Avatar of Arista


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
4 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

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😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰😍🥰🥰😍 Vibe check is 100% I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!!
Nooooo, none of them show up! 😥 I wanna see~
With Ashton's help she managed to find the room she was meant to leave the bug, with careful steps and an added set of eyes on a screen from an untraceable computer. Now his voice was silent in her ear, no doubt breathing a sigh of relief that she'd accomplished it or telling Director D'Angelo himself. The respite from the Gala had helped her composure settle into her usual calm self, this was in essence her first time at a proper social event since her cousins wedding two years ago.

The stairs she took would lead her back to the hallway she'd slipped through before, or so Ashton pipped up as she descended them with a light grimace on her face. Her feet were beginning to ache from the heels she had on, no doubt a warm bath was in order after this. Her senses snapped into focus when she was nearly sent falling onto her rear, muscles tensing as her right foot slipped back to instinctively distribute her weight so that she didn't fall. Head snapping up her eyes widen slightly with who she's met with, Ashton's voice filters distantly though her ear.

His words hold a purr to them which has her fighting the urge to wrinkle her nose distastefully at him, hand reaching for her dropped bag. She felt the resistance for only a brief moment before she was pulling it up, expression carefully settled into a small smile despite how his eyes on her felt like he was mentally undressing her where she stood. "My name is Ana." She replies with a Russian accent coloring her tone, lashes fluttering at him in a practiced move she hasn't had to use in awhile. When he holds up a finger after his phone rings, she can feel herself breathe easily for the first time since she ran into Mr. Crawford -Calvin-. Then he's handing her a business card after hastily writing something on it, his words drawing a playful grin from her lips that she doesn't feel at all. She wants to go home and curl up with a blanket and Delta, unwind with trash reality TV. Not this. "I'd be happy to." She answers smoothly, while accepting the card.

She silently accepted the kiss he placed on her hand, all the while mentally cringing and trying not to let her expression shift. His parting words echoed in the air as he strode away, it left a funny taste in her mouth that she wanted to chase away with a shot it vodka. When she was sure that he was far enough away, she discreetly wiped her hand on the side of her dress, fingers curling around the card unconsciously before relaxing. She's not sure what the hell just happened but she's had enough of today. Huffing she moved back to the main lobby, dancing around guests until she was near the front doors. A waiter paused beside her and she pulled out a phony checkbook, quickly filled it out and handed it to her. "Please add this to the donations." She instructed with a slight narrowing of her eyes, before turning and striding out into the night.

She breathed a discrete sigh at relief when she saw the limo pull up immediately. Freedom.
"Alright, Ms. Hale. Can you hear me?" The voice in her ear wasn't unexpected exactly, she'd been warned that she wouldn't be alone once she was inside. Judging by the tone and the title, whoever had spoken must be someone young. Shifting her gaze around the room, Ellie shifted her body to begin walking.

So far she'd avoided really talking to anyone, except for an older woman who had greeted her with a smile that seemed genuine, her small talk hadn't been neither too direct or aloof. Her training had taught her how to read someone's body language until it was like second nature, and the woman had been as genuine as one could be. No manipulation in her words, or sly glances or grins that would have immediately set off her inner alarms. "Yes." She replies lowly as she moves towards one of the tables holding food, pausing to wave over a waiter to accept a glass from the tray he held.

"Good, my name is Ashton and I'll be guiding you to where you need to be." His tone wavers slightly in what might be nerves, she can hear fingers flying across a computers keyboard. Pretending to sip at her drink, she moves forward and does a circle around the guests gathered. "Alright Ms-"

"Call me Ellie, Ashton. We're working together and helping one another." She says it gently with a little laugh hidden under the words, a way to help him relax if only the slightest bit. He's not in any real risk during this situation, she'd feel more at ease if he calmed.

"O-of course Ms-" He clears his throat just as Ellie had opened her mouth, eyes still scanning the room despite the way she's moving around people. "Sorry, Ellie. Alright, now if you go to your right you'll be heading towards a side hallway that leads to a stairwell..." His tone has settled and it has a small smile curling her lips, body moving to do as he instructs with as much grace as one can.

She's not sure if she imagined it, but she'd felt eyes on her. A gaze that had felt piercing and yet curious if that were possible.
Ellie took the hand offered to her with a smile, letting her chauffeur who was actually another undercover officer help her out of the limo they'd arrived in. She wore a long strapless golden dress with matching heels, her hair had been styled and tied up high in a hairstyle she couldn't pronounce. D'Angelo had explained what she would be doing exactly, from start to finish with clear instructions on what she needed to accomplish.

Looking up at the near gleaming hotel as other guests moved towards the front doors, she couldn't help but wish she hadn't pestered her boss into letting her out into the field. This hadn't been at all on her mind, but here she was and though not a high-ranking case she had no intention of failing.

Turning to collect her small purse which held a decoy phone and the device she needed to strategically place, she let her other hand move through Delta's fur once before moving away. Exhaling through her nose she ascended the stairs that led to the doors, head high and expression calm despite her stomach being twisted in knots.

She tried to keep her eyes from widening as she was let inside, pace only stuttering for a fraction of a second at the sheer beauty of the entrance. Willing her heart to settle as she walked forward to where a line had formed, Ellie let her eyes close for a second to center herself.

She was the daughter of a foreign businessman who wanted to see if Mr. Crawford and his company would be a great aid in helping expand his own business would be a good venture. Her eyes caught on the man everyone was pausing to greet with handshakes and smiles, no doubt this was the man in charge of tonight's event.

Forcing herself to calm and not look like a panic foal caught unawares, Ellie let a practiced smile curl her lips as the line moved forward. Mannerisms drilled into her from a young age by loving parents who held money and a regular presence at social gatherings that demanded respect, she fell easily into them now. She needed to prove that she could do this, that she could curb her own hyperfixation on certain cases by herself without someone tugging her ear to get her attention.
In a modest-sized office, with navy-blue painted walls and gray furniture Sar a woman typing away at her computer. The single large window that decorated the left side of her office let sunlight stream in, which had her squinting at her screen before she let out a huff of air and rose to her feet. She was dressed in black pants and a white-sleeveless shirt, brown hair tied in a bun atop her head with black-heeled boots bringing the look together.

Her expression softened as the harsh sunlight dimmed as she half closed the blinds, a huff from her right has her head turning to peer at her companion with a snort. Sprawled on the white carpeted floor, a sable-coated German Shepherd lays with her head half-raised as if in protest to the lose of sun. Ellie snorts again and moves back towards her desk, tired eyes blinking twice as she settles in her chair once more.

Technically her shift ended four hours ago, but the Director had asked her to return at seven, it's now close to nine and she'd rather be home sleeping off a twelve-hour shift. She's interrupted just as her fingers touch the top of her keyboard, by the door opening to reveal Director D'Angelo himself.

Delta flips over onto her belly at the new presence with her ears perked, Ellie blinks again before lifting a hand in a half-hearted wave. "Come along, Hale. We need to talk." His tone is even and calm, his expression blank in a way that has a shiver racing along Ellie's spine. She stands slowly and moves around her desk, stomach fluttering as D'Angelo moves away from the door and to let them pass. His usual smile and teasing is gone, he's serious in a way he only gets when something large in happening in a case, or something went wrong and they'd lost a member during a case or investigation.

Delta follows beside her as they walk down the hall, her office closing with a click as the automatic lock settles into place. D'Angelo leads them with long strides, broad back covered in a beige suit that's a few shades darker then his blonde hair. The main area of their headquarters is filled with cubicles and long glass tables used for debriefing any large-scale cases, passing them all without pause Ellie can't help but feel appreciation pool in her stomach. She's rarely called out to deal with very important cases on her own, usually she's sent out with an older agent who can help curb her tendency to obsess over a case until she's able to solve it.

D'Angelo's office is grey with brown furniture and black carpet, the opposite of her own. He gestured to a cushioned chair and she settles in it quietly, brows furrowed even as Delta sits on her feet with a sigh. "Sir?" She asks with cautious politeness, fingers burying themselves in soft, warm fur.

"I need your help with a case, Hale. You're going to have to go undercover, and plant a device so that we can get some much needed information. " A pale hands holds out a crimson folder, taking it she opens it up to see what's inside.

The picture pinned at the top is followed by printed information, her head tilts as she reads what's before her, silently wishing that she'd had coffee before sitting down to finish her own half-finished case reports. The establishment in question is a beautiful hotel with what looks like five floors, a place the screams it's usual clientele are those with money. "You've been asking for a real case for awhile. This shouldn't be too hard." His tone lifts and when she glances up he's grinning at her, nose wrinkling at him as it settles in that this isn't as big of a case as she'd thought she can't help but shake her head at him.

"Now, what's this about a Gala?" She asks with a finger pointing down at the sheet before her, the only response she gets is D'Angelo's laughter filling the air.
Eloise "Ellie" Hale
Yuri Katrina Mikhailova|34

Anastasia "Nastya"

I hope your sleep schedule rights itself! I've had that issue and it's not fun, i recently bought a heated blanket and it seems to help, I hope you get some rest!

You're fine! :)


I shall begin plotting, haha.
Nah! I'm like that too, but I also get bored and love to write stories that keep my brain focused. But! You do you~ I'll be here ^^

Ah, see I do know this. Apparently my zombie brain forgot that key detail and settled on typing out past tense. Sorry about that, honestly.

No! No! I must've missed it! You're post was amazing! :)

I didn't mean to have them be so overpowered z.z Limits shall be added like you've mentioned. And as for them being something major in the story, I'd say it'd add a twist so I'm open for them being a part of this if you are ^^
I shall keep that in mind, I'm just one of those people that don't like keeping their partner waiting for a reply. I feel guilty~

I wrote in present instead of past? Really? Sorry about that~ I don't mind I think, I'm just used to writing in present so that'll be different ^^

I'll take your word for it, lol.

Sooooooo...I blame my zombie brain for this, honestly. So long story short my brain that "Let's have families who breed animals that can be used to keep tabs on the humans while looking like regular animals so as not to draw attention." Basically normal-looking animals are bred to replace police presence on the streets, the difference is these animals have a telepathic bond with the parent/who bred them and can relay information back and forth, they can also talk like humans. Sorry if this is a reach, I can edit my post to remove this if need be. Again a random sleep-deprived idea

Will do! Meant to updated it but got busy~

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