Avatar of Asura


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2 yrs ago
Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
2 yrs ago
me the poopy you the pants.
2 yrs ago
i relate.


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"My treasure? Why, it's right where I left it. It's yours if you can find it. But you'll have to search the whole world! I left everything I owned in One Piece!”

The famous last words of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger.

It has been twelve years since a legend met his end at the hands of an executioner. Gol D. Roger, a man so terrifying as to be called the King of Pirates was brought before a crowd of truly huge scale in shackles, led onto the stand and displayed for the masses. As the blades rose high to take his head, a soul called out to the is most legendary of scoundrels. A demand, for the location of his treasure, a fortune so inconceivably vast none save the king himself and his crew dare imagine it. With the same belligerent smile he wore through the entirety of this public show of authority, this act of justice meant to crush the hopes of thousands, the great Gold Roger shouted his final words to the crowd. The swords fell swift, and the dying flame of a living myth was snuffed out.

Yet, rather than fizzle away to nothing, his legacy immediately made itself known. Thunderous roars shook the plaza as the dreams of a generation, and many generations to come were made real. One Piece as it became known, the greatest of treasures, was left for any and all to find. All one needed to do was seize it for themselves. What started as a move to quell the tides of crime on the seas turned into the spark that ignited new wave of piracy. Tens of thousands took to the ocean looking to make their fortunes, ushering in the Golden Age of Pirates. For over a decade the struggle to contain this time of corsairs has raged on, with legends rising and falling in the shadow of the great King himself.

None have found the great treasure, though. It remains an enigma, some claiming it lost to the ages, others that it never existed in the first place. Some have lost hope entirely, others giving up on the search to attend to more devious matters. But every now and again, a jolly roger is raised in honor of the most regal pirate of them all, and a song of his praises is sung as another crew sets to find his treasure. Such a song is one we sing now.

Please post the sheet in the OOC upon completion for review. You may move it to the CS tab when approved. As of now, we are not accepting new crew members, but if you wish to be considered for future recruits, PM me.
I'll throw up my interest, so long as this is firmly AU.
Again, no idea how you'd like me to jump in.
Expressing interest in House Umber.
@Asura Accepted, but he can only see this Foresight in the flame. It's part of the fire element magic. That sound alright?

That was the intention. Something akin to Melisandre from Game of Thrones.
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