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Giogoula "Giogio" Giorgiou

Giogio was walking through the streets as the chaos ensued, resting her right hand on her holstered revolver in case she needs it as she finds her to escape the capital. War came to Inbur rather suddenly, the Imperial Army was unprepared for a two front war and the horrors that the Calarians employed. She saw one of her police colleagues captured by the columnists and executed for "counterrevolutionary activities." Giogio isn't going to risk staying in the city, despite her working class background. She spent the past months infiltrating commmunalist groups in the city and the chance of some fifth columnist recognizing her is too high for her to stay.

During her escape, she avoided any armed men, regardless of the uniforms or armbands they're wearing. She made her way to what looks like a military area, seemingly still under the control of the Army, or at least not wresting control against the rebels. It did looked like she went through the part of the city that has to fall under the Calarians or the insurrectionists, but that is likely to be only temporary since the military is withdrawing from the city itself.

Giogio saw a bunch of people, civilians no doubt, at the area scrambling to get onto a military zeppelin with the number 27. This could be her chance to escape the city, maybe head to a safe zone where her family could be. She picked up the pace, no way she's going to be left to the hands of the Calarians or the Insurrectionists.

Luckily, she made it to the ladder and began to climb.

Character Description

Name: Giogoula "Giogio" Giorgiou
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Nationality: Inburian

Personal Effects:
- Snubnose revolver
- Pocketwatch
- Inbur City Police Department Badge


What is your job: Policewoman
Backstory: Giogoula "Giogio" Giorgiou was born to a working class family of four in the city of Inbur. Her father, Yiorgous Giorgiou, was a sergeant in the city police and worked hard to ensure his family's safety and well being, even going as far as teaching his wife and children self defense lessons. Growing up, Giogoula never felt that she was in a struggle despite her working class background, she attended and completed public schools by her late teens and enrolled in a women's college.

After college, Giogoula would follow in her father's footsteps and join the city police, due to her looking up to her father's tireless work in trying to keep the city safe before retiring. Despite her father’s initial opposition due to the possible dangers of police work, he would eventually relent and put in a good word for her to his colleagues. Giogoula's initial work with the police was limited to handling domestic disputes and interviewing female and juvenile witnesses and victims. Overtime, however, she would be assigned to taking part in investigations, particularly in infiltrating criminal activities.

Using various disguises and identities, she was instrumental in the police busting some underground activities. Soon, she was tasked in infiltrating a suspected communalist cell that may have been cooperating with Calarian agitators. It was an joint operation with the military in busting the fifth columnist as the threat of war looms, and she was willing to take part in it, having no love for communalists.

Giogio would continue her police work even as war seems more likely. Her family had moved north but she remained, seeing it as her duty to keep the peace in the city. Plus, Inbur is pretty far away from Calaria. Eventually, the Chief of Police wants her to stay away from infiltrating the communalist cell; there was ample evidence that her cover could be blown if she continues her work and that the Chief was worried that there is a traitor within the police department giving informations to possible insurrectionists. The decision to have her move north happened right when war broke out between the Empire and the Calarians.

The Inburians were set back by insurrections within the fifth column, despite the best effort of the empire's intelligence agency, and a surprise attack in the east by Xak-Shariq. Even the police was involved in the defense of the city, albeit they too were getting overwhelmed. Trapped in the city and knowing what fate becomes to the military and police informants, Giogio and some of the others were ordered to flee the city alongside many of the other civilians for their safety.
She paused before asking, "So, Captain, have you been privateering before? The legality of a captured prize does mean you tend to get a bit more money but contesting the prize in a court of law can be annoying. Thankfully I believe that someone hired a lawyer for our little flotilla. He isn't with you is he, by any chance?"

Astartus Nicolau/Stefano Bene

"I am not with him but I am the lawyer for your flotilla," Astartus said, stepping in. His outfit was certainly flashy in color and stands out.

"Stefano Bene at your service," he added with a bow and rolling his left arm in a showy matter. "Legal expert in the maritime laws of three countries, specifically Calaria, the Empire, and the Doel Union. Thought I show up and make my presence known to ensure that any and all 'business transactions' that we do in the future would have one more naval fleet off of our backs."
<Snipped quote by Dyelli Beybi>

It's never been firmly established that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter do not, in fact, take place in the same universe.

I believe that Harold and Kumar and Harry Potter share the same planet.
Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
Character Description

    Name: Stefano Bene (real name Astartus Nicolau)
    Species/Race: Human - Shariq
    Sex: Male
    Age: 25
    Appearance: 5 feet, 7 inches

Strengths and Weaknesses

    Skills: Being a legal expert in the maritime laws of many countries in the Circle Sea, Stefano is educated and is often used for taking part in negotiations with many organizations. Add to that, he is known for his charisma coming from his friendly, flamboyant, and laid back attitude; often used for diplomacy and swooning women.
    Weaknesses: While he had trained with weapons for self defense, conflict is not his forte and he’s not one to be looking for a fight. When the fists start throwing, he's finding a table to hide under. He also can’t swim, considering it to be bad luck and tempting the sea spirits.


    Backstory: Astartus Nicolau was born in a small imperial town to a Shariq blacksmith family. Despite his father's attempt to instill the value of honest living, Astartus had little interest in blacksmithing and would fall in the wrong crowd of pickpockets and scammers as a child, getting in trouble with local authorities over petty theft. As part of lashings given by his father and older brother, he would wise up and focus on his education, taking some interest in studying imperial laws. Part of it was a genuine effort for him to reform himself from his teenage years of being a troublemaker, part of it was because he wanted to leave the small town. He made his family proud once he passed the necessary requirements and tests to became a business attorney and was able to move to Inbur.

    However, trouble always seems to follow Astartus as he was under suspicion for possible involvement in a smuggling ring (which he was). He was able to flee the imperial authorities and bribed some Calarian trader for him to flee to Calaria. While escaping, Astartus threw some of his personal items overboard. Hopefully, officials in search of him would have written him off as having drowned in the sea.

    At Calaria, Astartus grew out his hair and beard and had taken a different personality. The quiet and reserved Astartus Nicolau is no more, now he's the flamboyant Stefano Bene, a legal expert from Calaria. Stefano soon found himself in the service of Alberto Grasso, seeking the opportunity to finance his lifestyle of making more money and love to women. However, something is screaming at him from the back of his mind that this venture may be more than he bargained for.
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