Avatar of Arkitekt


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
3 yrs ago
The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

@Finris No need to head over yet. I will make a new rp thread once I have about five players or so. As for the rolls it will make a lot more sense once you see how the character creation and character sheet are created. I will also go a bit more in depth with examples so you can see how it works. its much more simple than it sounds, and it is only meant to guide or embellish your post rather than to dominate the game play.
@Aristo@Arthas32 Here is a link to the original rp, complete with hiders and info on first page.

@Aristo Pardon my long absence, some unexpected personal stuff came up that took longer to resolve than I thought, but if you are still interested, as I hope you are.. I have more than ample time to put towards this now. I have taken a permanent leave from work to focus on my artwork and writing.

To answer your inquiry and fears of tabletop mechanics, it is more like a post or action swayer. To help keep our characters, and the success of their feats a bit more unplanned and honest. They are in no way overbearing and are meant to only direct your posting in a more haphazard, organic fashion, and are meant to add a bit of spontaneity to posts. More like whitewolf's set up where the storytelling is paramount and supersedes the needs for excessive rules or rolling. All we utilize is the generic roller already in this roleplaying forum and are as follows..

Attack rolls - 1d10
Injury Mod - -2 for the duration of the injury.

Skill Rolls - PointsxD2 ( if no skill points exist for skill player rolls 1d6 but must roll a 4 or better for a success. If successful in same action several times the GM may award character with this skill, adding 1 point, accumulating over time. Please make the GM aware of this as best as possible.)

Flintlock Mod - -2
6-8 = hit, 3-5 = poor shot, 1-2 = catastrophic failure

If you roll a perfect 10, the -2 modifier is negated, The shot is accurate and finessed. (Head shot, or similar)

Flaw Mod - -2 on first roll, if successful, mod drops to -1 (hold my beer!)

Intoxication Mod - -1 for duration of affect. Must be added to roll if this flaw already applies to character but reduces to regular mod -1 if roll is successful.. (good luck!)

Unfamiliar Weapon - -2

Pickpocketing - 1D100 (Silver)
All Successes - 1D20 (Gold)
Zero Successes - Failed pick, alerts the mark as well, resulting in confrontation.

Every character has to deal with some sort of flaw so there is a mod for that. These numbers generated are to determine how well, or how poorly your character performs, and isn't meant to be written down or put on a character sheet somewhere. The higher the number, the better success, the lesser, well you should get the idea of it by now. These characters aren't meant to be dashing, valiant, virtuous hero types, and are expected to do quite poorly quite often.

I added a mod for flintlocks as well, as in this era or realm, they are hazardous and less than reliable to use with any degree of expertise.

Skill rolls are the only ones that deal with any kind of character sheet statistics as you would be thinking of, and skills can grow over time, as well as new skillsets being acquired.
@Lord Orgasmo

is anyone besides myself still wanting to do this? I had an unexpected absence, but I would very much like to continue this if anyone else wants to. I am also an artist (if I haven't stated that prior) and I would love to add some visual aides, maps, equipment, scenes, etc.. But I would very much like to see where this goes. I think it has a ton of potential and I love the characters we already have.

I recently took a leave of absence from work, possibly altogether, to focus on my artwork, and perhaps to begin writing novels, so I have more than ample time to devote to this. I also have maya 3d so I can make renderings of buildings or places, etc, like the inn, or anything else with a bit of collaboration from the gm.

Still very interested, please pardon my absence..

no biggie. I have a bit of battlefield 4 with the platoon tonight but I might be able to post afterwards. Thanks [@hokumpokus] and @stitches for posting. I'll try to reply either tonight or tomorrow afternoon. I'll try and keep it short and simple, since its going to be shared dialogue.
I'll post again tonight possibly, unless anyone else has yet to post and would like to get in before the small get together at the inn. I'm about to head out for work but I will check back when I get off. If no one else is interested I can go ahead and make an entrance and another bit of dialogue between us @Stitches.

The whole idea or basis behind her wanting to do this is more or less to get everyone on the same page within the group. I'm sure it would be good for everyone to get a bit of an introduction, or at least a "what the fuck is this" bit of dialogue. Again if any other characters would like to get in on this that'd be great.

Even though I think this is a good Idea I'd like not to waste weeks on it. I'm very eager to get this thing rolling, as it is a bit more fantasy than I normally do, and that's something I've recently been wanting to remedy. I do low fantasy, or some mid fantasy, but I definitely enjoy the feel of this one. I just wanted to have a brief bit of convo between the party, as it only seems to make sense to do so as a player.
<Snipped quote by Arkitekt>
And are you thinking of playing like a medium of sorts? I would love that.

Yes, I was thinking of possibly playing a sort of medium and another character that was a ghost, or possibly two.
In my last post Y'Vanna offered to meet up with everyone for a drink and a bit of time to get organized as a group if anyone is interested. I figured it'd be a good opportunity for some shared dialogue within the party.
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