Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Post for ya! :3

I've just got one question: What do you do? :D

A horrifying monster that seemed bent on killing everyone on the beach versus a blonde woman in pain and exhaustion holding nothing but a bag of herbs?

Welp, it's been great rp-ing with all of you
Golde coughed and jerked awake. She could feel the waves splashing against her legs, the sand beneath her, and the seaweeds stuck in her hair. Her whole body was shivering and in pain. Even so, Golde fought through the pain and crawled inland until the waves couldn't reach her while trying not to scream in pain.

After a few moments of catching her breath, Golde pushed herself to sit straight and leaned her back at a large rock for support. It was only at this moment that she studied her surroundings. It seemed that she ended up being in a deserted island. She didn't even need to stand to see an endless ocean before her with no signs of other islands in sight.

Then she turned her attention at the beach. A few woods and splinters, maybe the remnants of the ship, along with a few clothes and other unrecognizable objects, possibly belongings of the other passengers that didn't survive. Golde looked at her left and let out a cry of relief when she saw her cloth bag beside her. She reached for it, wincing at the pain from moving suddenly, and opened it to see her belongings complete and wet. Her bag of herbs and berries were also there, also a bit wet but still in perfect state.

Golde suddenly remembered the strangers among the ship, then the storm came bellowing like a gigantic monster. Everyone was shouting, panicking, crying for their dear lives as mountain-like waves continue to crash unto the ship. Golde remembered being submerged under water, her body tossed back and forth by the ocean. Thinking it was her last moment on earth, her thoughts automatically went to her family.

She snapped back into reality when she heard other voices nearby. Golde turned and almost cried in joy to see there are others who survived the storm as she did. She tried to raise her hand but her body was still sore yet she managed a weak wave. "H-hey, over here!", Golde shouted.

ayoo. i made a doctor! :D please do tell me if there's something i need to change about her

hey y’all. do ya have room for one more?
hey y’all. do you guys have room for one more?
Emery Randal

The cool afternoon breeze, the tree branches swaying and dancing to the rhythm of life, the playful chirping of birds as they flew across the sky, the sunlight shining through shifting branches. Emery absorbed all this as he sat on a large oak branch a few feet above the air. Even though it seemed that nothing was going on here, Emery still felt energized knowing that everything as far as his eyes can see are full of life. From that high up, Emery can see everything from his modern house and his neighors to the tall buildings on another sector of Esperanza.

Emery only heard tales about the really harsh life majority of the people having on Esperanza from his parents. After all, his parents had been there and did all they could to make sure their children won’t experience this again. Emery is truly grateful to them except that they could be a real handful sometimes.

He glanced down towards his house when he saw his father waving down on him. Emery climbed down the tree in a matter of moments. He’s become an expert at climbing trees despite still having a frail body where he can easily be defeated in bouts, though anyone who truly knows him know he’s too timid and graceful enough to be singled out in a fight.

Emery shook off and removed some leaves and twigs that got caught on his long overly sized white t-shirt and light blue flanned pajama pants. He walked towards his dad who’s dressed like the usual: silver grey suit and pants with a white undershirt and black leather shoes and tie. He looked at the time at his gold-colored wristwatch as he carried a leather bag on his other hand.

“Another meeting?”, Emery asked.

“Yep, just like the usual”, his father said as he removed a few leaves that got tangled in his son’s shoulder-length hair. “We’re finalizing some plans for the university which would be done already if one of my co-board members wasn’t allergic to ink.”

Emery raised his eyebrows a bit. “What pla-“

His father shushed and put a finger on his son’s mouth before he could finish. “You keep on asking the same question and I’ll be giving you the same answer every time: it’s top secret.”

“But it’s been going on forever. Besides, why can’t you trust me? I don’t have that much of a circle of friends to tell someone anyway.”

“It’s not like we don’t trust you, pancake, and I really understand your impatience. I myself am over this plan to be finished so I can relax and watch a movie with your mom but alas, that is not just the way of life.”

Emery’s father looked at his wristwatch. “Well kiddo better get going now. And uhh”, he leaned in closer to whisper at Emery. “I left a few hundred dollars at your wallet. I know your mom doesn’t like you going out that much so be careful. Make sure you use them wisely yeah?”, he said with a wink.

Emery beamed and hugged his father. Then he did a series of high-fives and punches with his dad.

“Honey? We gotta go or we’re gonna be late”, Emery’s mom called from their car at their driveway. She too was dressed in a professional way with a matching silver-grey suit and women pants with a white blouse and black heels, her hair in a tight bun. She saw her husband whispering something to Emery, making her scratch her chin and squint her eyes.

Emery’s father waved and rubbed Emery’s head before he jogged to their car. “Bye pancakes!”, Emery’s mom shouted as she waved and blew a kiss. Emery waved and smiled in response as his parents go into their car and his mom seemingly suspicious and asking his dad, no doubt curious about what he whispered to his son.

As Emery saw them pulling out of their driveway, he immediately went back inside his home and went upstairs to his room, showered and put on some new clothes before getting his bag with the wallet full of cash his dad gave him. On his way out, he passed by his sister’s room and knocked. “Going out now. Might return later.” He heard a groan from inside the room which means his sister just woken up and is currently in the process of becoming a human woman.

Emery shouted a final goodbye as he hurried out of the house to his bicycle at their garage. A smile was painted on his face as he pedaled away to the new day, excited on what he might see and learn today.
hi y'all. sorry for being inactive for a long time, had to finish some school work :(
Olivia Frenwich

Olivia leaned on the front terrace of the farmhouse. It began to rain that time and she shivered in her blanket as she felt the cold breeze. She sipped at her hot chocolate while watching Jude the newcomer work at the field to crush large boulders. She doesn't know why Jude insisted on working with the rain pouring heavily from the sky. Living with Jude is quite a very refreshing experience as she never had a human live with her in the same house for a long time, much less a guy. She was nevertheless thankful of having someone to talk to instead of having one-way conversations with her animal roommates. She's also glad that Jude is okay with having animals in the house and it seemed they took a liking to him which made Olivia like Jude more despite having a bit of an intimidating aura surrounding him.

Speaking of animal roommates, she glanced back at the house where Humphrey, Winda, and Claud are chasing each other at the living room. Looking at Humphrey, she can't help but remember that night when a child suddenly showed up at the feast and collapsed. It was quite an entrance as it made all the townsfolk in panic and worry about the poor girl. Humphrey did a good job delivering the medical kit to the Mayor after she followed several moments later to bring grapes and extra clothes for the little girl to eat and wear when she wakes up. Sensing that she'll be useless in that situation, Olivia decided to excuse herself and Humphrey because people were already coming inside the Mayor's house to see the child. Of course, she rewarded Humphrey with a dinner of grape pancakes.

However, she also can't help but wonder about the child's sudden appearance during the feast. Was it just purely coincidental or is it the work of other outside forces that her simple human mind wouldn't comprehend? She doesn't know if the child will be a harbinger of something bigger in the future, whether it be good or not, but she also chided herself. After all, a child is still a child and it is their responsibility as citizens of this quaint town to help those in need.

Olivia snapped back to reality as she heard the sound of Jude hitting pebbles at the soil. Perhaps he was also thinking about that night with the girl? Looking at the pouring rain, she was glad she finished checking on her plants and doing inventory on her wine cellar earlier. She sighed and made a mental note to cook some soup and prepare a hot bath for Jude after he's done.
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