Avatar of Arkitekt


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
3 yrs ago
The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
1 like


Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

@KassarockThat is fine. It's not a huge deal as I don't plan to be checking for rolls or anything. It's going to be optional unless you like the idea and decide to go with it, and it's still just a simple template that can be altered if need be.

I am going to try to get a post up today as well. At least I hope to. I should have it up by tonight at the latest.

10-0 Caution
10-1 Reception poor
10-2 Reception good
10-3 Stop transmitting
10-4 Message received, understood
10-5 Replay message
10-6 Change channel
10-7 Responding
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat message
10-10 Negative
10-11 Identify frequency
10-12 Visitor(s) present
10-13 Weather and road advice
10-14 Citizen w/suspect
10-15 Prisoner in custody
10-16 Pick up prisoner
10-17 Request for gasoline
10-18 Equipment exchange
10-19 Return(ing) to station
10-20 Location
10-21 Telephone
10-21A Advise home I will return at:
10-22 Disregard last assignment
10-23 Stand by
10-24 Request car-to-car transmit
10-25 Do you have contact with:
10-26 Clear
10-27 D.D.L. report
10-28 Registration request
10-29 Check for wants
10-29F Subject wanted, felony
10-29H Hazard potential from subject
10-29M Subject wanted, Misdemeanor
10-29V Vehicle wanted
10-30 Doesn't conform to regulations
10-32 Drowning
10-33 Alarm sounding, audible
10-34 Assist at office
10-35 Time check
10-36 Confidential information
10-37 Identify operator
10-39 Can () come to the radio?
10-40 Is () available for phone call?
10-42 Check the welfare of/at:
10-43 Call a doctor
10-45 Condition of patient?
10-45A Good
10-45B Serious
10-45C Critical
10-45D Dead
10-49 Proceed to:
10-50 Under influence of drugs
10-51 Drunk
10-52 Resuscitator
10-53 Man down
10-54 Possible dead body
10-55 Coroner case
10-56 Suicide
10-56A Suicide attempt
10-57 Missing person
10-59 Security check
10-60 Lock-out
10-61 Miscellaneous public service
10-62 Meet a citizen
10-62A Take a report from a citizen
10-62B Civilian standby
10-63 Prepare to copy
10-64 Found property
10-66 Suspicious person
10-67 Person calling for help
10-68 Telephone for police
10-70 Prowler
10-71 Shooting
10-72 Gun involved
10-73 How do you receive?
10-79 Bomb threat
10-80 Explosion
10-86 Any radio traffic?
10-88 Assume post
10-91 Animal
10-91A Animal, stray
10-91B Animal, noisy
10-91C Animal, injured
10-91D Animal, dead
10-91E Animal, bite
10-91G Animal, pickup
10-91J Animal, pickup collect
10-91L Animal, leash law violation
10-91V Animal, vicious
10-95 Need ID tech unit
10-97 Arrived at scene
10-98 Available to assign

PD Scanner 1-37 Codes

Code 2 Urgent - no light or siren
Code 3 Use lights and siren
Code 4 No further assistance needed
Code 5 Stakeout
Code 6 Stay out of area
Code 7 Meal break
Code 8 Restroom break
Code 9 Summer uniform
Code 10 SWAT pre-call up
Code 11 SWAT Call up
Code 37 Subject/Property wanted
11-10 Take report
11-24 Abandoned vehicle
11-25 Traffic hazard
11-26 Abandoned bicycle
11-27 10-27 W/driver held
11-28 10-28 W/driver held
11-40 Advise if ambulance needed
11-41 Ambulance needed
11-42 No ambulance needed
11-44 Deceased person (Coroner Required)
11-48 Furnish transportation
11-51 Escort
11-52 Funeral detail
11-54 Suspicious vehicle
11-55 Officer being followed by auto
11-56 11-55 W/dangerous persons
11-57 Unidentified auto at assignments
11-58 Radio monitored, use phone
11-59 Intensive attention: high hazard,
business areas
11-60 Attack in high hazard area
11-65 Signal light out
11-66 Defective signal light
11-78 Aircraft accident
11-79 Accident - Ambulance sent
11-80 Accident - Major injuries
11-81 Accident - Minor injuries
11-82 Accident - No injuries
11-83 Accident - No detail
11-84 Direct traffic
11-85 Tow truck required
11-94 Pedestrian stop
11-95 Routine traffic stop
11-96 Checking suspicious vehicle
11-97 Time/security check on patrol
11-98 Meet:
11-99 Officer needs help!

Police Scanner Codes

187 Homicide
207 Kidnapping
207A Kidnapping attempt
211 Robbery
211A Robbery alarm
211S Robbery alarm, silent
217 Assault with intent to murder
240 Assault
242 Battery
245 Assault with a deadly weapon
246 Shooting at inhabited dwelling
261 ****
261A Attempted ****
273A Child neglect
273D Wife beating - Felony
288 Lewd conduct
311 Indecent exposure
314 Indecent exposure
374B Illegal dumping
390 Drunk
390D Drunk, unconscious
415 Disturbance
417 Person with a gun
417A Person with a knife
459 Burglary
459A Burglar alarm
459S Burglar alarm, silent
470 Forgery
480 Hit and run - Felony
481 Hit and run - Misdemeanor
484 Petty theft
487 Grand theft
488 Petty theft
502 Drunk Driving
503 Auto theft
504 Tampering with a vehicle
505 Reckless driving
507 Public nuisance
510 Speeding or racing vehicles
586 Illegal parking
594 Malicious mischief
595 Runaway car
604 Throwing missiles
647 Lewd conduct
653M Threatening phone calls

5150 Mental case
10851 Auto theft
10852 Tampering with vehicle
20001 Hit and run - Felony
20002 Hit and run - Misdemeanor
20007 Hit and run - Unattended
21958 Drunk pedestrian on roadway
22350 Speeding
22500 Illegal parking
23101 Drunk driving - injuries
23102 Drunk driving
23103 Reckless driver
23104 Reckless driver
23105 Driver under narcotics
23109 Racing
23110 Person throwing objects at
23151 Drunk driving - injuries
23152 Drunk driver

Code 1: - Acknowledge this call
Code 2: - Proceed immediately without lights/siren
Code 3: - Proceed immediately with lights/siren
Code 4: - No further assistance required
Code 5: - Stakeout, uniformed officers stay away.
@Kassarockyou don't have to actually add any rolls in the post, you may leave this information out, or if you feel it necessary place it at the bottom for whatever reason you rolled. You can do all of this I think if you used the campaign dice located in the zero post. Just specify what the roll is for and I think it will log it but I'm not certain. I may try to throw a post in later tonight or surely by tomorrow too. Sorry I've been a bit preoccupied today. I had to totally destroy and revamp a character for another rp.
@Jarl Coolgruufno problem, like I mentioned above, its only a preference of mine, so it isn't very important for you do any time soon, take your time. I'll also have my photoshop sub reinstated in the next couple of days so I can make some digital art, and personalize more stuff for rp's like .png files, banners, etc.
@Jarl CoolgruufI can do it for you. if you need me to, go ahead and shift him over none the less and I will get around to it at some point today. you can do it in paint by opening the pic and then up at the top hit the resize button and type in the percentage of how big or small you need it, then save, and upload to wherever you pull from, I usually just put mine in my images here on the guild, but I think just about anywhere will do. I can still do it for you if you need me to, it isn't a big deal or anything, it just makes scrolling through the CS's a little faster and it's more neat.
@Jarl Coolgruuf Good to go, another fantastic addition. If you could drop the picture down to about 75% before putting him over to the CS roster that would be awesome, but other than that he is set. Well done.
@CaptainBritton I just noticed that your character was in the 75th Rangers and the same age as my Serena. They could have possibly brushed shoulders in Syria at the battle of Raqqa, as the 75th was deployed there in 2017 when she got wounded. Might make for a good bit of interaction between the two. I'm not sure if any of the of playing characters have any personal ties to one another, but this would add some gravity to the team when the meet and greets start flying.

Anyway, it's just a suggestion. I read the bit about Afghanistan, but I thought it would make for a bit of history within the team, as I am not sure if there currently is any. She is an ex-USN corpsman who was currently deployed with the 11th MEU as well as the 75th Rangers so it's very possible that they could have seen combat together at some point during this time. She could've maybe dressed some wounds or administered first aid to his unit or something like that. It'd be good for the both of them, adding to their believed (or perceived) prowess and their claims to being who they are. This way everyone isn't a complete stranger and it validates their careers/service times.
@Atrophy Christ in a crosswalk Prudence is an absolute savage out here with chill around 2000°

I adore her

“I broke Madame Fontaine’s door!” barked Prudence. She’d be docked that pay, but it was worth it to see the look of terror on Priscilla’s face. “You don’t own the door. You don’t own this room. You don’t even own your body. And that sheet too. You don’t own that either. You’re property. You’re a chair. You’re an annoying little chair with one leg shorter than the other so it wobbles when you sit. So be a chair, and shut up.”
She is absolutely fantastic.. I am so glad you're here @Atrophy, that is exactly what I am looking. Grand posting!
@Finris I like it, feel free to move her over to the character's list and post away. The only thing that I would ask you to change is the size of the image used for her, if you could make it smaller for the CS so it doesn't take up so much space when scrolling. Other than that it's good to go. I have to run some errands today but I should back and posting by tonight. Very pleased, fantastic job!
@Guntherlong time no see..
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