Avatar of BangoSkank


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3 mos ago
Current Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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2 yrs ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Tharg Bluhdaxe wans ta krump youse all noice'n proppa. Wif iz axe. Iz Bluhdaxe. As iz implied by da name'n all.
I either go rich well bred Butter Lord leading an army to protect whatever lands I get granted whilst not giving a shit about the good of the rest of the Empire...or Snowy Viking Dude bonking m'fers on the head with a big hammer and a massive cavalry army.

Either way, jolly good fun.
<Snipped quote by BangoSkank>

I've heard nothing but good things about the Mount & Blade series. Though I'm not the most experienced with the management/simulation aspect. (Never really played most of those games for long.) Maybe if I see it on sale sometime, I'll pick it up.

It doesn't have all that much management unless you want to be an Emperor/King/etc.

The most fun I ever had with it was deciding I was just going to go around battling Raiders/Bandits/Sellswords/Sea Raiders and do very little but kill them, capture them and sell them into slavery, and sell all the loot I get off the battles.

You set up a long of Infantry with a long of archers behind them and then you take off with a bunch of cavalry to harass the enemy and eventually drag them into your infantry. Use a club or mallet or other blunt weapon to capture them or a sword/axe/spear/Lance to kill.

Jolly good fun.

You can cheat up a character too to make the early game easier. Give yourself a stat boost and a few thousand denar. Say you're not a common pauper but a foreign lord come to Calradia to fuck some shit up. Olden Days style. Ya heard.
Silence, try out Mount and Blade Bannerlord, or if you have a potato try Mount and Blade Warband
Cocaine Bear looked ok but I'm not much of a fan of the director. I'll probably wait until it's free on whatever streaming site. I haven't actually seen any reviews for it.
I thought about using that but im helping test Horizon 1.9

That vault opening is boring as shit though.

And Nate is the worst character of all times.

Of all times.

Not a bad idea, in the meantime if someone posts something you don't like you can always ask to have the post removed
I kind of want to try Atomic Heart but I'm doing Fallout 4 very slowly instead.

Keke Palmer was fun in that movie, but from what, admittedly little, I've seen of her she seems to have been playing herself.

I think they were all clapping not because like "oh my god we agree you have changed our lives urrrrrmagherrrrrrd" but out of appreciation of a well rehearsed and delivered short history. Like an appreciation of a performance. That didn't seem that weird to me, they're supposed to all be movie people.

I kind of agree about tone, but I dunno. It was an interesting new take on a familiar concept. I liked the new (at least to me) concepts. The story with the Asian guy and the monkey was great too.
I don't know what in the fuck a bandit gun is supposed to be, but I like all the bandit armors and handmade guns from Fallout 4. Good fun.
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