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Current At the end of the day, God is everyone's bull.
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me the poopy you the pants.
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i relate.


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Just getting into Shadowrun via the video games, but I'm up for this, implying there's any room left.
N’I love me some furries animal people, so I’m subscribed.

Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

Having never shared a room with anybody, Nadeshiko found her first night at Ishin to be rather nerve-wracking. It did not much help that she seemed to have gotten off on the wrong foot with her roommate, despite her best efforts at remaining inoffensive. In the end, the goo-girl opted to spend the majority of the night under her covers reading on her phone, something that must not have displeased Kunze-san all that much, what with her own rather early bedtime. It should have went without saying that going to bed so early would have also meant a rather early rise, but such common logic found little lodging within her anxiety stricken mind, which kept her up longer than she would have preferred.

It might have led to her sleeping in, even, if she was not such a light sleeper in the first place. Though she had cocooned herself entirely in her sheets and blankets, she could practically feel Adrianne's eyes on her as the other girl rose at the crack of down and shuffled about their shared space before departing wordlessly. That much was a kindness, as Nadeshiko was uncertain with how well she could handle the easily agitated foreigner so early in the morning. As comforting the idea of remaining tangled up in her bedding all day and avoiding responsibility was, the mutant had little choice in the matter. She followed in the example of her roommate some minutes after the door clicked shut.

While she may not have had the same level of commitment as many of Ishin's early risers, Nadeshiko did make up for her lack of haste with a lower need for maintenance. She did not need to spend long styling her hair, as its gel-like form never much changed even while she slept. She had little need for a shower when she lacked the capacity to sweat. Even breakfast was a much more efficient experience for her, a simple bottle of orange juice retrieved from a vending machine outside the cafeteria and consumed on the way to class sufficing.

Perhaps it was the brevity of her routine that saw Nadeshiko arriving on the heels of her roommate despite the very purposeful gap between their departures. Had she been the type to do so, she may have grimaced at the phenomenon. But as was her way, Nadeshiko simply directed her eyes towards the floor and maneuvered her way to a seat towards the back of the classroom, which she silently slid herself into.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

There was a small mercy in not having to argue with Adrianne over who would carry the luggage—she had always heard foreigners tended to be pushy and stubborn, and she did not do well with confrontation even on the best of days. Content to trail along behind her newly acquired room mate, Nadeshiko kept her eyes trained on the courtyard beneath her feet as they maneuvered towards the girl's dormitory. The merriment of those around her didn't make much of a different to the goo girl; she was not one for socialization, and it seemed that her partner was of a similar mind. If nothing else, it would make for a quiet year between classes, proved the German kept to herself.

Which, as of now, she did not seem to want to do. Adrianne's sigh caused her to raise her head, listening intently to the words that followed. With how terse and rigid she sounded, Nadeshiko idly wondered whether or not the devil-girl actually wanted to know her opinion on the day's plans, or if she was simply making small talk out of some kind of obligation. The fact that she huffed shortly after, apparently exasperated at the fact they would be spending a day acclimating before beginning classes, perhaps shed some light on that. Had she wanted somebody to vindicate her feelings?

"I do not mind," She replied, soft and inoffensive as usual. "I have no expectations to begin with."

That was a white lie. She expected Ishin to be much worse than this day had thus far proven it to be. But the headmaster seemed rather intent on proving that assertion wrong, if his ominous speech was anything to go on. Perhaps it was for the best that they had this day to adjust to dorm life in that case.
Feral had expected something of a welcoming party after being tossed through the air at a hovering vehicle. The two droids inside, however, proved to be remarkably unwelcoming despite the lengths she went through to reach them. Given that she had the advantage of time on her side, dispatching the droids as they unhooked themselves from the walls of the transport proved to be relatively easy. A parry here, and slash there, and the hacked apart pieces of her greeters would sent plummeting out the sides of the VTOL to rain down upon the Sarkaz below. Free from any interlopers, the Lupo had plenty of time to move through the machine and into the cockpit to see whether or not she would be met with more resistance.

Mercifully, it seemed not. The droids piloting the VTOL were hyper-specialized for the task, which led her to another conundrum—having the land the thing after she took care of its true pilots. If the rough entrance to Retra's HQ was anything to go off of, she did not much like flying, but with a timer ticking away and her squad mates waiting below, she had little choice. She would have to take over for these helpless drones. Exercising as fast a reflex as she could, the young Operator dispatched the two pilots of the vessel with a slash to the back of the head each, leaving them to roll about the cockpit as it suddenly careened to the left. Rattled by the sudden shift in motion, Feral barely had time to shove the deactivated husk in the main seat out of the way in order to grab the controls and yank them in the opposite direction to stabilize.

What followed made their chaotic landing on the Vindsvalr look like a cake walk. The VTOL jerked and swayed in the air, rocking back and forth and making at least one full rotation around as the distressed Lupo behind the metaphorical wheel tried her best to figure out the controls. It took her some time, but eventually she managed to intuit how to make it go down. So down it went, perhaps a little too fast for comfort, but not so fast that she crashed the thing into the street, or smooshed poor Vlad like some kind of vampiric mosquito. As the VTOL made its rocky landing, Feral dislodged herself from the cockpit, and made a shaky retreat out into the main compartment, poking her head around the side of the bay doors.

"I do not like flying."
For the second time that day, a hail of bullets soared past Feral's head as she found just enough cover to avoid being reduced to a thin paste. She questioned just who Retra expected their operators to be facing off against with such a glut of firearms, but ideas of Laterno usurpation aside, it seemed the Lupo had something to do. Their local angel apparently had the means to suppress the enemies just long enough to close with the enemies and take them out, and as soon the the staccato of gunfire lifted, she ducked out of her cover to rush the opponents along with Dragoon and Vlad. She had every intention of scything down as many of the pinned opponents as possible in her allotted ten seconds, but the hulking Sarkaz among their group seemed to have other ideas.

Taking out the ground forces was of more importance overall, but having the VTOL able to follow them up onto the roof of the building with all its possible weaponry was not something she looked forward to facing. Deciding to play nice with her team, the silver-haired swordsman simply nodded towards Vlad, pulling her curved blade from its scabbard with a lightning quick flourish that left the head of at least one of the downed droids rolling—once it was released from Thrones' arts—across the pavement.

With her weapon drawn, she proceeded to crouch for a moment, then launched herself into a vertical jump that would land her atop of Vlad's angled shield. Coiling herself up like a spring once more, Feral eyed the shaking VTOL overhead and identified any possible handholds on the vehicle before giving Vlad the signal she was ready to be launched.
I was told to post here.
Akizawa Nadeshiko

Ishin Academy | Sapporo

Interacting with:

Nadeshiko had, for her part, remained passive as the cacophony of her classmates raged on around her. Two by two her fellow were paired off, some eliciting more excitement than others, until the majority had been assigned to their dorm mate. She did not take much of the time spent idly to look over her own; it seemed Adrianne was more interested in the goings on of the others than she was in speaking anyway. Perhaps that was for the better. While she had done reasonably well with introducing herself to Shun and Kana, she was unsure of how good of an impression she would be able to make on the eternally-displeased looking German with whom she would be sharing her living space with for the next year. Better to keep your mouth shut and appear inept than open it and remove all doubt.

Of course, her time in blissful silence could not last forever. While she idly thumbed the handle to her suitcase, the timid catgirl in charge of their section set off towards the dormitories with the nascent heroes at her back. Nadeshiko contented herself to follow along towards the back of the group, watching the more lively members from afar while she dutifully listened to their guide. Standing beneath the shadow of the Shinonome building, Nadeshiko found the tour ending far more prematurely than she had expected. Aside from a rather unexpected display of dexterity from the class's most rotund member, there was little left to observe but the group slowly breaking away to individuals until finally someone spoke directly to the pink goo-girl.

"Now that's over with, shall we get settled in, Akizawa-san?" Nadeshiko peered up from her daze, catching sight of the foreign freshman gesturing for her to follow along. "Just t'let you know, I'm not much for talking, but I don't mind a little chit-chat."

"That is fine." She answered softly. It seemed that she was correct in her earlier assessment of Adrianne. It did not make much of a difference to her⁠—she was also not one to make conversation.

"Also, if you don't mind, I can help carry some of your luggage to our dorms."

At that, she was unsure of how to answer. It would be impolite to refuse, but at the same time, she did not wish to inconvenience someone who already looked so displeased by the circumstances they were in. Beyond that, she only had the one suitcase, set up on wheels as to not be a burden. A moment of brief rumination followed before Nadeshiko steeled her resolve and answered with a simple shake of her head, ropey strands of slime-like hair shifting to-and-fro as she did.
Eldrid Isfjellbarn

Crashing into mossy soil and stone was never something to be triumphant about, but the sudden impact of the creature crashing to the marsh's floor was something of a win for Eldrid. It meant that the beast wasn't just going to skitter off back to its den the victor of this cowardly ambush. She hadn't expected to fell the thing with a few savaging blows, so its sudden shriek and reversal of the impromptu grapple she held on it did not surprise her much. Rather than try to struggle free from the monstrous creature as its shadowy maw grew to engulf her, she donned the wicked, battle hungry grin so common among those who practiced her magecraft.

"Better than you have tried this, asshole!"

Her hands slipped from its sides as its jaws saw fit to lock around her, fingers digging into the edges of its mouth in what one would assume to be a preventative measure to keep it from snapping closed on her. But it was not to keep it off her that she held so fast. Instead, it was to keep it from escaping her. Even as the whirring blades of its internal void sliced at her arms, the Dragonslayer inhaled a deep breath, the putrid swamp air mixing with the coppery scent of her blood. Then, with just as little warning as her earlier maneuver, she exhaled. Only, instead of the air she had sucked up, a cone of fire erupted from her mouth. Angry red dragonflame filled the beast's stomach in lieu of her flesh.

Eldrid Isfjellbarn

For a time, there was nothing. Everything that had befallen Eldrid after the cart was flipped by the creature was something of a blur. An unwanted groping, the appearance of a boat, the screams of the dumb whelp in charge of their transport as the monster flew off into the distance with him.

Then, rage.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?!" The fiery magi suddenly exploded, her indignation at being ignored by the horror flaring to life like the burning mana at her back. It hadn't even bothered to slow her down as it had with the others on her "team". Did it really think she wasn't worth distracting? The powerful muscles of her legs tensed, and she raced forward across soggy soil. Only a few steps before...


An explosive jet of flame forced its way from her palms, aimed backwards as to blow herself through the air towards the creature. She soared across the marsh, her feet barely touching the ground for a few transient steps before another raw burst of mana sent her flying forward.


Eyes like a dragon, she could see the figure fluttering through the air, pathetic cargo in tow. The heat in her palms grew for a few precious seconds as she nearly stumbled across the blood-slick soil. Another blast of bright orange flame saw her momentum more than recovered.


Close enough that she could read the terror on their driver's face, she snarled a final battle cry, and launched perhaps the largest burst of flame she had yet, propelling herself not only forward, but up.

"With you!"

Hands streaming smoke from the draconic magic she had used to blast her way into range, Eldrid swung wide, fingers and teeth digging hard into the rubbery flesh of the creature. It was a slippery little shit, but that wouldn't stop her. The second her grip loosened, red hot flame burst from the tips of her fingers, aiming to burn a handhold into the monster's back if needs be. If it wanted to get away so badly, it'd need to work harder than this!

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