Avatar of Arkitekt


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
3 yrs ago
The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

Sorry, 1 more Update..

I am adding an attribute for armor. It will be whatever the number value is for the type of armor you have on. I have updated the purchasable goods armor to incorporate these numbers. Also take note that regular clothing has a mod value of +1, and Bludgeoning damage takes a -1 to your score as well.. These armor attributes will be used when trying to make a saving throw in combat posts. You will roll a 1d20 + Armor to see if you take a wound or not. The wound doesn't have to be lethal, just a guideline for posting as is intended, for the sake of the story as with the rest of it.

The Armor is now listed as follows:

Leather Armor (+2)

Leather Armor: 8g (set)
Studded Leather: 10g (set)
Leather Helm: 50b
Gloves: 2g
Studded Gloves: 3g
Boots: 3g
Studded Boots: 4g

Hooded Cloak: 3g (thick, protection from the elements, concealment) (+1, added)
Chainmail Armor (+3)

Chainmail: 12g (top and bottom)
Ornate Mail 15g (top and bottom)
Gloves: 3g
Hood: 3g
Plate Armor (+4)

Coat of Plates: 15g
Plate Armor: 18g
Ornate Plate: 20-25g
Gauntlets: 4g
Helm: 5g
Cuirass: 4g
Greaves: 4g
Arms, Pauldrons: 4g
Shields (+2)

Wooden Buckler: 55b
Wooden Shield: 75b
Composite Shield: 5g (wood, metal)
Metal Shield: (+3)

Guillan- Royal Complex/Stronghold Keep, several hours later..

Y'vanna & Gail

There was a bit of clamoring as guards brought in several other prisoners and the noise had awakened Y'vanna. Gail was dabbing a wet cloth on her forehead and she winced a bit, pushing his hand away softly. She turned her head towards the commotion and could see them shuffling prisoners down the corridor and could later hear the clanking of iron bars. Solid bars.. It would seem that there was a bit of rustling going on in the streets of Guillan, as people were being rounded up and corralled overnight. This was nothing new in Guillan, not by a longshot. In fact, this sort of thing was quite normal in this cesspool of a city. What wasn't normal however, was the location. This was no ordinary keep or guard post that she had ever seen or been in before. These guards were wearing the royal colors, reserved for the Royal Complex of the High King. Silly girl, what have you gotten yourself into now?- she thought. Y'vanna's head pounded fiercely as she rose from the cold slate floor. One arm propping herself up and the other slightly against the wound on her forehead. It was a nasty slice but the bleeding had stopped at least. Not before nearly matting her eye shut though. Gail placed his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to stop her from rising up to early. The wound wasn't very deep but it was a clean cut, and had bled profusely. He was more concerned with the bruising. She had hit that guard extremely hard with her forehead.

"You need to lie down Y'vanna.. your head." he said with genuine concern, forcing her to lie back down.

"What the fuck is going on Gail?" she whispered softly in exclamation. "We're in the Royal Complex.. why the fuck are we in here?"

"Shhh!! Calm down Y'vanna! You're going to attract the guards, and quite frankly I'd rather not taking another beating if it's alright with you." He whispered, clasping his hand over her mouth and making a shush mark over his own mouth. The guards were coming back through. Gail went to pretending to tend to her wound and Y'vanna played opossum as the guards passed grumbling by. Gail could hear them as the sound of their clanking armor faded as they went up the winding stone staircase. Y'vanna opened her eye a sliver and could see the light from their torches also waned, and the soft orange glow gave way to cold shades of blue and dank shadowed corners. water droplets could be heard as they landed in puddles in the distance.

"If you promise to be quiet I will tell you all I know, agreed? he said in a soft and warm tone. Y'vanna nodded in an accordance to comply and Gail slowly took his hand off of her mouth. "Now, you've been out for a while, you got a nasty knot on your head and you need to take it easy as I fear you might have a concussion." he said. Y'vanna nodded and she understood that she wasn't in a position to argue with him.

"Your suspicions I fear are probably correct I'm afraid.." he said, "something is definitely afoot and I don't like it either." Gail brought his hands to his own brow in frustration. "I fear we've been sold out.. but don't worry, they would've executed us at a local post, not here. we aren't that important.".

"EXEc-" she began to yelp, only to be silenced by the thwap of Gail's hand against her mouth. A scolding look in his eyes. She nodded and Gail slowly removed his hand again with a stern look on his brow. "what do you mean we were sold out?"

Gail dipped the cloth back into a small bowl of drinking water and began to clean the blood from her forehead and eye. "Well, I'm fairly certain that I seen Vargas in shackles earlier with Vallec." he said as he continued. "Odd thing is he went back upstairs instead of landing in some dingy real estate down here like us."

"Who's Vargas?" Y'vanna said cluelessly.

"Vargas is one of the head guys 'round 'ere.. he's also my boss. I take all the stolen wares I get from my dealings and shove 'em off with him." he said. "I'm afraid he might have sold me out to save his own arse.." Gail's eyes shifted to the right sharply in disgust, spitting in the floor with contempt. "There was a woman with him too.. I'd be willing to bet it was Fontaine but I didn't get a good look nor did she speak. All's I know is they all went back up together and those two only had hand shackles and not a pair of ankle clasps like this pair you and I are currently sharing." he said, tapping the iron shackle on his ankle, Y'vanna only noticing it as the vibrations travelled to her own.

"What does Vargas got to do with me though?" she said trying to figure it out. She could be described as being less than bright sometimes. She shook her leg to test the cumbersome weight of the chains and the links clanked against the slate floor as she did, the sound echoing off the corners of the cells.

"Guilty by association I suppose.. I'm sorry Y'vanna, but I may have gotten you into some deep shit this time." Gail said, completely ashamed of himself. He set the cloth on his lap and dug into his belt for something he had apparently tucked away. He soon produced a small container holding a minty smelling salve, giddy that they hadn't found it. He opened the small tin and rubbed a bit on his finger and scooted himself closer to her. "Hold still, this is probably going to sting a little."

Y'vanna winced as he applied the salve to her wound. The ingredients were simple but they were also quite stout, and the paste stung in her open flesh as he applied it. he did his best to be gentle but the bruising on her head and the wound was still very tender. "It's alright Gail. It's my fault we're in 'ere.. if they hadn't been following me neither of us would be in here." she said, her voice tarnished by pain form the ointment.

"Shh." he said softly, "You should rest now. I'm sure we're going to need it." Gail was usually a timid young man, but he was trying to do his best to be strong in this moment, for the both of them. It surely came easier to him as he had her wound to keep him occupied. He watched her doze off to a slumber as the pain from the salve lessened. It was a simple mixture but effective, and the scarring should be minimal if she could keep it clean for a while. He brushed a hand against her cheek. He smiled thinking she was too beautiful to be so rough, but she was sleeping and peaceful in her current state.

Who shot?
@Hellion it'll do, it'll do. I wish it was a bit better, but it isn't bad. I like the overall look a lot. I can definitely doctor them up well in photoshop.
I will update the CS somewhere around the weekend - I am still not entirely sure how I want to set parameters.

As a forward pointer: I will be gone next week Tuesday to Sunday and have likely no possibility to be online.

Since we're on the subject, I'm also gonna be out of town from July 3rd to the 13th. I'll get a post throwing my folk in jail by this weekend. After that, y'all can feel free to use 'em in any awful way while I'm out so I don't slow anything down.

You guys are quite fine. My anniversary is the fourth so its a busy time for me too. I also have another rp I am playing in so I can keep myself plenty busy. We can take as much time as we'd like with this as I want it to be extremely immersive. Thank you for the heads up. That will give me some more time to add some stuff, antagonists and other mythologies, etc. I don't know if I will add all of that now, I will probably make a doc and save it for a drip feed for when we run across them, or as we go along.

If you guys have any ideas or anything that you'd like to see implemented please put it in the discord and I will see if I can weave it in. All ears for everyone's ideas always. I need to create some demigods and some other things as well. Oracles, witches, cults, guilds, all kinds of shit.
I think that is awesome too. I'm very pleased with the little group we have now. I have tons of new ideas and stuff since we've finally decided on a bit of beginning plot. I can't wait to see what becomes of this, and everyone's PC's. Very excited.
@Kassarock,@Fetzen,@Atrophy,@Finris,@Jarl Coolgruuf, I know I have added a lot with all the changes and additions. If anyone has any questions or needs any help let me know. Don't forget about our DISCORD CHANNEL, where we can discuss all matters pertaining to WoF.

The discord channel will be very helpful for us, since we have shifted to a d20 with attributes. These will allow for many tabletop mechanics to be utilized, like searching for objects via awareness and things like that. If you are somewhere in the rp and you need a description you can also request this in discord, and I will supply you with the necessary information, but if you'd like you may do an awareness check to see if any additional information can be obtained like hidden items, traps, clues, etc. (A good example would be to roll for awareness in the dungeons if you are incarcerated. I may, or may not, be able to provide you with additional info.) Any inquiry on rolls should be handled in the Discord as to keep the OOC board chatter down.

We can also use the discord for vending and merchants, to display what sort of inventory they have, descriptions of the NPC's that work in various shops, etc., so that you have all the necessary info pre-post. I can be reached nearly any time there so I will try to get you in a timely manner.

Working on two concepts because I couldn’t decide...
Do we all have to be thieves?

Very sorry but we are full now. My apologies.
@Kassarock I was wondering if you were still in this, glad you made it back. No rush on anything as I have added so much. The Attributes and stuff and the d20 switch is all still very basic so it shouldn't be too bad of a transition, if you need help hit the discord, I am usually reachable throughout the day on there, or here.
Here is a link to a fantasy map generator. It has some limited options you can manipulate but is fairly basic. It can easily be doctored up and embellished if you know your way around Photoshop. Useful tool for maps on the go.

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