The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-
Hello.. I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...
My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.
My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.
Writing Style-
Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.
Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure (Writing Sample)
@Arkitekt So do you want us to all write our characters into prison so they can meet or is it more of a "find and assemble your team" thing?
I am leaving this completely up to you, or everyone that is. You can either choose to get hemmed up with Y'Vanna, Or you can choose not to. The party can be assembled while they are incarcerated, or afterwards, so it won't matter in regards to creating the group. Y'Vanna and Gail will be there for at least a post or two so you have some time to decide. I guess a small spoiler of sorts won't be so bad.. The High King will require a team of less than admirables to either retrieve, search, or procure something. This will send our group out on a very long and winding journey, where they will travel the lands of the Nine for an eternity.
The plot is loose as I'd like to pull ideas from the group as much as possible, and I am enjoying things like where your characters are all from, which I will most likely add to the map of the Nines at some point. This way everyone gets tangled up in the story as well as the geography, and it will be an extensive journey, with lots of traversing, and exploring new territories full of side adventures. I wanted it to be very much centered around the characters playing, and their relationships as they grow into a proper group.
Man I can't wait for this thing to get crackin' finally. Sooo excited already. I'm more excited for the characters than anything I think. Everyone is so different, going to be very cool @Leidenschaft.
I do have a question though. Once we finally start I assume we would need to re-evaluate what we have in the way of gear currently, since we will be relocated to WV. Serena isn't going to take her own personal car obviously. Do you want us to just update that list as we progress? I am assuming that she will not take a personal phone either. Nothing personal.. I was going to update her equipment list as I am writing current posts. Also the on duty equipment I assuming will change as well. Noting that Serena doesn't carry an MP5 everywhere she goes, but it was what she qualified and tested best with for her unit back in LAPD swat, weapons she is cleared or qualified to use. . I assume all these things will change to fit the current narrative once we leave our respective local areas. ..
Gender: Female Age: 28 Race: Human Origin: Avondy'llac Class: Rogue/Duelist Occupation: Mercenary Spy, Blade for hire, ex-prostitute, and merchant pirate Affiliation:Revealed in plot Demeanor: Bon Vivant, wild card, sarcastic, cynical Attire: Leathers (light armor), leather holstered/sheathed corset over a laced up blouse top, 2 belts, black leather pants that are tied like a corset down the outer seam, and Black thigh boots with silver ringlet fasteners.
Margarette has extremely beautiful features. Wild black hair that flows in big curls around her face. She has deep green eyes and a smile adorned with dimples that could take a man for all he's worth. Soft and radiant skin, voluptuous curves and a taunt body. Margarette is extremely fit and athletic and fairly tall. She also has a certain grace to her gait and movements, all very calculated, but seamless and effortless in appearance.
Margarette is a lush, and is also known to indulge in a variety of other illicit substances.. It could be said that Mag is passionately wild, and she is a bit reckless, but she was definitely more than skilled or proficient. Her lethality, and her persistence aren't the only things she's been noted for.
Maggie comes from a port city called Avondy'llac, which is located in the southern most regions of the Lands of the Nine. Her father was a merchant and skiff sailor there in Avondyllac, and he was murdered when she was 17. He was rather keen on gambling and his debts had finally caught up with him, costing his life. She was also taken, kidnapped as means to compensate for the loss and she was used most accordingly. Repeatedly beaten and raped for nearly a full cycle.. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months.. She was eventually incorporated into a brothel under this same racket's thumb and was made to work as a prostitute for the remainder of her days. Having been hardened like a wooden stake by flame, and as sharp as blades that had tasted her flesh, had devised a plot with a wooed client. It was a rushed and hurried affair, but somehow she and her accomplice had managed to pull it off.
She had no home, or no one left to hold her there so she decided to take up with a band of pirating sailor merchants who were a vivid and vibrant bunch. They took her under their sails and mentored her in every possible aspect they could, and they were very honorable by her. She would use these new talents to develop and refine incite her own voracity and would one day plan to use these skills to get her revenge . She soon became quite the duelist, and an avid lover of the sails and seas. She remained with them for the better part of a decade before she was caught and charged with multiple acts of piracy, and was incarcerated and branded, but she managed a hasty escape which has brought her to the area some 3 years prior.
Mag is an opportunist to the fullest extent of the term.. Aye, she may be a mercenary and a thief but she is an honorable one, if there's any to be had amongst the likes. She is very loyal and protective to those she considers close, and often by morality will take up for those who cannot fend for themselves. She is extremely hard on herself, and judgmental to a fault, though she is anything but lenient to those who oppose her. She is extremely smart, and her charisma and charm are devastating. Because of her "pleasant traits & assets" she can be highly manipulative, getting what she wants quite often from the opposite sex, and sometimes even her own. Making any sort of eye contact should be avoided, if at all possible.
Leathers (light armor) leather holstered/sheathed corset laced up blouse top black leather pants 2 leather belt1s black thigh boots with holster and silver ringlet fasteners. Scarlet Sash
Leather Satchel High quality cutlass &scabbard/rigging 2x-Fine stiletto daggers (steel, engraved) 2x Small bore flintlock dueling pistols (embellished scrolling, engraved) Small powder horn/black powder 10x round shot Small set of picks A set of dice Prick-ring Handkerchief
Leather Kit Containing:
A small piece of leather scrap containing a small vial of "dust", powdered stimulant, mood altering drug which is also highly addictive. Vial of poison - 2x Syringe - 2x tourniquet
I managed to squeeze a post out. Also I managed to add in another Npc named Gail Livingsworth. He is a street dealer, and an apothecary that specializes in drugs and healing salves, ointments, and potions (Medicine and drugs mostly).
Y’Vanna made her way through the twisting paths of the marketplace with ease now as the people had all but abandoned their stalls and storefronts. Windows and doors were being pulled closed and latched for the night. The last light of the day was upon as the sun now kissed the vast horizon of the sea, just before it would plummet beneath its waters. Most of this light didn’t make it to the market, and the street torches were being lit. That’s when she saw it.. The perfect market. An elderly woman with a large basket under her arm, and a snotty little brat of a child tugging and pulling at the other. A slim grim fell upon her face and her pace quickened. The hunt was on. She knew to be mindful of the constables and the city-men lighting the pyres, but she was also a seasoned enough to know that hesitation was responsible for the knicking of many a picker, and there was no hesitation in Y’Vanna, or her will.
She slowed once she got in closer, at a range that she could make her move when the pass was a go. The pads of her feet fell silently against the soft trodden earth beneath them. One last glance over the shoulder, her hand extended towards the basket. She could see the strings and sash of the coin purse as it lay there amongst an assortment of vegetables and grains. Just as she did the young child, a girl, that she could see now tugged frantically at the woman, causing Y’Vanna’s hand to slap the basket. Y”Vanna was frozen with shock as the woman and child both looked to her.. The woman’s face twisted with disgust.
“What are you on about then, lass?” The woman shrilled with excitement.
Y”Vanna barely heard the words as they rang out from her mouth. This was hardly the smooth transaction that had played out in her mind just moments before. Stunned. Finally the words seemed to meet with the face before her, and her senses came to, one after another. Her brow furrowed and she had only a small moment to act upon.
“Oh feck it..” She said as her hand grasped the coin-purse. She clawed at the leather pouch so quickly that she almost swatted it from the basket entirely, and barely managed to get a couple of fingers around it..
She took off running, swift like a gull on the winds of the tides. The woman left some paces back shrieked and howled, and the child followed suit. There were constables in earshot, this was certain, and before long she heard their whistler sound off, blowing hard and beckoning company. She cut at the nearest ally, the coin-purse tucked firmly under her arm now and she could feel its girth and weight. She could hear the heavy footsteps and chainmail as she rounded another corner. They were bigger and less agile than she, and it wouldn’t be long before they’d give up in their pursuit of her. They were many in number, but if you added five of them up they’d hardly have the brain of a normal man. Oafs, the lot. At least that’s how she had always seen them.
It wasn’t long before she had outpaced them and she could no longer hear them nipping at her heels. A large crash and shouting noises verified their distance. She chuckled softly as she slowed to a walk before finding a small cut to rest up in. She knelt next to a small lodge, in between it and a shack just beside it. She pulled the purse out and rolled its weight between her fingers and palm. She undrew the string to reveal it’s contents. 3 whole coins and 7 bits, not a bad score. Now she had enough to purchase some more dust from her fence in the slums. Gail was his name. She hadn’t been in Guillan long, but she had taken acquaintance with Gail. He was not the usual dealer, or peddler of evils if that’s what you like.. He had always seemed a bit more gentle, and his kindness could hardly be masked. A very genuine fellow, be him odd, she thought. He had always been fair with her, and she always tried to look out for him in return. She stopped along the way to pick up a fresh loaf for him. She liked to get him sweets and breads whenever she could. She made her way down into the slums. Cluttered hovels and shacks everywhere, one nearly atop the other. The smell of the bread was enticing, and fresh. She couldn’t help herself and finally gave in, pulling a small piece off of one end. She finally made it Gail’s hovel but he wasn’t home. No matter.. there was still a bit of time to kill before she would implement her plan, and besides, maybe Gail would be interested as well, for a cut of the action of course. She sat there patiently outside his door, waiting upon his arrival, as the cinnamon bread tickled her tongue. The sun had finally set, and the streets of Guillan were dotted by torchlights.
Guillan-Eastern Slums: "Fate is Fate.. right", Late Evening
Y'Vanna was grateful for Gail's efforts in his attempts to separate herself from this terrible predicament that had hastily bestowed itself upon their poor souls. It would've have probably worked too, had it not been for the nature of her own destiny.. as the old woman and screeching brat of child, held up on one side by a guardsman of her own.. Y'Vanna's jaw dropped, and had it not been attached it would have surely came to rest on the worn cobbles beneath her feet. This was only a momentary look which quickly turned into a furrowed brow, and a look of bewildering disappointment as she realized she was clutching the coin purse still in her hand.. Careless move.. at least she thought so. How damning and insufferable her luck had always been.
"There she be!!, That be her that ran off with me purse.." the woman clamored about. Her and the child now hissing and pointing in her direction..
Y'Vanna was used to this sort of thing though. Trouble had always seemed to follow her, for they both crossed paths constantly. Y'Vanna would've normally sought out some ploy to escape from such a situation, and half of the time that strategy would work out in her favor. However, it would not be this day. The narrow alleyway was now impassable with guards, and that's all there was to it. It was over for the both of them, and she knew it too.. but she was still grateful to Gail. His efforts were commendable to say the least. She turned to look at him and pulled her arms up in the air, half shrugged, left hand still clutching the evidence.
"Hey..." she said with a smile."Fate is fate.. right?"
Then, as she did so, two guards were quick to put a good grip on her. One grabbing each arm. The one on the left snatching the woman's purse from Y'Vanna's palm, relieving her of it's ownership. The coins and bits still heavy inside it. One guard looked to the other, and then he looked to the accusing..
"This it Missy? This your purse 'ere?" he said with a jeered smile. The other trying to contain himself in the jest of it, whilst securing Y'Vanna's arms behind her back.
"Aye, that be it." she said in relief. The child now jumping with enthusiasm at the plight of Y'Vanna's situation.
The look on both of their faces made her sick in the pit of her stomach. How she loathed those who lived above her stature. She was for better than this, and she knew it.. and her past did too.. She had been better than this, at one time or other.. She scowled. Her hands were now being shackled tight behind her, the weight of the cuffs and chain were a constant reminder of guilt and were perhaps designed for this purpose to some degree.
"You mind I be having it and I will be happily on my way.." the old crow cawed, raising a hand and waving it as to dispatch her assailant "do what you will with that one.."
"I'm afraid I can't at the moment.. it needs to come with us so that we can properly document the evidence at this district's magistrate, Miss" the guard says, stuffing the purse under his belt and returning his attention to Y'Vanna and the other guard. "You're more than welcome to come by and pick it up there at noon on the morrow though. It'll be there for you then, safe and snug it will.."
"oh for the love of the Nines.." she snorted.. "Hard to tell who the real crooks are round 'ere, ain't it love?" gripping the child's hand as they both stormed off in disbelief.
It was a well known fact that the guards and those that governed in certain districts of the city were just as corrupt as the undesirables were.. everyone knew that. They began to pat Y'Vanna down and relieve her of her belongings and her pointy objects. One of them was being extra friendly as he did so, eventually relieving her of her pistol.
"What's this we got 'ere Lass?" The guardsman said holding out to pass to the other. rubbing his other hand across the flesh of her breast. "Wonder what else we might have."
Y'Vanna's heart sank at the words.. The dust.. She could surely not afford to lose her precious powder. Her saving grace. She would have to act fast. It was instinct that took over in that moment. One thing the girl knew was a good distraction, and a touch of seduction went a long way when properly applied..She lifted and knee and slid her leg across his own, and splitting them. She Tilted her head with a sly smile on her face, as she continued to reel in her catch. These were hard earned, and repetitive lessons, from her past time with the pirates. Some of her darkest memories, but also some of her most hardening too, and the skills she learned from them had always served her well.
"Why don't you get a little closer and find out?" She said enticingly. Her words melting the wit of the mark.
"Well now.." The guard said, licking his lips with anticipation. "That be an invitation.. is it?"
Aye it is.. she thought, as she rammed her head hard across the bridge of his nose and brow. His helmet left a terrible slice across her forehead from the nose guard, and blood began to seep down from out of it. She was hardly as marred by the incident as he was though, the cracking sound that was made sounding as if it was very unforgiving.
"You bitch whore, you!" he snarled, slinging the back of his fist hard across the ridge of her cheek, instantly rendering her unconscious. "Get her on out of 'ere, for I kill the wench.."
Her ploy had worked out though, as the guards were no longer concerned with searching her at this point. Her body slumped over as the other guard struggled with the limpness of her limbs. Blood dripping from her brow and lip, forming a constellation like pattern on the pavers below. Her dust was safe, at least for now.
Guillan- Royal Complex/Stronghold Keep, Dawn
The two of them were both subdued by the posse, loaded up and carted away. The highly altered carriage was very sturdy, and both the wood and the iron bars were very thick. Though it was very well made, it was not luxurious, nor did it afford any comfort as the seats were as hard and damning as the evidence against them. The trip would be a bit longer than expected though, as they weren't going to the magistrate's at all. This carriage was on a course for the Royal Complex.. which was just as much a fortress as it was a palace, with bastions and thick buttressed walls. A fortification of the type that would require extensive siege to conquer. It was by far the most fortified location in the entire city. Massive walls and guard posts everywhere. Everything was immaculately ornate as well. No expense had been spared in its construction, nearly two and a half centuries ago..
Eventually, the pair had ended up in a small cell, with bars as thick as the carriage's were. The stonework and back wall were thick, and probably doubled as a massive foundation for the entire palace. One shackled at the ankle to the other. Y'Vanna was still out cold and laid out in a fetal pattern on the hard flooring. In the cell next to them was another ill fated thief. He was also shackled at the ankle to an iron loop in the wall. Hours had passed since the two had been down there, but he had remained silent for the whole time.. and oddly enough, when there was not a guard presently walking by, odd hints of lights could be seen dancing about from his direction as if it were from a flickering candle. One thing was most assured.. Something was afoot and the two of them likely knew it.. crimes of their nature weren't usually handled directly by the Emperor King himself.. which was surely where they were at. Something was off alright. The floor and walls were damp from the ground water, and the temperature was very cool. One would assume that they were at some depth beneath the palace stronghold. Muffled voices and the sounds of chains clamoring about added to the dread of their environment. This wouldn't have boded well for any of them. Soon the morning sun would rise, and so too would fate changing events along with it....
Actually @RedVII I think I am going to have to back out now also. I've just gotten too busy as of late and it looks like it's going to be that way for a while. My apologies. I was looking rather forward to this but like Ildehands mentioned I'd rather not back out during the RP. Very sorry.
@Enzayne It is if you can provide a character sheet, preferably one without pointy ears like @Jarl Coolgruuf mentioned. Keeping the "mid" in the fantasy bit reserved for the powerful gorgons that come to destroy your party.. All Hail Cthulhu..
[center][h3][b][color=fff79a]Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-[/color][/b][/h3][/center]
I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...
My [b]likes[/b] and [b]interests[/b] are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.
My [b]dislikes[/b] are Fandoms, High School, [b]ANIME[/b], anything with [b]FUR[/b].. Did I mention [i]fandoms[/i]? and [i]fur[/i], already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.[/color]
[center][color=fff79a][h3]Writing Style-[/h3]
[i][b]Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.[/b][/i][/color]
[h3][b][color=fff79a]Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)[/color][/b][/h3]
[url=][b]Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure[/b][/url]
[hider=Male Characters]
[h3][color=fff79a]Medieval, Fantasy, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]The Pinned Seal, Merchant Ship & Crew[/b]
(Winds of Fate ~ A Thieves' Adventure, Advanced)
[b]Jonathan Marrows[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Galvennius De'Voiles[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Cyril Vandenberghe[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Captain Slade[/b] (Steampunk, Fantasy)
[b]Vallec Von Brandt[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[h3][color=fff79a]Future, Sci-fi, etc-[/color][/h3][/hider]
[hider=Female Characters]
[h3][color=fff79a]Medieval, Fantasy, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]Marie - Claire Thibodaux[/b] (Colonial, French Quarter)
[b]Abigail O'Connell[/b] (Colonial, French Quarter)
[b]Cherity Von Brandt[/b] (Steampunk, Sky Pirates, Fantasy)
[b]Y'Vanna[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy, Fantasy)
[b]Delilah Rose[/b] (Steampunk, Fantasy, Western)
[b]Patience Dawn McCray[/b] (Western, Gunslinger, Outlaw)
[h3][color=fff79a]Slice of Life, Modern, Military-[/color][/h3]
[b]Lt. Serena Gomez[/b] - (SWAT/LAPD)
[b]"Stacey" Wikaya Broken-Sky[/b](North Dakota Barfly)
[h3][color=fff79a]Future, Sci-fi, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]Margaret Gunn, The Raven[/b] (Sci-fi, Mech, Future, Military)
[h3][b][color=fff79a]Other Resources-[/color][/b][/h3]
[url=][b]WINDS OF FATE- D20 System[/b][/url]
[url=]CS BLANKS[/url]
[url=]1d20 CS BLANKS[/url]
[url=]1d20 FANTASY ITEMS LIST[/url]
[url=]RELIGION BLANK[/url]
[url=]MY IMAGES[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-</font></span></div></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><font color="#fff79a"><span class="bb-b">Hello..</span><br> I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...<br><br> My <span class="bb-b">likes</span> and <span class="bb-b">interests</span> are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1. <br><br> My <span class="bb-b">dislikes</span> are Fandoms, High School, <span class="bb-b">ANIME</span>, anything with <span class="bb-b">FUR</span>.. Did I mention <span class="bb-i">fandoms</span>? and <span class="bb-i">fur</span>, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.</font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#fff79a"><div class="bb-h3">Writing Style-</div><br><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.</span></span></font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure <br> (Writing Sample)</font></span></div><br><a href=""><span class="bb-b">Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure</span></a><br><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">COMPENDIUM</font></span></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Male Characters">Male Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Medieval, Fantasy, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">The Pinned Seal, Merchant Ship & Crew</span><br>(Winds of Fate ~ A Thieves' Adventure, Advanced)<br><a href=""></a><br><br><span class="bb-b">Jonathan Marrows</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Galvennius De'Voiles</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy) <br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Cyril Vandenberghe</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Captain Slade</span> (Steampunk, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Vallec Von Brandt</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Future, Sci-fi, etc-</font></div></div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Female Characters">Female Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Medieval, Fantasy, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Marie - Claire Thibodaux</span> (Colonial, French Quarter)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Abigail O'Connell</span> (Colonial, French Quarter)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Cherity Von Brandt</span> (Steampunk, Sky Pirates, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Y'Vanna</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Delilah Rose</span> (Steampunk, Fantasy, Western)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Patience Dawn McCray</span> (Western, Gunslinger, Outlaw)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Slice of Life, Modern, Military-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Lt. Serena Gomez</span> - (SWAT/LAPD)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">"Stacey" Wikaya Broken-Sky</span>(North Dakota Barfly)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Future, Sci-fi, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Margaret Gunn, The Raven</span> (Sci-fi, Mech, Future, Military)<br><a href=""></a></div></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Other Resources-</font></span></div><br><a href=""><span class="bb-b">WINDS OF FATE- D20 System</span></a><br><br><a href="">CS BLANKS</a><br><a href="">1d20 CS BLANKS</a><br><a href="">1d20 FANTASY ITEMS LIST</a><br><a href="">RELIGION BLANK</a><br><a href="">MY IMAGES</a><br><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">FANTASY MAP GENERATOR</a><br><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">FANTASY GENERATOR +</a><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Notes-</font></span></div><br><a href="">LAPD SCANNER CODES</a></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div></div>