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me the poopy you the pants.
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水島 村鮫

Location — Ishin Academy

The trek into Ishin wasn't as nerve-racking as initially expected. Maybe it was the company, or the fact he had eaten a couple meals worth of WcDenji's on the way, but when he had left the station, Murasame had expected to near enough keel over at the thought of marching through such a crowded venue. There were students everywhere, from all manner of backgrounds and years, with all sorts of Quirks. Mercifully enough, it seemed most of them were either too busy with trying to find their way, or catching up with old friends, to bother paying him too much mind. That was probably the real reason it was so much easier—in his mind, he had imagined every pair of eyes in the school to have followed him all the way to the auditorium and beyond.

The hulking teen found himself brought back to reality by the sound of Saika's trash piling into a nearby waste bin. That presented a problem. He had only managed to eat about half his order in the time it took them to arrive, on account of his nerves. He still had a ton of food left, including a the fabled WcNib! Eyes darting to-and-fro in search of an answer, he found one only when he spotted a nearby student hiking a massive backpack up the school's stairs. Of course! The students would undoubtedly be expected to have lunch later! He would just save it in his luggage! As he hurriedly made room in his suitcase for the grease stained paper in his palm, he only vaguely caught what his companion had been saying.

"I, uh, yeah. I think this place is uh, pretty big on the whole patriotism thing... Honestly kinda surprised the uniform didn't come with a hat an' cape."

As he slung his bag back over his shoulder, he found the girl had gone missing from her previous position. It took him a few turns of the head before her voice clued him in to where she had gone, and he furrowed his brow quizzically at her request.

"I uh, I guess I could, but are you sure she wouldn't just prefer you fessin' up? Especially if you got her food. WcDenji's isn't very good when it's cold..."

There were many other questions to be asked. The usage of 'sprayed' not least of them. But, he didn't want to cause a fuss. He had only just met Saika, and she had been nice to him, so he didn't want to risk getting her into hot water with her friend if he could help it. Of course, her idea of helping it involved using him like a makeshift barricade. With a resigned grumble, he accepted his fate, and straightened out his back so that he might better display his full height.

"Just try an' keep up with my pace, okay? I ain't gonna be able to see ya while I'm going."

Turning so that his back was to Saika and his front towards the group she had so gingerly attempted to hide from, he puffed out his chest good and broad, his width more than enough to totally eclipse his more averagely proportioned classmate. Then he began. One step to the side. Slide all the way over. Return to full standing height. Repeated. Step by step, he would get Saika into that auditorium unseen, or his name wasn't Mizushima Murasame.
煙影 明美

Location — Ishin Academy Gates

"Always do."

The purple haired girl who had interrupted her morning ritual disappeared just as quickly as she had arrived, leaving Akemi to continue to drown her woes in puff after puff of nicotine infused carbon. Or, what little happened to remain of it. She had done well in achieving her initial goal—she had emptied her pack, and the embers had burned away most of the final remaining cigarette between her lips. It would only be a few more drags before it was all filter, and she would have no further excuse to avoid wandering into the assembly hall to await the dreary finality of her fate. Part of her, a large part, wanted to try and stretch out those final few draws, so that she might continue to gaze vacantly at the sky and enjoy the chilly morning. But that wouldn't help any. She'd just end up with a worse seat for the assembly, and she had a feeling it was going to be a long, boring one at that.

So she inhaled, deep and long, letting the air fan the flames ever greater, until there was little left but a stub. As she held it, she crushed the tip of her final reprieve against her shoe, and tossed it into the makeshift ashtray with the others. A flick of her wrist sent the cloud drifting across the way, and once it arrived at the ramen-filled trash can it finally found release, dispersing into ephemeral wisps that left the butts to fall down, out of sight and out of mind. She exhaled a similarly short lived stream of puffy white smoke as she walked away, hands tucked into her pockets and feet aiming for the front gate.

Most of the students she had spied during her little smoke break had disappeared, the stream of students beginning to slow to a trickle as the time for their reckoning inevitably approached. That wasn't to say everybody had gone, though. There were a few stragglers, herself among them, loitering about without anyone to keep them company. By chance, one of them happened to be right in her route, and so she decided to give a go at a little socialization.

"What's the matter, handsome? You lookin' for directions?" She asked on her approach, a tired little grin tugging on the corner of her mouth as she did, "I'm not the best at givin' them, but I think I can manage to show you the way. If you ask nice."
煙影 明美

Location — Outside Ishin Academy

There a long silence that permeated the space between Akemi and her would-be classmate. For a time, she simply stared, as dispassionate as she ever was. It was only when the ash dangling off the tip of her cigarette threatened to fall that she deigned to respond.

"Because you're talkin' fast."

It was a silly question, and so she gave it a silly answer. As returned her gaze to the heavens, she tapped the embers into the cloud of smoke beside her, she pondered it for a little longer. That was the tragedy of interacting with others, she decided. You couldn't just vibe and forget that everything outside your field of view, outside of the the big, blank blue sky and the streams of smoke billowing out of your mouth existed. You had to actually consider things. After mowing it over in her head for a while, she added more to her 'explanation'. As if it even mattered.

"It's like you're uncomfortable with the silence. Like you feel obligated to fill it. Maybe it's because you're feeling so many things that you wanna get it all out. Or maybe you just wanna distract yourself from the feelings by chattin' me up. Like it'll make you feel better to forget how nervous you are, even for a little bit."

There were more words than she had intended to use, so she washed the taste of them out of her mouth with a long, heady draw from her last Warlboro. The familiar, acrid flavor of ash was significantly more welcome.
煙影 明美

Location — Outside Ishin Academy

Akemi buried the urge to scoff with a long drag on her cigarette. The fact it was the entrance ceremony was exactly why they'd be hard-asses. All the advertisements for Ishin couldn't stop spouting off about the harsh, spartan nature of the school, rambling on and on about pedigree and discipline. It was as if the school took some kind of twisted pride in being a joyless hellscape, declaring all their competitors soft and lesser by compare, even though they were surpassed by Tokyo's dear UA. The staff probably took sick satisfaction in 'breaking in' the new kids, to show them their 'rightful place' and stamp out any dissent good and early.

That, or she was just projecting. But it was too early in the morning and too late in her life to start introspecting, so she buried that thought under another drag too.

"You're a bad liar, Hidaka Honoka. If you weren't worried, you wouldn't be talkin' so much or so fast," The blonde declared eventually, peeling her pale hues off the equally blue sky above, and redirecting them to her classmate, now bereft of ramen. She searched the teen's face for a few moments, perhaps to see what her angle was, or perhaps just to make her uncomfortable with the long, unaccompanied eye contact. Eventually, she spoke again, cigarette dangling from the corner of her mouth as she did.

"Kemurikage Akemi."
水島 村鮫

Location — Ishin Academy Gates

It was a little surprising to hear that Saika had also been the victim—but only a little. She seemed outgoing and personable, but almost a little too much so. It was a strange line to walk, being 'normal'. If you were too quiet, too withdrawn, people saw you as gloomy, and unapproachable. If you were too loud, too boisterous, then you were a weirdo, a nuisance that nobody wanted to deal with. And if you were taller than an American at age eight and looked like you crawled up out of Osaka Bay... Well, he had heard more than enough of what people thought of him, even if they only dared to whisper it when they thought he couldn't hear, for fear of what he or his sister would end up doing to them had they the boldness to speak what they thought.

At least she had a friend. It was always good to have at least one person you could lean on, even if it was another pariah. He was glad that Saika had that much in her life, and hopefully, she'd manage to make more friends at Ishin than enemies. That had been his intention, from the moment he filled out his application and sent it off with the mail.

It went without saying, therefore, that Saika's implication that they were friends near enough sent him to the moon. Had he not stuffed an entire Quarter Drowner into his toothy maw in the moments leading up to her declaration, he likely would've grinned like a fool. They were both spared that terrifying indignity by his hurried chewing, and then swallowing. By the time he had finished the sandwich, he found himself too embarrassed to offer up much.

"Y-Yeah, that's a good way to uh, to think of it," He muttered as he hastily unwrapped another, "I'm glad ya think that."

Worried he might manage to make things awkward, he stuffed the second hefty burger between his jaws, munching away as their trek brought them to the gates of Ishin. He hadn't intended to get his first glimpse of the prestigious academy that, until recently, had been his idol's personal stomping ground with a mouthful fo cheeseburger. But... given the situation that had led him to that point, he couldn't say he minded. His gnashing lasted a few additional seconds, and he wiped at the corner of his mouth with a napkin before piping up a second time.

"I'm, err... I'm not sure. I'm kinda nervous, if I'm honest," He admitted, his huge fingers curling into the paper of his WcDenji's bag, as if it provided him some semblance of comfort, "But it's too late to turn back now. And I uh, don't think I can make small waves, even if I tried."
煙影 明美

Location — Outside Ishin Academy

“You know, I hear smoking’s bad for you.”

A voice pierced the veil of silence that had, for so long, hung over Akemi's humble little space. It also disrupted her concentration, the cloud of billowing white smoke she had been carefully threading through itself for amusement left to the mercy of the wind, no longer under her thrall. She diverted her gaze from the blue sky above, her tired eyes searching out the source of the disturbance. A girl, in the same uniform she had been seeing all day. A classmate, she supposed, judging by the way she carried herself. She could practically see the nerves coming off the purple-haired young woman. Maybe she would've been full of nerves too, if she could muster up the energy to care all that much. Or hadn't spent the better part of the morning chain smoking a pack of cigarettes. The nicotine really tended to mellow her out.

"Yeah," She eventually decided to give the girl a response, bringing her fingers up to gingerly grip the paper roll between her lips and take a drag, only to pluck it free so she could exhale, a long, wispy stream into the air between them, "That's kinda the point."

The girl, whoever she was, seemed the chatty type. Eager to fill the void with inane banter. Maybe it was the nerves, her anxiety driving her to try and reach out for someone share the burden with. Or maybe she just felt drawn in by the mystique of a messy blonde girl puffing on a smoke outside one of Japan's most severe hero academies. Speculating on the reason wasn't nearly as fun as playing with her Quirk, Akemi decided, but she couldn't very just ignore her. That might only encourage her to get pushier.

"They don't let you carry these into the auditorium," She waved the burning roll in her hand to-and-fro for emphasis, tapping it against the near-solid puff of smoke to her right to deposit the growing ash at its tip. Then it went right back where it belonged, hanging loose at the corner of her mouth, ready to be drawn on at her leisure.

"How 'bout you? You scared security's gonna confiscate your chopsticks or something?"
煙影 明美


Physical Description
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Personal History

Character Arc
- Work Hard
- Make Friends
- Dynamics with her father's backstory
- Personality Growth

Quirk Description
Known by the name of Vaporwave, Akemi's Quirk is an Operative type that allows her to generate vast quantities of smoke from her body. While she typically prefers to do so through her mouth, she is capable of discharging it through any part of her body, up to and including the pores of her skin. Unlike other Quirks of its type, Vaporwave is capable of not only producing, but also controlling smoke, whether produced by Akemi herself or by another non-related source. Her degree of control is quite precise, and when under her influence, she is capable of great feats of complexity, causing otherwise shapeless clouds to form intricate patterns and undergo movements otherwise impossible without the strange, external source acting upon them.

Though not especially well developed, Akemi also has the ability to alter the properties of the smoke she controls. Though more mundane demonstrations might see the chemical makeup of the clouds change to become more or less caustic, she has also proven capable of imparting smoke with unnatural levels of density, allow it to become "solid" in ways that should not be possible. Arguably one of the strongest aspects of her Quirk, it is still relatively underdeveloped. At its current capacity, she can comfortably manage to solidify a person sized cloud enough to support the weight of an adult—anything greater would likely cause her to strain.

While activation of the Quirk is entirely mental, she often resorts to making hand motions and other physical showings during usage, in part because they help her visualize the actions she means to take, and in part because it gives others the idea that she requires them. While the detrimental effects of smoke on one's health are particularly well documented, Akemi's body seems immunized to them, having naturally adapted to the toxic fumes she creates.
煙影 明美

Location — Outside Ishin Academy
Interacting — With the air quality

Inhale. Draw it deep. Hold it. Feel the warmth. Enjoy the rush. Relax. Exhale. Watch the stream billow away. Make it dance a little. Repeat.

How long it had been since she'd gotten to Ishin, Akemi could not say. She had spent most of the morning wandering Sapporo, not because she was lost, or out of any real sense of wonder, but because she could. If there was anything to savor about coming to Ishin, aside from the rush of a Walboro, it was the freedom of being so far from home. If only for a day, for one morning, she got to drift aimlessly, carried here and there like so much smoke on the wind. There was a sadness to that smallest glimmer of joy. She had come to one of the strictest, stick-in-ass schools in the entire country to find autonomy. It was like a really bad joke, a monkey's paw curling to the sick delight of some higher power.

It was also ruining her buzz. Inhale. Draw it deep. Hold it. At one point, her directionless wandering had eventually turned into something productive. She had spotted a handful of students in uniforms just like her own, and it shook her from her pleasant reverie. Her footfalls fell in their example, and she eventually found her way to the academy itself. People had still been filtering in when she arrived, and so she figured she had time for a quick smoke. She had smuggled them out of the house, onto the train, and across all of Honshu. It would've been a shame to see them wasted to some stuffy spinster's dorm inspection. A nice little alcove in the school's external wall served as a perfect place to tuck away from prying eyes, and there one smoke had turned to two, then three. The embers of her third had nearly burnt out, with only a few centimeters of precious tobacco to go.

She couldn't fix a lot about her life, but that much could be fixed. Leaving the burning stick dangling from her lips, she pulled the crumpled up pack from her school bag, thumbing the flap open. A single cylinder greeted her. The final one for a while, until she could find a new hook up and a good place to hide them. She might've questioned what the point even was, so far from home, but introspection led to way too many questions. Better to just focus on feeling the now, rather than think about the future or the past. The filter of her last, virgin cigarette found its way between her lips, trading places with the nearly dead one. She touched their tips, sucking in to chain them off each other. As soon as the ember took and she got a good drag off it, the previous had done its duty. She ground the end into the bottom of her shoe, and flicked the butt into the wispy white cloud of smoke stuck hovering beside her, a temporary ashtray for a temporary release.

There probably wasn't much more time. She had to enjoy what little she had left.

Inhale. Draw it deep. Hold it. Feel the warmth. Enjoy the rush. Relax. Exhale. Watch the stream billow away. Make it dance a little. Repeat.
水島 村鮫

Location — Somewhere in Sapporo

Had he the capacity to wince, Murasame just might've when Saika inquired as to his family. Not their mention, of course. He loved them all dearly, and they him in return. But he had always felt like the black sheep of their little clan, always so different from his parents and siblings. So much... bigger, and meaner looking. It only took being confused for an estranged father of two once or twice before that really sunk in. But, his classmate had no means of knowing that, so he couldn't hold it against her. Instead, he just cobbled together another sheepish reply.

"Uh, yeah, I mean, sis is pretty tall, for a girl an' all, and ma always said our smiles were our best features, so..."

The carefully rehearsed, artificially cheerful interjection of the WcDenji's cashier saved him from any further awkwardness, as it had saved him from so many gloomy days in years past. With his significantly larger bag in hand, the teen hurried after Saika, at least a little uncomfortable with eating on the go. Was that really okay? Wouldn't they get looks? If they didn't litter, it probably wasn't violating any laws, but what would people think?


They would think a bear had somehow managed to infiltrate downtown Sapporo if he didn't dig in, he eventually decided, and so hunger won out over neuroticism. He carefully balanced the act of prying the thin, papery film from a cup of Wac sauce while trundling behind his companion, listening to her all the while.

"I sure hope not," Murasame managed between mauling potato wedge after potato wedge between rows of serrated teeth, each dipped delicately into the mysterious dressing cradled in his palm, "I ain't too good with fights. I uh, used to get picked on a lot when I was lil'. Guess I made for a real big target, and I didn't have too many friends to stick up for me. Didn't really stop until second year of middle school."

He smothered the painful memories like so many WcWedges, tossing several of the salty, sauce covered treats down his gullet to distract himself of unhappy times. Though, as he swallowed, his eyes went wide.

"N-Not 'cause I, like, snapped and beat 'em all up or anythin' like that. 'S just, my sister, she got wind of what was goin' on and uh... She came 'round to see who all was messin' with me. Ended up throwin' 'em around so hard, one of 'em ended up on the roof of they school. They mostly steered clear after that."

Perhaps realizing how embarrassing it was to explain to someone you'd just met how your big sister had to take care of your school yard bullies, he racked his brain for a different subject, any subject. Only one really came to mind.

"How 'bout you? Got many friends? I mean, I guess you woulda had to leave 'em behind, comin' all this way... But what about makin' new ones? Can't be that everyone'll be buttin' heads all the time."
水島 村鮫

Location — Somewhere in Sapporo

There he stood. The proving ground. The line inside WcDenji's. There were many proving grounds to come, and each with their own distinct challenges, but this one? He had conquered this one before. He knew what he wanted, knew what alterations to make. He rehearsed them in his mind, one after the other, carefully preparing himself. Saika had even gone so far as to put in her order first, giving him ample time to prepare himself. All he had to do was march right up to the cashier, tell her what he wanted for breakfast, and then wait for his order.

But few things could have prepared him for what occurred next. It was still early, but his companion hadn't ordered breakfast. He knew the WcDenji's breakfast well. Enjoyed it quite a bit, even. The eggs were always well-cooked, the hash browns tasty, and their apple pies were wonderful. Even their hotcakes, drenched in the tiny little cups of syrup he so valiantly struggled against, counted themselves amongst his favorite fast food items. But he couldn't just order breakfast. Saika had decided to have an early lunch, clearly, and he would look a fool if he were to undermine her decision like that. Worse yet, she had finished her order, leaving him to step up and take command of the situation.

It was a difficult decision. But, if he was to become a Pro-Hero, he would have to make many difficult decisions in the years to follow. A Hero had to be decisive, unflinching in the face of adversity, and prepared for any eventuality. As he loomed heavy before the counter, there was a resolve behind his eyes. He knew what to do.

"Hi. I'll uh, I'll have two WcMuffins, a WcSizzle large, some WcWedges, with extra Wac sauce if ya can. A BigWac, two Quarter Drowners, one with cheese, and uh... Y'know, what the heck? Throw a WcNib in there," It was bold enough to order a hybrid of both the breakfast and lunch menus, but to add in a limited menu option like the WcNib? What a rush.

"Oh! And a diet Mr Peter, please an' thank ya. Tryna watch my sugar."

While the poor worker clicked away at his order, he stood off to the side with Saika, feeling positively radiant with his snap decision making. Bringing up his relatives once again caused his hand to go to his head, rubbing bashfully at the back of it.

"I dunno. I've never really been this far away from home before, so I'm already kinda missin' my folks," He admitted, as sheepish as someone of his stature could, "My gramps went by Mariner when he was still bustin' heads in the street, but he's mostly in the management game now. Ya probably wouldn't have heard of my sis, on account of her just startin', but she goes by Frenzy. Y'know, like... Like feedin' frenzy?"

He hadn't much liked the name when she told him, but he didn't dare mention that. After all, he couldn't deny the symbolism it evoked was... accurate, to say the least.

"How 'bout you? Your folks in the business? Or are you a first generation?"
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