Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts

@Arista Are we still doing this? I know you said yes, I'm just checking is all. :3
Ryanair took the out he was given with a small smile and a nod. “Hopefully she won't hurt me too bad.” He offered before half-bowing and turning to follow Clara, the house was silent but it felt different. Lighter almost if he had to put a word to the feeling. He found a problem though when the reached the room, his eyes focusing on the glass door that would lead to the heated training grounds.

“Inside our outside?” He asked as he neared the door and tilted his head. It seemed that during the night a snowstorm had passed over the grounds, a good six inches were piled on the highwalls. He didn't remain for long though as he opened the door and stepped outside, reaching up to grab a handful of snow.

His pale hands began to move around the snow, his brows furrowing in concentration. He set down the snow-bunny on the mound he'd taken the snow from, his lips twitching into a smile. He turned for face Clara and waited for her response, the blonde moved forward and closed the door behind him.

Either was fine by him, the cold didn't bother their kind that much.

Those around the table were silent for awhile before Isabela rose to her feet. The action caused Esther to half topple over before Wolff managed to catch her. The noble rose to her feet and patted down the front of her shirt, Wolff rose with both their plates in hand.

"Shall we?" The eldest of the group asked after a moment, Kieran rose and Evian and Ynez followed.

"Yes..." The Beta offered after she too set her dishes in the sink. Ynez sighed softly and once her plates were set down in the sinl she turned on her heel and made a beeline for the foyer. Her bare feet padded softly against the floor, everyone remained silent as they followed.

Kieran remained behind and deliberated asking Christian if he'd like to attend. Truth be told he'd guessed that Ryanair would suggest to spar, he just hadn't expected Clara to be his partner. The male smiled faintly before turning to face the other male, his hand lifts to gesture to the group exiting the front door.

"Would you like to join? You don't have to if you'd rather not, I understand sone people don't do well with these ceremonies. I'm glad Ryanair I'll have company." He left it at that and folded his end over his chest, he'd wait for the answer before joining the others.

He would have asked to skip too but his wounds were healing and he didn't much want to stay still and in bed all day. Plus...he was the cause of this so he owed the fallen wolves an apology if nothing else.

Ryanair accepted the plate with a smile and a nod. As Clara left to head into the living room, the blonde set his plate down and retrieved a cup of coffee before sitting down. Kieran was watching him with an arched brow, no one else seemed to care at the moment. Then again some of them took a bit to fully wake up, Esther for example was half-asleep against Isabella.

“What?” The blonde asks as he sits down and begins to eat, he notices that has he does he doesn't see the two werewolves sleeping anymore. His face must have reflected his confusion because Kieran hummed and shook his head.

“They were gone when we got down here. Maybe they moved upstairs during the night or-” His words fade away as the very people they were talking about move into the room. Evian looks nervous and all but glued to Ynez’s side, the Alpha looks exhausted and pale. They remain still for a few moments before moving further inside, Ynez offers them a small smile.

“Can Clara and I spar?” Ryanair asks softly after both grab a plate and join them at the table. Kieran blinks and seems to think about it, he offers a nod just as he hand lands in his now short hair.

“Sure, just don't overdo it. Either of you, once we're done I'll join you. I won't participate-” He begins when Wolff shoots him a glare, Ryanair hides a smirk behind his mug. -”Other than advice, I might even pass out to be honest.” Ryanair offered a nod and rose from his seat, pausing when Evian glances up at him. She offers a smile and the blonde hears Ynez snort softly, he smiles and moves to place his dishes in the sink.

He moved to the living room entryway and pauses there. He sees Christian and feels nervousness run down his spine. He hadn't spoken to the other and felt he needed to at least say hello, taking a deep breath he straightens himself and offers a small nervous smile. “Morning, sir.” He states with a small wave of his hand, he wasn't good at meeting new people. Especially those he felt intimidated by, he was nice and stubborn though easily skittish.

“Fair enough.” Ryanair chuckles out as he sits up, his body relaxed as he rises to his feet. The smell of food and coffee had his stomach growling faintly, moving to his door he opens it and steps out into the hall. He pauses when he catches sight of Lye’s familiar as he moves down the hall, the blonde smiles and waves to the white tiger. “Hey Vox.” He calls softly and grins when the tiger snorts and moved towards him, the tiger paused and raised its large head to focus on Ryanair. The blonde was glad he'd placed the crystal necklace pm his neck the night before, Vox snorted softly and moved forward to nudge his head against the vampire's chest.

It seemed the tiger had been assessing if he'd had the crystal on. Fair enough and as he patted the silky head, he leaned forward and whispered softly into the velvet ear. “Clara as it on to, your rounds are done now. Let's eat okay?” He'd only made a guess, he was surprised when Vox chuffed softly and licked his fingers as if in agreement. It seemed Vox had made it his goal to make sure everyone had the crystal on, Ryanair smiled softly and released the tiger to head downstairs.

Today seemed somewhat relaxed and for that he wa grateful for. He glanced back into his room and waited for Clara to join him, the food could wait a bit for them to get there.

“Awhile. The last time Kieran tried and it came out…” His nose wrinkled at the memory and a frown tugged at his lips. It wasn't that bad really but he'd rather his sire stay clear of his hair, his lips twitched up as he relaxed into the rhythmic feel if scissors slicing his hair. When Clara’s fingers gently soothed through his hair a while later, the blonde blinked his open.

How long had he? His eyes focused on the clock above the window and Ryanair snorted softly, standing once the towel was removed. He moved to the small mirror that was placed beside his dresser, her lips spreading into a grin at what he a saw. She'd done a wonderful job, his hair was short but not too short. Pale fingers ran through it in a gesture similar to what Clara had done, giddiness felt him and he turned to the open bathroom.

“Thanks Clara!” He offered with a happy grin still on his features, he moved closer and found the female with the towels in hand. The blonde hesitated for a second before moving forward and hugging the female from behind. He pulls away and moves to his bed, his smile faded as he slowly fixed his tangled sheets. He'd forgotten that the ceremony was today, well he assumed it was since he hasn't spoken to anyway about it. Werewolves were pack oriented beings, and if he remembered correctly both females would rather be alone to grieve. A huff escaped his lips as he flopped down on his half-made bed, he knew no one would allow that though and that's where he lost his confidence.

Would they attend?

Would Kieran mind if they spared instead?

His brows furrowed in thought, he rose once more and moved to his dresser. Tugging out a simple black t-shirt and green silk pants -usually for sleep- he stretched his arms above his head, the next moves he'd make weren't planned and it bothered him.

“Wanna spare? I think the ceremony is today and I don't know if we're attending.” He offered to Clara as he moved to stand by the window.

Something felt off.

It was the muddled thought that dragged Ryanair from comforting darkness. The blonde shifted into a tighter ball and wrinkles his nose when the feeling came again, he didn't want to get up. His eyes fluttered open and a frown tugged his lips downward the sun seeming to mock it as it assaulted his eyes. The smell of food filled his nose and the blonde stretched beneath his warm sheets a yawn overtaking him for a moment. His arms stretch to the side while his legs uncurl and do the same, emerald eyes blink once more and focus on the one that had awoken him.

“Mornin’ Clara-” He manages to say before another yawn breaks him off, his nose wrinkles as he slips out from under his sheets. The blonde was glad he'd slept in an old shirt and his boxers last night, he paused when his bare feet meet cool wood. “Should I shower? I haven't had my hair cut in awhile so I'm not sure.” More awake now due to the sudden chill from the floor, his moves to the bathroom and winces when the florescent light assaults his eyes as well.

He'd forgotten that Clara had offered to cut his hair, his lips twitching up into a smile as he reaches for his toothbrush. Once done he rinses his mouth and then splashes cool water on his face, the last remaining fog of sleep disappearing as he dries his face. He steps out into his room and tilts his head in thought, one hand coming up to tug at the a strand of hair.

Where should he sit?

Kieran shifted on his feet as he regarded the people gathered around him, a cup of coffee in his hands. Everyone was here except for the wolves, -he didn't count Clara or Ryanair since he knew what they were doing- his nose wrinkled in thought. “How did it go?” He asks Wolff after a moment, the male pauses with his mug halfway to his lips.

“They refused at first, both quiet and barely moving. They seemed to cave when Lye joined me, thankfully we sorted everything out and all that's left it to begin.” The male offers with a shrug of his shoulders, Kieran hums softly and doesn't break the comfortable silence around them. He guessed he owed them some quiet time and really he wasn't much of a morning person until he'd had coffee.

It was a win-win.

Bump! Looking for partners! :3

The next morning found the inhabitants slowly waking, Kieran slowly rose from his nest of blankets and made his way to his bathroom. He knew showering wasn't in order but getting ready for the day was, ten minutes later found the vampire downstairs and in the kitchen. Before he could sit, Wolff was on him and checking the bandages. He rose when the Healer asked him to and removed his shirt, his attention drifting to where Isabella was cooking. Everyone seemed relaxed and for that he was grateful, a hiss escaped him when Wolff Lee him to the living room and began to unwrap the stained bandages.

“They've stopped bleeding but look angry and red. I'll add the ointment and wrap them, come and find me later to make sure they haven't opened.” Kieran offered a nod and allowed the other to do as he said, the smell of food slowly filling the air. Once cleared and wearing his shirt, he moved back into the kitchen to help Isabella. He noticed the matching crystal she wore though decided to remain quiet, it was a better idea to help the female since Esther had just entered and looked sleepy still.

Lye entered the slowly filling room and sat in an empty seat beside a still half-asleep Esther. Vox was asleep upstairs and she had nothing else to do until the wolves came down, eating was her priority for now. “Has anyone seen Ryanair?” Isabella questioned after a moment of silence, Lye and the others -except Esther- offered nods.

“Maybe sleeping still.” Kieran offered as he flipped a pancake, no one questioned him and a comfortable silence filled the kitchen. Ryanair curled into a smaller ball beneath his warm sheets, sleep pulling him under as he settled once more.

He didn't want to move just yet.

Five more minutes.... He thought sleepily as he inhaled the floral scent of the sheets. His muscles relaxing as his mind drifted to nowhere in particular, he knew he was half-asleep and didn't care to fully wake up yet.

“Goodnight, Clara.” Kieran offered softly before watching the two leave, his eyes falling shut as sleep took him under. Ryanair paused at the words and blinked his eyes open, -when has they shut?- and raw his head to face Clara. His lips twitched into a small smile and he nodded his agreement, it hasn't been bad aside from the exhaustion that not enveloped him. It was a mixture of lack of sleep and relief that he'd finally spoken out and Kieran had accepted it, his right hand rose to rub at his eyes.

“I'm glad for that, now I guess it's time to sleep and begin tomorrow once more. If you'd like to cut my hair then wake me up if I'm not up early, Kieran really does suck at it. I also wanted to ask if you'd like to start training with us? Well me really since Kieran can't at the moment, in the next coming days?” His question was slurred and the blonde blinked his eyes open once more, fear didn't grip him as he knew she would no longer lash out.

He leaned against the wall and released another yawn, once it passed he straightened himself and gestured for Clara to follow him. Their rooms were close enough that he knew if he fell she'd catch him and that had a sleepy smile pulling at his lips.

Sleep was slowly overcoming him as he continued down the hall.


Once done with the explanation, everyone rose and began to head out of the kitchen. Lye paused when neither wolf followed, then again they were deep asleep. She didn't wake them and followed the others out and towards the staircase, the house relaxed now instead of filled with tension like earlier.

It felt better really.

Reaching the second floor they separated after murmured goodbyes, Lye yawning as she used a burst of magic to teleport into her room. Tomorrow was another day and with it the ceremony would take place, and with it they'd begin to heal. The Mage undressed and slipped on a nightshirt and slipped under her sheets, her hair falling loose of its high ponytail to fall around her shoulders.

It was time to sleep and tomorrow would be another day.

“You looked like you could use the company.” Kieran offered softly after Ryanair finished his song, the blonde blinking as the noted faded and silence filled the air. The blonde busied himself with putting his instrument way and Kieran continued in a softer tone. “I am sorry for what happened and I'm glad you two...came to an understanding..” He said and then rose, offering the glass to her after a moment of thought. Once finished Ryanair glanced up and found Kieran on his feet and Clara's eyes focused on the carpet.

He was glad to see she'd relaxed and he wasn't afraid to admit that he'd wanted to make her feel better. He was a kind person and didn't like anyone feeling unwanted to down, the male blinked in surprise when a long finger tugged gently on one of his bangs. “Hm?” He offered as a yawn overtook him, Kieran released his hair and moved to lay down once more.

“It's long ago. Clara? Do you think you could cut it for him? I tried once but failed miserably.” His chuckle was soft and Ryanair moved to the doorway, his body swaying as exhaustion seeped down his form. He hadn't been sleeping and after this he felt drained, Kieran settled on his back and stretched his arms above his head.

“I can do it myself if you'd like. Though it would help to have someone who knows how hair should be cut.” The blonde offered over his shoulder, his body locked so he wouldn't collapse on the floor. His room was two doors down and he didn't think he'd make it on his own, Kieran’s soft snort showed his agreement.

They were hopeless in certain aspects, hair cutting being one of them.


Lye leaned back and watched as the other three around her did the same, the table before them littered with paper. The wolves were asleep and none of them wanted to wake them, the Mage huffed and rolled her neck. Wolff looked relaxed now and both female vampires looked somewhat appeased, the papers being stacked into piles between the two of them.

Planning had been done and when the music had filled the air, everyone stilled and listened to it. Ryanair didn't play much and when he did, everyone listened and admired his talent. A soft sigh jerked her to the present and the Mage found two sets of eyes on her, Isabella and Esther were watching her and she arched a silent brow.

“Are you sure?” The elder asked after a moment, her hair freed of its bun and spilling down her back. Lye clicked her tongue but offered a nod, the text had taken a while to decipher and she didn't blame them for doubting her idea. Though what she lacked in experience she made up for it with stubbornness and talent, she raised her right hand and a blue crystal lay in her palm.

“Yeah, the literature took awhile but I got it. I ask that all of you have one in your possession just to be sure, Kieran has one and I've left one one for Christian, Clara and Ryanair in their rooms.” That seemed to be news to all three, before answering she passed one to each vampire and slipped one attached to a string around each wolf with a small burst of magic. After that she began explaining what she'd found out and how she'd set up larger crystals around the grounds, the ceremony planning temporarily forgotten.

It was tomorrow anyway, for now a bit of distraction was a good thing.

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