Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Most Recent Posts

One moment she's fast asleep and warm in her bed, the next she feels a body collide with her own and she's falling. A startled yelp leaves her lips as she lands on the hard wood floor, limbs flailing every which way in her confusion. For several moments her muddled brain is blank, her heavy eyes blinking slowly. It isn't until a melodious cry fills her ears that she's sitting up, a sharp cry follows and Kira fumbles to escape her blanket. The air that had been cool before now felt weighted, and each passing second made it more suffocating.

"The hell was that?" She hisses out angrily as she slowly stands on her feet, eyes narrowed and focusing on the other person in the room. A girl with dark hair sits on her bed with a Pikachu beside her, then she sees the Luxury Ball in her hands and sighs in irritation. Her hands reach for her two Pokémon who radiate anger and confusion, her heavy eyes sting as she pets along soothe skin and soft fur. Anger is simeeting beneath her skin as well as slight curiosity, because something had collided with her. She knows it wasn't a dream-infused hallucination, pain flared along her side everyone other second.

Queen sways forward with her eyes narrowed, her fan-like tail beginning to rotate. Astral too is slowly beginning to move his body, paws lightly tapping along the mattress as his ears flatten along his head.

If she doesn't calm them down both will attack, reason doesn't matter when it comes to their protectiveness over her.

With a sigh that expands her entire chest, Kira runs her hands through her hair before focusing on her teammates again. With gentle hands she reaches for Queen's face, tugging until she can run her cheek along smooth skin. She can feel Queen relax and it helps her breathe slightly easier, usually Milotic don't get angry but this is one occasion where it can't be helped. Unlike its Pokedex entree it can get angry and it doesn't always calm those that are angry. Once she's sure Queen won't attack with her tail, she releases her to pick Astral up.

Silence continues to fill the air. But right now Kira can't be bothered to say anything else. Her temper is shortest when she's tired, and despite this hard-earned trip if the girl -she had to be Remi- says anything all bets are off. Astral nuzzles her cheek and relaxes with a sigh, the air lightens again and she can relax again. Soothing her hand along Queen's blue 'hair' one last time as she sets Astral down, she moves towards her discarded suitcase. She'd noticed the others were hair and it reminded her that she no doubt smelled of plane, wrinkling her nose she goes about collecting her pajamas.

As she passes her roommates bed she can't help but narrow her eyes in irritation, her usual friendly demeanor nonexistent at this hour. As she opens the bathroom door she glances over at her two Pokemon, pointing at them and clicking her tongue. "Go back to sleep, I'll be out soon." Are her only words, the warning clear in her tone. Both remain upright for a moment longer, before both nod and lay down once more. Licking her lips as she closes the door, Kira rolls her shoulders once with a huff. Then she moves towards the shower, turning the water on before pulling out her toothbrush from her small toiletries bag.

She's done ten minutes later, her exhaustion rearing its head halfway through. Stumbling a bit as she slips into her pajamas, Kira lazily makes an attempt to dry hwr hair. Grunting at the effort it takes she gives up halfway through, exiting out into the room once more. Without a word she passes her roommate towards her own bed, crawling in with a soft sigh.

She curls up and smiles when Astral settles along her side, a smooth nose nuzzling her cheek before disappearing. Within moments she's asleep again, damp brown hair fanning out behind her.
Her excitement had dimmed within the first few moments that she'd stepped into the large buidling, her dislike of planes rearing it's head. Astral is a familiar presence on her shoulder as she moves toward where one of a small group waits, slightly familiar faces. These trips are required to have an adult with them and it's a toss up between parents and teachers. As she draws closer she can feel eyes on her and it makes her frown, gloved hands flexing at her sides. Chris had told her that these trips weren't all for fun, and that despite having classmates with you didn't meant they'd all be nice.

"Kira! Finally!" A voice chirps out just when she can feel her irritation rising, her head turning away to find a familiar form running at her. Her childhood best friend Sandra slammed into her with an excited squeal, squeezing around Kira's waist. What's funny is her friend is a foot shorter then her and has an almost doll-like appearance, her strength surprises others.

"I literally saw you last night at dinner. Let go." She mutters with a wince, spitting out blonde hair from her mouth. Instead of letting go Sandra grips her tighter, which has Kira hissing lightly. A soft chirp draws her attention behind her friend, to another familiar figure. Sandea's Kirlia is watching them closely, slender feet tapping along the marble floor. Astral chirps and jumps down from her shoulder, tail wagging as he begins to mirror the tempo Kirlia has going.

"Why is our flight so late? I wanna go nooooowwwww~" Sandra whines out dramatically, face nuzzling against Kira's stomach. Before Kira can reply someone is Xiaoping their hands from behind them, and a smile tugs her lips up at who she sees is their chaperone. Ms. Simone is one of her favorite teachers because she doesn't have them just reading books, she's let's them battle in class sometimes.

"Almost everyone's here, just waiting on a few more stragglers. Let me see your ID's so that I can hand out your tickets." Her tone is gentle and a smile plays along her lips, her partner a Gogoat stamps it's foot once before standing still.

Once their given their tickets all they can do is wait, conversation is mostly nonexistent which isn't all bad Kira guesses. She's just asked Sandra whar ti,e it was on her phone when the last few kids arrive, not that she really cares if she's being honest.

She blinks when she pulls out her own phone, noting the barrage of texts from her brother. He must've already had his coffee which flips the switch from grumpy to talkative, curious she taps her screen to see what he's sent.

Chris -Bro- 8:00 AM
Don't trip

Chris -Bro- 8:03 AM
I was kidding, did you make it????

Chris -Bro- 8:07 AM
Image Sent

Chris -Bro- 8:09 AM
Image Sent

Chris -Bro- 8:10 AM

You 8:11 AM
Whoops, sorry forgot I had my phone on silent

You 8:11AM
I didn't fall. And yes I made i

You 8:12AM
Image Sent

You 8:13AM
Congrats on the baby Litwick! I hope the trainer and you take good care of them! Gotta go, security check time.

She's just locking her phone with the intent of putting it away, when it vibrates one more time. Curious despite her growing unease, she glances down at her screen as Ms. Simone leads them towards their gate.

Chris -Bro- 8:15AM

Chris -Bro- 8:16AM

It makes her snort a soft laugh which has Sandra immediately crowding into her space. Thankfully before her hyper friend can use her phone to spam Chris whatever she found online about just about anything, Ms. Simone calls for their attention. Soon they're all settled into their rather stylish seats after passing through security and the captain is speaking. The good thing about their school owning get own planes is that they don't have to deal with random as strangers. And the flight is straight instead of dealing with layovers, they'll be cutting down a twenty-four hour flight down to fifteen.

Kira swallows as the hears the engines rumble to life, Astral settled comfortably in her lap. Her hands grip the sides of her seat so hard her fingers begin to cramp, the music she'd picked to distract her doing nothing to help. She's never been a fan of planes, thankfully take off is over and they even out. From there a low rumble of conversations fills the air, and slowly Kira feels herself relaxing. The flight will be long and no doubt the patience of both humans and Pokémon will be tested. Joy.

She can't feel her ass, or her legs.

Everyone is slow to get off the plane, even though they'd landed five minutes ago. She's expecting a bright sun above to blind her as she steps out, but instead she's met with a sea of stars. The air smells of salt as she inhales slowly, stretching her limbs out as best she can while walking.

"Come on, let's go check in and get settled for the night. Check your phones for a text I'll be sending out that'll tell you where we're, we meeting in the morning." Ms. Simone sounds just as tired as they all feel, Astral chirps softly in her ear before nuzzling against her skin.

"Dinner...breakfast...? Food first and then bed..." When murmurs around a yawn, guilt swirling in her chest as she remembers Queen had spent far too long within her Pokeball.

She doesn't notice the device Ms. Simone holds isn't her usual phone, or how restless she gets as they move towards the hotel. Kira doesn't even question how she has their numbers to text them, she's tired and hungry and wants so spend some time with her Pokémon.

"Kiiirrraaaa~" Sandra whines out, collapsing against her even as they continue to walk. She stumbles a bit because Sandra may be small but she's heavy, and they both have rolling suitcases which almost trip them up.


"Come on!"

"I love you, Sandra. I love you so hard platonicly but no."


"God dammit, fine!" She hisses out with a narrowing of her eyes, her usual cheer is buried beneath hunger and exhaustion. Sandra takes it in stride, taking her hand and taking off in a dash. Agreeing to be temporary roommates is both a blessing and a curse, because they were told from the start that roommates were already picked beforehand. Once they reach the lobby of the hotel Ms. Simone begins calling out nanes and roI'm numbers, two per each room. She's starting to drift off when she hears Sandra being paired with another girl, the pout that's aimed at her makes her snort.

"And lastly, Miss Kira and Miss Remi. Room 316." And for a long moment Kira doesn't move, and then she's being handed a key. They're told Ms. Simone's room number and that they have a whole floor to their school, and then they're being ushered to their rooms. Her legs feel like lead as she's left staring at a wooden door, Astral pacing around her feet impatiently.

Whoever this Remi chick is she better not be loud, or heads will roll. Is her irritated though as she slips her key card along the reader, pushing open the door with it clicks. The room is massive she notes tiredly, with its own kitchen and twin beds separated by a dark-tinted glass door. Letting the door close behind her Kira moves forward, intent on the left bed which is closest to the window, her tired eyes take on the large living room with a blink before she's flopping on her bed. Astral has wandered off somewhere but she isn't concerned, what little energy she has fades as she lays still with her face buried against soft sheets. She must doze off because a weight landing on her back has her jerking, only to huff when she realizes it's Astral. "Food, I know. Water to no doubt. Alright off." She murmurs before pushing herself up, before turning to head for the kitchen. She let's Queen out once she has both food and water ready, petting along both her Pokémon's sides in silent apology as they eat and drink. As she leaves them be she moves towards the refrigerator, phone in hand as she opens the door. Finding a plate of pasta she grabs a fork and seats herself in the couch, unlocking her phone and opening her camera app. She takes pictures of them eating before focusing solely on her meal, when all three of them are done Kira sets about cleaning up their dishes. The bowls she brought with her as set beside her bed, while her used plate is washed and left to dry. Then she's sitting down heavily on the couch with a sigh, tipping sideways until she's no longer upright. Her phone feels heavy but she holds on, opening up her messages she begins to type. Relaxing when she feels Astral settle on her stomach, Queen curling up beside them with her head tucked beneath her gold-red tail.

Chris -Bro- 2:45PM
Let me know when you land. 😊😊

Chris -Bro- 7:40PM
Miss you~ Night 😴😴

You 10:00PM
Image Sent

You 10:00PM
Image Sent

You 10:00PM
Image Sent

You 10:00PM
Image Sent

You 10:02PM

And before she knows it. She's fast asleep.
The day of...

She awakes to the smell of cooking food filling her nose.

As well as a familiar weight against her stomach.

For a long moment it takes Kira's half-asleep brain to register why that's so odd, until realization hits and she's sitting bolt upright. "Oh, shit!" She shouts before scrambling to the edge of her bed, not even noticing how the weight along her stomach had jumped off seconds before she sat up. Though her mind is awake and whirling with thoughts, her body is slowly waking up. Her movements are jerky as she races to her already prepared clothes, nearly tripping over her recently evolved Queen who's asleep on the rug in the center of her room in her haste.

"Ki? You awake?" Comes a muffled voice from behind her door, clicking her tongue Kira focuses on switching her pajamas for actual clothes. There's silence for a few moments, only the familiar muffled sound of music filling the air. Until a knock breaks it, Kira huffs out a breath just as she finishes buttoning her pants.

"Go away, Chris!" She says in the direction of her door, already turned away to head into her bathroom. Her brown hair is a mess of curls when she looks in the mirror, she rolls her brown eyes before picking up her toothbrush. Five minutes later she's stepping out with her hair combed and her hat atop her head, smile wide on her lips. She pauses when she finds two familiar figures waitingon the rug in the middle of her room, both awake and patient. Queen is swaying and her tail is tapping along the fabric almost rhythmically, Astral is licking his front paws slowly. "You two ready? We have to hurry or we'll be late." She murmurs as she moves closer, hands reaching to pet them both. She's just reaching for her bag when her door opens, her elder brother stands just within the doorframe with a book in hand.

"Come on." Is all he says, before turning away. His partner Spook -a Trevenant- waves a clawed hand at her before following Chris, Kira snorts and follows both down. The smell is heavenly and makes her stomach growl, which draws a the attention of her mother.

"You need to hurry, good morning, sweet." Is her greeting with a smile, before she gestures to the plates on the table. A glance at the clock is enough to have her cursing softly and sitting down, her mother already setting bowls out for the three Pokémon to eat from. Her father must be in the nursery because he doesn't join them, his partner Rose -an Aromatisse- wanders in just as she's finishing. Handing her mother her plate she hugs her before repeating the sameto Chris, who holds her tight with a paton her head. Spook and Rose press in close to her before doing the same to Queen and Astral, before stepping back. Just as she reaching for Queen's Pokeball, the sound of a door opening has her head turning, her father has an egg in his hands and a Helioptile on his shoulder.

"Ready, Kira? We'll miss you." He replies softly, smile on his lips even as he opens his arms. Kira steps into them easily and closes her eyes, before pulling away reluctantly.

"I'll call when I can, I love you!" She shouts over her shoulder, recalling Queen with an apologetic look before racing out the front door. Astral is running right beside her, ears flopping in the wind. As the sun above warms her skin, she can't nelp but grin widely.

What a great day for this trip.


Age: 17

Location: Route 101

Heading that the first gym leader they'd face was tough, wasn't as big as a surprise. Then again he didn't know what types this region used for each gym, when he felt eyes on him he glanced up and met Soren's worried gaze. "All we can do is train." He murmured softly, gaze shifting between the group of Pokémon around them. The rest of lunch was passed trading stories at Micah's question of their precious adventures. Cleaning up went quicker then he'd expected it to with three people helping out, even the Pokémon helped by handing their bowls over with happy cries.

Moving on instinct from his precious adventure, Yuu sat down on a rock and pulled out a brush and gray rag. He'd learned early on from his parents that grooming your Pokemon could increase your bond, his former team had fallen in love with the ritual. Blinking in surprise when he wasn't immediately being jostled, he glanced up and found Ace, Haru and even Micah watching him.

[color=47E263]"I-I'm curious, what a-are you doing?" His head was titled and his wide-eyes were intent on him, Yuu rolled his shoulders in a shrug.

" It's a habit. Whenever we finish eating I would also take time to either brush or polish my Pokemon. My parents who breed Pokemon say that doing so as well as feeding them treats on occasion can help grow your bond." He explains easily, shaking both objects in his hands for emphasis. His eyes focus on his two members with a small smile forming on his lips, the breeze that flows around them warm and gentle. "May I? Groom you I mean?" Ace and Haru blink once, then share a look between them for several long moments. Before both move forward, the smile that forms on his lips is wide and happy.

"T-that's interesting. Low-Low? Would you like that as well?" He asks the bird perched on his shoulder, the small avian Pokemon chirps once with a flap of his wings. Micah laughs softly before moving to sit on a rock a bit away fron Yuu, eyes intent on the way the other boy tends to his teammates. "M-may I b-barrow those items when you're d-done? I-I'll have to buy some in the next town." Yuu nods quietly with his eyes never leaving his task, Micah stays silent but watches intently.

"Maybe Dash will like this too, Soren. Then when we reach Petalburg we can do some training." He suggests over his shoulder, hands never ceasing their movements. There was no rush to beat the gyms, nor was there a race to catch a full team.

@Dio Welcome back, friend! I've been doing just fine, hope you've been doing fine as well! Can't wait! No rush of course~ 😊
"I think we'd all but like that." James replied with a faint twitch of his lips, his own eyes scanning the approaching trees. Although his hands were in his pockets and his posture screamed relaxed, he was anything but that and was ready to react if need be. The air slowly cleared away of humans and food, revealing the familiar comfort of trees and far off water.

Not that they could enjoy it much. The walk was quiet with only the sound of nature filling the void, their steps silent despite the fallen leaves decorating the ground. It was like a calm before a storm and it set Enna's teeth on edge, Athena all but glued to her side. Straight paths began to morph slowly into hills and steep inclines, the scent of water and pine thickening the more they traveled. Stopping for a break sometime later felt like a bad idea by it needed to happen, they weren't at full capacity yet despite the strong front they insisted on showing. Food was passed around and a small fire courtesy of the twins lit the darkness around them, not that it helped much to chase away the feeling of eyes on them.

The first issue arose when the forest opened up into a clearing with a large lake in the middle, with no other alternate route allowing them passage. Handing off Athena who was all but falling asleep to Adrian, Enna stepped forward and set a foot along the water. Only for all hell to break loose when spikes of earth split the ground, followed by a wall of water rising to meet the mwet them as well. Snarling out a growl as she back flipped away, Enna allowed her eyes to flare blue with the wolf to see where their attackers were.

Except whoever they were didn't give them much of a chance to collect themselves, attacks came fromy every direction without pause. And the problem was that neither of them could really fight back, exhaustion of overuse of their powered drastically hindering them. They were being pushed back while also being herded closer together, and that infuriated her. Her head as well as the twins' shipped around when they heard the sound of high-pitched laugher, a hyena slowly walking out from the trees. It's fur was ink black with rocks hovering around it, a hiss followed and they watched as a dragon with navy-blue scales emerged from the water. The hoot of an owl came with shadows dancing around it as it flapped its wings, and a lion with pure-white fur followed with vines wrapped around its body. These were the ones watching them, all shifted and at full power. Enna felt her body shudder with the need to shift and fight, but she knew that would only end in disaster. With a swallow and a sharp inhale she's moving forward, thankful for the water even as she releases some of her magic. The air thickens with mist immediately, with needles added in that shoot forward. "Go!" Is her only word before she's turning away, the sounds of pained cries filling the air as the needles no doubt pierce into skin.

They need to move, and quickly.

Dinner came and went without a hitch, by the time she reached her room Rayne was all but swaying on her feet. Hiding an injury was hard enough with someone as sharp as her brother, but she'd managed somehow. A moment of panic had stolen her breathe away when she remembered her boldly clothes, though it went away when she saw that the rain had washed it away. Now as she stood in her room she found herself swaying, pain radiating down her right arm in waves that had her stomach rolling.

Ignoring it as best she could she moved towards nher in suite bahroom, intent on keeping her normal routine as best she could. Once her teeth were brushed she moved towards her dresser, hands slightly shaking as she searched for pajamas to wear. The rain hadn't stopped and the constant tapping against her window was like a lullaby, but sleep wasn't her friend anymore. Once dressed comfortably Rayne checked the stitches one final time, before sitting down at her desk to begin her homework.

Losing herself in the rythmic pattern of doing whatever she had to, she felt the last bit of tension along her shoulders fade. Between one Algebra problem and the next time slipped away from her, and sleep pulled her under its depth without her even knowing. Not that it lasted long, this week alone she'd on managed eight sparadic hours within six days.

Waking up with a jolt and a scream lodged within her throat, Rayne squeezed her eyes shut tight enough to hurt. It was the same foggy dream as always but it was morphing, slowly beginning to come into focus. Ears still echoing with muffled screams she didn't understand, Rayne pushed up from her seat and began to pace. Tired mind trying to connect the dots between what was slowly sharpening in her dream, with what happened today. Pace slowing until she was just standing in front of her window, heavy eyes focused on the water-splattered glass. With a sigh she grabbed her phone and headphones, before sitting down on her windowsill seat with blankets and pillows scattered about. With her back against a mound of pillows, Rayne settled in to greet the morning with little sleep once more. Fingers absently touching along her screen for a few moments, before the soft sound of piano notes began to play in the silence.
The inside was warmer then outside, and what better was the immediate muffling of the crowded sidewalk when the door closed behind them. The scents that met her nose were softer inside, floral but also spicy. She could feel Athena curiously glancing around, though she made no move to get down."Let's split up and find any clothes that we'll need." She murmured softly, before stepping forward towards a rack.

While she ran warmer than those around her, with her control over ice her skin tended to feel freezing. Athena didn't seem to mind one bit as she snuggled close, answering any questions Enna asked in regards to what she wanted. Jason held their combined clothes since her own hands were full, not that he really seemed to mind. James was no doubt searching for more items for them to wear, there was just one issue and it was only dawning on her now. She couldn't see shoes and those were a necessity, and it had her eyes narrowing in dissatisfaction. Until she felt small fingers tapping along her jaw, and her gaze was averted from the racks she'd been absently glaring at towards the far back.

"Should I change at once?" Were the soft words spoken, Enna could note a hint of unease and reluctance but said nothing. The clothes that has been settled on were a pair of jeans with a white blouse, with a black jacket and boots to complete it. This wouldn't be a regular happenstance but for now it was alright, being on the run was enuygh of a challenge. Once they were all done did they move as one towards the front desk, where an elderly woman stood behind with a book in hand. Her stomach lurched painfully at just how similar she looked like her grandmother, she allowed now of that to show however.

"Ready, dears? My don't you look adorable!" The woman praised gently, which had Athena ducking her head and hiding behind Adrian in embarrassment. Paying was a quick and easy process, and soon they were outside once more. This time wearing thicker coats so those few people would stop staring, Enna had even bought a new pair of boots just in case.

"East? We'll end up walking trough forest toward the next town but really I'd take it over the city road." Was her offer in terms of direction, the map they'd bought had shown several forest-based roads. As they drew further away from the town did she feel her skin begin to crawl, her eyes scanning the nearing trees apprehensively.

The question drew Rayne's attention from the muted world she'd been observing, her own eyes closing as embarrassment settled into her gut. Before she could speak however she noticed other signs that something had happened, the beginning of a swollen eye as well as cuts along pale fingers. Licking her lips she gave the girl a fee moments to try to piece herself together, before softly whispering out her adresss. When they began to move once more, Rayne glanced out her window once more to keep from blatantly staring at the other girl.

Her home was modest in size with brick walls, two stories in height with the forest surrounding in on all sides. The driveway was vacant of her parents cars and only held Samuel's, her own was still in the shop it seemed. Essa began to whine softly as they neared home, and Rayne could feel some of the tension in her shoulders lessen at the familiar sight. When the car came to a stop she saw the front door open to reveal her brother, a smile pulled her lips up as she opened her door.

"Thank you...and drive safe." Was all that she could manage to say, a spike of unease filing her chest at the thought that the other would have to return to whatever had happened. With her book bag in hand she reached inside to pet Leo once more, before stepping back with Essa taking off towards the porch. "I'll...be seeing you." She added before offering a half-wave of her good hand, turning away to head inside. Samuel met her with his arms wide in what is their customary greeting, her face tucking into the curve of his neck as he hugged her close.

"I have a new recipe I want to try. Inside, inside." He sang out excitedly even as he squeezed her once, she snorted in what she hoped would hide her slight wince of pain. The rain hadn't fully let up one bit, exhaling she pushed away from the warmth of her brothers arms to head inside. Out of her periphery she saw the wave Samuel offered Adrienne, before her attention was diverted to untying her boot laces. The sheer warmth she could feel the moment she walked into her own front door made her shudder, because the brunettes home hadn't held any she realized. It was a home where people lived but it held no memories within, like an abandoned project or something. It made her chest ache in a way it had never done before, sympathy but also anger coursing through her body. Before she could do something like storm off or punch a wall, Samuel had her wrist and was leading her towards the kitchen.

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