@Ammokkx@Apollosarcher@AtomicNut@Evil Snowman@Dragoknighte@Mr Rage@DarkRecon@Jasonhero@redbaron1234It was finally time for the day when Squad Sigma would have to fight again as protectors of humanity, but this time it would be on the offensive. For some, it was personal; with rumors of Elora being held captive at their target location, the spirits of the pilots were only further bolstered by the hope of saving her, and to exact revenge on the aliens who have killed their own in the battle for Leviticus.
And for this mission, two Framewerks were granted even more power through assault packs. But would it be enough?
"All systems green," Elise worded out. "Prepare for boarding. Over." She shut comms while sitting in her cockpit. In just a few minutes she and the rest of her newly assigned squad would have to board NOAH, and head off to the cold void of space, where nobody could hear you scream. Well, that's fine; she didn't want anyone to hear her show any fear. That's not what his father wanted when she was put in the machine, nor when he passed away. This was all she knew, and she would do it as well as she could. "I know you're watching over me, Papa..." The young girl whispered, and gave a quick kiss to the screen where she stored an image file of him. It was dated six years back, with her looking like she always did, smiling innocently like it was but yesterday.
Countless stars blinked from existence for the moment when NOAH jumped to hyperspace, before they came back, lighting up the endless blackness. But among the stars was something else; a station of immense size, with spikes and organic pieces growing on it's exterior; only a scant few pieces were left of the original station after it's takeover by Cruxi forces. NOAH's landing ramp opened up to nothingness, welcoming the Framewerk pilots to jump into oblivion. No sound could be heard aside from their own breaths and the beating of their hearts, something Elise, Jason and Zim had no trouble with, but causing a bit of disturbance with the other pilots.
The silence was soon interrupted by Elise speaking over comms: "Alright, we're splitting up into the frontal assault and infiltration teams. Caretaker, you're on point for the infiltration. Ribasu and Black Star, you got the big packs so you're on big boy duty with me, like we simmed it." Eiswolf took out its sniper rifle. "I'll support you from range," Sigma said, and Elise confirmed it. "Anyone else want to stay here and fight can do so, while the rest follow Caretaker's lead." Elise paused, her eyes closed, and she smiled. "I'm eager to meet with the psychic chick and see what she's all about, so I'm counting on you to find her." She opened her eyes with a smirk, and Prometheus flared up like an engine. "Alright, here we go!"
In the distance stood the front gate surrounded by turrets, and from the front gate launched an armada of CWMS and other units, among them a strange, glowing object resembling a crystal that seemed to crackle with intense energy. The crystal was surrounded by three small versions of the Mist unit familiar to the Leviticus veterans; their patterns were less flashy, but they seemed to still pose the same threat they have previously, but on a lesser scale. There were also two
units that looked more lean and thin than regular Cruxi soldiers, only possessing scepter-like appendages. But from a glimpse one could tell these were unnatural mechs, occasionally moving more swiftly than the average unit. "Careful around those guys, I don't trust them as far as I could throw them, even with Prometheus."