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Ouch, virus is getting a few people I know too. None have died yet though. I know I'm also waiting for the state to open up a program to buy/donate 3d printed medical supplies so I can help out there, but it hasn't happened yet.

On an unrelated note, I found the ending credits song from "portal 3" (Lego Dimensions) and wow, its just as good as the previous two.

Blazermate and Queen Sectonia

Level 6 Blazermate - (45/60) +3
Level 2 Sectonia - (14/20) +3
LoA - Mountain Range
Word Count: 1662

The Brother Grimm was a beast of a vehicle, even after Bowser basically blew it to smithereens with Blazermate's help back in the wastelands. Apparently while in the land of adventure, the monster vehicle got repaired, although it didn't look quite as good as it originally did. Blazermate had no qualms with riding in this thing unlike Sectonia, and gladly sat by Tora. Sectonia took a bit of convincing to get her to ride in the car, and even when she finally got into the vehicle, her disdain could be clearly seen on her face. The only thing that kept her from outright denying the ride was the sheer distance to their travel destination.

"I take it this will be used to get us around this vast world." Sectonia said, the dislike for the Brother Grimm clear in her voice as she took her seat. Her lower half made sitting in seats designed for things with legs very akward, which really didn't help her mood at all. "Probably, until we find something better." Blazermate said. "You guys did a good job fixing this up after Bowser blew it up." She continued, complimenting all the mechanics on board. As the truck roared to life, Sectonia covered one of her ears in annoyance.

She then noticed that Bowser and his squad weren't onboard this monster of a vehicle, but were in their own? Bowser drove a car that was fairly large as well, although not nearly the size of the Brother Grimm. Sectonia did note it looked better than the Brother Grimm, but still looked somewhat comical with its front and back being styalized the way they were. Although none of that compared to the sheer travesty against fasion that was the thing Bowser's son was riding in. While it looked the most comfortable out of everything for someone of Sectonia's shape, the clown motif just made it look childish. Noting the irony of the child of the childish bowser riding in such a childish car made Sectonia chuckle a little. Still, she did mull over the idea of trying the Bowser Mobile, but being next to that loud buffoon really didn't make up for the slight increase in comfort in her eyes.

"None of you have anything beautiful to travel this world. I'll have to fix that later." Sectonia said. She would've done something about that if she had access to the magic that allowed her to remake things, but she still didn't have much of her magic power. Blazermate meanwhile was having fun chatting and catching up with everyone who was in the Land of Adventure as they traveled. Cuphead was the most energetic of the group and Blazermate got to chat a lot with the odd cup boy. While it took her a bit to actually understand what he was saying at first, chatting with him and everyone else was nice.


At first, Traveling in the Brother Grimm was bearable for Sectonia, the scenery of the land being somewhat relaxing and mysterious. This all eneded abruptly and her tolerance turned to disdain when they reached the wasteland due to the constant bumps of the road and the occasional swerve that happened as they dodged the occasional thing that tried to run them off the road. "Maybe I should've chosen to ride with the buffoon..." Sectonia grumbled, watching as Bowser had a much smoother ride, although his road rage didn't help his case much even if it did clear the way for the truck. Blazermate was also not enjoying the ride, but not to the degree of dislike Sectonia was having. "Huh, guess this wasn't as fixed as I thought? Or was it always this bumpy?" Blazermate said, her suffering arm gripping her seat a bit too tightly and leaving dents.

After a bit of some super bumpy travel, the truck stopped at a ravine. Peach called out to the people in the back that she was going to jump it, which was Sectonia's que to leave the vehicle and just fly over the ravine, especially since their goal was in sight. It was clear on her face she was done with this 'joyride'. Blazermate was a bit curious to see how this would go, as she could jump out and fly if she needed to, so she stayed to enjoy the jump of the Grimm. Unlike a few others in the truck, Blazermate's firm grip kept her from flying out as the truck made its jump. The landing however wasn't very fun at all, and some of the people in the truck got hurt from being flung about, most notably Cuphead. Blazermate, after recovering from the landing, healed him up at his request. Sectonia looked at the rough landing and was thankful she had the foresight to avoid something so crude.


With the arrival of the Brother Grimm, the defenders of the area came out of hiding to attack the group. Bowser called out to a few of their compatriots, saying something about having seen them before before him and his minions started to attack. Sectonia could see why he called himself king at this point, even if he was still a big buffoon with the amount of minions under his command. Most looked pretty weak however, Sectonia confident her army was far stronger than his at this stage if she was back in Floralia. Still, she had to give it to the koopa king, at least his title wasn't all bluster like that big penguin.

Blazermate got to work herself as everyone else summoned their strikers and engaged in battle. Seeing as Bowser, Kamek, and Jr. were hiding behind their troops, Blazermate decided to support them by summoning Dell, who got to work on making his sentry and dispenser. Seeing as they weren't getting hurt being back here, Blazermate made her way towards the big brawl, biting a few of the Dry Bones that Kamek had summoned along the way, causing them to sprout spikes and other strange mutations that made them far less cartoonish and much more ghoulish and stronger.

Sectonia meanwhile was unleashing her frustration and anger about the whole ride here on the poor subspace army. She could at least blink, which made her very happy as she used her swords to cut the flying and non flying creatures of the subspace army, often teleporting before striking them in one big graceful motion. The odd weaponry that some of the primids had did catch the queen off guard sometimes though. One being the Sword primids, who while didn't have the best of reaction times, their swords just passed right through hers and often if she didn't catch them off guard, Sectonia would end up trading blows with the things.

Blazermate soon made it to the little party that Courier had made, being near the frontlines where the people being injured were located. Due to the fact that Sectonia didn't stay in one space for long, Blazermate could only intermiddedly heal her when she came into range. This made it so Blazermate had to keep her beam on the Courier as she aided in a bit of the fighting herself. Unlike Sectonia who was more in the back of the enemy lines, laughing haughily as she struck the strange beings down, Blazermate occupied the flank like the coruier did. She tried to keep to one on one fights as best as she could, her suffering arm biting attacks she blocked. While she didn't focus at biting foes at the start, upon defeating a primid that her arm had bitten, Blazermate noticed it rose as a zombie, and with a few barks from her arm, the zombie followed her commands and shambled to attack its previous bretheren.

"OK, that is cool!" Blazermate said, noticing what her arm could do. Getting an idea, she decided to sort of copy what Sectonia was doing, although not to the point of what the bee queen was doing and playing far more defensively. Thanks to her scan, Blazermate could see enemies who were greatly weakened from damage, and if they were near her, she'd go out to finish them off with a bite to rise a new zombie. If she felt she could stand to be in the area, either by it being guarded by the Courier's kill squad or Blazermate assisting Sectonia in a kill, Blazermate would mutate the zombie further before sending it at its brethen. Still even with all of this, Blazermate didn't dive very far at all into the subspace army and kept herself within the protection range of the courier and Bowser.

Sectonia, being annoyed at some of these exotic weapons that dare strike her held by these odd creatures, out of habit, pulled out one of her staffs, teleported above some primids and decided to smite those below. To her surprise, she could actually use her divine lightning, the dark lightning striking down below and damaging tight groups of Primids, the floating fish things, and whatever got hit by her lightning. Laughing out of joy, she rained lightning down on the ground forces of the Subspace army. While Light Jak, the plane carrying Donnie and Cuphead, and some attacks from her grounded allies kept most of the air forcse away from her, a few with long range weapons such as Ray Guns got a few hits on the bee queen, annoying her. Eventually after a few hits she was forced to retreat, blinking rapidly as she approached the frontlines again, slashing a Primid in half with a double back slash with her swords before rejoining The Courier and Blazermate. She wasn't hurt too badly, but enough to start looking for some healing.

This was one of the few moments Sectonia wasn't teleporting around the battlefield, allowing Blazermate to get some actual healing on her, although she didn't stop with the lightning, sweeping weaker arcs of it in front of her.
You're in enough trouble as it is, tiny sir. Don't go throwing oil on the fire. :P

You don't wanna have fun times with Light? Rodius almost did, til the gorgon showed up xD.
Ashara gonna get eateds! :<

Funny enough, force feeding something one of her body parts is how Light deals with people she can't just rip apart. Can't stop the insanity/energy drain of something thats inside you unless your like Majin buu. Plus it also makes her siphon work in overdrive so... Don't eat the void creature, She'll live, you wont xD.

You can probably ask her for assistance over the link if you want.
Open Line is passive, so anyone in the call could hear anyone else.

"grabs a bag of popcorn."

Light- "This is going to be good!"
We need a weremongoose. Or a dog. Dogs beat snekks, right? I mean, dad's dog back when he was a kid would attack and kill 'em. Sure, she'd get bit and poisoned too, but she shook it off in a few hours~

Nah we need a Honey Badger. They just don't care about anything a snake can do xD.
As she was assisting Talim and Rodius to get to the Climax hour, Light could feel her other hand being squeezed through a narrow, slimy tube, as if it was eaten. "Ew, someone ate my hand. Welp, whoever did is probably dead." It didn't feel like the intruder herself ate Light's hand, so Light figured they summoned something to 'dispose' of her appendage. It was around this time she saw the look of fear on Rodius's face. "Oh don't worry bossman, thats just my aura... right? Well, it can't be making things any better..." Light said, trying to cheer Rodius up.

When the trio got to the Climax Hour, Light got the order to get the thing she was protecting this entire time out and into the boss's hands. "Ok... Welp, I guess it had to be used eventually, but now? Well, I don't even know what it does, so... yeah. Okie Dokie boss!" Light said, a bit confused at the order and how badly Rodius wanted the item. Putting one of her now freed fingers into her mouth, she blew into it, a new hand 'popping' out of the stub that was left when she ripped her old one off to attack the gorgon. She flexed her new hand a bit before slashing open a portal, teleporting to the vault room itself.

Light didn't have a portal that lead to the inside of the vault itself, but lead to the foyer of the vault. The vault door was very juxtaposed from the more eldritch area before it, looking like a big cartoony bank vault door instead of something that came out of HP lovecraft. Using her strength, Light opened up the very thing she had been guarding, going inside to pick up the item in question.

The vault, or at least the part that held the World Item, was pretty much vacant besides the item itself. There were other parts of the vault with different stuff stored in them, but as for now she was here for the big treasure. If anyone else had asked for this, light would've denied them, but Rodius was the boss and had the final say in what happened in here. Taking the treasure off its pedestal, Light stored it in her pocket space under her dress. With her job done, Light left the vault, sealed it back up, and made her way back to the Climax hour with one of her portals.

When she arrived, she looked around until she found Rodius. Making her way to the boss, she said. "OK boss, I got it." She made sure that the area was safe before pulling out the world item and gave it to Rodius. "Hope you know what your doing boss." She then got a thought and in another attempt to cheer up Rodis, she continued. "If bad things happen, couldn't we level and come back?"
@The Irish Tree Means the tickles are working even better! But on the snake.

TBH I didn't even see that hider. Post is going up then!

BTW, Light isn't a slime, but I can see how you can get her confused with one. Shes still solid though. Although parts of her might be a bit bouncy xD.
So, do you want me to get that item before or after I know how the hand tickles worked?
Light would LOVE to help with making a giant mech since that sounds so cool. The only problem is that there is nothing she can really do.
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