more water than chem, but the dog didn’t need to get hopped up on something that gave him energy and speed… Assuming the dog’s physiology would even work with the drug properly. He gestured for Gaige-Tron to come over, and the robot did so.

”Ya got any water from that casino stored up?” he asked it.

“Oh yeah, boss!” the robot answered enthusiastically, having decided on a different moniker than “master.” It opened its chest cavity and fished out a bottle of water. 6 smiled, uncapped it, and offered the liquid to the dog.

Caesar nosed the bottle, clearly eager for its contents, and as 6 started to pour he snapped at the stream enthusiastically, snagging mouthful after mouthful of clear, sweet water. That set his tail wagging, and once the bottle ran dry he pushed up against the Courier, leaning against him affectionately.

”Aww, its like a movie!” Blazermate said, giving as cutsy as a face as she could, with the lack of most facial features. Sectonia, the ever stand-ofish one couldn’t help but give a bit of a smirk herself, as while these two creatures weren’t the best looking, the moment was wholesome enough to be beautiful.

”Although, if this dog has way more intelligence than I’m used to, wouldn’t this be almost patronizing? Dunno if that’d be bad or not.” Blazermate said after getting over the cute moment, thinking to herself for a bit.

Cadet had no clue what a movie was, but for once he didn’t ask. The Courier’s way with animals remained as impressive as it back in the Coral Highlands. The hunter grinned down at the dog, and never one to stay silent for long he said, ”Feeling better? That’s good! Wish we could learn your name.

...think it would be a good idea to bring it along on the G-rank quest with us? It’s got a pretty spiffy set of armor on and all, bet it’s trained to fight a least a little, right?”

The dog sat down and lifted up a leg to scratch his ear, mostly ending up batting at his helmet instead. His collar jingled as he did. The noise brought the Cadet’s attention to the name tag and he knelt down to read it, a sheepish grin on his face.

”Oh. Caesar?” The rest of his collar’s inscription read, Commander of Cherrystone Kingdom. Royal pet of Queen Mercia. The dog panted, recognizing his name.

Meanwhile, the Courier’s Pokémon had given up on their staring contest and had engaged in an actual contest of strength. The donphan has charged the heracross, who was holding it in place using its powerful arms to grip the tusks. Both pushed against the other, locked in place. Neither was giving up any ground.

”Cool it, you two.” On his order the Pokémon stopped their squabble, Bugfoot being only too happy to do so while Ivories was more reluctant. He then gave them some snacks Gaige-Tron took from the casino, which they were only too happy to gobble up.

The Courier crouched down by the dog. ”Wanna come with us, Caesar? Fair warnin’, it’ll be heckin’ dangerous.”

While the dog didn’t understand the gunslinger’s words aside from his own name, something in 6’s tone reached him. The sense of warning got across, and when he felt it, Caesar's mouth closed and his tail went down. He gave a faint protesting whine, unhappy about the prospect of being brought along if something was going to be seriously dangerous.

”Why not leave him at Peach’s Castle? I don’t see a problem with that, do you?” Blazermate suggested, noting that Kamek was setting up the teleporter to the castle as they spoke.

The idea sat well with the Courier, and after everyone agreed, they made arrangements -at the Cadet’s suggestion- to leave Caesar with Rick, the cucco tender. While the boy dealt mainly with poultry, he could take care of a dog no problem, especially one as splendid as Caesar. Plus, with Linkle reclaiming cuccos, he found himself with a little time to spare. Once the dog received his last scratched from 6 before leaving, the gunslinger proceeded to crafting.
Given that Ainz (who is primarily a caster) took a head-on blow from a troll and didn't even flinch, I somehow doubt Light could actually gouge out Morgan's eyes... Plus, dying Mamoru-clone put a sack on her head anyway...

What I don't get it is...

She's down on the ground! Everyone! Run up to and start kicking her while she's down! THAT'LL WORK FOR SURE!

Yeah but there is a bit of a difference between buldgening and precise stabbing, so yeah, it'd be up to tree.

What about long range kicks, that'll work even better!
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