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Level 8 Blazermate - (51/80) +1

Limsa Lominscuttle Town
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate followed Bowser into the bar, where he was accosted by a large, drunk, fat man wearing a toga. While Blazermate was familiar with drunks, this guy gave off an aura of fun, calm, and felt like he could start a party at any time. He mentioned Bowser being some kind of god, which Bowser refuted before declaring himself king, which made Blazermate chuckle at the oddity of everything. Another man that was with him, another anime looking person, although not nearly as good looking as Sephiroth, approached the group and offered to take one of them on a date. Ms. Fortune, being the cat she was, gave a bit of a 'catty' response of maybe before dashing off somewhere. "This zone must be so much better than the dead zone for this kinda thing." Blazermate said.

Wanting to keep them on task, Blazermate said, more because she couldn't do much at a bar and less about the mission. "So uh, Bowser. We should find link." She then thought for a moment, and asked the large drunk toga party guy. "Hey, why did you think Bowser was a god? Do you worship something like him or something?" Blazermate said, completely unaware of Bachus's actual divinity.

Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (38/50) +1

Atop the Cliff
Word Count: Less than 750

Still more and more things come out of the dunes to attack Sectonia and her group. Her lightning was extemely effective, although dangerous, when used on the first lamia that attacked her. The dangerous part came in when the air was still charged with ambient electricity, the dark sparks emanating off the dust that Sectonia had struck in the air with her bolt. With the aid of Tora and the phantom troop, one Lamia was down, although a new wheeled monstrosity and a local came in. While one was hostile, the other wasn't. Seeing as this was the new big threat, and confident in Sectonia's abilities, the others left the other snake person to her, which leaped at her. Although it didn't really account for their size differences, and Sectonia having a fun idea in her head to teach this thing a lesson, blocked it with her staff, using her other free hand to grab it around its neck as it tried to bite around her staff. She then took off into the sky, the lamia starting to panic a bit in her grasp as it saw the ground vanish and nothing but sky fill its vision.

After getting enough height to make a good impression, Sectonia. let the lamia go, it hanging onto her staff with its teeth in desperation. Of course this didn't mean much to the bee queen, who just dismissed her staff and watched as the lamia fell. However, while Sectonia was expecting a bit of a 'splash' when the snake landed, it wasn't the splash she was expecting. Out of either instinct, or a stroke of genius, the Lamia angled itself into the sand pit it had emerged from and in one elegant motion, dove into it with a slight splash, only taking minimal damage. Sectonia descended a bit slowly, confused for a moment as to what had just happened, before saying. "Hmph." shaking off her mild shock and moving to aid the others in their fight.

Level 8 Blazermate - (50/80) +1

Limsa Lominscuttle Town
Words: Less than 750

Sephiroth, at the smash tower, agreed with Blazermate for the most part, deciding to go with the team. Although he gave her quite the sharp retort about how there was also sand at the beach, which Blazermate retorted, a bit embarrassed but also petty. "Yeah, but thats fun sand! You can't make a sand castle out of the desert sand!" Bowser also looked a bit bothered, but Blazermate wasn't sure why. Ms Fortune then made a good observation, which Bowser backed up, they were flesh and needed food, sleep, and bathing. Although that middle thing wasn't something Blazermate figured they needed, they weren't in the dead zone for THAT long! Still, the cleaning bit sounded like a good idea, the medabot had dust and grime all over her beautiful blue parts.

When they reached the area of Blue team, the coastal city of Limsa Lominscuttle Town however, Ms. Fortune, who had brought up the idea of bathing, decided to take a dip in the water nearby. This gave Blazermate an idea, and while the rest of the group was interested in seeing the bathing Ms Fortune, well, bathing was a bad idea, she apparently was just as take apart and put togther ad Blazermate! Just a flesh version! Blazermate made a much less noticeable splash nearby to clean off all the dead zone grime. while she was a robot, she was a medabot, and thus didn't run on electricity or need circuitry or any of that, so water didn't bother her at all. Although she couldn't swim without aqua parts, so she just fell to the relative shallow bottom, climbing up the nearby wall and back to the rest of the team after she had washed herself off, making sure to follow the team as they went to look for blue team. She was there to catch Ms. Fortune's comment about "cat got your tongue", and while still dripping water, she said, tapping her faceplate. "I'm a medabot, I don't have a tongue, or mouth."

Surprisingly in this sprawling, pretty, and NOT DEAD town, it didn't take too long for them to find Peach. Bowser, the one that knew her the most, was the one who made first contact, making sure everyone could get to the princess. After a quick chat and Peach being updated about all that had happened, Blazermate and the rest of the group learned that Link had been abducted by someone, who was keepign him hostage at a restaurant. Blazermate commented saying. "Sounds like a date." She didn't have a need to eat, so she didn't share Bowser and Ms. Fortune's desire for food, but she was interested into seeing who abducted link to date him. He was alright, but he wasn't that pretty.

Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (37/50) +1

The Bridge
Word Count: Less than 750

"From what I can gather." Sectonia said to Midna, when she asked about how to handle the Galeem controlled mercs. "Don't attack them and offer what they want, and they'll follow you like any follower. They just wont know why."

When they arrived at the new area, much to Sectonia's annoyance, they decided to fly people around, with one of the youths that had gone to the pyramid apparently transforming into some kind of UFO thing with tentacles. The Queen found this very strange, but she also did realize that the lady didn't like using this form out of its ugliness, so the Queen could understand that at least. Looking over the area, with Midna and Tora commenting on the creatures around, Midna commenting how she could use one back at her castle, Sectonia scoffed. "Even those 'dragons' need to be more beautiful. Maybe some ornate patterns, crystals, or flowers would help, but I doubt it." She was then reminded of the Medic and his need for experimentation, and asked him. "Doctor, how well do you think you could make these creatures more beautiful?" His response wasn't what Sectonia was expecting from the man, and gave her a bit to think about.

After carrying some of the phantom troop up the cliff, they eventually found their way to some sand pit. "Hmph, a Queen isn't a 'taxi service'." she said, deciding to go with the scouting party than grabbing a few others. Besides the only ones left seemed to be interested in the stuff below or were too large for her to carry anyway. As they scouted the area above, they found a strange sand pit. Sectonia, being the residential flyer, and the only one who's only method of movement was flying, didn't care much at all about this as she could just fly over it. Joker however, who was curious, mentioned that when he touched it, his "MP" drained, whatever that was. Tora tried the same thing, but didn't feel a thing, much like he should. It was just sand after all. However, as they disturbed the area, two snake like women appeared, jumping towards the party to attack them.

"Hmph. Stay in your sand." Sectonia said at the snakes, summoning one of her staffs to strike them with her dark lightning. Considering how hot it was here and the 'work' she had to do, she wasn't really much in the mood with dealing with an ambush from such repugnant creatures.

Level 8 Blazermate - (49/80) +2

Smash Tower
Words: 939

Everyone got through the teleporter without a hitch, beating the explosion. Once she could summon the engineer again, Blazermate would tell him to destroy the teleporter on the Dead Zone side so no one took it and accidentally got blown up. Of course, before that happened, Blazermate had to get an ear full from the current director of Smash Tower who gave everyone their missions and whatnot as they had returned in 'failure', which Blazermate took issue with. But before she could say anything about that, Bowser spoke first explaining the situation in his usual loud roary manner. "What he said. Plus the zone is going to blow up soon from a nuke. We can go back after that happens." Blazermate said, her annoyance a bit lessened due to Bowser stealing the show.

Their new recruit, Sephiroth, wandered off apparently just looking for something to do, looking through the new area he found himself in after being freed from galeem or... something? Blazermate was a bit distracted helping Bowser in his argument to notice where he went off to. But after they were done with their little spat with the director, Bowser wanting to go to Blue team to meet up with his kid, Sephiroth approached Blazermate asking her about how the world worked, being free and all. He wasn't the first to ask Blazermate this, and she doubted he'd be the last. Although what got her almost blushing was his little polite bow while asking her name like a samurai, although it looked different without the armor.

"Oh, uhm..." Blazermate started. Seeing as most of the group had dispursed, she hoped she could get a few others in this conversation. Ms. Fortune seemed to be the only other one around who didn't know any of this stuff, so Blazermate dragged her over to take a listen with Sephiroth. "I'm Blazermate, our teams medic bot. But thats what -mate medabots do, so I'm fine with it." She then continued after shyly scratching her faceplate. "So spirits. They're the thing you get when baddies controlled by Galeem are defeated. If you put them into your medal... err heart they give you lots of cool new powers! If you put them in your head, which I just learned recently, you get their knowledge and some changes but not that much. You can bond with them to summon them, with no changes to yourself, or crush them into weapons and such." Blazermate said, summerizing how spirits worked. "When you absorb a spirit, your body changes like me and Bowser there. I'm a medabot, so replacing parts on my body is like, just what I do. And these parts are awesome because I still keep my old parts! Buut they don't work like that for you, so yeah, take care what you take into yourself. Only get the really cool ones with really cool powers!" She continued, then explaining the whole shape changing aspect of them. "But uh, don't just go attacking Galeem people indiscriminately, as some are peaceful and can be your friends later, and usually those ones aren't as strong anyway. Wait for stuff to attack you, or the boss spirits to get the REALLY good stuff. Like this shield arm here, I can make zombies and control them with this! its really cool! Although it twiches a bit and I don't like that... But I haven't played a video game since I got here so thats not suuuch a big deal." Blazermate finished, giving Sephiroth a run down on why not to attack people at random if they were galeem controlled, something Blazermate had learned herself. She also, although poorly, explained that spirits had a detrimental side to them as well.

After having explained everything, Blazermate thought a bit. She looked over the two she had just explained this to and saw that while Ms. Fortune seemed to be totally ready to follow her and Bowser to the blue side thing, Sephiroth looked a bit... lost? He after all was new and this was a lot to take in, so Blazermate said. "Hey do you two wanna come with me and Bowser to the beach? I think thats where Blue team went. There is a casino ran by the literal Devil there, and uh, other cool stuff. I only know about the casino though." Blazermate said, opening the offer up to the other two. Blazermate then noticed how Sephiroth looked at Bowser. Not in any mean way, but a bit... worried? He was just as hard to read as Sectonia, but being nice helped with that so... "Don't worry too much about Bowser. Just be nice to him and he'll be your bestest of bestest friend!" Blazermate said, saying it in an adoring cute voice and giving Bowser a thumbs up. "But uh, yeah. Don't get on his bad side. He can grow giant and punches dragons without a care in the world. He can also take one heck of a beating, although I'd be nice if he didn't get hit sooo much, but makes my job easier I guess..." Blazermate said, probably saying a bit too much but still in a friendly voice. After trailing off, she then continued. "But yeah, you two should totally come. Its a lot better than Yellow team, they are in a desert where sand is. Sand that gets into your joints and takes forever to get out, and I doubt it'd do well for your hair. I wonder how our other person of royalty is doing out there?" Blazermate finished, ready to get going to the next zone.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (36/50) +2

Traveling through the desert
Word Count: 868

Yes indeed, this 'doctor' was indeed quite offputting indeed. What really made Sectonia weary of him was his apparent lack of, well... personal space? Not in the physical sense, although an offhanded comment from Midna made Sectonia weary of this as well, but just... pure audacity. When approached by the man asking for how her body worked, Sectonia tried her best not to get angry, which to the medic would only be a stern look from the bee queen. "Doctor, it is best not to ask a Queen such questions at this time." He was their healer in this group, and she knew some of the things they had to face, so she couldn't just up and go off on him when in the end he was support at the end of the day. Saying that, she did continue. "My minions on the other hand I don't mind you working on. I have plenty more." This speech was a double meaning, since she caught Midna noticing the doctor's 'interest' in experiments, which Sectonia would rather avoid entirely.

With the medic busy interacting with the phantom troop who had arrived, finding the ally they had been seeking, Sectonia hovered over to Midna and while the medic was preoccupied with the the transforming cat mascot of the group, Sectonia whispered to Midna. "From one royalty to another, We should keep an eye on each other around that one." pointing at the Medic. With that said, she hovered back to look at the others as they traveled to their next destination. Seeing as they were her new 'minions' and unlike hers they had a mind of their own, Sectonia figured it would be best to understand what they all did. Although from the looks of things, she figured what most of them did by their gear. But if they had odd items like a Sandwich made using a Maximum Tomato, they might have hidden talents. Speaking of the sandwich wielding man, Sectonia started with him.

"So 'Heavy', Besides what I saw on the battlefield, is there anything else I should know about what you do?" Sectonia asked Heavy. Out of everyone they had recruited, he seemed to show the queen the most respect, so she started with him. After hearing the Heavy explain himself, Sectonia had one followup question, curious as to the Sandvich he offered earlier. "You ate that earlier, no? How many do you have?" She did take the offered Sandvich, tearing off a small bit to try. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't something she preferred. Sandwiches were not her preferred food, as she preferred much sweater tasting dishes. Sandwiches did exist in Floralia much like the heavy described, although the meats were far different, most likely animals from his land. She would put this preference aside if she needed to eat this maximum tomato substitute in the future. "An interesting Maximum Tomato substitute. Thank You." Sectonia then moved on to the other mercs, giving the other merc who inquired about the item the other half of the Sandvich, the queen having reservations about Maximum Tomatoes, and by proxy, their substitutes.

She listened to the other mercs as they explained what they could do, getting a feel of their capabilities as well. Much like Heavy, they were gruff and big, although one of them tried to keep a bit of grace about him which Sectonia appreciated. Although that being said, ALL of the mercenaries needed a bath Sectonia noticed getting this close to them, something that would need to be remedied when they weren't all in a desert. The last one she got to was the Medic as he was being quite the 'busy bee' himself. While he had already explained his medical knowledge and all of that, Sectonia asked. "And you Doctor. I know of your medical knowledge and healing, but do you have a way to protect yourself on the battlefield? The Medibot we have in another group of ours uses a shield and her fists."

With the party having their next goal, a cliff side being called out by one of the phantom troop, the divine beast made its way there. However many had their concerns as to how they would travel with such a large group without it which was a concern. Some even voiced their concerns that they'd leave this mode of travel behind entirely upon reaching the cliff and bridge that were where they needed to go. Sectonia thought about that alongside the phantom troop, as their method of crossing the desert before the divine beast wouldn't work anymore with their additional members, some being quite heavy. "Hm... We may need to walk it then. Heat will not be an issue." She thought a bit more then said. "You said the area was crumbling? Then staying out of heavy vehicles would be best." She then looked at the heavier mercs thinking about that once again. There was no way she could help them if they fell, so, as everyone started to look at their destination, Sectonia hovered over to Poppi and said. "If one of them falls, it will take us both to rescue them." She wouldn't make a habit to rescue them if they proved to not be worth the effort, but they would at least be given the opportunity to try.

Level 8 Blazermate - (47/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Under 750

Well... This was the fastest friend heart Blazermate had seen yet. Well besides Sectonia who was friend heartable right away, but Bowser was on top of this one! "Aw, I was going to do that! Having handsome Anime boy on our side is awesome though! Do you know what Anime is?" Blazermate said, half teasing bowser, half teasing Sephiroth, and just pointing out the situation at large. With Sephiroth being friend hearted after getting smacked down by a hail of damage from multiple sources, Blazermate's sentry gun no longer saw him as an enemy and began to beep as it searched for new enemies.

From the way Bowser sounded while friend hearting Sephiroth, it seemed like Bowser knew where this anime boy had been as if Bowser himself had been in that place a long time ago. Although Blazermate could only guess this, Bowser was all over the place today after having to fight Marie. Speaking of Marie, Blazermate had also been wrong about Marie's spirit being eaten by the Skull Heart, it apparently had just been under rubble this whole time. And to think that was the big deciding factor for Blazermate to not take the skull heart for herself. The medabot sighed a bit thinking about this, saying "Bullet dodged" when looking at the Marie spirit in Bowser's hands. When some of the team members glanced over her way, Blazermate hastily said. "Oh hey, Marie didn't get eaten after all! Guess I was wrong. Thats good."

Sephiroth, getting up from being beaten up and then friend hearted, took in the information Bowser told him as he was friend hearting the anime boy. A man of very little words, Sephiroth only really stated that he was going to kill Galeem. At least, until he asked for help with his wounds which Blazermate readily replied to with her healing beam. "Whats your name, new buddy? Like I've been saying, you look straight out of an anime, so I hope it isn't something like 'dark swordsman'." Blazermate said, trying to strike up some conversation with Sephiroth as she healed him, the teleporter fully online and being upgraded as Bowser commanded for people to head through it. "Oh, but I guess this isn't the best time to talk about anime and stuff with a nuke about to go off. You'd best come through the teleporter with the rest of us."

With Sephiroth being mostly healed and many of the others going through the teleproter, Blazermate stepped through it, the other side of the teleporter leading to the Smash Tower that they had departed from before. Once everyone made it there, Blazermate asked. "So... Do we just go to another zone while we wait for the dead zone to explode?"
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (35/50) +1

Word Count: Under 750

With everyone else on board, Sectonia made her way to the divine guardian and was one of the last flyers to arrive. All in all, they did a pretty good job gathering these mercenaries. The man who was almost as big as her and his companion with the extremely thick accent being the ones that radiated the most potential to the queen. Especially since the bespectacled man could heal much like their robot companion. Midna, after giving Tora a high five, was the first to greet the newcommers to their team. Having not been with them when Sectonia and the group had convinced them to join them, Midna had no idea what they wanted and thus, asked while also pointing out she was royalty. The Medic was the first to reply to Midna's question, with mostly the same answers Sectonia had offered them, although his 'personal' preference was a bit strange.

"Hm, I see Doctor. As I promise the first three things are definitely things that we can offer you. And I don't know if hats in your world grant you powers, but the ones we have found so far do." Sectonia said, pointing to the arcane horns that she fused with her crown that spawned damaging orbs if she got healed. "Although your personal request... Well, as you can see from my minions here, finding strange things will not be a problem. As for what I am, if you must ask. I am a Sectonian." There was something about this 'doctor' that worried Sectonia. While it seemed like he'd do his job of healing, 'something' about him was disturbing but she couldn't put her finger on what.

With their mission complete, Tora asked the group what they should do next, wanting to get the input of everyone. Midna, who was bored waiting for everyone to come back, quickly said that they should go to the pyramid that premise went to alongside the phantom thieves. Sectonia shrugged at her suggestion. "That was the plan. Unless we can figure out where the boss is." She said, flying low to investigate the mercs that had joined. They all still had the red glow of Galeem's influence, but that should be worked out in time.



Level 8 Blazermate - (28/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Under 750

While Blazermate thought over the skull heart and all that, Linkle saw the power as something she could use to help benefit everyone and against the warnings of everyone, took the skull heart into herself with her wish to be a hero that could save the world. And Bowser, having experience in dealing with backstabs and relics, did see this coming with the skull heart backstabbing linkle's well intention of a wish. Soon after, the Organization 13 members took Linkle away before anyone could do anything to save her from the skull heart's influence, with time stopping thanks to that camera man they saw a while ago who was still lurking around the dead zone. While he spouted off a few words, Blazermate didn't really hear him that well. She was thinking about how, if she had made a wish, it would've been something similar to Linkle, although replace being a hero with making sure everyone was well.

Once the abduction of Linkle was complete, time unfroze. Bowser wasn't taking it very well, and Blazermate was a bit distracted herself. "Linkle..." She said. Bowser, frustrated, attacked the, clearly bothered newcommer with a sword. He was peaceful at the start, with the level 1 sentry not firing upon him. At least, this is how things were, until Bowser landed a punch on him and sent him flying backwards. "Hey wait Bowser, he seemed..." Blazermate started, but then thought to herself. While he didn't look like a good guy, he was also peaceful. And from what she gathered from Bowser and Sectonia, they weren't the 'heroes' of their worlds either, but still had their nice points, especially Bowser. If he was really evil, then he would've attacked everyone, especially with his interest in the Skull Heart. And that was made apparent as he began to fight bowser with his quick speed and lengthy sword.

However, since he was now hostile, the sentry that the engineer made beeped once and turned its turret to face Sephiroth, firing its large caliber bullets at the one winged man with perfect accuracy. Blazermate meanwhile gave Bowser an overheal, saying. "We don't have time for this! We should retreat before this place gets nuked into oblivion!" She looked at Ms. Fortune, who told them about said void-out, as she was the one that told them about all of this, but also kept an eye on Sephiroth. Bowser fighting him here could be a blessing in disguise, as he could be easily friend hearted afterwords, as long as the koopa king didn't turn the man into a smear on his fist. Although with how Anime he looked, Blazermate was also worried for Bowser.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (34/50) +1

Word Count: Under 750

Sectonia, having taken one of the mercs out, and hopefully for a long, long time, moved to cover the others who were making their way to the now lowered Vah Naboris, its lighting striking and taking out a few other mercenaries although far more temporary than Sectonia's method due to their respawning abilities. Heavy called out to Sectonia, giving her his thanks for defending his flank. She didn't recognize the honorific he used, but considering his accent she figured it was something in his native tongue. Sectonia gave him a smug smile. It was around this time a shot rang out from a sniper, hitting Tora and damaging him. Sectonia thought they had no snipers, so this was a surprise to her as well and she turned towards him. However, giving up his position he got barraged by attacks from Heavy and Poppi, knocking him out cold or even killing him. "Hmph, serves him right." Sectonia said, laughing at the sniper as she flew, giving the others cover when she could.

Even with her cover though, Heavy got injured by a few stray shots. Wounded, he ran behind a wall as the others made their way onto the lowered Vah Naboris. Sectonia, sighing, flew down to help the others that were using heavy for cover. As she flew down low, she saw Heavy munching loudly on a sandwich. This confused Sectonia, but before she could yell at him to get going, he finished and his wounds healed nearly instantly which confused Sectonia even more. She then shrugged, saying. "So you have something like a Maximum Tomato as well it seems." As Heavy and the others got close to Vah Naboris, Sectonia looked over the battlefield to make sure no one else was missing and noticed Tora and Poppi making their way back as well. Sighing again, she made her way over to them to hurry them along, grabbing Tora if necessary so they could get out.



Level 8 Blazermate - (27/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: 601

While Blazremate kept people from destabalizing from San's attacks, her cleansing ability doing more 'healing' than her outright healing them, her commrades who were still up focused on Marie like she commanded. While she was zooming over to make sure Linkle wasn't going to disintigrate, Dante, Ms. Fortune and Bowser joined up their attacks on the shadow Marie and the soul heart, destroying Marie in the process and cleansing the root they had come here to deal with. With the power of Marie no longer keeping the area together, the battleground they had fought on collapsed, although it only collapsed a few feet leading to the floor of the mimic library. "Ok, thats done. Lets get out of here before..." Blazermate said, healing Dante of the damage that Sans had left.

It was around this time Blazermate noticed that Sans was gone, but not only that, but the Soul heart was calling out to her and the other girls of the group. It promised them any wish, although before any of them could reply, Ms. Fortune explained what Marie's wish was, and what she had become. It was then the heart said "Marie's wish wasn't pure. A pure hearted wish will cause no corruption." Blazermate thought this over. "OK. A wish to protect your friends was IMPURE? Thats what I do every day! Darn, having a wish would be sooo cool. Maybe a spirit could..." Blazermate thought over the hearts offer, however before she could decide bowser spoke up, speaking frankly without yelling to the entire group. Bowesr only did that when he was dead serious, and he had a very serious look on his face when he said it. Bowser said that he knew how the 'evil team up' went, and didn't trust this heart at all at its word, before getting angry and attacking it yelling after not finding Marie's spirit.

That was a good point, where was Marie's spirit? This fact made blazermate think even more, and while she was very tempted by the skull heart, the fact that Marie had no spirit gave Blazermate some enlightenment about the situation. "Wait... Bowser. There was no Marie! The Skull Heart there ate her or something!" Blazermate was very, very unfamiliar with magic, so that was the best she could think of. And that was something she didn't want to happen to her. She'd rather have a spirit than a cursed object, at least she knew that even 'bad' spirits like her suffering arm shield were actually very nice when they became a spirit, and this wasn't a spirit.

"So uh, while you guys figure out what to do with that thing, I'll be making a teleporter. We need to get out of here before this place gets nuked. Worse comes to worse, we can leave that heart here to be nuked." Saying this, Blazermate summoned the Engineer and told him to remake the teleporter network and his dispenser so he could upgrade the teleporter faster. He proiritized these things, but he also made a sentry gun out of habit. Blazermate, having turned around to look away from the haert saw a strong person up on the hill descanting towards them. He looked a bit... too pretty. Like he came out of an anime and he dressed as such with one heck of along sword on his side. He didn't seem to be hostile, but seeing him Blazermate said "Hey guys, we got someone coming. Hes anime pretty, and doesn't look hostile. A friend of yours Dante?" she asked, pointing out the approaching Sephiroth.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (33/50) +1

Word Count: 659

Sectonia made her way back to the battlefield after relaying her information to Midna. Since she stayed above everything with her flight, she didn't attract as much attention as you'd think from a large colorful bee queen, although this was more because none of the people below could even reach her with their ranged weapons as they all seemed to have weapons much like what Heavy used which were devastating at close range, but ineffective at best at anything beyond midrange. This gave her an idea on how to handle those below, as while they couldn't strike her easily, she could do something to affect them...

Much like Sectonia, Tori and Poppi also hovered over the battlefield, although a bit less involved than Sectonia as they seemed to be formulating a plan of action. Sectonia was a bit more preoccupied getting her new minions that might be more than just fodder though to get close enough to hear the pair chat. As she scowered the battlefield, she saw that Heavy and Midna had gotten involved, dealing with stuff themselves. She saw Heavy laying suppressive fire and escourting the others to their mobile fortress, dropping his gun at one point to... point oddly at someone and cause them to take some serious damage from range. Sectonia was, frankly, visibly confused at this. "I'll need to ask him about that..." She made note of to herself as she snapped back, watching Midna handle a few as well. Seeing this, Sectonia decided to help her out a bit by casually throwing some of her smaller rings of light at the enemies below.

However, it was around this moment she remembered that, defeating these people wouldn't do a thing, they'd just respawn later and keep fighting until Sectonia and her allies escaped or perished. This led her to think for a bit, before coming up with an idea. She watched as the smaller of the mercenaries, a humanoid that swam through the ink they fired on the ground, made their way towards Midna to support their allies. Sectonia, trying her idea, intercepted the inkling by summoning her ice minions, 6 in total, to deal with the mercenary. She gave them instructions to freeze but not kill this creature, then hide the resulting block of ice from their allies. The inkling was quite evasive though, taking on these new challengers without much of a sweat for the most part.

While the ink gun they used as their primary weapon didn't seem to do much to Sectonia's minions, only painting them with ink and doing minimal damage, their followup would take care of two of her minions in one explosion with a triangle ink grenade. The 4 that were left, alongside the 2 that had perished meanwhile, were having a difficult time even managing to freeze the inkling as whenever they gusted their ice at the squid, they just jumped into the ink they spread around and almost vanished. This went on for a little bit longer, the inkling managing to kill another minion with s fire cracker type weapon while the minions gained no ground. Sectonia, watching this, got a bit frustrated and gave them the order to freeze the ink itself while one targeted the inkling.

This actually lead to some better results, as the inkling dodged one minion, the other two began freezing the ground, leaving no places for the inkling to dive into, and after a bit more skirmishing with one more minion going down to a last ditch paintbrush, the other two minions were successful at freezing the inkling solid. Sectonia sighed as the two minions carried the inkling off to hide it somewhere. "If I ever need a single color in my castle..." Sectonia said, saying a joke to herself to get herself to ignore the frustration of how poor her minions preformed there without proper instructions. At least her allies did things properly without being told.

Level 8 Blazermate - (25/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Blazermate kept up with her healing and cleansing of Sans's attacks, which looked like they would do some serious damage if she couldn't cleanse the debuff he left behind everytime he attacked. Even his giant laser beams he fired at Bowser and Dante didn't do that much more damage than his bones with Blazermate cleansing the debuff whenever it appeared. Still, with Blazermate being too concerned cleansing Sans's true damage debuff, she wasn't able to heal up others as much as she would normally do. This kept their health from draining from San's attacks and greatly reducing their impact, but she wasn't really able to 'heal' them beyond what health they had, keeping them fairly neutral on the health scale. At least, when they didn't take overwhelming damage like Donnie who she could only keep stable at this point.

With the combined efforts of Ms. Fortune and V, Marie took a huge blow, her body basically shattering at this point and only a shadow of herself and the skull heart remained. Looking at Marie and scanning her, Blazermate saw that she was actually fairly weak and that the soul heart itself was her weak point. She also processed that, no matter what anyone threw at him, Sans just dodged it with ease, even Dante's flashy quick attacks. And of course the combination of Red Team's efforts and Sans attacks not knowing what friendly fire was left Marie with very little in the way of reinforcements. With this information, Blazermate said to everyone on Red team. "Guys, ignore the skeleton in the hoodie. Marie is weak now and almost done! Aim for that glowing skull to finish her!" The medabot then continued to heal and dispel the true damage debuff when she could, her medaforce rising but considering the damage her team did to MArie and her skeletons, she doubted she could get any buff or attack out in time.
Queen Sectonia

Level 5 Sectonia (holding 1 level up) - (32/50) +1

Word Count: 528

Sectonia was glad that a few people listened to her, and Fox managed to convert a few others as well. She wasn't expecting to get every one of them, but they got more than she was expecting. However, when it seemed like they were going to win over these mercs with words alone, one of them, a dopey looking broad shouldered man, spoke up, disbelieving what Sectonia, Fox, and Poppi were selling, causing a bit of a rift in the mercs. His disbelief mentioning something about a 'briefcase' which Sectonia scoffed at. Fox however seemed very interested in this for some reason, and his interest intensified soon after a demanding woman's voice echoed through the field, the "administrator" as she was called, wasn't too happy about Sectonia and friends abducting her minions. However unlike Sectonia, she seemed to have no grace, tact, or any air of royalty to her.

However this administrator did make a couple points clear; 1. Sectonia and her allies were far stronger than the mercs here which the queen figured, and 2. She knew about spirits, powers, and everything of the sorts which surprised Fox and got his interest, and got Sectonia's interest a bit as well. None of the 'red eyed' people seemed to know about spirits much, so why would this woman know? Still, at the mention of taking these mercs as spirits Sectonia interjected. "Please, Allies are far more valuable." Of course, she said this because she didn't like the idea of gaining the power, or the looks, of any of the mercs here. And she did need more minions...

Soon after however, the administrator showed her power, being able to organize people in her domain on teams, mentioning she could 'respawn' them upon death. Sectonia ignored her 'doors' as the bee queen would not be controlled by anyone. And while Fox was developing a plan, explaining it to Sectonia quickly before the different mercs chose a team, Sectonia made a quick mention to the room at large as well. "If none of you take those doors, then what can she even do to you? And if you do take those doors, Well, it will not end well." Still, Fox seemed to be very determined at finding this 'administrator' and while Sectonia wasn't as interested, finding this person could lead to something interesting. Being able to make it so her minions could never die, if used correctly, would do well at taking over this world of light.

Sectonia wasn't too keen on being told what to do by Fox, but his plan had some logic to it. After all, they had gotten the allies they could, and they'd need to fight the ones that didn't accept their offer, who could 'respawn' upon death which could be annoying to escape from. She judged the mercs that had accepted their offer, and said. "I will be back soon. Don't die." The queen said, summoning two of her golden guards to support the mercs who accepted her deal before making her way back to Naboris to inform Midna of the situation below, specifying which mercs to attack and which to protect.


Level 8 Blazermate - (24/80) +1

Dead Zone
Words: Less than 750

Bowser and Blazermate's other allies were cutting a swath through these skeletons thanks to her kritz boosting Bowser's fire to the point where it was turning anything Marie threw at them into ash. However, soon Bowser's kritical fire ran out, and Marie, being pushed against a rock and a hard place so to speak, decided now would be the time to pull out her "ace", an unassuming skeleton that Blazermate had seen once before. Her scanners showed that this casually dressed skeleton was incredibly weak, having almost nothing when it came to vitality. However, he had no weak points, and soon she'd see the power this skeleton wielded.

With a glowing eye, Sans casually lifted her, Bowser, and everyone else into the air before slamming them all into the ground, ethereal bones running along the floor and running into each of them. Blazermate, being the smaller and nimbler of the group, got up quickly before she got hit by too many of these bones unlike Bowser and a few of her allies. The damage these bones did though... they didn't do too much, but whatever damage it did hurt her to her medal which felt extremely weird and unpleasant. Her scanners registered that on everyone hit by these bones, their vitality was slowly draining as a residual effect of being damaged by these things.

Thankfully Blazermate could alleviate her allies of this effect with her Revive Protocol. She used this on Bowser first, who had taken the brunt of the bones due to his size, removing the draining effect of San's attack. She then continued on to healing the rest of her allies of their affliction, stopping them from basically disintegrating before her eyes. She then healed herself and those who were injured by the attack, hoping to prepare them for the next wave as Bowser pressed his attack, using some kind of vacuum attack after sans had dodged his fireballs with ease.

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