"Every saint has a past; every sinner has a future"Race:Angel
Magic:Healing - Cambiel's main area of expertise is his healing magic. With a touch and a prayer, he can imbue an injured companion with divine energy that will cleanse and close their wounds. He's even powerful enough to spare the dying and cure crippling diseases.
Light Barriers - Cambiel can create nearly invisible barriers of light to deny his foes access to an area and protect his friends. This requires a great deal of concentration and the bigger the barrier, the more exhausting it will be for Cambiel.
Holy Light - Cambiel never liked learning offensive magic, but he can create scorching beams of radiant light. Lack of training means these attacks exhaust him fully: just ten seconds of concentrated light takes the same energy as running a marathon.
Turn Undead - With some focus, Cambiel can overwhelm any Undead type monster with holy energy, repulsing them. The stronger the Undead, the more energy this consumes - a meagre zombie or skeleton takes far less to scare off than an ancient vampire.
Abilities:Angel physiology - Due to his divine nature, Cambiel is far more resistant to the effects of demonic energy and dark magic than earthly beings. He also doesn't need to sleep or eat (though he can choose to do these things), won't get infected by earthly disease and doesn't age.
Herbology - Cambiel's knowledge of healing extends beyond magic. He knows a variety of earthly cures and poisons, and is an excellent cook.
Bowman - Years of practicing with bow and arrow have made Cambiel an expert sharpshooter. He could hit a gnat at fifty paces.
Novice Swordsman - Cambiel has had some training with a sword, and while he won't be winning any tournaments any time soon, he does have an advantage over the completely untrained.
Equipment:Heavenly Bow - A bow made of durable yet lightweight metal that glistens like gold. When the string is pulled, a ghostly arrow appears nocked, so there is no need to carry physical arrows.
Heavenly Shortsword - the sidearm of choice among Heaven's armies. It is made of the same metal the bow is made from, but Cambiel is not as skilled in melee combat as he is with his bow, and will only use this as a last resort.
Personality:It's easy to judge Cambiel by his appearance. On the outside, he seems remarkably shy and innocent. Small, slender, with a soft voice and a habit of looking at his feet instead of at the people he's talking to, he's the last person you'd expect to be a warrior.
However, beneath the surface of silk lies a core of steel. Cambiel is utterly devoted to his God, and will do anything he can to enforce her will. He burns with religious fervour and is pious to the utmost; refusing his God's commands or going against her commandments is unthinkable to him.
As befitting of an Angel, Cambiel extols virtue and shuns vice. He is hard-working and diligent when it comes to enforcing the Chief God's commands, yet content with very little when it comes to himself. He gives generously whenever he recieves money, and prefers to spend his time offering aid to the poor and needy. Most notably, he dislikes lustful thoughts directed towards him and will flinch if someone makes contact with him, even by accident. This might sound extreme, but in Cambiel's mind, lust is the most dangerous sin of all. After all, it is how the Demon Lord controls her minions and infiltrates the hearts of men. Even Angels are not immune to its insidious influence, and he must be wary lest its corrupting tendrils snake their way into his thoughts and make him Fall, as has happened to far too many of his kin.
For the most part, Cambiel views monsters with pity, seeing them as victims of the Demon Lord and praying on their behalf that they will turn away from sin and towards one of the more accepted Gods. No-one is so sinful as to be unforgivable, just as no-one is so good as to have never sinned in the past.
Background:In his usual line of work, Cambiel is something of a witch-hunter. When the Valkyries believe that there is a demon infestation affecting a settlement, but don't have enough information to handle it themselves, they send Cambiel. He disguises himself as a priest or monk, and quietly investigates the area for anything abnormal. Sometimes he gets lucky; an attractive young priest is a tempting target for demonic forces, and his enemies will expose themselves early trying to corrupt him. Other times, he has to investigate very closely, as his enemies rightfully fear the Church and its members.
His work has given him a reputation among the servants of the Chief God as a man who can get things done quietly. Sometimes he's even gone to work for Eros before (monster cults are devastating to the concept of true love), and once even performed a contract for Ares. When a holy person needs a job done subtly, they can be sure it is Cambiel who will execute it for them.
This reputation for subtlety is why he was chosen to accompany this task-force of monsters. The task is simple: work with the task-force and find out exactly why they are so keen on helping out a human settlement. They could just be hoping to hurt the Order, or trying to Trojan Horse their way back on to the island, but if there is something more insidious going on, the Valkyries need to know.
There is another, more personal, reason why Cambiel undertook this task. He has a theory. It's possible for a human, or elf, or dwarf, or even an angel to become a monster with enough exposure to demonic energy. Could the reverse also be true? Could one take a kobold or orc or salamander and remove the monster from them? He would like to believe so. The Demon Lord is not so powerful that she can rewrite their will completely. There is a chance, however small, that there is a sliver of humanity among these monsters, and if it is, Cambiel believes they can be redeemed.
He just needs to find it first.
FMG: Cupid or Houri