Avatar of Arty Fox


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hello there friends I like ice cream
7 yrs ago
not gonna be around from the 12th to the 17th of august 2017
7 yrs ago
dying under exams so please pardon the lack of posting
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I'm back and that's that
9 yrs ago
Pulling out from roleplays for a while, hopefully not for too long


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[removed, whoopsies]
@Ryougu I placed ye by the crates if that's okay
@Rex@Kalzky@Ryougu@SMS@Rockin Strings@Letter Bee@ShadowVentus

They had emerged in a large storage room of some sort filled with wailing sirens and ammo crates, a form hiding behind one stack of them, with a large door at each end. Around one door the enemy had surrounded.

Bloody Terminators

Those were the words that popped into James’ head when he saw the soldiers; half of them attempting to prise apart the door, the other half pointing their weapons at him and the others as they arrived. The tanks ceased their fire upon the door and instead turned their large guns towards the group, turbines on the spider tanks sides began to spin and whine.

James felt his keyblade shake violently in his hands as the soldiers charge their weapons and fire beams of searing blue light. For James, the bolts of light appeared to grow slowly out from the guns as magic sped up his mind. He stood between the ticks of a second watching the bolts lazily fly towards him, just as slowly he pulled up his keyblade and twisted around, willing his limbs to move faster. The first bolt slammed into his keyblade and flew off to the sight in a burst of light and a ring.

Time returned to normal and James found himself being bombarded by the soldier’s blasts, being pushed slowly backwards by the force of them as he blocked them from hitting the others standing behind. When a bolt seared a black mark onto his suit James grimaced.

Above the alarms James shouted, “Someone smash’em!”

The barrels of the Spider Tanks shone maliciously.


Black smog erupted from the Illusion of Prim; a thick and suffocating thing that felt like sugar paper against the skin. From above it looked like a square that encompassed where the Surge Guardians had stood, but with a small circled in the centre that was clear so Natasha and Drake could see.

Natasha stood with a hand out stretched, despite this though she looked annoyed.

“Why don’t we just kill them now and be done with it!” She snapped.

There were sounds of movements, possibly the guardians hunting for them or just paranoid delusions. Natasha followed her gut and treated them like the first option. Signalling for Drake to follow her as she moved swiftly to a different potion, hands folding the fog around them.
@Letter Bee Nah I meant on Station 13, though given that the group has no heavy hitters how about a little boss fight? But a little one though, like a Guard Armour or two along the way towards the big bad in the centre if peeps are alright with that
@ShadowVentus try putting one together on word so you have a backup on your pc and then just paste it over whenever you get the chance! :D

Also I'll try and get a posty up in the next two days though @Letter Bee if you could give a rundown of where it is we've arrived to that would be great

Natasha tentatively wondered how quickly she could jam her fingers in her ears. But as Drake purposely waited she stole a little glass bead into his boot; one of the few shield charms she had left. As Drake left the cockpit so did she from the opposite side Natasha made certain to hit the button for the cargo door of the small ship. The sounds of the doors yawning open from the back followed her out of the cockpit on the other side of the ship.

Sitting out of sight within the Gummi Ships deep Shadow Natasha studied the field before her. Under the beating sun she could fully appreciate how intimidating Pain and Panic truly were as members of the Surge Guardians. Gritting her teeth, she banished this notion and focussed on her next move and watched Mark traipse into the Gummi Ship and return.

She decided on a gamble.

Natasha slipped from beneath the Gummi ship and into Prims shadow. By Prims shoe Natasha counted to sixty before placing her hand on Prim, simultaneously pulling together an illusion of the Girl whilst casting a spell of invisibility.

The illusion kept its look of fear, violet eyes pointed directly at the ground, but Prim herself shot a look down at her ankle where the chill had spread. Natasha looked up to where she assumed Prims face to be and her a finger to her lips.

Stay silent

Natasha heard a small gasp but nothing more. Commending Prims level headedness Natasha pulled on Prims ragged sock, gesturing her to move towards the Gummi Ships underbelly. Prim moved deftly, so light she was she barely left a trace, into the shadow and made herself as small as she could behind it’s landing strut. Feeling that both were safely out of sight Natasha let go of the spell.

“Quiet.” Natasha ordered in a whisper. “You hear fighting, hide in the ship. Understand?”

Prim, with tears silently streaming down her face, simply nodded.

“Listen, you’ll be safe.” Natasha smiled and handed Prim a glass bead, her last one. “Keep hold of this.”

She descended back into the shadows then and slipped her way silently to the illusion. With violet eyes and dirty blonde pigtails, it glanced up at Drake.

She’d had enough of these people.


James already had one leg in the latex smelling suit when Seth jumped into another corridor, possibly followed by someone else but James had stopped trying to keep track.

“Where the bloody...” James called after them.

But they were gone and the corridor closed with a pop. The other however remained wide open like a stain. James groaned before resuming his scramble into the space suit.

“Whatever, let’s just get this over with. Come one everyone, choose your colour and let’s get going.” James fell backward onto the ground in a grey suit just like all the others. “We haven’t got all day. Death or glory, death seemingly more likely and all that.”

The suits themselves seemed to be that rare case of ‘one size fits all’ as James felt the elastic material readjust itself around him once he pulled up the zipper on the front all the way to his neck. Shoes and gloves were already attached though James saw no sight of an actual helmet.

“Pardon me.” James moved around the new arrival on his hunt for a helmet. “Don’t suppose you saw any helmets?” A dome suddenly wrapped around his head from the white collar. James yelped in surprise, not that anyone could hear.

For a minute his mouth flapped open and close but no sound could be heard outside the bubble, until he found the switch on the collar by his neck.

“found it. Okay guys I’m going to blow a hole in that station and hopefully catch them by surprise.” His smile was faltering and his voice had an edge that was just shy of being manic.

After tapping away on the keyboard, a dull boom could be heard as if it were from somewhere far away. A faint breeze began towards the black swirling corridor. On the view screen a large hold had now appeared and debris flew out of it, tumbling into the freezing expanse. James ignored it and the bodies that could be seen and instead turned back to the rest of the group.

“Okay. Is everyone ready?” James summoned his keyblade in a flash of light. “They should be busy for a little while now so lets go!”

Waiting for the others to prepare themselves James lead the charge through the Corridor and shot out the other side. He stumbled to a stop and felt his keyblade pour magic into him.

“Oh we’re screwed.”
yes indeedy, hopefully this ones a bit more speedy for ya :P

anyway typing up a posty atm with first things being who wants to pop along with Seth?
and secondly @Rex anything in particular you wanna do? I'm thinking another battle of somekind or a quite dash away from them
it's just hit me how beautiful it is that Wolfe...has now become a wolf
anyhoos wee bit busy atm but posty shall be delivered in the next few days! :D

James still had a hand clamped over his chest from Blairs little ‘joke’. An AI with a sense of humour was the last thing they needed in his mind. At least he thought she was an AI.

“Well we just opened a portal right into their lair.” He tried to make light of the situation with a shrug. “Odds are they know we’re about to appear so…not even a little hint to what they’ve got planned?”

James was still fiddling with his new ‘toy’ as he asked. The little window above the table spun slowly to show Station 13 and the little rivets surrounding its name plate. He almost pressed enter.

He looked up suddenly as if struck by something.

“Space.” The blood had drained from his face. “We’re in bloody space and we’re going to attack a Space Station! Without Space suits!?”

James doubted the shield charm he wore around his neck could handle much more abuse let alone space. The glass bead was cracked all over from all their battles, and after the giant Witch Natasha had been unable to make anymore.

“Mai, I know your world never got as far as space so let me explain.” James took a deep breath and paused for dramatic affect. “Your blood boils and you freeze, at the same time. In space.”
James crossed his arms and leant against the table.

“I’d rather we not just rush in without something in case they open the windows or something and we all die. We got any spells or something for not dying in space?”

James tried not to think about how it felt to travel via corridor as he stared into it.


Holding onto the cable for dear life Natasha chalked up another regret to her ever-growing list of regrets. The little gummi ship had an impressive acceleration. So much so that at take-off Natasha had almost been ripped from her perch and splattered across panel behind the seat, as she was in danger off doing so now. The ship jolted again, her legs slipped off the cable and flew widely up and down behind her. She bit down a loud swear when her left foot crunched into bolt.

In the seat above her Natasha could hear Drake talking to the others over the comms system.

So much for revealing myself here for a cosy chat

Natasha silently cursed upon several constellations when her foot hit the bolt again. The ship dipped sharply and Natasha was suddenly thrown upwards. She bit her tongue as something crunched painfully on top of her skull. Whilst blinking back tears and stars Natasha did manage to get her legs back around the cable and lock her ankles together.

Hurry up Drake She pleaded I want to still be alive by the time we get there
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