Winds of Fate - A Thieves' Adventure is a Semi-Tabletop epic of globe trotting, treasure-seeking adventure for a group of 4 to 6 players, all underachieving thieves or common thugs to some degree or other, who all have to contend with a major character flaw as well as their comically bad luck. It will be gritty, 18+, and also meant to be a bit comical or snarky in feel. There will be a lot of sailing, pirates, swashbuckling, and all that stuff, flintlock era, minimal magic, low to mid fantasy, so NO ORCS... Characters should be human, no elves, dwarves I'll accommodate. There will be elemental antagonists, as well as the dead, necromancers, demons, lesser demons, witches, beasts, etc.

I will update these locations accordingly over the course of the RP as it unfolds. New places of interest, specific locations, and the goods and services that can be obtained there, as well as the NPC's who provide them. Please check periodically.

A well known tavern to all the common-folk and the lower class. The dock workers and sailors, petty criminals. The grog is plentiful and cheap, and everyone knows how to mind their own business. The room fares aren't high and the hearths are always warm. Home to many a thief and pick-pocket, and one well known fence, Lord Vargas, and is a great place to do a bit of business towards the back. Mind you Keep your voice down though, and be discreet. No one likes a yapper..
Located on the outskirts of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks. A good place to tuck in for the rainy, wetter nights, even if only to dry your clothes for a bit. They offer a variety of perishables, and good hot meals.

The Black Lion Trading Company is the top authority when it comes to all business dealing with trade, imports and exports, all commodities, and even the very prices they fetch in market. Nothing comes in or out without them having a finger on it. Highly trusted by the Royal Authorities, they are known to keep a tight book. They control all the trade routes and trading vessels in the Nines. Each ship must be logged without exception, and each is carefully scrutinized down to the last crates and barrels.
All matters of commandeering or commissioning a ship or vessel for travel or business purposes can be done here. There are usually a few salty captains waiting in queue, and have ships of all sizes to suit whatever need should arise. Prices will vary, and be mindful, you get what you pay for..

The Red Sail is a brothel located in the southwestern corner of the Seaside Markets, just between the Slums and Docks. It is a musty but warm lit and welcoming establishment. Smoke from the black Lotus is thick and enticing. The women are supple and wanton. All manner of men, and women, are serviced here, from sailors, common folk, and the working class from the slums.
The establishment is ran by a Madame Margarette Fontaine, who keeps a close eye on her girls, and will go to great lengths to protect them. It is rumored that she likes to scar the faces of men who try do get over on her and hers, and known to do worse to those who be mistreat'n the fowler ways.. Make sure your coin is good, and keep away from the funny business and you'll find yourself a pleasant stay..

Some ten thousand years ago, when the Lands of The Nine's first became untied, there was a great soldier named Merrik. It was said that he was the son of a benevolent and righteous demigod named Niixus, who was well known in the times before then. His virtuous deeds and notoriety flourished among regions, far and wide. He was a just and good hearted man, and soon became a popular warrior King amongst a feudal realm. He was virtuous, and wanted to unite the Nine lands under one just rule. This realm was ripe with those who served the Dark Lords, and magic was as dense as water. Vile beasts and demon hordes, soldiers of the fallen Dark Kings, ravaged the lands, razing anything they came across, leaving none to tell about it. Some of the feuding rulers made alliances with the Dark Lords, pacts with the devil. Heretical sects and temples dotted the landscape, and the lands had fallen into despair.
Merrick sought to change this and this campaign, an all out witch hunt lasted for nearly 25 years. His vast armies, loyal followers to the cause marched vast distances, and crushed everything they encountered. He suffered many losses over the course of this witch hunt. Scores of scores of men died, perishing at the hands of the dark ones. It was said that if you were killed by them they took your soul. It was the darkest of times, the violence drove many to madness. Many thought Merrick to be the Great Savior, the chosen champion of the great All-Seer. An order of high priests known as The Keepers formed and followed his every move. They forged him a great sword, made from trinkets and relics, objects of great power and religious value. Merrick's sword became known as The Blade of Banishment, and was said to have been kissed by the All-Seer's good graces himself.

His opponent, a vile and wretched demigod named Razmu'dai. A great and ancient evil. He was the Bringer of Despair and Darkness, Suffering and Death, and all that is vile and wretched. He commanded a powerful dark magic that could spawn vicious beats, and he could also raise the dead, filling their bodies with the souls of those whom he had taken. Legions of dark soldiers to do his bidding. He wore a dark suit of armor forged by his dark powers. Razmu'dai set his legions upon Merrick's armies, and they clashed like huge waves swept up by a tempest. Almost all were lost when Merrick and Razmu'dai met on the battlefield. Their swords clashed with great energies and huge shockwaves threw scores across the field, obliterating the dead hordes and crushing the rib cages and organs of the living. But in this great and epic battle of Good and Evil fate would shine on the Merrick the Virtuous, and his blade found its mark. The Dark Lord's armor shattered into pieces and his evil spirit had been truly banished, and magic lost its strong grip on the realms of man, and dwindled to almost nothing. The only piece that was not destroyed was a single gauntlet. Merrick's sword also shattered and broke into 7 pieces, the same number of pieces as the Dark lord's armor. The gauntlet was dubbed the Gauntlet of Power. Merrick ordered The Keepers to take these seven shards of his blade and these armor bits to the far corners of the realm. To guard them till the ends of time. The Dark Lord's armor was thought to be so dangerous that each piece was said to have been completely incased in chests filled with mercury. The Gauntlet of Power and a single piece of the sword were said to have been kept together on the site of this great battle somewhere, hidden deep in a grand and monumental tomb. The rest of the pieces were spread throughout the land to secret locations, never to be discovered again. It is rumored that these locations are still guarded in great vaults and hidden tombs of a sect who call themselves The Guardians, who are so devout that they will kill anyone to keep these relics hidden from man.

It was also said that Merrick lived for another five hundred years and the Nines became united under his rule. The era of magic was over and it had given way to the common era of man, and it was a time of great prosperity in the Nines. Merrick was the last of the demigods to walk the earth. He is considered to be the great founding father of the Nines, and is still widely respected as a major patron Saint of The helpless and meek, and the defenseless. The Bringer of Light, Holy figure to the Keepers of the Light. The fall of Razmu'dai is celebrated every 1000 years on what is said to be the exact date of the battle where Good had finally conquered Evil. Merrick is supposedly buried in a great hidden tomb, the location only known to those who are now known as the Keepers. A secretive order, passed down through countless generations. So secretive that these families do not allow any outsiders to join their society. They are sworn to protect the locations of holy tombs and dangerous relics, and the location of Merrick Tomb in particular. They are also rumored to be able to conjure great Guardians from beyond the Veil. Champions and powerful Wardens. The last bastion to fend off the impending threat of darkness. Merrick's Chosen Few..

Useful Info:
Maps and Locations:
I will update these locations accordingly over the course of the RP as it unfolds. New places of interest, specific locations, and the goods and services that can be obtained there, as well as the NPC's who provide them. Please check periodically.
World Map

A well known tavern to all the common-folk and the lower class. The dock workers and sailors, petty criminals. The grog is plentiful and cheap, and everyone knows how to mind their own business. The room fares aren't high and the hearths are always warm. Home to many a thief and pick-pocket, and one well known fence, Lord Vargas, and is a great place to do a bit of business towards the back. Mind you Keep your voice down though, and be discreet. No one likes a yapper..
Located on the outskirts of the Seaside Markets, just by the Docks. A good place to tuck in for the rainy, wetter nights, even if only to dry your clothes for a bit. They offer a variety of perishables, and good hot meals.

The Black Lion Trading Company is the top authority when it comes to all business dealing with trade, imports and exports, all commodities, and even the very prices they fetch in market. Nothing comes in or out without them having a finger on it. Highly trusted by the Royal Authorities, they are known to keep a tight book. They control all the trade routes and trading vessels in the Nines. Each ship must be logged without exception, and each is carefully scrutinized down to the last crates and barrels.
All matters of commandeering or commissioning a ship or vessel for travel or business purposes can be done here. There are usually a few salty captains waiting in queue, and have ships of all sizes to suit whatever need should arise. Prices will vary, and be mindful, you get what you pay for..

The Red Sail is a brothel located in the southwestern corner of the Seaside Markets, just between the Slums and Docks. It is a musty but warm lit and welcoming establishment. Smoke from the black Lotus is thick and enticing. The women are supple and wanton. All manner of men, and women, are serviced here, from sailors, common folk, and the working class from the slums.
The establishment is ran by a Madame Margarette Fontaine, who keeps a close eye on her girls, and will go to great lengths to protect them. It is rumored that she likes to scar the faces of men who try do get over on her and hers, and known to do worse to those who be mistreat'n the fowler ways.. Make sure your coin is good, and keep away from the funny business and you'll find yourself a pleasant stay..
Most of the realm is inhabited by humans, but there are a few other races that are rare.

The Zherpa are a race of humans that reside in the deserts of the realm. These individuals have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. Though they have attractive traits, they are quite a rough and rugged people who wander the deserts and inhabit it's oases. These people are hard bargainers and stern traders, but often have exquisite goods. They are known for their finely crafted blades and metalwork, such as cookware and other hardwares.
These nomads live a harsh life in the deserts and have to endure devastating sandstorms. The deserts of the realm are small but formidable areas, not many could survive or eek out an existence here. None save for the Zherpa.
They are quite witty and quick to take advantage where they can. Known to be rather unsavory and sometimes less than trustworthy. One would be wise to keep their wits about them around these hardened nomads.
Type: Nomads
Motivation: Money
Influence: Strong
Reputation: Hard willed, Cut-throats
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Tribal Leaders
Size: Medium
Stability: Nomadic, but strong
Enemies: Many
Allies: Some
Enemies Include: Merchants and local authorities
Allies Include: some merchant groups and proprietors
Resources: limited, but high in quality. Metalwork, spices, other items such as rare woods, and gemstones.
Resources Include: Substantial funds or wealth
Other: maintains ties with many prominent individuals, very secretive.
Bribes: will most always be accepted
Competence: often exceptional
Noticeable Traits: Olive skin and dark features.
Can be Found: Desert areas
Identifiable By: Specific weapons and tattoos. Finely crafted blades.
Common Traits: Greedy, underhanded
Classes: Merchants, Raiders, Assassins
Knowledge of Group: Extensive in both mathematics and astrology

Bretonians closely represent European ethnicities in our own world. They can be found in every region of the realm. Bretonians are one of the densest populations as well. Bretonians have pale skin tones or tan, and are best suited for northern climates, they seem to fair okay in tropics as well, aside from the occasional sunburn and bucket-loads of sweat. They come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of features, and they can have almost any coloring of hair. Bretonians are an old race and they have intermingled with nearly every race outside of the Sumek, and their traits may be mixed by several ethnic factors. They are average strength, average sized humans, who are just about average in every way. Bretonians are great sailors, and are said to be among the first to do so. Bretornians originated in the Northern Regions of the Lands of the Nine's.
Type: Humans
Motivation: Glory, Money, Prosperity
Influence: Very strong
Reputation: Varied
Age: Very old
Leadership: Kingdoms, Ruling leaders, Elders, Chieftons
Size: Average
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Minimal
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: several guilds of fighters, a large number of Zherpa tribes, some Ir'dak tribes, some Jinzho factions. Usually at odds with the Zherpa, conflicts over trade routes and ambushes have left a lasting bad taste in the Bretonian's mouths.
Allies Include: Most Kingdoms, as they make up a significant portion of the populations in each.
Resources: Many
Resources Include: Full spectrum of natural resources, meats, metalwork, woodwork, wealth
Other: Retainers

The Rovanni people come from the region of Bavoria, a rugged mountainous land with cold harsh winters. The Rovanni are a gypsy-like culture who have spread throughout the entire realm. They are quite perceptive and are best described as opportunists. They sure have an eye for the quick coin. They are known to be mysterious, misleading, and quite convincing. The Rovanni have beautiful features and are usually quite attractive. They make excellent seducers and scammers. Many of the far dispersed Rovanni take to work in brothels and in taverns or inns, and they are great performers, knowing many songs and enticing dances, meant to lure and trance unsuspecting marks. They have been known to clear a mans pockets just by brushing up against them for only an instant.
A proud and defiant people, the Rovanni are known to be wild, freedom seeking race, who cannot stand to be bridled. They prefer it their way or no way, and all be damned who try to batten them down. They are quick to uproot and relocate on a whim, which suits them well as they are often in trouble with the local authorities. The Rovanni usually travel in small groups, made up of several families, who settle down in temporary camps just outside of major cities and towns.
Motivation: Freedom, Money
Influence: Somewhat weak
Reputation: Poor, Dishonest
Age: Somewhat old
Leadership: Group Leader
Size: Small to medium populations
Stability: Unstable
Enemies: many
Allies: few
Enemies Include: Local Authorities
Allies Include: A few contacts and merchants who fence their goods
Resources: Very Low
Resources Include: Stolen goods, Local natural resources, wild game.
Other: Some are rumored to be clairvoyant, or able to see into peoples futures. Some say they dabble in witchraft and earth magics.

Dwarves are a humanoid race that is much shorter and stockier than humans. The average height of a dwarf is about half that of the average human. Dwarves reside in the Northern regions and in mountainous regions. Most dwarves prefer to live underground, in vast subterranean Halls and fortresses. Dwarves are extremely resilient, and are quite strong despite their size. They are mechanically inclined, and have knowledge in engineering and simple machines that utilize gears and cogs, combustion and steam power. They make exceptional contraptions with a high level of polish and precision. They are some of the finest crafters in all the realm. They are wealthy in rare gems as well as gold. Dwarves are somewhat reclusive to their race, and dont welcome outsiders in all that often. They are stand-offish, blunt, and most would describe them as grumpy.
Not all dwarves live underground however, some have taken to human cities and villages, and be be found in the most peculiar places, running shops, and bazaar stalls, and the like. They make decent cooks and some even find work in taverns and inns, and often find themselves as the butt of a joke.
Motivation: Money, Prosperity, Safety
Influence: Small
Reputation: Good standings
Age: Well-established
Leadership: King/Ruler
Size: Medium
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Rare
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: outsiders, most of whom look to steal their resources from the mountains.
Allies Include: Most human groups
Resources: Plentiful
Resources Include: Gems, Ore, gold and other metals. Stone, Granite, Marble, Slate. Rubies, Emeralds, Factory goods and tech goods such as gears and cogs, simple gadgets and machines.

The tribes of the Tork are plentiful, too many to name. They are found in the great plains of the Marth and Tork regions of the realm. The Tork are extremely resilient, hardy survivors, who can live off the land with great ease. They are masters of the horse, and put great emphasis on these animals. They are perhaps a Tork's most prized possession. Most would call these people savages, lesser than the more civilized peoples of the realm, but one would surely be surprised, as they are quite diplomatic and favor democratic viewpoints within their own cells.
Some Tribes are nomadic, and follow the migration patterns of the herds they hunt, while others are more stationary, and find dwellings in low meadows and riverbanks, and have taken to agriculture. The Tork are a fit people, extremely healthy and rugged, and able to withstand the elements. Their weapons are often crude, or made of stone or bone, and they have a boon when it comes to archery and stringed weapons or weapons such as spears. The Tork generally tend to stay away from other races and cultures, but others are more open in such dealings.
Motivation: Posterity, Safety, Nature
Influence: Small
Reputation: Indifferent, Savages
Age: Well-established
Leadership: Group Councils, Elders, Chiefs
Size: Large
Stability: Mostly stable
Enemies: Several
Allies: Few
Enemies Include: Warring tribes, some outsiders
Allies Include: Some Tribes, a few outsider merchants, and traders
Resources: almost unlimited
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, a wide variety of meats and agricultural foods. Leather goods, simple pottery

The Sumek are a fish-like humanoid species that reside in the low tropical regions of the realm. They can be found in the waters of tropical coastlines and inlets, coves, sounds and bays. Some have even been rumored to live deep down wide rivers and murky swamps as well. The Sumek are few in number, and their settlements are sparsely populated. Interactions with humans often do not end well for the Sumek, for they are highly discriminated against. They are seen as less than equals to their human counterparts and are shunned constantly. They only trade with humans on rare occasions and mostly stick to themselves. Timid and skittish creatures when outside of the water. They can breathe on land as well for rather lengthy times, but it doesn't take more than a day before their skin begins to dry out, so being away from water is a moderate to severe danger for them.
However, the Sumek are known for their honesty, and love for their families and their own. The Sumek are nonviolent, reclusive creatures who most often just want to be left alone.
Shaping Force: Nature, Family
Population: Almost entirely reclusive to Humans
Political Structure: Oligarchy
Strong Influence: Stability
Popular Issue: Harassments
Stability: rapidly disintegrating
Personal Freedoms: very few liberties. They all work and provide for the common goal.
Scandals: infrequent, but commonly targeted
Foreign Relations: No outside relations, other than sparse trading with humans
Main Export: food crops (Seaweed, roe, fish, shellfish) shells, pearls, and other trinkets found in the depths.
Main Import: leather goods, ropes, nets
Main Resource: food - fish/meat
Trade: some trading, unequal terms
Strength: Low populous
Wealth: no personal wealth, other than small trinkets. Money has no value to them.
Main Climate: tropical Low lands, and some rivers and swamps.
Ocean: not far from the coastline. The ocean depths hold real dangers for these fish-like humanoids.
Frequent Trouble: loss of lands, waters, hunting groiunds. Human harassments and interference.
Highly Values: creativity, honesty, modesty
Known For: fishing
Popular Entertainment: storytelling, trading trinkets
Respected Profession: Group elders
Discrimination: extreme fear of Humans
Major Taboo: consorting with humans
Strength: average, agile, fit
Focus: Nature and family, procreation
Viewed: as nasty, vile creatures who are filthy and spread disease, extreme prejudice
Focus: sacredness of family
Worship: solemn daily prayers in private to passed relatives and kin.
Associated Artform: carving shells and wood trinkets
Prevalence: uncommon, sparse settlements
Life Expectancy: 130-160 years

Playable Race, +1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower
The Jin-Zho are an Asianic-like race that has origins in the lands that are now known as Lymms, which is the easternmost province in the Lands of the Nine's. These people are exceptional artisans and craftsmen. They make fine goods such as jewelry, pottery, and fine blades hand crafted by master sword makers. These swords are some of the finest blades to have ever been forged. The Jin-Zho are an ancient culture, and have a vast knowledge on a multitude of things like astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
They are fair traders, but like to heckle. Some would say that the heckling is the most important and most enjoyed portion of a deal for the Jin-Zho, and they seem to enjoy it more than most. They are quite dexterous, and extremely articulate and agile. The Jin-Zho live healthy lifestyles and eat well, and their diets consist of healthy, fresh foods.
Motivation: Wealth, Honor, Prosperity
Influence: Vast
Reputation: Respected
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Elders
Size: Large
Stability: Highly stable
Enemies: Few
Allies: Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's
Enemies Include: Zherpa From the Lands of Mavia,
Allies Include: Many Traders and merchants, from all over the realm, Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's.
Resources: Very many
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, Jade, porcelains, pottery, golden jewelry, steel. Foods include very little ox or cow, a lot of fish and fowl, rice, vegetables. Wealth.

The Kong-Zhu are also an Asianic race like the Jin-Zho, that are a seafaring culture from the spice islands, though they also originated in what is now known as Lymms. The Kong-Zhu are a warlike people, many of which turn to piracy on the open waters, and prefer to inhabit island regions. The Kong-Zhu terrorize the waters around the Spice Islands in the Mavian Sea, and the coasts and shorelines of the South Sea, and some have even been rumored to have been spotted in the North Sea as well. These pirates prey on small merchant ships that are unlucky enough to cross paths with them. Cutthroats and scoundrels all.
The Kong-Zhu are extremely resourceful and have a tactical mind. They have been at war with the Jin-Zho and the Lands of the Nine's for centuries, and the High King has even issued a hefty ransom for any Kong-Zhu who are caught committing acts of piracy. They often have strongholds on hard to reach coves and islands that are treacherous to get to by water, protected by sand bars and coral reefs.
Motivation: Greed, Power
Influence: Moderate
Reputation: Scoundrels
Age: ancient
Leadership: Small groups, usually led by one individual, or a small group of leaders.
Size: Small to medium
Stability: Unstable, Volatile
Enemies: Many
Allies: None
Enemies Include: Nearly everyone.
Allies Include: a few small pockets of the Zherpa, whom they trade their stolen goods with in Yhemer.
Resources: Limited
Resources Include: Small amounts of natural resources, like wood, stone, and tropical food sources.
The Zherpa

Playable Race, +1 Bartering, +1 Willpower
The Zherpa are a race of humans that reside in the deserts of the realm. These individuals have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. Though they have attractive traits, they are quite a rough and rugged people who wander the deserts and inhabit it's oases. These people are hard bargainers and stern traders, but often have exquisite goods. They are known for their finely crafted blades and metalwork, such as cookware and other hardwares.
These nomads live a harsh life in the deserts and have to endure devastating sandstorms. The deserts of the realm are small but formidable areas, not many could survive or eek out an existence here. None save for the Zherpa.
They are quite witty and quick to take advantage where they can. Known to be rather unsavory and sometimes less than trustworthy. One would be wise to keep their wits about them around these hardened nomads.
Type: Nomads
Motivation: Money
Influence: Strong
Reputation: Hard willed, Cut-throats
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Tribal Leaders
Size: Medium
Stability: Nomadic, but strong
Enemies: Many
Allies: Some
Enemies Include: Merchants and local authorities
Allies Include: some merchant groups and proprietors
Resources: limited, but high in quality. Metalwork, spices, other items such as rare woods, and gemstones.
Resources Include: Substantial funds or wealth
Other: maintains ties with many prominent individuals, very secretive.
Bribes: will most always be accepted
Competence: often exceptional
Noticeable Traits: Olive skin and dark features.
Can be Found: Desert areas
Identifiable By: Specific weapons and tattoos. Finely crafted blades.
Common Traits: Greedy, underhanded
Classes: Merchants, Raiders, Assassins
Knowledge of Group: Extensive in both mathematics and astrology

Playable Race, +1 Sailing, +1 Awareness
Bretonians closely represent European ethnicities in our own world. They can be found in every region of the realm. Bretonians are one of the densest populations as well. Bretonians have pale skin tones or tan, and are best suited for northern climates, they seem to fair okay in tropics as well, aside from the occasional sunburn and bucket-loads of sweat. They come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of features, and they can have almost any coloring of hair. Bretonians are an old race and they have intermingled with nearly every race outside of the Sumek, and their traits may be mixed by several ethnic factors. They are average strength, average sized humans, who are just about average in every way. Bretonians are great sailors, and are said to be among the first to do so. Bretornians originated in the Northern Regions of the Lands of the Nine's.
Type: Humans
Motivation: Glory, Money, Prosperity
Influence: Very strong
Reputation: Varied
Age: Very old
Leadership: Kingdoms, Ruling leaders, Elders, Chieftons
Size: Average
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Minimal
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: several guilds of fighters, a large number of Zherpa tribes, some Ir'dak tribes, some Jinzho factions. Usually at odds with the Zherpa, conflicts over trade routes and ambushes have left a lasting bad taste in the Bretonian's mouths.
Allies Include: Most Kingdoms, as they make up a significant portion of the populations in each.
Resources: Many
Resources Include: Full spectrum of natural resources, meats, metalwork, woodwork, wealth
Other: Retainers
The Ravonni

Playable Race, +1 Luck, +1 Charisma, +1 Pickpocketing
The Rovanni people come from the region of Bavoria, a rugged mountainous land with cold harsh winters. The Rovanni are a gypsy-like culture who have spread throughout the entire realm. They are quite perceptive and are best described as opportunists. They sure have an eye for the quick coin. They are known to be mysterious, misleading, and quite convincing. The Rovanni have beautiful features and are usually quite attractive. They make excellent seducers and scammers. Many of the far dispersed Rovanni take to work in brothels and in taverns or inns, and they are great performers, knowing many songs and enticing dances, meant to lure and trance unsuspecting marks. They have been known to clear a mans pockets just by brushing up against them for only an instant.
A proud and defiant people, the Rovanni are known to be wild, freedom seeking race, who cannot stand to be bridled. They prefer it their way or no way, and all be damned who try to batten them down. They are quick to uproot and relocate on a whim, which suits them well as they are often in trouble with the local authorities. The Rovanni usually travel in small groups, made up of several families, who settle down in temporary camps just outside of major cities and towns.
Motivation: Freedom, Money
Influence: Somewhat weak
Reputation: Poor, Dishonest
Age: Somewhat old
Leadership: Group Leader
Size: Small to medium populations
Stability: Unstable
Enemies: many
Allies: few
Enemies Include: Local Authorities
Allies Include: A few contacts and merchants who fence their goods
Resources: Very Low
Resources Include: Stolen goods, Local natural resources, wild game.
Other: Some are rumored to be clairvoyant, or able to see into peoples futures. Some say they dabble in witchraft and earth magics.

Playable Race, +1 Strength, +2 Crafting
Dwarves are a humanoid race that is much shorter and stockier than humans. The average height of a dwarf is about half that of the average human. Dwarves reside in the Northern regions and in mountainous regions. Most dwarves prefer to live underground, in vast subterranean Halls and fortresses. Dwarves are extremely resilient, and are quite strong despite their size. They are mechanically inclined, and have knowledge in engineering and simple machines that utilize gears and cogs, combustion and steam power. They make exceptional contraptions with a high level of polish and precision. They are some of the finest crafters in all the realm. They are wealthy in rare gems as well as gold. Dwarves are somewhat reclusive to their race, and dont welcome outsiders in all that often. They are stand-offish, blunt, and most would describe them as grumpy.
Not all dwarves live underground however, some have taken to human cities and villages, and be be found in the most peculiar places, running shops, and bazaar stalls, and the like. They make decent cooks and some even find work in taverns and inns, and often find themselves as the butt of a joke.
Motivation: Money, Prosperity, Safety
Influence: Small
Reputation: Good standings
Age: Well-established
Leadership: King/Ruler
Size: Medium
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Rare
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: outsiders, most of whom look to steal their resources from the mountains.
Allies Include: Most human groups
Resources: Plentiful
Resources Include: Gems, Ore, gold and other metals. Stone, Granite, Marble, Slate. Rubies, Emeralds, Factory goods and tech goods such as gears and cogs, simple gadgets and machines.
The Tork Tribes

Playable Race, +1 willpower, +1 Horseback Riding, +1 Archery, -2 Seafaring
The tribes of the Tork are plentiful, too many to name. They are found in the great plains of the Marth and Tork regions of the realm. The Tork are extremely resilient, hardy survivors, who can live off the land with great ease. They are masters of the horse, and put great emphasis on these animals. They are perhaps a Tork's most prized possession. Most would call these people savages, lesser than the more civilized peoples of the realm, but one would surely be surprised, as they are quite diplomatic and favor democratic viewpoints within their own cells.
Some Tribes are nomadic, and follow the migration patterns of the herds they hunt, while others are more stationary, and find dwellings in low meadows and riverbanks, and have taken to agriculture. The Tork are a fit people, extremely healthy and rugged, and able to withstand the elements. Their weapons are often crude, or made of stone or bone, and they have a boon when it comes to archery and stringed weapons or weapons such as spears. The Tork generally tend to stay away from other races and cultures, but others are more open in such dealings.
Motivation: Posterity, Safety, Nature
Influence: Small
Reputation: Indifferent, Savages
Age: Well-established
Leadership: Group Councils, Elders, Chiefs
Size: Large
Stability: Mostly stable
Enemies: Several
Allies: Few
Enemies Include: Warring tribes, some outsiders
Allies Include: Some Tribes, a few outsider merchants, and traders
Resources: almost unlimited
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, a wide variety of meats and agricultural foods. Leather goods, simple pottery
The Sumek

Non-Playable Race
The Sumek are a fish-like humanoid species that reside in the low tropical regions of the realm. They can be found in the waters of tropical coastlines and inlets, coves, sounds and bays. Some have even been rumored to live deep down wide rivers and murky swamps as well. The Sumek are few in number, and their settlements are sparsely populated. Interactions with humans often do not end well for the Sumek, for they are highly discriminated against. They are seen as less than equals to their human counterparts and are shunned constantly. They only trade with humans on rare occasions and mostly stick to themselves. Timid and skittish creatures when outside of the water. They can breathe on land as well for rather lengthy times, but it doesn't take more than a day before their skin begins to dry out, so being away from water is a moderate to severe danger for them.
However, the Sumek are known for their honesty, and love for their families and their own. The Sumek are nonviolent, reclusive creatures who most often just want to be left alone.
Shaping Force: Nature, Family
Population: Almost entirely reclusive to Humans
Political Structure: Oligarchy
Strong Influence: Stability
Popular Issue: Harassments
Stability: rapidly disintegrating
Personal Freedoms: very few liberties. They all work and provide for the common goal.
Scandals: infrequent, but commonly targeted
Foreign Relations: No outside relations, other than sparse trading with humans
Main Export: food crops (Seaweed, roe, fish, shellfish) shells, pearls, and other trinkets found in the depths.
Main Import: leather goods, ropes, nets
Main Resource: food - fish/meat
Trade: some trading, unequal terms
Strength: Low populous
Wealth: no personal wealth, other than small trinkets. Money has no value to them.
Main Climate: tropical Low lands, and some rivers and swamps.
Ocean: not far from the coastline. The ocean depths hold real dangers for these fish-like humanoids.
Frequent Trouble: loss of lands, waters, hunting groiunds. Human harassments and interference.
Highly Values: creativity, honesty, modesty
Known For: fishing
Popular Entertainment: storytelling, trading trinkets
Respected Profession: Group elders
Discrimination: extreme fear of Humans
Major Taboo: consorting with humans
Strength: average, agile, fit
Focus: Nature and family, procreation
Viewed: as nasty, vile creatures who are filthy and spread disease, extreme prejudice
Focus: sacredness of family
Worship: solemn daily prayers in private to passed relatives and kin.
Associated Artform: carving shells and wood trinkets
Prevalence: uncommon, sparse settlements
Life Expectancy: 130-160 years

Playable Race, +1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower
The Jin-Zho are an Asianic-like race that has origins in the lands that are now known as Lymms, which is the easternmost province in the Lands of the Nine's. These people are exceptional artisans and craftsmen. They make fine goods such as jewelry, pottery, and fine blades hand crafted by master sword makers. These swords are some of the finest blades to have ever been forged. The Jin-Zho are an ancient culture, and have a vast knowledge on a multitude of things like astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
They are fair traders, but like to heckle. Some would say that the heckling is the most important and most enjoyed portion of a deal for the Jin-Zho, and they seem to enjoy it more than most. They are quite dexterous, and extremely articulate and agile. The Jin-Zho live healthy lifestyles and eat well, and their diets consist of healthy, fresh foods.
Motivation: Wealth, Honor, Prosperity
Influence: Vast
Reputation: Respected
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Elders
Size: Large
Stability: Highly stable
Enemies: Few
Allies: Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's
Enemies Include: Zherpa From the Lands of Mavia,
Allies Include: Many Traders and merchants, from all over the realm, Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's.
Resources: Very many
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, Jade, porcelains, pottery, golden jewelry, steel. Foods include very little ox or cow, a lot of fish and fowl, rice, vegetables. Wealth.
The Kong-Zhu

Playable Race, +1 Sailing, +1 Intimidation
The Kong-Zhu are also an Asianic race like the Jin-Zho, that are a seafaring culture from the spice islands, though they also originated in what is now known as Lymms. The Kong-Zhu are a warlike people, many of which turn to piracy on the open waters, and prefer to inhabit island regions. The Kong-Zhu terrorize the waters around the Spice Islands in the Mavian Sea, and the coasts and shorelines of the South Sea, and some have even been rumored to have been spotted in the North Sea as well. These pirates prey on small merchant ships that are unlucky enough to cross paths with them. Cutthroats and scoundrels all.
The Kong-Zhu are extremely resourceful and have a tactical mind. They have been at war with the Jin-Zho and the Lands of the Nine's for centuries, and the High King has even issued a hefty ransom for any Kong-Zhu who are caught committing acts of piracy. They often have strongholds on hard to reach coves and islands that are treacherous to get to by water, protected by sand bars and coral reefs.
Motivation: Greed, Power
Influence: Moderate
Reputation: Scoundrels
Age: ancient
Leadership: Small groups, usually led by one individual, or a small group of leaders.
Size: Small to medium
Stability: Unstable, Volatile
Enemies: Many
Allies: None
Enemies Include: Nearly everyone.
Allies Include: a few small pockets of the Zherpa, whom they trade their stolen goods with in Yhemer.
Resources: Limited
Resources Include: Small amounts of natural resources, like wood, stone, and tropical food sources.
There is quite a variety of religions in the Nines. They range from monotheistic to polytheistic, occult, fanatical groups, and heretics, and even rumors of the worship of dark gods and magics long dead, and even necromancy. This list will be updated as you proceed in your travels.
The All-Seer is a benevolent God. He is the center of one of the most prominent religions in the Lands of the Nine's. The Keepers of the Light are found in almost every major city throughout the realm. He favors the righteous and those who cannot do for themselves, the poor, the meek, the hungry. Shrines and Large Cathedrals dot the landscape in his image.
the God of Astrology, the Sea, and Sailing He is stern, stoic and steadfast, with sun-scorched skin, short, dark sandy hair, and eyes the color of green waters. Leathe is taller than the average height and solidly built, and his faced furrowed. He wears no armor.
He is also associated with rivers and time. He is most often worshipped by sailors and seafarers. His many followers can be primarily distinguished by their tattoos. There are widespread offerings and written prayers to him in every city. There are many myths involving his rough relationship with Ka'a Alissi. He is the brother of Jaezer. He is known to send good fortune to fishermen, sailors and captains, or disastrous storms and terrible swells that have claimed the lives of countless men.
Ka'a Alissi, the Goddess of Duels, Risk, Shadows and Midnight, is unusually beautiful, with alabaster skin, long flowing hair, as dark as midnight, and eyes the color of new-forged copper. She is tall and slenderly built, and sometimes seems very sad. She usually wears light leather armor dyed black and adorned in bronze.
She is known to award those who are brazen good fortune. She is often worshipped by thieves and rogues alike, petty criminals and the less fortunate folks of the larger urban areas of the Nine's. Her surprisingly numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by their tattoos. There aren't many public or visible shrines to her in most cities. There are many myths involving her rocky relationship with certain mortals. She is the mother of Voi. She is known to sometimes hinder mortals, but is most often prayed to for prowess good fortune to those who are involved in more clandestine operations, and other affairs that occur during the nightly hours. It is said that prayers and offerings to her can keep one from finding themselves in trouble with authorities. Some practitioners keep small figurines of her, but having one of these in one's possessions was sure to raise concerns from those who enforce the law.
Voi, the Goddess of Sex, Lust, and fertility. She is extremely beautiful, with pale skin, shoulder length, flowing flaming red hair, and eyes the color of blue jay eggs. She is tall and slender, and rarely laughs. She usually wears simple clothes dyed dark red or burgundy, addorned with gold.
She is also associated with luck and alchemy. She is often worshipped by expecting women, or sometimes prayed to by hopeful pursuers and suitors who would seek luck in the love department, but her most devoted followers were prostitutes and seducers, and they can be primarily distinguished by the talismans and rings that they bear. There are shrines to her in most cities. There are many myths involving her illicit relationship with mortals. She is the cousin of C'ocri. She is sometimes known to meddle in the relationships of mortals, and can be quite manipulative, causing damage to relationships and sometimes wreck the lives of those caught in her wake..
Moki, the Goddess of Ghosts, the Undead and the Sky, is almost plain-looking, with pale blueish skin and long, rippling dark hair. Her eyes were the color of the lit up midnight moon. She is tall and slender, and is usually frowning and sullen. She usually wears a dingy pale gown that is completely soiled with dirt and stain.
She is also associated with superstitions that involve finding truth and justice for the dead, solstices, and death. She is often worshipped by commoners. Her small numbers of followers can be primarily distinguished by the offerings they provide at gravestones and cemeteries. There are a few offerings to her on islands. There are many myths involving her vast travels with certain mortals. She is the sister of Scind. She is known to give help to those who have recently lost someone and a severe injustice has been committed. She is also known to torment those who have committed these heinous crimes, haunting them, and driving them into madness. She is most often prayed to by her followers to ward off evil spirits who walk the coasts and isles during the night and twilight hours, and her followers can be described as extremely superstitious.

Type: Monotheism (patriarchal)
Direction: Outwards
Focus: Repentance, Forgiveness, Holy Virtues (Very similar to Christianity)
Ruling Deities: The All-Seer
Important Deities:
The All-Seer, the God of Wisdom, Goodness and Virtue, the Giver of Life, the Provider
Razmudai, the God of Darkness and Evil, Secrets, Suffering (malevolent)
Divine Interaction: Miracles and penances (Seldom Occur, if ever)
Involves: Devotional Prayer, Repentance of sins, Pilgrimage, Holiness
Afterlife: Heaven-like
Supernatural: benevolent spirits of relatives, Angelic beings (benevolent entities), Demonic beings (malevolent entities)
Worship: Group meditation and prayer.
Holidays: Solstices, Equinoxes
Holidays Celebrate: Great Priests, historical events, past battles, Prophets and Saints.
Major Holiday(s): happen only once every hundred years

Clergy: High Priests are Male only.
Mass/Gathering: All types of members from all walks of life. Worships every Seventh Day in large masses at the temple. Service includes the reading of religious scriptures, musical hymns, and certain special events, anointing of the youth (christenings), marriages, funerals, etc.
Function: Community leaders, healers of the sick, providers for the poor and elderly.
Lifestyle: All types
Family: Somewhat large
Chosen: Elected by pre-existing high priests
Distinguished By: Special clothing and robes, head wear
Symbol: Images of the All-Seer, emblazoned sun
Holy Colors: Gold, Red, White
Passed Down: Via the mass reproduction of Written tomes and volumes
Creation Myth Type: World-Creator
Mortals' Origin: Creation of the All-Seer
Major Myth/Symbol(s):
The Redemption
The First Defeat of Razmudai
Deadly Sins: Self-injury, malice, cowardice, irresponsibility and pride, greed, envy, lust, and worldly desires
High Virtues: faith, wisdom, kindness and honesty, modesty, humbleness, humility.
Associated Artform: Written texts, tapestries, murals, statues
Coming of Age: 17 years old
Coming of Age Rite: involves a collective ritual biannually
Marriage: Monogamous relationships
Marriage Rites: Major formal events held by the entire community
Death Rites: Performed by priests, anointing rituals, last rights, preparation and burials. Catacombs, Vaults, Graves.
Major Taboos: Incest, pedophilia, sinful desires
Prevalence: Widely believed
Outsiders: Are welcomed
The All-Seer
The All-Seer is a benevolent God. He is the center of one of the most prominent religions in the Lands of the Nine's. The Keepers of the Light are found in almost every major city throughout the realm. He favors the righteous and those who cannot do for themselves, the poor, the meek, the hungry. Shrines and Large Cathedrals dot the landscape in his image.
the God of Astrology, the Sea, and Sailing He is stern, stoic and steadfast, with sun-scorched skin, short, dark sandy hair, and eyes the color of green waters. Leathe is taller than the average height and solidly built, and his faced furrowed. He wears no armor.
He is also associated with rivers and time. He is most often worshipped by sailors and seafarers. His many followers can be primarily distinguished by their tattoos. There are widespread offerings and written prayers to him in every city. There are many myths involving his rough relationship with Ka'a Alissi. He is the brother of Jaezer. He is known to send good fortune to fishermen, sailors and captains, or disastrous storms and terrible swells that have claimed the lives of countless men.
Ka'a Alissi
Ka'a Alissi, the Goddess of Duels, Risk, Shadows and Midnight, is unusually beautiful, with alabaster skin, long flowing hair, as dark as midnight, and eyes the color of new-forged copper. She is tall and slenderly built, and sometimes seems very sad. She usually wears light leather armor dyed black and adorned in bronze.
She is known to award those who are brazen good fortune. She is often worshipped by thieves and rogues alike, petty criminals and the less fortunate folks of the larger urban areas of the Nine's. Her surprisingly numerous followers can be primarily distinguished by their tattoos. There aren't many public or visible shrines to her in most cities. There are many myths involving her rocky relationship with certain mortals. She is the mother of Voi. She is known to sometimes hinder mortals, but is most often prayed to for prowess good fortune to those who are involved in more clandestine operations, and other affairs that occur during the nightly hours. It is said that prayers and offerings to her can keep one from finding themselves in trouble with authorities. Some practitioners keep small figurines of her, but having one of these in one's possessions was sure to raise concerns from those who enforce the law.
Voi, the Goddess of Sex, Lust, and fertility. She is extremely beautiful, with pale skin, shoulder length, flowing flaming red hair, and eyes the color of blue jay eggs. She is tall and slender, and rarely laughs. She usually wears simple clothes dyed dark red or burgundy, addorned with gold.
She is also associated with luck and alchemy. She is often worshipped by expecting women, or sometimes prayed to by hopeful pursuers and suitors who would seek luck in the love department, but her most devoted followers were prostitutes and seducers, and they can be primarily distinguished by the talismans and rings that they bear. There are shrines to her in most cities. There are many myths involving her illicit relationship with mortals. She is the cousin of C'ocri. She is sometimes known to meddle in the relationships of mortals, and can be quite manipulative, causing damage to relationships and sometimes wreck the lives of those caught in her wake..
Moki, the Goddess of Ghosts, the Undead and the Sky, is almost plain-looking, with pale blueish skin and long, rippling dark hair. Her eyes were the color of the lit up midnight moon. She is tall and slender, and is usually frowning and sullen. She usually wears a dingy pale gown that is completely soiled with dirt and stain.
She is also associated with superstitions that involve finding truth and justice for the dead, solstices, and death. She is often worshipped by commoners. Her small numbers of followers can be primarily distinguished by the offerings they provide at gravestones and cemeteries. There are a few offerings to her on islands. There are many myths involving her vast travels with certain mortals. She is the sister of Scind. She is known to give help to those who have recently lost someone and a severe injustice has been committed. She is also known to torment those who have committed these heinous crimes, haunting them, and driving them into madness. She is most often prayed to by her followers to ward off evil spirits who walk the coasts and isles during the night and twilight hours, and her followers can be described as extremely superstitious.

The Keepers of The Light
Type: Monotheism (patriarchal)
Direction: Outwards
Focus: Repentance, Forgiveness, Holy Virtues (Very similar to Christianity)
Ruling Deities: The All-Seer
Important Deities:
The All-Seer, the God of Wisdom, Goodness and Virtue, the Giver of Life, the Provider
Razmudai, the God of Darkness and Evil, Secrets, Suffering (malevolent)
Divine Interaction: Miracles and penances (Seldom Occur, if ever)
Involves: Devotional Prayer, Repentance of sins, Pilgrimage, Holiness
Afterlife: Heaven-like
Supernatural: benevolent spirits of relatives, Angelic beings (benevolent entities), Demonic beings (malevolent entities)
Worship: Group meditation and prayer.
Holidays: Solstices, Equinoxes
Holidays Celebrate: Great Priests, historical events, past battles, Prophets and Saints.
Major Holiday(s): happen only once every hundred years

Clergy: High Priests are Male only.
Mass/Gathering: All types of members from all walks of life. Worships every Seventh Day in large masses at the temple. Service includes the reading of religious scriptures, musical hymns, and certain special events, anointing of the youth (christenings), marriages, funerals, etc.
Function: Community leaders, healers of the sick, providers for the poor and elderly.
Lifestyle: All types
Family: Somewhat large
Chosen: Elected by pre-existing high priests
Distinguished By: Special clothing and robes, head wear
Cultural Aspects:
Symbol: Images of the All-Seer, emblazoned sun
Holy Colors: Gold, Red, White
Passed Down: Via the mass reproduction of Written tomes and volumes
Creation Myth Type: World-Creator
Mortals' Origin: Creation of the All-Seer
Major Myth/Symbol(s):
The Redemption
The First Defeat of Razmudai
Deadly Sins: Self-injury, malice, cowardice, irresponsibility and pride, greed, envy, lust, and worldly desires
High Virtues: faith, wisdom, kindness and honesty, modesty, humbleness, humility.
Associated Artform: Written texts, tapestries, murals, statues
Coming of Age: 17 years old
Coming of Age Rite: involves a collective ritual biannually
Marriage: Monogamous relationships
Marriage Rites: Major formal events held by the entire community
Death Rites: Performed by priests, anointing rituals, last rights, preparation and burials. Catacombs, Vaults, Graves.
Major Taboos: Incest, pedophilia, sinful desires
Prevalence: Widely believed
Outsiders: Are welcomed
Merrik The Virtuous, and the Fall of Razmu'dai

Some ten thousand years ago, when the Lands of The Nine's first became untied, there was a great soldier named Merrik. It was said that he was the son of a benevolent and righteous demigod named Niixus, who was well known in the times before then. His virtuous deeds and notoriety flourished among regions, far and wide. He was a just and good hearted man, and soon became a popular warrior King amongst a feudal realm. He was virtuous, and wanted to unite the Nine lands under one just rule. This realm was ripe with those who served the Dark Lords, and magic was as dense as water. Vile beasts and demon hordes, soldiers of the fallen Dark Kings, ravaged the lands, razing anything they came across, leaving none to tell about it. Some of the feuding rulers made alliances with the Dark Lords, pacts with the devil. Heretical sects and temples dotted the landscape, and the lands had fallen into despair.
Merrick sought to change this and this campaign, an all out witch hunt lasted for nearly 25 years. His vast armies, loyal followers to the cause marched vast distances, and crushed everything they encountered. He suffered many losses over the course of this witch hunt. Scores of scores of men died, perishing at the hands of the dark ones. It was said that if you were killed by them they took your soul. It was the darkest of times, the violence drove many to madness. Many thought Merrick to be the Great Savior, the chosen champion of the great All-Seer. An order of high priests known as The Keepers formed and followed his every move. They forged him a great sword, made from trinkets and relics, objects of great power and religious value. Merrick's sword became known as The Blade of Banishment, and was said to have been kissed by the All-Seer's good graces himself.

His opponent, a vile and wretched demigod named Razmu'dai. A great and ancient evil. He was the Bringer of Despair and Darkness, Suffering and Death, and all that is vile and wretched. He commanded a powerful dark magic that could spawn vicious beats, and he could also raise the dead, filling their bodies with the souls of those whom he had taken. Legions of dark soldiers to do his bidding. He wore a dark suit of armor forged by his dark powers. Razmu'dai set his legions upon Merrick's armies, and they clashed like huge waves swept up by a tempest. Almost all were lost when Merrick and Razmu'dai met on the battlefield. Their swords clashed with great energies and huge shockwaves threw scores across the field, obliterating the dead hordes and crushing the rib cages and organs of the living. But in this great and epic battle of Good and Evil fate would shine on the Merrick the Virtuous, and his blade found its mark. The Dark Lord's armor shattered into pieces and his evil spirit had been truly banished, and magic lost its strong grip on the realms of man, and dwindled to almost nothing. The only piece that was not destroyed was a single gauntlet. Merrick's sword also shattered and broke into 7 pieces, the same number of pieces as the Dark lord's armor. The gauntlet was dubbed the Gauntlet of Power. Merrick ordered The Keepers to take these seven shards of his blade and these armor bits to the far corners of the realm. To guard them till the ends of time. The Dark Lord's armor was thought to be so dangerous that each piece was said to have been completely incased in chests filled with mercury. The Gauntlet of Power and a single piece of the sword were said to have been kept together on the site of this great battle somewhere, hidden deep in a grand and monumental tomb. The rest of the pieces were spread throughout the land to secret locations, never to be discovered again. It is rumored that these locations are still guarded in great vaults and hidden tombs of a sect who call themselves The Guardians, who are so devout that they will kill anyone to keep these relics hidden from man.

It was also said that Merrick lived for another five hundred years and the Nines became united under his rule. The era of magic was over and it had given way to the common era of man, and it was a time of great prosperity in the Nines. Merrick was the last of the demigods to walk the earth. He is considered to be the great founding father of the Nines, and is still widely respected as a major patron Saint of The helpless and meek, and the defenseless. The Bringer of Light, Holy figure to the Keepers of the Light. The fall of Razmu'dai is celebrated every 1000 years on what is said to be the exact date of the battle where Good had finally conquered Evil. Merrick is supposedly buried in a great hidden tomb, the location only known to those who are now known as the Keepers. A secretive order, passed down through countless generations. So secretive that these families do not allow any outsiders to join their society. They are sworn to protect the locations of holy tombs and dangerous relics, and the location of Merrick Tomb in particular. They are also rumored to be able to conjure great Guardians from beyond the Veil. Champions and powerful Wardens. The last bastion to fend off the impending threat of darkness. Merrick's Chosen Few..

The party is thrust together in the great port city of Guillan, where unbeknownst to them, they will embark on a perilous journey as the unlikely saviors of all who call the Lands of the Nine's home. The Party is comprised of a motley lot of common thieves or thugs to some degree or other, each with their eyes lit up by the promises of wealth beyond anything they could ever dream of, especially this less than skilled bunch. Rather high stakes indeed.
Their journey begins...
Their journey begins...
The party has managed to board The Pinned Seal, a ship and crew acquired by Lord Vargas to get the party to Gnok Island. They have already suffered losses at the hands of sheriff Gerranti and his men whilst trying to escape the city. The party seeks a long abandoned temple on the island, with promises of loot beyond anyone's imaginations. A perilous journey for such a crew, but what is life without a bit of risk? But perhaps there's more to it than that..