Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts

Kieran’s pace slowed when he felt a familiar presence coming from behind. He tilted his head but kept moving forward, the wind around him swaying his free locks of ink-black hair. He felt Ryanair’s frustration before he felt arms wrapping around his shoulders, he stilled and blinked his eyes.

“I couldn't feel you anymore and that made my edgy. You jerk, don't-” Kieran halted his fledgling’s rant before it began, he could feel fear underlying hiss frustration. Raising a hand and placing it on one of Ryanair’s hands he squeezed once, the blonde vampire relaxed and sighed heavily. He'd forgotten that even after the years, Ryanair hated being alone for long periods of time. Able to turn now, Kieran placed his hands on either side of Ryanair cheeks.

“Sorry, I just meant to stay within town. A pull brought me here though, would you like to accompany me?” It was a simple question, he knew the answer but wanted Ryanair to answer. The blonde nodded and relaxed further as Kieran’s fingers moved over his cheeks. After a moment Ryanair nodded, Kieran pulled away and turned to head forward once more. He knew others would belittle him for leaving a fledgling alone and changing. He couldn't of stayed however, his mind hadn't be stable and he'd been hunted then. He relaxed when he felt Ryanair walk at his side, their bond buzzing softly at the back of his mind. They walked in silence as they continued down the cobblestone road, their postures relaxed.

They soon reached the end of the cobblestone road, Kieran pausing to guide them to the right. The smell of sea-water filled the air as they drew closer to the ocean, Ryanair pausing just before reaching the sand. Kieran slowed and half-turned to face his second fledgling, his mind being pulled forward to his first fledgling. The blonde looked uneasy, Kieran remained silent as glowing emeralds eyes fell on him. He'd always been an observant one, Kieran sighed softly and moved forward.

“Who?” Was all Ryanair grit out. Kieran placed a hand on the others shoulder and squeezed. He'd forgotten about the girl he'd bitten, the memories blurry and distorted. Their bond was like a angry horde of bees now, Ryanair’s anger and confusion loud and clear. Giving another squeeze, Kieran pulled the other closer and pressed his nose into the side of Ryanair’s neck. His fledgling stilled and then relaxed fully, nudging twice he pulled away and turned to where his other bond was calling him.

“A girl I met and bit. It's a story I'll tell you another time, come now the sun will rise soon.” He felt Ryanair move to stand behind him, their bond relaxed now. Moving forward the reached the pier and stairs that lead to the sand below, Kieran came to a halt as a voice filled the air.

“Who the hell is there?” He heard, Kieran couldn't help a smile as it filtered across his features. Ryanair’s stiffened behind him but didn't say a word, Kieran decided to answer after a moment. Moving forward he made sure to keep Ryanair behind him.

“I can to return something of yours, and to pay you a visit “ Was all he offered as he and Ryanair made their way forward and to the left. Coming to a halt, Kieran pulled out the necklace he'd been keeping. Now it was time to see how she'd react, if she was on edge now, how would she be with his words? His eyes closed for a moment before they opened and they shifted to silver, he felt Ryanair move closer to his back. He wasn't seeking comfort, he was curious but wary and was content to let Kieran stand in front of him.

Life is an endless cycle,
The same routine day in and out,
It was exhausting as well as interesting


He was sick of the repetitive motions of life. Pale fingers reached up to card through silky black strands. It was night and with it the clock on the farthest wall seemed to mock him, it's constant ticking filling his ears. He had no desire to rise from the chair he sat in, his head falls back against the cushioned padding with a soft sigh leaving his lips. His home was silent and for that Kieran was grateful for, the sound of the front door opening had Kieran frowning.

He preferred solitude then the company of others.

Sky-blue eyes opened as the door to the room he was in opened, a soft snort drawing his attention to the left side of the room. Standing in the doorway was a young-looking male, his glowing emerald eyes focused on him. Kieran rose to his feet in one fluid movement and arched a silent brow, his guest raised one right back. Clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, Kieran moved forward to exit the room. The hand on his shoulder still him for a moment, sky-blue locked with emerald-green.

“I'm going to wander around for a bit. Can I trust you here alone, Ryanair?” Kieran asked with a tilt of his head, the blonde vampire before him snorted softly and nodded. Kieran remained still for a moment before moving out of the doorway, his guest moving to sit in the seat he'd just unoccupied. As he made his way down the stairs to exit the house, Kieran wondered briefly why he'd bitten the male three years prior. Ryanair had been dying in an alleyway when Kieran had found him, he hadn't thought about it until after it was done. Exiting the front door, the vampire took a moment to scan the empty road. He didn't mind the small village he and Ryanair had moved to, it was silent and allowed them to move about as they wished. With a blink, Kieran began to walk down the cobblestone path.

He could feel the bond with Ryanair relaxing at the back of his mind. A small smile twitching his pale lips upwards as his mind wandered to the night he'd bitten the other.

It had been a rainy night. Kieran had just finished drinking from someone when the smell of blood reached his nose. His pace slowed as he tired to pick up where the scent was coming from, his eye shifted to the right as he began to walk. His steps were quiet and quick, his cloak billowing out behind him as the rain lashed around him. Three streets down and two corners later, Kieran found where the smell was coming from. The male was curled up on his side, his wheezing breathes reaching his ears even with the rain pouring around them both. His body was barely clothed and several different wounds littered his skin, Kieran had paused for a moment. Taking the few steps left between them, Kieran crouched down and reached for the other male. Pale fingers gently parted wet blonde bangs away from the others face, Kieran noted that the others lips were blue and trembling.

His heartbeat lurched at the touch, before slowing and returning to it's slow rhythm. Kieran moved his hands until a hand was holding the males neck and the other arm held his torso half-upright. Lashed and cuts were visible as Kieran brought the male closer, he stilled when a soft sound filled the air. Blinking and pulling away slightly, sky-blue eyes met glassy emerald, neither moving for a moment or two.

“I can help you.” He whispered softly, a memory tugging at his mind of sand and sea-water. The male tried to pull away, only to still with what Kieran noted as pain raced through his body. The other blinked slowly as if trying to concentrate, blue lips opened as if to speak. A streak of lightning and boom of thunder had the male trying to curl up into a ball. Kieran noted then how small he looked, he must have been younger then seventeen.

“How…?” Were the words that drew his attention from his musing, Kieran allowed his fangs to retract and his eyes to glow. The heart he'd been unconviously listening to, leapt into a jack-rabbit pace that Kieran knew wasn't good. He smoothed his features and with it the male relaxed in degrees, after a few minutes Kieran decided to answer.

“Do you wish to live?” Was all he asked as he gently tugged the male closer, the smell of blood wasn't tantalizing now. He felt the other shiver and the sudden grip of fingers on his shoulder had him stilling. The flex of the fingers told him the others response, with a gentleness he didn't ponder until after, Kieran bit the other. The taste of his blood reminded him of someone else, the smell of sand and sea-water returning as he drank. After a moment, he pulled away and glanced down at the male. He was still now, his eyes blinking as he turned his head and nodded. Kieran removed his right hand and with at flick, he bit into his own wrist. He pressed it to the others lips and lifted the head in his other hand, the male bit and began to drink.

Coming to a stop where the road changed to grass covered fields, Kieran glanced up at the sky. After that, they'd moved and with it a new life had started. They were family to those who asked, cousins that hasn't seen each other in years they said. With a shake of his head, he checked the bond and found it lax which told him that Ryanair had fallen asleep. He began to walk once more, the urge to go down to the beach he found a couple years back filled him. His hands moved to his pockets, where he found a small necklace. With a roll of his shoulders, he leapt up and continued his journey on the rooftops. The necklace acting like a honing device, he remembered the girl he'd met all those years ago. His first fledgling, the thought filtered across his mind as he continues forward.

As he makes his way out of their town and headed toward the place where he met her, he allows his mind to relieve those moments. They'd been desperate, Kieran more on the hunger side then what his fledgling had needed. He hadn't meant to bite her, though his limit had been reached and she was there so he did. As he neared the town that they'd met, he slowed his pace and jumped down from the current rooftop he stood on. He wondered how she'd react, with a shrug of his shoulders he began to walk.

He could feel her here, maybe she could feel him as well.

Bump! Looking for partners! :3
Taking his coffee and sipping from it, Jack released a sigh as silence fllled the room once more. Tim's question had him re-playing the last few moments in his mind, his head tilting to one side. He'd never been late to class before, not even as a kid, a sharp shake of his head had Jack focusing on his packet. Reaching for his bag, he tugged out a pencil and began to make little notes. Content with himself as he read through the packet, Jack decided to answer Tim before his best friend kicked him again. It didn't hurt him, it'd just that he knew Tim wouldn't stop until he had and answer.

"Nothing really, something about our Professor...just says to obey." His voice is powered, his lips barely moving as he responds. He feels it even now, when she's looking down and no longer speaking to them. It's like somehow she's calling out to his wolf, Jack blinks and glances down at his packet.

He kicks Tim back, before settling in and actually absorbing the typed out words. Yeah, we'll talk at lunch.

At the hushed words from her assistant, Kyla glances up from her book. She allows a smile to curl her lips upwards, her answer a shake of her head. Rising to her feet and moving until she stood in the middle of the room, she spread her arms out and began to speak.

"This isn't homework but I'd like to have each student pair up with another and complete something." At those words, Kyla watched as her students perked up. The collective scents shifting into lighter tones that Kyla knew suggested they were excited, had her grinning. "It's an arts and crafts project, I want a name tag from each of you, with a uniquely designed informative 'packet' attached. What I mean by that is just a few tidbits about yourself that would help your classmates and by extension myself and Steph get to know you better. From here until the end of the term, we're a family and as such, we need to get to know one another. Both Steph and I will create one and share it next class deal? I want at least five facts about you." She turned and smiled at Stephanie as she moved back to her desk, she hadn't meant to say that part. "I hope that's okay? It means we're a team and we'll have to share facts and such. And no, it's more of a challenge. Will they defy what I said or stick with it?" She sat down and listened as chatter began to fill the room, Kyla smiling as she reopened her book.

Hopefully with this project, they'd relax and understand she wasn't the baday guy. Plus in her opinion, her idea was better then how one was to introduce themselves normally. She'd always hated moving to the front of the room and taking as everyone watched her. @Love Dove
@Asuka PM me :D
@Nallore Nal!!! :3 PM me and we can plot masterpieces!! ^~^

Hello there and welcome to this little thread! I currently have some free time and wanted to see if I could grab a hold of a partner to roleplay one on one with. I'm Arista and am pleased to meet you, I'm not new to roleplaying, I've been doing it since 2007 I believe, it's been awhile. I'm looking for 1x1's because they're fun and are easier for me to do since my computer won't let me access this page, so I'm stuck on my phone. I'm not too picky but I do have rules I'd like for my future partner to adhere to so things go smoothly and we don't have any problems. Themes I like can vary so talking with me helps to iron those out xD I'm also 23 and a female, I ask that my partner be 18+

◇I'm friendly and would love to get the know my partners, so don't feel shy to PM me :3

◇I'm a causal to high-causal roleplayer. I can do 2-3 or 3-4 paragraphs depending on my muse, time and like for the plot. I ask that my partner try to match me, I'm not too picky but ine-liners are a no no.

◇PMs and threads are fine with me, just let me know which you prefer and we can work something out.

◇If your going to be absent or vanish, or are just not into the roleplay anymore, let me know. Sometimes I'm busy and won't be able to get a reply till later, I'll at least let you know. Please do the same, it's fair and nice to do.

◇Grammer/Spelling Yup, even I have issues with this sometimes, everyone's human and makes mistakes. What can you do? As long as I can read it and not too many mistakes are noticeable, we're golden.

○I'll only be accepting four of five threads, any more would be too many and I'd feel bad for being unable to participate.

And now for the fun stuff, mind you this will change with time so if something isn't here that you'd like to do, PM me or comment below.

Now let's see what I have! :D The ones with more * are the ones I really want to do.

(For these MxM is my goal but I'll be fine with FxF or MxF)

♤ Master x Slave

♤ Royal x Royal*

♤ Werewolf x Werewolf

♤ Vampire x Vampire

♤ Roommate x Roommate

♤ Best friend x Best friend*

♤ Dragon-shifter x Dragon-shifter

♧ Assassin x Target*

♧ Foster family sibling x Exchange student*

♧ Mage x Shifter

♧ Mage x Mage*

♧ Shifter x Summoner

♧ Reincarnated x Immortal

♧ Escaped human experiment x human or supernatural creature

♧ Office Employee x Office Employee

These are it for now, if you have any ideas PM and we'll see how it goes. I'm also on Skype so if you'd be fine with that, we can RP through PM there. Let me know~
@Lady Amalthea It's fighting me. My post doesn't want to come into creation and I don't know what to do x.x I've deleted it so many times and every time I re-write it, it seems bland and just...ugh -_-
@ViolentViolet Let's do this! ^^
@ViolentViolet But I lIke making things crash xP

(Ignore my <3 Vi x3)
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