Avatar of Arty Fox


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hello there friends I like ice cream
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not gonna be around from the 12th to the 17th of august 2017
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Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bobs Public House
Action: Arcana Check on The Ring: 1
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


So…there had been another member of their group who had simply left them suddenly? That didn't bode well at all.

And the more Marita explained their current situation the more questions BlackBerry had. How many people had gone missing? How long had this been going on for? Why weren't the local guards doing anything? Although, after a moment's thought, the issue of the Constable taking protection money might explain that last question.

Catching himself about to voice his own questions, he snapped his mouth close, thinking better of it. He had humbled into this situation and wasn't in much position to be asking questions the others no doubt already had had the answers to. Still…

At Maritas prompting to speak BlackBerry raised his eyebrows, almost surprised he was addressed, and replied. "Hm? Oh yes of course. I suppose I may as well."

He coughed a little to clear his throat, and to give him an extra moment to think of what to actually tell the group before him. Settling back down into his chair he began.

"Well, first and foremost I am from the Hiltoszin Monastery. Over on the Celadon Coast, if any of you know of it?."

A moment's pause to see if any in the group recognised the area. It was a large stretch of coast far off on the Eastern End of the continent, with only several fishing villages, small towns, wind battered hamlets, scenic bays and his own Monastery as its noteworthy features.

"It is a rather lovely spot, if I do say so myself. But, unfortunately, there has been some…trouble brewing, has been for quite some time actually. And my hope is to try and find someone who might be able to lend a hand, or at the very least give some direction. It's why I've been travelling out and around, lending a hand here, clearing out a group of bandits there, that sort of thing."

A buffering of rain crashed against the window, like a dark chuckle from the storm itself, made him pause. BlackBerry settled his gaze firmly on his hand resting on the table, now taping a half remembered tune softly on the stained wooden surface. He took some comfort in it whilst he took another moment to pull his thoughts together and to focus on his next breath in…and breath out. The storm would pass as all things do.

"Frustratingly though almost a year into my travels and half a continent away. I am unfortunately no closer to my goal than when I had first started." His temper flashed and slapped his hand on the table with a small bang, and his eyes returned to hopping around the party. "Every lead has been fruitless for one reason or another; no longer working, too far to travel, not enough information, wanting a frankly extortionate amount of gold both upfront and after, or has simply died in the meantime."

BlackBerry drew in a breath, sucking on his teeth, when he caught himself getting a bit too riled up with his own frustration, mixing in with embarrassment from before and the terrible unease all brewing in his stomach like the wind outside. He took another breath to steady himself.

"It was a few days ago I stumbled upon another such lead. Tales being spun in an open house and the like when someone mentioned…" For a moment he paused again. This time with a look to Marita and to consider what her own phrasing had suggested. Maybe she didn't want others to hear about them working with the Sheriff? He settled on his next words."Your employer. Apparently he had been quite an adventure in his younger years and I had hoped to meet him to ask for help."

Again Blackberrys brow furrowed deeply and pressed his lips into a thin line, clearly annoyed at the situation he had found himself in. Somewhat calmer now, he continued.

"But, alas, I may have been unwittingly led astray; being told he was in Avonshire I made my way here without knowing he was actually the next town over. No doubt you can see the source of my confusion." Motioning to Marita and Victoria he then added. "It was then that I heard Victoria mention your employer's name just after the incident. And well, now here I am."

And may the Gods please bring me some luck.

The arrival of the barmaid broke him out of his self loathing for a moment to add in his own order. "Might I also request just a bit of soup for myself please? It sounds absolutely delightful." He asked politely.

The offer of a quick job that followed caught his interest. 5 gold pieces to do a pickup. Such an amount in BlackBerry's experience carried the weight of some importance, and coupled with the generous offer of a free meal left only to accept as the one clear option in his mind.

"I'd be more than happy to lend a hand with the task as well?" he asked with a hopefully charming smile. It was a very cheeky thing to ask but there were five coins and including himself there were five people in the group.

"Oh" BlackBerry looked, surprised, from Katheryn to the others. "So did you all meet when you were asked to do this job then? And to answer your question, no I'm afraid not, I'm not familiar with Goblin Tongue." He apologised.

BlackBerry cocked his head to the side slightly towards whoever then spoke. In the meanwhile he reached back out and plucked the ring off of the table to examine it further hoping to spot any markings or runes that may suggest why the SilverSmith had apparently been so adamant they do the strange test. Tilting it this way and that, it was a handsome thing, and while BlackBerry had no experience in making such things even he could see in the way the light reflected across its smooth finish that no small amount of skill and effort had gone into making it despite how plain it looked. If he were one to wear such things, BlackBerry mused, it might have looked quite nice against his own blue scales. But even combing through remembered books and second hand tales he couldn't see anything obvious that would suggest an enchantment or spell of some kind.

After giving the ring a quick and thorough wipe on his robes, he plopped it onto his tongue to await whatever happened next. He gave it a few seconds. And then a few more. Almost a minute went by with nothing appearing to happen, he looked to the others waiting to see a reaction before he took out the ring.

"Is something supposed to happen?" He wiped the ring on his robes and then returned it to the table.

Listening to Victoria and Kosara tell their tales was heartwarming, for the most part; the former looking for adventure and to help with such enthusiasm that Blackbery couldn't help but grin as well, and the latter looking for answers for a loved one. BlackBerry felt a pang in his heart for Victoria who had lost her cousin.

"Well I do hope for the best and that you find him, Victoria. Or, at least some answers." He gave her a sympathetic smile.
Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bobs Public House
Action: Drying off and introductions
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A

Blackberry took a minute to savour the heat of the fire and work some warmth back into his hand exposed arms, savouring the bitter bitter smell which wafted up from the hearth. Casting his eyes around, he took a moment to appreciate how well put together it was inside. Despite the cold and frigid weather outside, the lashing of the rain against the windows was surprisingly quiet. The public house had clean floors and worn but sturdy furniture throughout to really cement itself as the place to be on a day such as this.

BlackBerry chewed his cheek when he spotted the price board behind the bar preaching all its wonderful and tasty sounding food that was, unfortunately, a bit out of his budget at the moment unless they had something else a bit cheaper. Maybe some nice warm soup and a slice of bread was on offer, or some cheap ale of some kind? Frankly, BlackBerry was also quite happy for anything warm and moderately fresh at this point, so long as it was edible. He cast an eye down to the small pig that had joined him by the fire and noted that it was standing very still. Rather oddly so…

Hearing Victoria talk pulled him out of the thought and he looked over just as she motioned and explained he was after their employer. He took that as his cue and stepped over and swung his bag down off of his shoulder beside another chair at the table.

"Hello there, it’s wonderful to make your acquaintance." A polite smile and a wave to the other two, with an extra nod to the Tiefling Kosara who had introduced herself outside. “My name is Blackberry. Your companions have very kindly offered to let me travel with you until you meet up with the Sheriff again."

Having now stepped up to the table, and resting an elbow upon the back of the chair, he couldn’t help but take in the rest of the conversation and wonder just what sort of mad adventure he had stumbled into this time. Looking over at the ring in Victoria's hand he couldn’t see anything particularly unusual or special about it at first glance. His eyes followed it back to the table.

“Disgusting behaviour. Especially for one of the law.” He grumbled at the mention of the Constables' behaviour. "But in any case, the rumour mill is working hard already, I see. Personally, I wouldn't go as far to say there was a monster; there was a child who changed suddenly in the middle of the street and did look rather frightful for a moment.”

He held the image in his mind for a moment; all red eyes and long teeth as the child's body writhed frantically out of his coat and then scampering away.

He looked to the woman, or so he assumed by the voice, sitting opposite him decked out in tired heavy armour. Initially he had been taken aback by her voice given her sheer height. While he didnt count himself as being tall he had gotten used to seeing over the heads of other races.

“Beg your pardon, do you require some help with your helmet?” He asked with his hand out towards her. “You appear to be having some trouble with the buckle.”

Kathryn looked over to the Dragonborn known as Blackberry. She considered his offer for help, but there was clear hesitation. She’d be vulnerable to any harm he may want to do to her, and there would be nothing to stop him if she let him. But she was stuck, and she couldn’t get the leverage to undo her near broken buckle. “That would be nice. Thank you.” She said softly trying to hide her reservations. It was nothing she had personally against Blackberry. Anyone asking she’d have a comparable reaction, she felt vulnerable easily. And the only time she let someone make physical contact with her so far was when Kosara felt her arm underneath her chainmail.

BlackBerry could hear the hesitation, possibly borderline distrust, in her voice which was completely understandable given he was a complete stranger who had introduced himself barely a minute ago. He moved around to her side of the table and Knelt down slightly to better see under her helmet so that when the woman removed her hands and tipped her head back slightly he spotted the problem immediately; the buckle's prong had bent and so was now firmly lodged in the frame leaving the poor woman trapped in her helmet.

“Ah. Worry not, I see the problem. One moment.” Using his thumb to push the strap over to the side he was able to wrap his middle finger around the prong and pull, whilst also pushing against the frame with his index and ring fingers. The Prong held defiant for a moment before popping free, letting Blackberry undo the strap.“There we are. And through the grace of the Gods, you are thusly made free!”

He moved his hand up towards the top of her helmet to grab it and pull it off for her, but then BlackBerry thought better of it before he grabbed the helmet and instead put his hand on the table to push himself back up. The ring caught his attention again as he stretched back up. Sitting there on the table's surface it looked plain as anything and without a care in the world. But it must obviously have something going on if the Silversmith really asked for it to be used for a test

“Was the test simply to place it on your tongue?” He asked, eyeing the ring and deciding to give it a closer look once Marita had done her own test. “I assume theres an enchantment of some kind upon it?”


Kathryn's response was written by @Remipa Awesome

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Neil & Bobs Public House
Action: Drying off and introductions
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


BlackBerry let out a relieved sigh as apparently his fumble wasn't so severe for the other two to take back their offer.

The woman he now knew to be Marita left no room for disagreement to meet up with the rest of their companions. So he simply gave a little nod and marched after her through the now near abandoned streets.

“A pleasure to meet you both. You may call me Blackberry."

Ah so there were more of them? BlackBerry had the distinct feeling he was missing something here; depending on how many more had been sent to Avonshire it could mean something very serious was afoot.

Could it be related to the disappearances?

He pushed the question away for now. He hadn't started off on the right foot so now was not the time to be asking such questions.

"Again, I must thank you, both of you, for allowing me to accompany you. If there is anything I can do to repay you for such kindness. Please do not hesitate to ask."

The idea of a nice, warm Hayloft and the enticing drink Victoria had suggested helped keep Blackberrys mood from plummeting, and kept the bitter chill of the wind and rain mostly at bay.

"Have you and your companions had a chance to enjoy the festival?" He asked Marita in an attempt to brush away the awkwardness of meeting someone new. "There was a rather marvellous celebration the other day, around here actually, dancing all across the fountain."

Blackberry listened and continued to try to make some idle conversation with the other two while letting them both lead him to a section of the town he hadn’t yet explored yet and then on into the nearby Public House. Warmth and the welcoming smell of a food roasting somewhere out of view enveloped him like a cosy blanket when he stepped in and he couldn’t help but let out a sigh as he pulled down his hood, grateful to escape the horrid weather.

He stood off a little to the side towards the fire to try and dry himself off at least a little bit, and so the others could talk amongst themselves for a moment to discuss their own matters in private if need be. The other two people Victoria and Marita had greeted outside looked similarly battle hardened and well travelled as they did.

Yes. He thought. Definitely a group of adventurers.

So in all, now including the heavily armoured human woman and thinly veiled tiefling woman, it looked like Sheriff Arbalest had only sent four people to town. Now, either they were all very good at their work or whatever issue they had been sent to deal with wasn’t too serious. Blackberry’s eyes darted over their equipment and made him lean more towards the former option.

Hopefully he still had some money for some food and drink…

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Township Thoroughfare
Action: Pestering the locals (Persuasion)
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Again, Blackberry felt that horrid horrid flush of foolishness. He should have asked for more details about Avonshire before setting off to avoid this…oh well. No use crying over spilt milk.

“Ah I see.” He nodded at the women's explanation of their employment.

Whether they worked for Sheriff Arbalest on a long term basis or not didn’t make much of a difference to him. He paused for a moment when asked what his business with Sheriff Arbalest.

Best not burden them with it all just now as I am clearing stepping on some toes. He thought.

“There's been…some trouble near my home. I’ve been travelling for a while trying to find some aid but, alas, no luck so far. So I have been forced to follow rumours of famous heroes and the like. Admittedly, the Sheriff is just the latest in a rather long line of such.” A tired sigh escaped him and he quickly turned away.

Thunder crashed overhead like a laughing crowd. Evidently, Beshaba, Goddess of Misfortune was having a wonderful day. Casting an angry glare skyward Blackberry placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating like a drum beneath, and let out a deep breath.

“Absolutely!” He grinned ecstatically at the offer to accompany them. “I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate the offer. You will not regret it I assure you!”

Pushing his way forward through the crowd he aimed to leave a bit of a wake behind him so the others could follow with relative ease. He pulled up some of the fabric around his neck like a hood against the rain as he continued to explain over his shoulder.

“As for providing assistance I can hold my own in a fight, if needed.” He grinned, baring sharp teeth, and clenched his fist first emphasis before letting out a chuckle. “Although let’s hope nothing of that nature comes up.”

Catching up with the vegetable woman, Blackberry put on his calming smile again hoping not to intimidate her.

“Of course, please, you have nothing to worry about. I’m simply a concerned individual trying to understand what is happening. I shan’t take up much of your time.” He explained with an open palm. “I am curious as to how you know the child from a moment ago. The one who…changed, just now.” He pointed a finger back down the street to where the scene had taken place. “I heard you mention that you knew him.”

The lady pushing the cart looks nervous enough, and while she seems that she might be the gossiping type, she clams up fast. "You seem like a nice ...boy? Right now I'm trustin' all of two folk in this town. I'm married to one, an' the other's not you. I aim to be behind walls, quick as I'm able." The woman resumes pushing her cart away a step faster than before.

His smile dropped and was replaced with a look of panic.This wasn’t going to plan at all!

“Ah-wait, no please, just a moment...”

But no luck, and Blackberry couldn’t help but wince watching the woman leave at a furious pace. He took a step or two forward as if to give chase but then thought better of it. Last thing he needed was to draw attention to himself by harassing some poor towns person. He turned and gave the pair a reproachful look. He had well and truly stuck his foot in it just then and knew it.

“Admittedly, that did not go to plan.”

Oh dear Gods PLEASE let their offer still stand.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Township Thoroughfare
Action: Lending a hand
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


His smile dropped.

"Oh. Well then... That's rather unfortunate."

BlackBerry clicked his tongue in thought and tried to distract himself from his immense feeling of foolishness. As the other two described it he might have just missed the Sheriff, possibly by a few days…and by going in completely the wrong direction.

"Last person I had spoken to assured me he was in Avonshire." Muttering to himself more than anything. "Oh well. Can't be helped I suppose."

His frown only deepened as the heavens began to open in a clear indication that he had, in fact, been on the wrong path. He threw a silent curse skywards and to whichever of the gods were no doubt having a good laugh at his expense.

"From the sounds of things you work with Sheriff Arbalest? The pair of you?" He stared down at the little pig when it had trundled up to the violet clad woman. "...oh, I apologise. The three of you?" He chuckled, a gentle smile already put back into place.

It was rather strange for the little pig to be wrapped up, but then again some of the other adventures he'd seen on his travels weren't any less strange at times. He supposed describing it as the pair working for the Sheriff was a bit generous, as the way the Violet clad one explained it sounded more like she owed the Sheriff a favour. He hadn’t been able to stop himself from tilting his head a little in some surprise when she had explained. That aside, if it were true that the Sheriff had sent some of his own from Darenby then maybe things are more dire around Avonshire than BlackBerry had first thought; he'd only been in Avonshire for roughly two days, but the innkeeper had warned him to be careful with people going missing lately. Although,

"You wouldn't perhaps know when the Sheriff might return, do you? It's rather important."

It was a (very) long shot he knew that but hoped this did not show on his face. But even if they said no he could either make his own way to Darenby and await Sheriff Arbalests return, however long that might take; or possibly even try to find his cousin instead, here in Avonshire. Had he heard something about Sheriff Albelast having a cousin? BlackBerry decided to mull over that tidbit of information later.

Right now however, Blackberry needed to focus.; his first priority was getting in contact with Sheriff Arbalest which the two women before him seemed to be his best so far. On a related note, it looked like they were in the middle of an important mission so he may as well lend a hand as best he could…they were after that young boy for some reason.

"Again I apologise for taking up your time. However, I do believe that I might be able to help you if you so need." Pulling himself under some cover out of the rain, BlackBerry began to scan over the heads of the crowd.

"I was just behind the man who laid those accusations against you when the child…" he rolled his hand trying to find the word, still snapping his eyes back and forth across the moving crowd. "changed just now, for lack of a better word. And I'm certain I heard someone say that they knew him. Unfortunately, I was somewhat distracted at the time but she had a pushcart with her, filled with vegetables or possibly fruit. With a bit of luck, she might know something."

He narrowed his eyes trying to see through the gaps in the crowd of people ducking their heads or pulling up hoods against the fat raindrops splashing all about them. There! Through a break in the crowd he caught sight of her as she paused for a moment to pull her own hood.

"Ah ha!" Jabbing out a finger, he cried. "Over there! I've spotted her by the baker's stall."

He stepped forward again with the intention to follow after the stocky woman if the other two chose to do so.

Baronfjørd "Blackberry" Chedgusah
Dragon Born, Monk (Astral self), Level 03
HP: 24 / 24 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: N/A
Location: Township Thoroughfare
Action: Arrival and Introductions
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


“Pardon me, sir. A moment of your time?”

“Sorry mate, ain’t got anything,”

“No I wasn’t go-oh, never mind.”

“Madam, sorry to bother you. Could I just ask…no? Oh okay, too busy. Very well.”

“Please may I jus-ah well, excuse me then!”

Around, and around, the blue dragonborn went through the streets and markets trying to ask for some help. Blackberry had thought at least one person would’ve been able to help him out. But frustratingly no such luck, even those kind enough to stop and listen hadn’t been much help.

He found a bit of wall to lean against in an attempt to take a bit of weight off his feet for a moment, and cast his eyes to the clouds above for a sign he was on the right track. After searching the blanket of clouds that hid the sun he pondered that maybe the overcast weather was in fact the sign he wasn’t on the right track…

“Best not to entertain such thoughts.” He told himself with a deep breath to pull himself back off the wall.

Pushing back into the roving crowd of harried parents, tourists, and locals, Blackberry hunted the crowd for a friendly looking face. Being roughly a head taller than most of the humans in Avonshire this wasn’t too difficult itself, but what was difficult was his original problem of getting anyone to even speak to him; tourists had no idea what he was on about, and locals wanted nothing to do with him thinking he was just another tourist.

Suddenly, there was a commotion somewhere behind him and his gaze followed the rest of the crowd around him that had come to a rumbling halt, to stare at what was happening in the centre of a growing hole in the mass of people. Standing only one person behind the commotion he had the perfect view to see a human woman decked in stunning chain armour with an iron grip on a child's arm who, from the sounds of it, had been caught spying. Possibly spying on the armoured woman?

The poor boy looked scared enough to die on the spot, and Blackberry tried to take a step forward to intervene. But then the boy changed; his eyes reddened, his teeth appeared to grow, and even his limbs appeared to change shape as well.

“By the gods!” His breath caught in his throat.

The crowd around him gasped in horror, and reeled back in fear and revulsion when the boy slipped out of the armoured womans grip and sprang across the ground, through the parting crowd. The boy was far too low for Blackberry to see where he went.

"What did you do to him?" A fearful cry.

The crowd shifted again to cast a furious gaze at the Armoured Woman, and Blackberry opened his mouth in an attempt to at least calm the people around him, but he needn’t have bothered as a woman he assumed to be an elf in a stunningly purple outfit arrived to defend the Armoured Woman (her companion?) and even quell the rising tension in the crowd with her words. From the sounds of it, she and the Armoured woman were working to help Avonshire and the offhand accusation from one of the townsfolk that they had done something had understandably been a bit much for her. Backberry wanted to step forward then, seeing the Elven woman cover her face to hold back a the tears.

"...Sherif Arbalest.."

Had his attention not already been hooked by the woman, her mentioning Sheriff Arbalest would have made Blackberry snap his gaze to her. Could it be? Could she know Sheriff Gregory Arbalest? Regardless, with the immediate worry of the crowd turning ugly now resolved he decided now was as good a time as any to get some answers.

He waited a few moments for the crowd to calm down a bit more before he stepped out and towards the pair. He kept his strides slow and steady to not upset his robes even as the wind around picked up for a moment. Blackberry knew his appearance could be a bit much for some so tried his best to look as non-threatening as possible; calm smile, warm eyes, low and gentle tone of voice, the works.

“Pardon me. May I trouble you for a moment? I do apologise, as I can see that you have more pressing matters but I really must ask.”

Blackberry tried to keep his smile calm and friendly but he was aware of the twinge of excitement slipping into his voice.

“You mentioned a ‘Sheriff Arbalest’. Would that perhaps be Sheriff Gregory Arbalest?; I’ve been asking around the town for him but, unfortunately, without any luck thus far.”

Edited: 23/07/2022 hopefully corrected the numbers
Edited: Added Mythweavers CS
Edited: 01/08/2022 updated History slightly
Edited: 07/04/2022 Updated Mythweavers CS and stat block for level 5
@Sigil Updated the CS with changes to the text colour to one that I don't think any of the active characters are using and added a bit more to the history to tie things together :)

As for equipment I think I'll keep it to the starting equipment for now, keeps things simple and I wouldn't class the small adventures he's been on as anything that would give any cool prizes really.

Let me know what you think when you can!
Hiya! @Sigil

Yeah, the Astral self is in Tashas. It sounded pretty neat so thought I'd give it a go :)

I've edited my number, apologies I had a feeling they were a tad off.
So prior to racial modifiers they're sitting at...
Str: 9
Dex: 17
Con: 15
Int: 11
Wis: 15
Cha: 11
total: 78

then with the racial bonus the str +2 and ch +1 that bumps those up a tad.

I had gone for two stats above 15 before so I think that's where my math had gone a bit askew.
@Sigil No worries!! righto heres my little character :D Any questions or needed changes feel free to give me a shout!

Just a note, I dont have Astral Self on dnd beyond so had to lob in way of the fist as a place holder, aand I think my math on the scores is correct?? But again if not I'll happily change it.

Edited: 23/07/2022 hopefully corrected the numbers
Edited: Added Mythweavers CS
Edited: 01/08/2022 updated History slightly
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