Avatar of Arty Fox


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7 yrs ago
hello there friends I like ice cream
7 yrs ago
not gonna be around from the 12th to the 17th of august 2017
7 yrs ago
dying under exams so please pardon the lack of posting
8 yrs ago
I'm back and that's that
9 yrs ago
Pulling out from roleplays for a while, hopefully not for too long


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So in terms of magic spells and such are we gonna use anything to base it off (like d&d sorta of thing) or are we allowed free reign?
okay but do we get to put said character in their place?
Boy howdy that traffic on the roads, right?
Berry started at Turalee’s sudden entrance and held her hand across her chest, trying to convince her heart that she wasn’t being attacked again.

“Good Gracious.” She murmured to herself.

The gun had barely a speck dust on it and appeared to have been well looked after. The cold metal chilled her fingers and palms and the sight of the gun made her stomach churn uncomfortably and a memory from her circus days made itself known.

She ignored the memory and focussed on the gun in her hands, the cold metal resting in her palms, examining it but not daring to fiddle.

“I’m afraid I’m not entirely sure how to use a firearm.” She placed it heavily on the table. “Been a few years since I held one myself so I’m a tad rusty at best. Sorry, what did you say your name was again?”

Berry then began to ask Turalee more detailed questions. To her it seemed prudent that they took the time to make a detailed list of what exactly they had and write it down, Berry produced a small notebook that reminded her to pick up eggs, and set to work taking inventory.
Vincents outburst gave her another start.

“Oh, for goodness sakes!” Berry snapped “It’s not going to help anyone if you throw a fuss!”

“Might I ask what’s wrong at least?” She continued after clicking her tongue in annoyance.
I'll get a posty up sometime this week guys :D
@Rockin Strings@Kalzky

James groaned a groan that last an impressive amount of time and finished with a deep breath inward. His stomach churned with a strange mix of anger and fear. With a further sigh, he let his keyblade disappear with a flash satisfied that they were safe for now.

He removed his helmet with a click and began digging out the little shards of glass in his suit; the remains of the shield charm which had shattered after a few hits.

“I swear to god if those terminator pricks are going to jump out of the walls I’m going to murder them.”

James hissed when a shard cut his finger. “Thanks for the help there mate. Don’t supposed you got a spare Gundam thingy on you at all?”

He was already moving towards the wall as he asked this to where a little black panel was set into the otherwise pristine white wall. A simple tap summoned a holographic keyboard and the screen changed into an image of the station. A red dot appeared in one of the large storage rooms and a red line drew itself from there up to the control room, when James touched it.

James tried to smile. “My, my what have we here? A lovely little map for dear visitors such as ourselves.” He made sure to take a photo of it on his phone.


“Yeah. Everything’s hunky-dory back there.” Natasha shouted back up at him. She patted the belt buckle and smiled at Prim. “There we go, all nice and secure. You were very brave y’know, I was pretty impressed.”

Prim simple mumbled a “yes” and continued to stare around the room. The bounced and Jinx’s head lolled onto the other side, she too was strapped securely into her seat against the wall but apparently still out cold. Natasha hung onto the fabric hoops overhead for balance.

“Is she dead?” Prim asked, almost enquired.

“Nah, she’s just out cold right now.” Natasha’s answer was followed by a long pause. “Here, let me fix up some of those bruises.”

Prim’s eyes grew to the size of dinner plates when Natasha’ hand began to glow a bright green and she followed her hand as Natasha waved it over the worst of her bruises and scrapes.

“Are you fairy?” At Natasha’s nod Prim then asked. “Can you grant wishes?”

“Depends on the wish.” She replied softly. “I can see you’re already very smart and kind. What more could a little girl ask for?”
Prim frowned slightly. But then she asked with a heavy heart. “Can you help my sister? Her name’s Katni-”

Natasha held up a hand. “Katniss Everdeen. Yes. I know and we, as in me and the people I work with, including the grumpy cowboy up there, are seeing what we can do.” Hope shone in Prims eyes as she smiled.

“I’ll be back in a bit so don’t go anywhere” Natasha clambered up the ladder into the small cockpit.

The cockpit was only just big enough for the pilot so Natasha settled for craning her neck over Drakes shoulder. She sniffed and then looked down at his wound.

“Nice to know my shield charm got used, if you’re foot suddenly hurts it’s a shard of glass. Here, hold still for a sec.”

Again, her hand shone a bright green and she waved it over his wound. A warm dullness would surround Drakes wound as his flesh slowly pulled itself back together, he would feel anything object inside being roughly pushed about, until only a shallow hole was left. While it wouldn’t bleed, if left alone, the wound would still hurt for a good while after.

Shanon launched herself forward like a wrecking ball bowling through the tables and chairs towards Hirshe and the red smoke that burned the back of her throat.

Throwing all her weight behind her charge Shannon collided with Vaughter and Hirshe like a ton of bricks hoping to push Hirshe to the ground, and rip Vaughter away.

Standing over Hirshe she reared up, not having enough space to jump, and brought her fists down heavily upon his chest with a dull thud against the armour. She reared up ready to strike downwards again and again.


As he chewed upon the unsavoury ball the curtains of fog lifted in Charles mind, his thoughts kicked into high gear.

“There’s been a hull breach! Wait, no.” His hands flew to his ears. “No there hasn’t been one; my ears haven’t popped.”
He dashed to the door and opened it easily.

“Doors aren’t locked either so the lock-down cycle didn’t complete. Might mean someone’s gotten into our systems.”
I'll try and get a posty up over the weekend :D
I'll try and get a posty up over the weekend :D
The plot thickens!!! Whatever shall our heroes do!?

Also how's everyone been lately?
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