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Book-worm would climb into the carriage. It was, a rare mode of travel for them unless they were particularly lucky. They grabbed onto their seat or the edge of the carriage if there was no seat provided.

They did not wish to alarm Margaret but did not know the proper words. Still, it was better to attempt.
What will happen, will happen. As it should be. What we need now is only to fulfill our actions to their best. Their voice sounded.

The darkness was oddly relaxing; The red lightning, was not.
Book-worm's hood would be quickly place back over their head. They would be quiet after that. It was time to get moving themselves and they did not have anything in particular to say. The whole thing made them uncomfortable to begin with and it would be much nicer to get a move.

They did feel a tinge of sympathy for Margaret as well, but that did not change the chills in their chest. They would get over it.

Book-worm would follow quietly after Ariues.
Book-worm seemed to stand there for a moment. Simply, standing there. It may have been clear that their hands were twitching about under their cloak. Their posture seemed slouched once more and leaning toward the exit over so slightly.

They looked upon Margaret or rather the being that went by that name when in a different form. Their appearance seemed, most impressive in Book-worms own thoughts. Added with the ability to so easily change it to something more appealing toward the commoners feel, awkward for Book-Worm.

They did know however changelings rarely revealed themselves or exposed their true forms at all.

If we die. We die, identifying will not be of much concern. The earth and the stars will take us one way or another. The voice whispered. W-we do not refer to you however of course. That is an entirely different matter up to you whether or not you need to be revealed. But we clearly do not need it. It is likely very easy for you to know who we are anyhow. You know of our species, and you should also know that is not common for us to be.... around in such masses to make need to separate us by looks. The voice seemed to shake the words out rather than a steady tone.

There would be a pause. Fine, patron. We will do as asked... if you believe it to spread your glory.

It would be particularly slow. None the less it would appear as if the large hood covering Book-Worm's head was moving back through some invisible force. It would reveal a rather large head similar to that of an ant. Its mandibles were closed, and its antennas were practically small stumps.

Book-worm's eyes were covered with two sets of heavy cloth wrapping around the large beady eyes as blind-folds. Their posture slumped inward even further in the discomfort..
Book-worm seemed to visibly shiver at the request of removing their hood. It was not something they often did and very rarely something they were comfortable with. They did not quite mean to, though through the slip of there telepathy it was clear they were putting out and uncomfortable groan for several seconds on the matter.

We would. We would likely prefer not to partake in that, unless absolutely necessary. If we are still required of it. We would gladly go last when it comes to appearance. Anything outside of that nature and our own particular history, we will gladly indulge upon you. It is, something of which we have grown... hesitant to present for reasons we have no doubt you understand. the voice replied.
The voice was certain to speak outward to those in the general area. We, when given the chance take the name of Book-worm. At least among those who would so rarely ally themselves among us. Perhaps it was indeed rude to not perform an introduction before hand. Book-worm will simply do for now.

The hood of the cloak would shift toward the other adventurer, always hiding the true face beneath it. A changeling if the paladin's words to be believed, and there was no particular reason for them to deceive. There seemed to be little likelihood that they were incorrect either. It seemed the paladin had practiced the mind's eyes far more and had more strength in the skill than Book-worm themselves.

Their deity must be quite an interesting one, indeed.
Essentially, if they can hear it, they hear, "Moon of red, rise of dead."

thanks matey.
Book-worm was generally relaxed at first but hearing the foot steps of the Paladin approach still got a flinch out of them. They quickly relaxed once more as the Paladin spoke. It was clear, that Book-worm was being far too tense given the situation. The reassurance was indeed appreciated.

Thank you. Book-worm spoke to the paladin in their common way.
They would then turn toward the other adventurer that entered just before them.
We extend our greetings. Book-worm would send the message toward Margaret's mind. Have you not been hearing us? Mm, that is our apologies.

The voice had an odd habit of suddenly sounding deeper with occasional inflections every few words. It seemed to appear just now and again.
Ah. It's a old language, one that only the darkest and evilest monsters know. He might remember it from some old scroll or tome.

Probably yeah, and they have a connection to a dark ancient power themselves. Not demonic though, so was curious. Guess it's not directly speaking to them though, so there is a chance it won't work but at the same time they're pretty strong at translating
Yep. He's not doing nice things.

Just that in general? I guess I kind of ask because Book-worm is a walking translator radio, wanted to make sure if it was just atmospheric or was there something in there, or naw?
Book-worm's shoulders and thus the cloak slumped downward in relief in hearing that the paladin was blind. It was not that they wished to give the Paladin such an ailment, just that it was relieving in an odd manner. It seemed less likely that the two would attack another, especially not with ease.

Book-worm's 'voice' would call out toward the High Priest's mind to speak: My only next question would be that, what our next step would be. Beyond that, I do wish to ask if you know of this evil or perhaps have any records on it so that we may better understand our target. Once that is settled, I guess I do not have any further questions on the matter.

They did however, forget to allow Margaret and the Paladin hear it. A slightly bad habit when often focusing one particular being at a time.
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