@Atrophy@Fetzen@Jarl Coolgruuf@TheCannaFairy
Here is the updated list of the races for this campaign. I still have about three more to go, A race of gypsy like people, some Amazonian-type tribes and a few cannibals, and an African-like race as well. Also take note that each race has attribute points that will be additional to the skills/attribute points allotted in character creation process and will not count as spent points.
If you have any questions I can be reached at almost any time in the discord channel found here:
I will continue to work on a few things, but there should be enough to get everyone CS's going by the weekend. I need to do a bit of touching up to the world map, and I'll make brief descriptions of each of the provinces, etc. I need to edit some names to match some of the ethnic cultures I've added.
I'd like to get started as soon as possible. I should have the beginning post up by Saturday or Sunday.
Here is the updated list of the races for this campaign. I still have about three more to go, A race of gypsy like people, some Amazonian-type tribes and a few cannibals, and an African-like race as well. Also take note that each race has attribute points that will be additional to the skills/attribute points allotted in character creation process and will not count as spent points.
Most of the realm is inhabited by humans, but there are a few other races that are rare.

The Zherpa are a race of humans that reside in the deserts of the realm. These individuals have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. Though they have attractive traits, they are quite a rough and rugged people who wander the deserts and inhabit it's oases. These people are hard bargainers and stern traders, but often have exquisite goods. They are known for their finely crafted blades and metalwork, such as cookware and other hardwares.
These nomads live a harsh life in the deserts and have to endure devastating sandstorms. The deserts of the realm are small but formidable areas, not many could survive or eek out an existence here. None save for the Zherpa.
They are quite witty and quick to take advantage where they can. Known to be rather unsavory and sometimes less than trustworthy. One would be wise to keep their wits about them around these hardened nomads.
Type: Nomads
Motivation: Money
Influence: Strong
Reputation: Hard willed, Cut-throats
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Tribal Leaders
Size: Medium
Stability: Nomadic, but strong
Enemies: Many
Allies: Some
Enemies Include: Merchants and local authorities
Allies Include: some merchant groups and proprietors
Resources: limited, but high in quality. Metalwork, spices, other items such as rare woods, and gemstones.
Resources Include: Substantial funds or wealth
Other: maintains ties with many prominent individuals, very secretive.
Bribes: will most always be accepted
Competence: often exceptional
Noticeable Traits: Olive skin and dark features.
Can be Found: Desert areas
Identifiable By: Specific weapons and tattoos. Finely crafted blades.
Common Traits: Greedy, underhanded
Classes: Merchants, Raiders, Assassins
Knowledge of Group: Extensive in both mathematics and astrology

Bretonians closely represent European ethnicities in our own world. They can be found in every region of the realm. Bretonians are one of the densest populations as well. Bretonians have pale skin tones or tan, and are best suited for northern climates, they seem to fair okay in tropics as well, aside from the occasional sunburn and bucket-loads of sweat. They come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of features, and they can have almost any coloring of hair. Bretonians are an old race and they have intermingled with nearly every race outside of the Sumek, and their traits may be mixed by several ethnic factors. They are average strength, average sized humans, who are just about average in every way. Bretonians are great sailors, and are said to be among the first to do so. Bretornians originated in the Northern Regions of the Lands of the Nine's.
Type: Humans
Motivation: Glory, Money, Prosperity
Influence: Very strong
Reputation: Varied
Age: Very old
Leadership: Kingdoms, Ruling leaders, Elders, Chieftons
Size: Average
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Minimal
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: several guilds of fighters, a large number of Zherpa tribes, some Ir'dak tribes, some Jinzho factions. Usually at odds with the Zherpa, conflicts over trade routes and ambushes have left a lasting bad taste in the Bretonian's mouths.
Allies Include: Most Kingdoms, as they make up a significant portion of the populations in each.
Resources: Many
Resources Include: Full spectrum of natural resources, meats, metalwork, woodwork, wealth
Other: Retainers

Dwarves are a humanoid race that is much shorter and stockier than humans. The average height of a dwarf is about half that of the average human. Dwarves reside in the Northern regions and in mountainous regions. Most dwarves prefer to live underground, in vast subterranean Halls and fortresses. Dwarves are extremely resilient, and are quite strong despite their size. They are mechanically inclined, and have knowledge in engineering and simple machines that utilize gears and cogs, combustion and steam power. They make exceptional contraptions with a high level of polish and precision. They are some of the finest crafters in all the realm. They are wealthy in rare gems as well as gold. Dwarves are somewhat reclusive to their race, and dont welcome outsiders in all that often. They are stand-offish, blunt, and most would describe them as grumpy.
Not all dwarves live underground however, some have taken to human cities and villages, and be be found in the most peculiar places, running shops, and bazaar stalls, and the like. They make decent cooks and some even find work in taverns and inns, and often find themselves as the butt of a joke.
Motivation: Money, Prosperity, Safety
Influence: Small
Reputation: Good standings
Age: Well-established
Leadership: King/Ruler
Size: Medium
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Rare
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: outsiders, most of whom look to steal their resources from the mountains.
Allies Include: Most human groups
Resources: Plentiful
Resources Include: Gems, Ore, gold and other metals. Stone, Granite, Marble, Slate. Rubies, Emeralds, Factory goods and tech goods such as gears and cogs, simple gadgets and machines.

The tribes of the Tork are plentiful, too many to name. They are found in the great plains of the Marth and Tork regions of the realm. The Tork are extremely resilient, hardy survivors, who can live off the land with great ease. They are masters of the horse, and put great emphasis on these animals. They are perhaps a Tork's most prized possession. Most would call these people savages, lesser than the more civilized peoples of the realm, but one would surely be surprised, as they are quite diplomatic and favor democratic viewpoints within their own cells.
Some Tribes are nomadic, and follow the migration patterns of the herds they hunt, while others are more stationary, and find dwellings in low meadows and riverbanks, and have taken to agriculture. The Tork are a fit people, extremely healthy and rugged, and able to withstand the elements. Their weapons are often crude, or made of stone or bone, and they have a boon when it comes to archery and stringed weapons or weapons such as spears. The Tork generally tend to stay away from other races and cultures, but others are more open in such dealings.
Motivation: Posterity, Safety, Nature
Influence: Small
Reputation: Indifferent, Savages
Age: Well-established
Leadership: Group Councils, Elders, Chiefs
Size: Large
Stability: Mostly stable
Enemies: Several
Allies: Few
Enemies Include: Warring tribes, some outsiders
Allies Include: Some Tribes, a few outsider merchants, and traders
Resources: almost unlimited
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, a wide variety of meats and agricultural foods. Leather goods, simple pottery

The Sumek are a fish-like humanoid species that reside in the low tropical regions of the realm. They can be found in the waters of tropical coastlines and inlets, coves, sounds and bays. Some have even been rumored to live deep down wide rivers and murky swamps as well. The Sumek are few in number, and their settlements are sparsely populated. Interactions with humans often do not end well for the Sumek, for they are highly discriminated against. They are seen as less than equals to their human counterparts and are shunned constantly. They only trade with humans on rare occasions and mostly stick to themselves. Timid and skittish creatures when outside of the water. They can breathe on land as well for rather lengthy times, but it doesn't take more than a day before their skin begins to dry out, so being away from water is a moderate to severe danger for them.
However, the Sumek are known for their honesty, and love for their families and their own. The Sumek are nonviolent, reclusive creatures who most often just want to be left alone.
Shaping Force: Nature, Family
Population: Almost entirely reclusive to Humans
Political Structure: Oligarchy
Strong Influence: Stability
Popular Issue: Harassments
Stability: rapidly disintegrating
Personal Freedoms: very few liberties. They all work and provide for the common goal.
Scandals: infrequent, but commonly targeted
Foreign Relations: No outside relations, other than sparse trading with humans
Main Export: food crops (Seaweed, roe, fish, shellfish) shells, pearls, and other trinkets found in the depths.
Main Import: leather goods, ropes, nets
Main Resource: food - fish/meat
Trade: some trading, unequal terms
Strength: Low populous
Wealth: no personal wealth, other than small trinkets. Money has no value to them.
Main Climate: tropical Low lands, and some rivers and swamps.
Ocean: not far from the coastline. The ocean depths hold real dangers for these fish-like humanoids.
Frequent Trouble: loss of lands, waters, hunting groiunds. Human harassments and interference.
Highly Values: creativity, honesty, modesty
Known For: fishing
Popular Entertainment: storytelling, trading trinkets
Respected Profession: Group elders
Discrimination: extreme fear of Humans
Major Taboo: consorting with humans
Strength: average, agile, fit
Focus: Nature and family, procreation
Viewed: as nasty, vile creatures who are filthy and spread disease, extreme prejudice
Focus: sacredness of family
Worship: solemn daily prayers in private to passed relatives and kin.
Associated Artform: carving shells and wood trinkets
Prevalence: uncommon, sparse settlements
Life Expectancy: 130-160 years

Playable Race, +1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower
The Jin-Zho are an Asianic-like race that has origins in the lands that are now known as Lymms, which is the easternmost province in the Lands of the Nine's. These people are exceptional artisans and craftsmen. They make fine goods such as jewelry, pottery, and fine blades hand crafted by master sword makers. These swords are some of the finest blades to have ever been forged. The Jin-Zho are an ancient culture, and have a vast knowledge on a multitude of things like astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
They are fair traders, but like to heckle. Some would say that the heckling is the most important and most enjoyed portion of a deal for the Jin-Zho, and they seem to enjoy it more than most. They are quite dexterous, and extremely articulate and agile. The Jin-Zho live healthy lifestyles and eat well, and their diets consist of healthy, fresh foods.
Motivation: Wealth, Honor, Prosperity
Influence: Vast
Reputation: Respected
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Elders
Size: Large
Stability: Highly stable
Enemies: Few
Allies: Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's
Enemies Include: Zherpa From the Lands of Mavia,
Allies Include: Many Traders and merchants, from all over the realm, Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's.
Resources: Very many
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, Jade, porcelains, pottery, golden jewelry, steel. Foods include very little ox or cow, a lot of fish and fowl, rice, vegetables. Wealth.

The Kong-Zhu are also an Asianic race like the Jin-Zho, that are a seafaring culture from the spice islands, though they also originated in what is now known as Lymms. The Kong-Zhu are a warlike people, many of which turn to piracy on the open waters, and prefer to inhabit island regions. The Kong-Zhu terrorize the waters around the Spice Islands in the Mavian Sea, and the coasts and shorelines of the South Sea, and some have even been rumored to have been spotted in the North Sea as well. These pirates prey on small merchant ships that are unlucky enough to cross paths with them. Cutthroats and scoundrels all.
The Kong-Zhu are extremely resourceful and have a tactical mind. They have been at war with the Jin-Zho and the Lands of the Nine's for centuries, and the High King has even issued a hefty ransom for any Kong-Zhu who are caught committing acts of piracy. They often have strongholds on hard to reach coves and islands that are treacherous to get to by water, protected by sand bars and coral reefs.
Motivation: Greed, Power
Influence: Moderate
Reputation: Scoundrels
Age: ancient
Leadership: Small groups, usually led by one individual, or a small group of leaders.
Size: Small to medium
Stability: Unstable, Volatile
Enemies: Many
Allies: None
Enemies Include: Nearly everyone.
Allies Include: a few small pockets of the Zherpa, whom they trade their stolen goods with in Yhemer.
Resources: Limited
Resources Include: Small amounts of natural resources, like wood, stone, and tropical food sources.
The Zherpa

Playable Race, +1 Bartering, +1 Willpower
The Zherpa are a race of humans that reside in the deserts of the realm. These individuals have olive skin and dark hair and eyes. Though they have attractive traits, they are quite a rough and rugged people who wander the deserts and inhabit it's oases. These people are hard bargainers and stern traders, but often have exquisite goods. They are known for their finely crafted blades and metalwork, such as cookware and other hardwares.
These nomads live a harsh life in the deserts and have to endure devastating sandstorms. The deserts of the realm are small but formidable areas, not many could survive or eek out an existence here. None save for the Zherpa.
They are quite witty and quick to take advantage where they can. Known to be rather unsavory and sometimes less than trustworthy. One would be wise to keep their wits about them around these hardened nomads.
Type: Nomads
Motivation: Money
Influence: Strong
Reputation: Hard willed, Cut-throats
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Tribal Leaders
Size: Medium
Stability: Nomadic, but strong
Enemies: Many
Allies: Some
Enemies Include: Merchants and local authorities
Allies Include: some merchant groups and proprietors
Resources: limited, but high in quality. Metalwork, spices, other items such as rare woods, and gemstones.
Resources Include: Substantial funds or wealth
Other: maintains ties with many prominent individuals, very secretive.
Bribes: will most always be accepted
Competence: often exceptional
Noticeable Traits: Olive skin and dark features.
Can be Found: Desert areas
Identifiable By: Specific weapons and tattoos. Finely crafted blades.
Common Traits: Greedy, underhanded
Classes: Merchants, Raiders, Assassins
Knowledge of Group: Extensive in both mathematics and astrology

Playable Race, +1 Sailing, +1 Awareness
Bretonians closely represent European ethnicities in our own world. They can be found in every region of the realm. Bretonians are one of the densest populations as well. Bretonians have pale skin tones or tan, and are best suited for northern climates, they seem to fair okay in tropics as well, aside from the occasional sunburn and bucket-loads of sweat. They come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of features, and they can have almost any coloring of hair. Bretonians are an old race and they have intermingled with nearly every race outside of the Sumek, and their traits may be mixed by several ethnic factors. They are average strength, average sized humans, who are just about average in every way. Bretonians are great sailors, and are said to be among the first to do so. Bretornians originated in the Northern Regions of the Lands of the Nine's.
Type: Humans
Motivation: Glory, Money, Prosperity
Influence: Very strong
Reputation: Varied
Age: Very old
Leadership: Kingdoms, Ruling leaders, Elders, Chieftons
Size: Average
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Minimal
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: several guilds of fighters, a large number of Zherpa tribes, some Ir'dak tribes, some Jinzho factions. Usually at odds with the Zherpa, conflicts over trade routes and ambushes have left a lasting bad taste in the Bretonian's mouths.
Allies Include: Most Kingdoms, as they make up a significant portion of the populations in each.
Resources: Many
Resources Include: Full spectrum of natural resources, meats, metalwork, woodwork, wealth
Other: Retainers

Playable Race, +1 Strength, +2 Crafting
Dwarves are a humanoid race that is much shorter and stockier than humans. The average height of a dwarf is about half that of the average human. Dwarves reside in the Northern regions and in mountainous regions. Most dwarves prefer to live underground, in vast subterranean Halls and fortresses. Dwarves are extremely resilient, and are quite strong despite their size. They are mechanically inclined, and have knowledge in engineering and simple machines that utilize gears and cogs, combustion and steam power. They make exceptional contraptions with a high level of polish and precision. They are some of the finest crafters in all the realm. They are wealthy in rare gems as well as gold. Dwarves are somewhat reclusive to their race, and dont welcome outsiders in all that often. They are stand-offish, blunt, and most would describe them as grumpy.
Not all dwarves live underground however, some have taken to human cities and villages, and be be found in the most peculiar places, running shops, and bazaar stalls, and the like. They make decent cooks and some even find work in taverns and inns, and often find themselves as the butt of a joke.
Motivation: Money, Prosperity, Safety
Influence: Small
Reputation: Good standings
Age: Well-established
Leadership: King/Ruler
Size: Medium
Stability: Very stable
Enemies: Rare
Allies: Many
Enemies Include: outsiders, most of whom look to steal their resources from the mountains.
Allies Include: Most human groups
Resources: Plentiful
Resources Include: Gems, Ore, gold and other metals. Stone, Granite, Marble, Slate. Rubies, Emeralds, Factory goods and tech goods such as gears and cogs, simple gadgets and machines.
The Tork Tribes

Playable Race, +1 willpower, +1 Horseback Riding, +1 Archery
The tribes of the Tork are plentiful, too many to name. They are found in the great plains of the Marth and Tork regions of the realm. The Tork are extremely resilient, hardy survivors, who can live off the land with great ease. They are masters of the horse, and put great emphasis on these animals. They are perhaps a Tork's most prized possession. Most would call these people savages, lesser than the more civilized peoples of the realm, but one would surely be surprised, as they are quite diplomatic and favor democratic viewpoints within their own cells.
Some Tribes are nomadic, and follow the migration patterns of the herds they hunt, while others are more stationary, and find dwellings in low meadows and riverbanks, and have taken to agriculture. The Tork are a fit people, extremely healthy and rugged, and able to withstand the elements. Their weapons are often crude, or made of stone or bone, and they have a boon when it comes to archery and stringed weapons or weapons such as spears. The Tork generally tend to stay away from other races and cultures, but others are more open in such dealings.
Motivation: Posterity, Safety, Nature
Influence: Small
Reputation: Indifferent, Savages
Age: Well-established
Leadership: Group Councils, Elders, Chiefs
Size: Large
Stability: Mostly stable
Enemies: Several
Allies: Few
Enemies Include: Warring tribes, some outsiders
Allies Include: Some Tribes, a few outsider merchants, and traders
Resources: almost unlimited
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, a wide variety of meats and agricultural foods. Leather goods, simple pottery
The Sumek

Non-Playable Race
The Sumek are a fish-like humanoid species that reside in the low tropical regions of the realm. They can be found in the waters of tropical coastlines and inlets, coves, sounds and bays. Some have even been rumored to live deep down wide rivers and murky swamps as well. The Sumek are few in number, and their settlements are sparsely populated. Interactions with humans often do not end well for the Sumek, for they are highly discriminated against. They are seen as less than equals to their human counterparts and are shunned constantly. They only trade with humans on rare occasions and mostly stick to themselves. Timid and skittish creatures when outside of the water. They can breathe on land as well for rather lengthy times, but it doesn't take more than a day before their skin begins to dry out, so being away from water is a moderate to severe danger for them.
However, the Sumek are known for their honesty, and love for their families and their own. The Sumek are nonviolent, reclusive creatures who most often just want to be left alone.
Shaping Force: Nature, Family
Population: Almost entirely reclusive to Humans
Political Structure: Oligarchy
Strong Influence: Stability
Popular Issue: Harassments
Stability: rapidly disintegrating
Personal Freedoms: very few liberties. They all work and provide for the common goal.
Scandals: infrequent, but commonly targeted
Foreign Relations: No outside relations, other than sparse trading with humans
Main Export: food crops (Seaweed, roe, fish, shellfish) shells, pearls, and other trinkets found in the depths.
Main Import: leather goods, ropes, nets
Main Resource: food - fish/meat
Trade: some trading, unequal terms
Strength: Low populous
Wealth: no personal wealth, other than small trinkets. Money has no value to them.
Main Climate: tropical Low lands, and some rivers and swamps.
Ocean: not far from the coastline. The ocean depths hold real dangers for these fish-like humanoids.
Frequent Trouble: loss of lands, waters, hunting groiunds. Human harassments and interference.
Highly Values: creativity, honesty, modesty
Known For: fishing
Popular Entertainment: storytelling, trading trinkets
Respected Profession: Group elders
Discrimination: extreme fear of Humans
Major Taboo: consorting with humans
Strength: average, agile, fit
Focus: Nature and family, procreation
Viewed: as nasty, vile creatures who are filthy and spread disease, extreme prejudice
Focus: sacredness of family
Worship: solemn daily prayers in private to passed relatives and kin.
Associated Artform: carving shells and wood trinkets
Prevalence: uncommon, sparse settlements
Life Expectancy: 130-160 years

Playable Race, +1 Intelligence, +1 Willpower
The Jin-Zho are an Asianic-like race that has origins in the lands that are now known as Lymms, which is the easternmost province in the Lands of the Nine's. These people are exceptional artisans and craftsmen. They make fine goods such as jewelry, pottery, and fine blades hand crafted by master sword makers. These swords are some of the finest blades to have ever been forged. The Jin-Zho are an ancient culture, and have a vast knowledge on a multitude of things like astronomy, medicine, and mathematics.
They are fair traders, but like to heckle. Some would say that the heckling is the most important and most enjoyed portion of a deal for the Jin-Zho, and they seem to enjoy it more than most. They are quite dexterous, and extremely articulate and agile. The Jin-Zho live healthy lifestyles and eat well, and their diets consist of healthy, fresh foods.
Motivation: Wealth, Honor, Prosperity
Influence: Vast
Reputation: Respected
Age: Ancient
Leadership: Elders
Size: Large
Stability: Highly stable
Enemies: Few
Allies: Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's
Enemies Include: Zherpa From the Lands of Mavia,
Allies Include: Many Traders and merchants, from all over the realm, Kingdom of the Lands of the Nine's.
Resources: Very many
Resources Include: Most all natural resources, Jade, porcelains, pottery, golden jewelry, steel. Foods include very little ox or cow, a lot of fish and fowl, rice, vegetables. Wealth.
The Kong-Zhu

Playable Race, +1 Sailing, +1 Intimidation
The Kong-Zhu are also an Asianic race like the Jin-Zho, that are a seafaring culture from the spice islands, though they also originated in what is now known as Lymms. The Kong-Zhu are a warlike people, many of which turn to piracy on the open waters, and prefer to inhabit island regions. The Kong-Zhu terrorize the waters around the Spice Islands in the Mavian Sea, and the coasts and shorelines of the South Sea, and some have even been rumored to have been spotted in the North Sea as well. These pirates prey on small merchant ships that are unlucky enough to cross paths with them. Cutthroats and scoundrels all.
The Kong-Zhu are extremely resourceful and have a tactical mind. They have been at war with the Jin-Zho and the Lands of the Nine's for centuries, and the High King has even issued a hefty ransom for any Kong-Zhu who are caught committing acts of piracy. They often have strongholds on hard to reach coves and islands that are treacherous to get to by water, protected by sand bars and coral reefs.
Motivation: Greed, Power
Influence: Moderate
Reputation: Scoundrels
Age: ancient
Leadership: Small groups, usually led by one individual, or a small group of leaders.
Size: Small to medium
Stability: Unstable, Volatile
Enemies: Many
Allies: None
Enemies Include: Nearly everyone.
Allies Include: a few small pockets of the Zherpa, whom they trade their stolen goods with in Yhemer.
Resources: Limited
Resources Include: Small amounts of natural resources, like wood, stone, and tropical food sources.
If you have any questions I can be reached at almost any time in the discord channel found here:
I will continue to work on a few things, but there should be enough to get everyone CS's going by the weekend. I need to do a bit of touching up to the world map, and I'll make brief descriptions of each of the provinces, etc. I need to edit some names to match some of the ethnic cultures I've added.
I'd like to get started as soon as possible. I should have the beginning post up by Saturday or Sunday.