Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

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She wasn't sure how she went from standing by the front door, to being gently but pushed into the passengers seat. Time felt distorted and that could only be from how weak she was, her heavy eyes tracking the girl as she all but ran back into her home. The pure panic she'd seen when moments ago her expression had been blank, had her chest tightening. She knew that the world wasn't all kind gestures and encouragement, that it had its ugly side as well. Though her vantage point was blocked by the confines of the car, she just knew that something was happening inside.

Rayne nearly hit the ceiling when a phone began to ring in the silence, her arm immediately flaring in pain at the sudden motion. It took her several minutes to realize that it was her phone, and several more to turn around to search for her bag. Essa was curled up but vigilant, with a swallow she pulled out her phone with slightly trembling hands. The screen read Samuel and it had her nervously licking her lips, before her thumb swiped along the green arrow to answer.

[i]"Oh, good you answered. Where are you?"[i] Her elder brother asked curiously, no doubt already home. Rayne wasn't proud of lying but this was one occasion where she would have to, closing her eyes she answers him.

"School let out early due to this crazy storm. I stayed behind for a bit to finish up one of my art projects that's due on Friday." It wasn't a full lie since she did have a project due, but she'd finished it weeks ago. Her brother hummed softly from his end, the faint sound of a door closing could be heard.

"Do come home, little artist. I've decided to make dinner to give you a break, but I need my sous chef. And our vacuum...speaking of which where is Essa? I whistled for her but she didn't come." His tone is confused now and she can imagine his pout, despite being older by a year Samuel had this childish side to him. Snorting Rayne settled back against her seat, head tipping back even as she watched the garage door wearily.

"I'll be home soon, just a few last minute touches. As for where Essa is, no doubt she's hiding in one of our secret dens until this fully passes." Her attention is drawn immediately towards Adrienne when she sees the girl all but bolt out from the door, her eyes landing on the patch of slowly coloring skin along a pale cheek. "Hey, Sam? A friend of mine is offering me a ride home, so I'll be there soon. Don't start cooking without me!" She adds before unceremoniously hanging up, just as the door opens and the other girl slips inside.

There's a tense silence for a few beats before the car engine roars to life, Rayne finds herself having to bite her tongue to keep from saying anything. What would she even say in regards to the bruise slowly forming, they aren't exactly friends despite what's happened over the last three hours. So no words are spoken, she forces her eyes to look out the window instead of the color spider-webbing outward along pale skin. @SomeoneSomewere
"No." Jason murmured from his spot on the floor, long limbs curled together. James had perked up at the mention of getting the pup more clothes, though his eyes were narrowed there was no heat to his words. Considering their upbringing neither really have anything to their names, until now where they had things that they'd bought. Yes the money wasn't there's since it belonged to Enna but the thought was still there, and out of the twoof them James loved collecting things.

"Come now, brother. We all need warmer clothes anyway, winter isn't that far off." James stated sith a pout on his lips that was half fake, it had Jason rolling his eyes in fond exasperation. His younger brother was right of course not that he needed the ego boost, but he did make a good point. Just as his lips parted to fire off a sarcastic reply about 'having special abilities and being able to shift', peals of quiet laugher stole his attention.

"Enough of your dramatics, twins. Now let's pack up and get ready to go." Enna instructed with an arched brow, hands holding the child even as she continued to giggle. She watched as both shared a grin before offering her a quick salute,before rising to their feet to do as she said.

By the time lunch came around they were all set, the only last thing to do was buy a fee née items of clothing for them all. They could pass for students exploring anew town on school break, the only difference was that they didn't have the luxury of relaxing with the possibility of being watched. They'd spent some time introducing themselves to Athena as well as introducing Athena to the twins. Now as they moved down the hallway their little charge clung to Enna, her frame covered by the smallest shirt and pants they had. Exiting the hotel wasn't that hard of a task, the real issue came when they stepped foot onto the street. The sidewalks were filled with people and food vendors, the assault of noise and scents had Athena flinching before she pressed closer along Enna's back.

"Clothes, let's go." The twins stated in unison, violet eyes scanning the crowd and store fronts. As one they all moved forward, silent and with a goal in mind. The feeling of eyes along her back had Enna narrowing her eyes, grip on Arhena's legs tightening before relaxing. The sooner they finished the better, thankfully the store they were nearing had racks of clothes within. @SomeoneSomewere
Her hands accepted the offered items without hesitation, though she made no move yet to really fill her stomach. She was curious and a bit sad to notice how bare this single room looked, while spotless it seemed to lack the warmth that filled her own home. Glancing around her mind fills in the gaps with what her own living has in it, and it makes her chest ache. With a slow shake of her head, Rayne uncaps the bottle before bringing it to her lips. Talking slow slips of water, Rayne can't help but allow her mind to wander.

There was no fireplace that held a propped up TV, nor was there a coffee table in front of twin sofas with a recliner tucked in beside the window. No carpet decorated the wooden floor, and no pictures lined the walls. Setting down the bottle she lifts the gronola bar, having to use her teeth when her fingers prove to be to shaky. Her mind flashes back to the nearly invisible smile she'd seen, and it made her chest ache in a way she couldn't explain.

No other words were spoken between them for the longest time, the only sound that filled the air was the rain and thunder from outside. The water and bar gave her back some energy, and with it Rayne settled her legs over the edge of the couch to properly sit up. Her eyes focused on on the way her right side was all be drenched in blood, and just how ashen her skin looked. Exhaling softly she settled her hands along her sides, before pushing herself up to her feet.

By the time the storm began to slow, Rayne was fighting to keep her eyes open again. Time felt endless when you were forced to stay still, and it bothered her. There was no clock to offer a time and her bag was nowhere within reach, she hadn't moved much honesty but it felt good to be up. If she had to guess it was almost four, which meant Samuel would be home soon from his shift at the local bookstore. "I...think it'd be best if I go now." She states into the silence, glancing at Adrienne before focusing on the front door. "If you'd be willing to offer me a ride home I'd be grateful." She adds before taking a step forward, wincing when the action jars her arm. Cooking dinner will be a challenge seeing as its her dominant hand she uses, so will everything really but she'll manage. Somehow.

Though she feels somewhat alright in Adrienne's presence, they are virtual strangers and it's clear that the other girl isn't much of a talker. Not that she is in all honesty, but there feels to be like a wall surrounds the other girl that's meant to keep others at a distance. Making her way towards the front door, she heard Essa follow her as her fingers wrap around the handle, @SomeoneSomewere
"We'll have to keep moving from town to town. If we have shadows flowing us I can see how inconvenient that'll be but it may force them to act." Enna replied softly, hands never once stilling as she pet along soft fur. The truth was despite how tired she felt the thought of being followed had her nearly vibrating out of her skin. The wold in her balked at the idea, the alpha she was detested others endangering her pack.

Athena's ears twitched with each new voice that spoke, her eyes half-lidded as she fought against sleep brought on post her meal. Hearing the words 'shift back' had her fur bristling, because she can't remember what it was she looked like. Her mind is hazy when she tries to think about how she ended up where she currently was, it was nwar blank when she tried to remember how she'd ended up in a room full of other kids that smelled of werewolf. Slowly everyone else gets up and settles in to eat, none of them force her to hurry as she tries to calm her racing heart. She isn't sure how much time has passed when the first tingle travels down her spine, followed by another and another still.

Enna can feel both twins and Adrian watching discretely as Athena begins to twitch, the telltale sign of shifting bones beneath her hands all she needs to see really to know it's happening. Children have the hardest time controlling their shifts in general, in this case fear and injury are no doubt playing a part in why it's such a slow process. Minutes pass by as the small pup in her hands slowly recedes, and a little girl is slowly

Pale skin is what first appears from beneath white-grey fur, followed by long slender limbs that twist and flinch. Ink-black hair spills down over too pronounced shoulders, her hands never once stopping their gentle petting. The last part to change is always the hardest, and this is no exception. Soft whines are filling the air but no one makes a move to intervene, despite how they want to comfort. Her little heart is beating much too fast and her scent is souring with each second that goes by, Enna leans forward until she's all but covering the newest addition to the group. "So close, little warrior. Just relax and breathe slow for me? That's it, no one's going to hurt you again. Not while any of us are breathing, okay? That's it. So close. Don't rush." Her were are an endless stream, her eyes intent on the muzzle that's slowly fading away. A small round face finally emerges, with a small button nose and slightly gaunt cheeks that speak of a lack of proper feeding.

"H-hello." Are the first words spoken into the air in some time, the tone is weak and slightly trembling but it's there. Enna sits up fully and reaches for a bee towel that's stiff with unuse, not really sure who handed it to her but content to wrap it around the thin frame that now sits in her lap. People will no doubt wonder who's child she is, but for now Enna can't much bring herself to care. @SomeoneSomewere
Enna awoke to restless wiggling and the sense that something was wrong, her eyes slowly opening to be met with muted sunlight. Swallowing she glances down to the wiggling mass of a wolf pup, only to find blue-green eyes already focused on her. Athena settles when she realizes she has Enna's attention, chuffing softly before falling silent. It's then that the elder werewolf can hear a stomach grumble, her hold releases and she exhales softly. The wall of warmth she feels along her back is slightly uncomfortable, but it means Adrian so she doesn't immediately pull away.

Silence reins for a few moments before Enna slowly slips out of bed, making sure not to jostle Adrian awake. Finding food is easy and soon both she and Athena are happily eating, both content not to break the temporary peace they have. Until she hears movement from the twins bed twenty minutes later, her gaze lifting from the table that she'd been absently staring at. It's nearly impossible to tell them apart but she knows how, James is watching her with half-lidded eyes. "We felt eyes on us since yesterday." Are his soft words, sleep rumpled hair making him look younger. She forgets sometimes that they aren't even adults yet, that she met them only a handful of times as a child and felt and instant bond with them.

"We'll be leaving by lunch if we can help it. The longer we stay here the more suspicious we'll be seen as." Her words are just as soft in the silent air, her eyes don't miss how James cuddles closer to Jason. Athena has settled on her lap once her food had finished, which led to their next small dilemma. While she looked like a husky pup like most Weres they aged quickly, carrying Athena wouldn't be hard but it would be easier if she were human. Bending forward a bit until her nose was against soft fur, she exhaled once before speaking up quietly. "Do uou think you can shift for me? It isn't healthy for you to remain a wolf for so long." Though her young age may have kept the feralness at bay it's still a risk, they had time to coach her if they needed to. @SomeoneSomewere
There was no reaction when liquid was poured into the wound, the pressure of knuckles along her sternum was what jarred her into conciouness. With a sharp inhale that ended in a whine, Rayne's eyes snapped open once more. Blinking slowly as everything swam nauseatingly, she swallowed once before averting her gaze to Adrienne's face. There's a muffled voice in her mind that sounds like her mother, warning her that staying awake was safest. "I..I'm sorry." She murmurs quietly, tongue feeling heavy within her mouth.

It'd only then that she registers the new pain mixed with what she's already feeling, as well as the smell of alcohol. It has her nose wrinkling in distaste, but she knows that's what's maxing her wounds burn now. Breathing slowly isn't easy but she forces herself to, the last thing she needs is a panic attack. Her eyes glance to the gauze and sutures she can feel under the pristine clothe, she's not unfamiliar with stitches and although she can't see the she can feel them. "My mother would congratulate you on these if she were here, they aren't half bad." She's speaking with abandon right now and it should frighten her, but for some reason she feels...safe with this stranger. It doesn't settle that a teenager shouldn't know how to stitch wounds closed, that the bottle of alcohol should mean anything else.

Licking her lips Rayne slowly begins to push herself upright, using her left hand to bare the majority of her weight. Moving sends needles of pain down her arm and has her stomach rolling, but she needs to sit up. Her eyes take in the medium-sized room she's in slowly, nothing really registering aside from the couch she's currently on. "I think I should...go." She adds after several moments of silence, the sound of thunder and harsh wind draws her attention towards a window. The world outside looks like it's been drained of color, dark and bleak in a way only a storm can make do. Essa whines softly before laying down, clearly nof agreeing with her words one bit. But she did have to go home eventually, her brother Samuel would no doubt be wondering where she was. Judging by the storm outside and how she can faintly remember being driven here, walking home was her only option. With a huff she dropped her heavy head against the cushion behind her, clicking her tongue once before glancing at her companion. "Or I will go when this storm is over. I owe you an apology and a big thank you." She adds before dipping her head in thanks, not having the energy to offer her left hand for a handshake. @SomeoneSomewere
Jason and James returned not too long after, faces drawn and eyes blinking furiously to remain open. Entering the room silently both automatically tune in to the scents are heartbeats within, trying to soothe the strangeness away. Jason exhaled softly before beginning to strip, James' head tilted when he noticed Adrian's heartbeat although slow it wasn't from being asleep.

"I still think we should've separated to see if we really were being followed." Jason heard James mutter, his head whipping up with his teeth bared. Because that was what it was, the feeling of eyes on them as well as a sense of forbidding.

"The hell we should've. We can't defend ourselves right now and you know it." His words were hissed and sharp, James blinked once at him before dropping his head a bit. With a huff Jason reached forward, arms wrapping around broad shoulders. Right now wasn't the time to lash out at one another, they needed to be united and trust that they had the others back if something happened. "We need to stay together and rest to recuperate." He added softly before pulling away, James nodded once before reaching for his own clothes. Both could tell that Adrian was awake, but neither really made a move to tell him about their suspicions or that they hadn't been able to find where the pup had come from. Once both were down to their boxers rid they move towards their own bed, curling up together and immediately falling asleep.

They needed to leave this town as soon as they could. @SomeoneSomewere
Words failed her even if she wanted to reply, she caught a brief glance of a needle and thread before her head dropped down again. It should freak her out that her wounds are being stitched closed, but she couldn't feel the pain she knew she was supposed to. Swallowing thickly again Rayne forced her eyes to remain open, for her mouth to form words despite how tired she was. "H- her name is...Essa." She whispers out softly, fingers flexing against the cushions once more.

A cool nose brushed along her cheek and it drew her attention away from the ceiling, Essa whined softly before sitting down on her haunches. A dark form drew her eyes and she found another dog sitting beside her own, fur inky-black but soft looking. "Hello Leo...you're pretty." She states after a beat, eyes blinking furiously as the new dog whined softly. Reaching out an arm that felt like it weighted twenty pounds, she made a soft clicking sound towards the dogs. Essa moved forward immediately, sniffing once before licking her fingers.

"I feel bad for just...barging into your life like this...I'm sorry." Were the murmured words that left her lips, her eyes finally winning the fight and remaining closed. Her body felt like it was floating but also being pressed down with each breath she took, agony traveling along her skin but it feels muted somehow. Both dogs are gently but insistently nudging against her cheek and hand, but that too feels far away and like it's happening to someone else. This is bad and a distant part of her mind is screaming at her, to stay awake no matter what but she can't. She feels like something is taking what little energy she has away slowly with each beat of her heart, and the darkness behind her eyelids is suddenly terrifying. Unconscious takes her before she can make a sound. @SomeoneSomewere
His name suggestions had a surprised snort leaving her lips, her head shaking once in amusement before her focus settled on the pup once more. Her fur was white but with very intermingled within, her eyes were blue-green with flecks of gold. Frowning in thought Enna allowed the small pup to settle along her stomach, fingers trailing through fur that felt soft and unknotted.

"How about...Athena?" She offers into the silence, eyes feeling heavy as she watches the rise and fall of a small chest. It's a name she remembers hearing from the stories her grandmother used to tell her, the Goddess of war it meant and it seemed to suit this courageous pup. Sleep was the last thing she wanted but her body had other ideas, even as she tried to keep her eyes open she found it nearly impossible. Enna was fast asleep moments later with her head tipped slightly back and her body curled protectively around the pup.

Being laid down hurt worse then trying to remain upright, the hiss that escaped her lips was the only vocalization she could manage. Waves of red-hot agony moved along her entire arm, and although she was gentle in her movements it still hurt. Her breathing was ragged in a way she didn't like at all, her mother -ever the doctor- would be trying to help calm her down if she were here. Swallowing thickly, Rayne shifted slightly to glance down at her shoulder and arm. Now that the blood was being wiped away she could see the deep gashes along her pale skin, and what looked like black ink that hadn't been there before.

"Where...is that ink?" She asks slowly, with her words slurring and tongue heavy. Her eyes closed as dizziness washed over her, the world was spinning in a way she didn't like at all. The ink hadn't looked at all disturbed by either the gashes of blood, as if the boy had burned her without using flame. Her hands flexed along her sides as she tried to stay still, not at all sure what to do but let this girl help her. "I...forgot to introduce myself. My name's Rayne, and yours?" Her voice was a weak whisper in the silent room, her eyes never opening again even if she wanted to see what the other would do next.

She felt drained in a way that didn't have to do with the fact that she hadn't slept for more than eight hours in the last week. This felt bone deep and like it was taking everything she had to keep awake, inhaling slowly Rayne tried to keep from jolting upright. @SomeoneSomewere
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