Avatar of AwesomeZero5


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2 mos ago
Current Holidays & Family Sickness are coming to a brief pause. Will try to be around and ponst on Sunday night.
2 mos ago
Today's 12 hr shift was terrible and my brain is melting behind by eyes
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3 mos ago
Will do stuff in a couple hours
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3 mos ago
3 mos ago
Birthday & Holidays, will be busier. Apologies


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I'm around, but it's not my turn. O.o

Eh, it's already been 9 days counting think that's fair nuff-.
Ye can double check with GM but-
Should we do a general poke...?
"Guy, or mister guy. Heh, wouldn't it be fun, if I was called Mr.Power? Or Power guy....no.. POWER-MAN"
He would laugh and giggled to himself. "I'll think of something fun to call me later. My actual name is pretty bland, so it'll be fun to come up with a new one."

He would head off toward the cabin. Slowly approaching and checking around it. Although as it continued to downpour, something odd would seem to happen. His 'presence' as it were, would start to fade. The bubbles that were around him, had long vanished by this point. While one could still, see him... it became difficult to acknowledged his presence, or even remembering he was there.
He practically faded into the background, part of the scenery almost as if he was simply a tree among a forest, or a cloud among the sky.
It didn't render him invisible, just hard to sense and keep focus on.

One he was particularly trained in chi-focused observation, could probably still see him well enough.
It may take a slight bit of effort however.
Will try to post tomorrow
sup sup
"Cabin it is. Less creepy, and less moisture build up. Hope no one minds a little breaking in then."
He would lean against the mop as he stood. "Probably the least of our concerns given everything."

Taking a glance across the landscape, he'd try to spot any nearby cabins. They were up in the mountains so they have a decent viewpoint versus simply looking from the ground below. If not, probably could just clamber down to find a foot-trail somewhere near this town.

"Oh, I'm simply a cleaner. Dirt, stains, junk, and more gone within a couple hours or less."
alrighty, shot one out woo

Once it seemed the party was on board with Josuke, Goibniu would grin and pat the bard on the pack. The gesture was partially to welcome them, and partially to get things moving along. This dungeon would probably be the last adventure for the night as well. So it was better to spend more time on the adventure itself rather than standing about as much.

He would, debate for a moment on some of his items. Particularly since one of them had been identified as 'cursed' once the group had been returned town. However, given the boons of the item against ice, it seemed far too beneficial for the place they were headed. On top of that it would give Goibniu a solid piece of armor for fighting in, versus the apron given for a crafting boost. Alleviating a good chunk of 'squishiness', as it actually provided protection and pushed him closer defense wise to Uriel in the team.
Worse comes to worse, could use left over gold to remove the cursed item, or more than likely Elian might help with the matter if it was a desperate situation.

The large sphynx would let out a scripted wince and shiver as he'd slide on the cuirass around his torso. The cold metal clinging onto his skin, as the marks of sea-salt briefly illuminated with a sinister glow. For the first few minutes, he'd be seen shivering from the cold armor's touch.
Before slipping into hide leggings likely from a moose, or some other animal placed onto all four legs. Perhaps something to get warmer, similar to a long and smooth scarf he placed on next, having a smooth but flesh like texture to it. Before finally putting on a visor mask of sorts, what appeared to be the lower half of one, likely made from a skull with ridges encircling below the eyes.

"Eldritch blast, impressive range on that one. Definitely will help out if the icy terrain makes it harder for the melee folks, if it's too unstable may have to take point until they can get clean hits in. Heads up, if you see a bottle near a really big enemy, feel free to shoot it, but especially if it's near a group."
He'd advise Claudia whilst glancing at his terezol pistol.
He couldn't fire anywhere near the range of that spell, or... most ranged aligned spells really.

"Mmmm, think I have a spear I could spare in trade. Would probably feel easier to throw. Probably would've turned it into scrap otherwise since it doesn't fit the tinker-smith style I'm going for as much."
"Might bend the rules for a warhammer though-"

He'd offer Rathello and Iron Spear, if they wanted it.

"As for last line of defense for the wizard, maybe Josuke would do? Maybe depending on the range of buffs that is."
"Do you have any charm spells, or slowing? Sometimes bards also have a thunderous knock back of some sort which could be a really helpful last resort to escape with or give others time to cover ground."

Goibniu tried including the bard, though he was increasingly slipping away from character. He wasn't so focused on it after the last go-around, but may play-up some traits later. Focusing more on the fun, otherwise it would've been easier to do... well basically nothing at the far back. He'd have better odds & fun kiting.

He'd He'd walk alongside the carriage and listen to the Wizard's tale as they passed along. Genuinely interested in the layout & story behind the place. Although he did look over in surprise at the mention of another cult & eldritch creatures. Maybe this world had connection to plenty of those outer beings, seeing as they ran into two dungeons with eldritch horror aesthetics vaguely connected or influencing them.

"Another weird eldritch cult to look out for then. Wonder what being they were trying to contact out there..."
"So uh, the Urkami, what were there... interests so to say, and perhaps their structure of nobility. Also did they build the castle as it is, or was it turned by magic?"

The history of the area, did bring excitement out of him.
The book to contact outer creatures, didn't catch his interest as much at the moment. Maybe there was an eldritch deity connected to machinery, but it seemed off the target, and definitely better in the hands of a wizard knowledgeable in the subject, or sealed away if otherwise.
He would glance generally around the landscape, but follow toward the castle itself. It didn't cross his mind to check the razed village, out of character figuring most valuable items would be in the dungeon itself. In character, excusing it as most useful tools would've likely been pillaged during the raid. Although true, Howitzer would have been useful to spot any items of interest at a distance, and covering more of the party's ranged options, when they played to that particular strength.
Skip me
My week has been garbo.
Car alternator dead am I'm just not in the mood for anything. Especially since I go back to work at 5 am tomorrow.. woo
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